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- Sustainable Electrical Systems Coursework 2
- Authors: Thiraphat Likitkumjorn
- Date: 18 March 2024
- Task 1
- Let's now acquire the wind speed data first.
- % Acquire the path of the current folder
- currentFolder = pwd;
- csvFileName = 'E4.50 Coursework_No2_2024_Data_F 2.xls';
- csvFilePath = fullfile(currentFolder, csvFileName);
- % read the csv file and acquire wind speed data
- data = readtable(csvFilePath);
- % Convert date to datetime
- = datetime(, 'InputFormat', 'dd-MMM-yy');
- % Plot Wind Output Profile
- figure;
- plot( + hours(data.period/2), data.('RealWindOutput'), 'LineWidth', 1.5);
- title('Wind Output Profile');
- xlabel('Half hourly period');
- ylabel('Real Wind Output (kWh)');
- grid on;
- % Update y-axis tick labels to show real values
- ax = gca;
- ax.YAxis.Exponent = 0;
- % Plot SBP and SSP Profiles
- figure;
- plot( + hours(data.period/2), data.SBP, 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'DisplayName', 'SBP (£/MWh)', 'Color', 'green');
- hold on;
- plot( + hours(data.period/2), data.SSP, 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'DisplayName', 'SSP (£/MWh)', 'Color', 'red');
- title('SBP and SSP Profiles');
- xlabel('Half hourly period');
- ylabel('Price (£/MWh)');
- legend('Location', 'Best');
- grid on;
- hold off;
- Task 2
- % 'Real Wind Output' is the column representing the actual wind output
- actual_wind_output = data.('RealWindOutput');
- % Persistence forecast for 3.5 hours
- forecast_horizon = 3.5 * 2; % 2 data points per hour
- predicted_wind_output = [actual_wind_output(1:forecast_horizon); actual_wind_output(1:end-forecast_horizon)];
- % Calculate forecast error
- forecast_error = actual_wind_output - predicted_wind_output;
- % Calculate Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
- mae = mean(abs(forecast_error(9:721, 1)));
- % Display MAE
- disp(['Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for a 3.5-hour persistence forecast: ', num2str(mae)]);
- % Persistence forecast for 1 hour
- forecast_horizon2 = 1 * 2; % 2 data points per hour
- predicted_wind_output2 = [actual_wind_output(1:forecast_horizon2); actual_wind_output(1:end-forecast_horizon2)];
- % Calculate forecast error
- forecast_error2 = actual_wind_output - predicted_wind_output2;
- % Calculate Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
- mae2 = mean(abs(forecast_error2(4:721, 1)));
- % Display MAE
- disp(['Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for a 1-hour persistence forecast: ', num2str(mae2)]);
- % Plot the forecast error for 3.5 hours gate closure
- figure;
- plot( + hours(data.period/2), forecast_error, 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'DisplayName', '3.5 Hours Gate Closure');
- hold on;
- % Plot the forecast error for 1 hour gate closure
- plot( + hours(data.period/2), forecast_error2, 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'DisplayName', '1 Hour Gate Closure');
- title('Forecast Error using Persistence Forecast Technique');
- xlabel('Date');
- ylabel('Forecast Error (kWh)');
- legend('Location', 'Best');
- % Update y-axis tick labels to show real values
- ax = gca;
- ax.YAxis.Exponent = 0;
- ytickValues = -14000:2000:14000; % Adjust range as needed
- yticks(ytickValues);
- % Set the y-axis limits
- ylim([-13000, 13000]);
- grid on;
- hold off;
- Task 3 and 4
- ssp = data.SSP;
- sbp = data.SBP;
- % Assume that the start calculation is at the 8th period for fair comparison between
- % both gate closure
- % Calculate Imbalance Income/Charges for a 3.5-hour persistence forecast
- imbalance_income_charges = zeros(size(forecast_error) - 8); % Adjust size for starting from 9th period
- reward = 0;
- penalty = 0;
- % Loop through forecast_error starting from 9th period
- for i = 9:length(forecast_error)
- % Check for NaN in forecast_error
- if ~isnan(forecast_error(i))
- if forecast_error(i) >= 0
- imbalance_income_charges(i-8) = forecast_error(i) * ssp(i) / 1000;
- % Calculate Energy Sales Income
- reward = reward + imbalance_income_charges(i-8);
- else
- imbalance_income_charges(i-8) = forecast_error(i) * sbp(i) / 1000;
- % Calculate Total Penalties
- penalty = penalty - imbalance_income_charges(i-8);
- end
- end
- end
- % Calculate Imbalance Income/Charges for a 1-hour persistence forecast
- imbalance_income_charges2 = zeros(size(forecast_error2) - 8); % Adjust size for starting from 9th period
- reward2 = 0;
- penalty2 = 0;
- % Loop through forecast_error2 starting from 9th period
- for i = 9:length(forecast_error2)
- % Check for NaN in forecast_error2
- if ~isnan(forecast_error2(i))
- if forecast_error2(i) >= 0
- imbalance_income_charges2(i-8) = forecast_error2(i) * ssp(i) / 1000;
- % Calculate Energy Sales Income
- reward2 = reward2 + imbalance_income_charges2(i-8);
- else
- imbalance_income_charges2(i-8) = forecast_error2(i) * sbp(i) / 1000;
- % Calculate Total Penalties
- penalty2 = penalty2 - imbalance_income_charges2(i-8);
- end
- end
- end
- % Plot the results
- figure;
- plot( + hours(data.period(9:end)/2), imbalance_income_charges, 'LineWidth', 1.5);
- hold on;
- plot( + hours(data.period(9:end)/2), imbalance_income_charges2, 'LineWidth', 1.5);
- title('Half-Hourly Imbalance Income/Charges');
- xlabel('Date');
- ylabel('Imbalance Income/Charges (£)')
- legend('3.5-hours Gate Closure', '1-hour Gate Closure');
- ytickValues = -800:100:400; % Adjust range as needed
- yticks(ytickValues);
- ylim([-800, 250]);
- grid on;
- hold off;
- % Calculate total penalties for a 3.5-hour persistence forecast
- total_penalties = penaltie;
- % Calculate Energy Sales Income
- % Assume that the market price is the average of SBP and SSP
- market_price= (ssp+sbp)./2;
- energy_sales_income = sum(predicted_wind_output(9:721, 1) .* market_price(9:721, 1)./1000)+reward;
- % Calculate Overall Income for a 3.5-hour persistence forecast
- overall_income = energy_sales_income - total_penalties;
- fprintf('Energy Sales Income (3.5-hours persistence forecast): £%.2f\n', energy_sales_income);
- fprintf('Total Penalties (3.5-hours persistence forecast): £%.2f\n', total_penalties);
- fprintf('Overall Income (3.5-hours persistence forecast): £%.2f\n', overall_income);
- % Calculate total penalties for a 1-hour persistence forecast
- total_penalties2 = penaltie2;
- % Calculate Energy Sales Income for a 1-hour persistence forecast
- energy_sales_income2 = sum(predicted_wind_output2(9:721, 1) .* market_price(9:721, 1)./1000)+reward2;
- % Calculate Overall Income for a 1-hour persistence forecast
- overall_income2 = energy_sales_income2 - total_penalties2;
- fprintf('Energy Sales Income (1-hour persistence forecast): £%.2f\n', energy_sales_income2);
- fprintf('Total Penalties (1-hour persistence forecast): £%.2f\n', total_penalties2);
- fprintf('Overall Income (1-hour persistence forecast): £%.2f\n', overall_income2);
- %Output for task4:
- %Energy Sales Income (3.5-hours persistence forecast): £199661.28
- %Total Penalties (3.5-hours persistence forecast): £23408.66
- %Overall Income (3.5-hours persistence forecast): £176252.62
- %Energy Sales Income (1-hour persistence forecast): £191066.94
- %Total Penalties (1-hour persistence forecast): £9222.81
- %Overall Income (1-hour persistence forecast): £181844.13
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