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- ; Changes a block in the level immediately and queues a PPU update.
- ; input: A (new block), LevelBlockPtr,y (block to change)
- ; output: carry (success)
- ; locals: 0, 1, 2, 3, LevelDecodePointer, LevelSpritePointer
- .proc ChangeBlock
- SaveX = 0
- SaveY = 1
- Temp = 2
- TempSlot = 3
- LeftPointer = LevelDecodePointer ; reuse pointers
- RightPointer = LevelSpritePointer
- sty SaveY ; save X and Y so the routine calling this doesn't have to
- stx SaveX
- sta (LevelBlockPtr),y
- tax ; X = block type, to index into metatile info tables
- ; find a slot for the block update
- ldy #MaxNumBlockUpdates-1
- : lda BlockUpdateA1,y
- beq :+ ; empty slot found
- dey
- bpl :-
- ; no free slots, return with carry clear
- ldy SaveY
- ldx SaveX
- clc
- rts
- :
- ; queue the block update
- ; needs the bank set to MAINLOOP_BANK
- lda MetatileUL,x
- sta BlockUpdateT1,y
- lda MetatileUR,x
- sta BlockUpdateT2,y
- lda MetatileLL,x
- sta BlockUpdateT3,y
- lda MetatileLR,x
- sta BlockUpdateT4,y
- ; use a lookup table to find the PPU addresses for the block updates
- ldx SaveY ; Y index into the level
- lda LevelBlockPtr+0
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- and #%11110
- ora PPURowAddrLo,x
- sta BlockUpdateA2,y
- lda PPURowAddrHi,x
- sta Temp
- ; use $2000 or $2400 as a base depending on the screen number
- ldx #$20
- lda LevelBlockPtr+1
- and #1
- beq :+
- ldx #$24
- : txa
- ora Temp
- sta BlockUpdateA1,y
- ora #$03 ; get attribute table base
- sta Temp ; save for the attribute table update
- ; calculate the bottom row from the top row
- lda BlockUpdateA2,y
- add #32
- sta BlockUpdateB2,y
- lda BlockUpdateA1,y
- adc #0
- sta BlockUpdateB1,y
- ; update the attribute square too
- ; but first find a slot for that (maybe find and update identical slots later?)
- ldy #0
- : lda TileUpdateA1,y
- beq :+ ; found a free slot
- iny
- cpy #MaxNumTileUpdates
- bne :- ; keep going
- jmp Exit ; no slots? don't bother updating the attribute table
- :
- ; calculate attribute address and value
- lda Temp
- sta TileUpdateA1,y
- ; set up the two pointers
- lda LevelBlockPtr+0
- and #%11101111
- sta LeftPointer+0
- ora #%00010000
- sta RightPointer+0
- lda LevelBlockPtr+1
- sta LeftPointer+1
- sta RightPointer+1
- ; xxxx0000 <--- low byte of block pointer
- ; 0000yyyy <--- Y coordinate, in SaveY
- ; 11yyyxxx <--- attribute table format
- lda SaveY
- asl ; 000yyyy0
- asl ; 00yyyy00
- and #%00111000 ; 00yyy000
- ora #%11000000 ; 11yyy000
- sta Temp
- lda LevelBlockPtr
- lsr ; 0xxxx000
- lsr ; 00xxxx00
- lsr ; 000xxxx0
- lsr ; 0000xxxx
- lsr ; 00000xxx
- ora Temp ; 11yyyxxx
- sta TileUpdateA2,y
- sty TempSlot
- lda SaveY
- and #<~1 ; round to 32 pixel square
- tay
- lda (LeftPointer),y
- tax
- lda MetatilePalettes,x
- and #%00000011
- sta Temp
- ; top right corner of attribute byte
- lda (RightPointer),y
- tax
- lda MetatilePalettes,x
- and #%00001100
- ora Temp
- sta Temp
- iny
- ; bottom left corner of attribute byte
- lda (LeftPointer),y
- tax
- lda MetatilePalettes,x
- and #%00110000
- ora Temp
- sta Temp
- ; top right corner of attribute byte
- lda (RightPointer),y
- tax
- lda MetatilePalettes,x
- and #%11000000
- ora Temp
- ldy TempSlot
- sta TileUpdateT,y
- Exit:
- sec ; success
- ldx SaveX
- ldy SaveY
- rts
- .endproc
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