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- -- The app reads a set of text lines from stdin, reorders the words in
- -- them and sends the result to stdout. It is intended to create
- -- exercises for language training purposes, where a student has to
- -- reorder the words to restore the original sentence. Each set of
- -- words is merely sorted alphabetically; if the words were in
- -- alphabetical order originally, the set is reversed. The app can
- -- handle dialogue lines i.e. ones that start with an em dash or a
- -- plus sign.
- import Data.List (intercalate, sortOn)
- import Data.Char (toLower)
- toValidChars :: String -> String
- toValidChars = filter toValidChar
- where
- toValidChar = flip elem validChars
- -- Below is a list of characters that are not removed from the initial
- -- text. They are: word characters: letters (including ones with
- -- diacritics), the apostrophe, the right single quotation mark
- -- (sometimes used instead of the apostrophe), the hyphen; delimiters:
- -- the space and the newline; the plus sign and the em dash (used to
- -- introduce dialogue lines).
- validChars :: String
- validChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzóşăţ'’- +—\n"
- toListOfStringsLists :: String -> [[String]]
- toListOfStringsLists string = map words $ lines string
- enhancedSorting :: [String] -> [String]
- enhancedSorting list
- | sorter list == list = (reverse . sorter) list
- | otherwise = sorter list
- where
- sorter = sortOn (map toLower)
- tailSorting :: [String] -> [String]
- tailSorting [] = []
- tailSorting (x:xs) = x : enhancedSorting xs
- checkPlusAndEmDash :: String -> Bool
- checkPlusAndEmDash x = x `elem` ["+", "—"]
- selectiveSorting :: [String] -> [String]
- selectiveSorting [] = []
- selectiveSorting list
- | checkPlusAndEmDash listHead = tailSorting list
- | otherwise = enhancedSorting list
- where
- listHead = head list
- selectiveIntercalation :: [String] -> String
- selectiveIntercalation [] = []
- selectiveIntercalation list@(x:xs)
- | checkPlusAndEmDash x = x ++ " " ++ intercalate ", " xs
- | otherwise = intercalate ", " list
- singleWordReplacement :: [String] -> [String]
- singleWordReplacement [] = []
- singleWordReplacement list
- | checkPlusAndEmDash listHead && length list == 2 = listHead : ["…"]
- | length list == 1 = ["…"]
- | otherwise = list
- where
- listHead = head list
- innerDashesRemoval :: [String] -> [String]
- innerDashesRemoval [] = []
- innerDashesRemoval (x:xs) = x : (xs >>= removeDash)
- where
- removeDash string
- | string == "—" = []
- | otherwise = [string]
- replacementRemovalSorting :: [String] -> [String]
- replacementRemovalSorting =
- innerDashesRemoval . singleWordReplacement . selectiveSorting
- main :: IO ()
- main = do
- input <- getContents
- mapM_
- ((putStrLn . selectiveIntercalation) . replacementRemovalSorting)
- (toListOfStringsLists $ toValidChars input)
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