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- # -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*-
- # rss-synd.tcl -- 0.5.1
- #
- # Highly configurable asynchronous RSS & Atom feed reader for Eggdrops
- # written in TCL. Supports multiple feeds, gzip compressed feeds,
- # automatically messaging channels with updates at set intervals,
- # custom private/channel triggers and more.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2011 Andrew Scott, HM2K
- #
- # Name: RSS & Atom Syndication Script for Eggdrop
- # Author: Andrew Scott <[email protected]>
- # Author: HM2K <[email protected]>
- # License: See LICENSE file
- # Link:
- # Tags: rss, atom, syndication
- # Updated: 05-Jan-2011
- #
- ###Usage
- # See README file
- #
- ###Revisions
- # See HISTORY file
- #
- # Include Settings
- #
- if {[catch {source scripts/rss-synd-settings.tcl} err]} {
- putlog "Error: Could not load 'rss-synd-settings.tcl file.'";
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::init {args} {
- variable rss
- variable default
- variable version
- variable packages
- set version(number) 0.5.1
- set version(date) "2012-02-27"
- package require http
- set packages(base64) [catch {package require base64}]; # http auth
- set packages(tls) [catch {package require tls}]; # https
- set packages(trf) [catch {package require Trf}]; # gzip compression
- foreach feed [array names rss] {
- array set tmp $default
- array set tmp $rss($feed)
- set required [list "announce-output" "trigger-output" "max-depth" "update-interval" "timeout" "channels" "output" "user-agent" "url" "database" "trigger-type" "announce-type"]
- foreach {key value} [array get tmp] {
- if {[set ptr [lsearch -exact $required $key]] >= 0} {
- set required [lreplace $required $ptr $ptr]
- }
- }
- if {[llength $required] == 0} {
- regsub -nocase -all -- {@@feedid@@} $tmp(trigger) $feed tmp(trigger)
- set ulist [regexp -nocase -inline -- {(http(?:s?))://(?:(.[^:]+:.[^@]+)?)(?:@?)(.*)} $tmp(url)]
- if {[llength $ulist] == 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to parse URL, Invalid format for feed \"$feed\"."
- unset rss($feed)
- continue
- }
- set tmp(url) "[lindex $ulist 1]://[lindex $ulist 3]"
- if {[lindex $ulist 1] == "https"} {
- if {$packages(tls) != 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to find tls package required for https, unloaded feed \"$feed\"."
- unset rss($feed)
- continue
- }
- ::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket
- }
- if {(![info exists tmp(url-auth)]) || ($tmp(url-auth) == "")} {
- set tmp(url-auth) ""
- if {[lindex $ulist 2] != ""} {
- if {$packages(base64) != 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to find base64 package required for http authentication, unloaded feed \"$feed\"."
- unset rss($feed)
- continue
- }
- set tmp(url-auth) [::base64::encode [lindex $ulist 2]]
- }
- }
- if {[regexp {^[0123]{1}:[0123]{1}$} $tmp(trigger-type)] != 1} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid 'trigger-type' syntax for feed \"$feed\"."
- unset rss($feed)
- continue
- }
- set tmp(trigger-type) [split $tmp(trigger-type) ":"]
- if {([info exists tmp(charset)]) && ([lsearch -exact [encoding names] [string tolower $tmp(charset)]] < 0)} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to load feed \"$feed\", unknown encoding \"$tmp(charset)\"."
- unset rss($feed)
- continue
- }
- if {([info exists tmp(feedencoding)]) && ([lsearch -exact [encoding names] [string tolower $tmp(feedencoding)]] < 0)} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to load feed \"$feed\", unknown feedencoding \"$tmp(feedencoding)\"."
- unset rss($feed)
- continue
- }
- set tmp(updated) 0
- if {([file exists $tmp(database)]) && ([set mtime [file mtime $tmp(database)]] < [unixtime])} {
- set tmp(updated) [file mtime $tmp(database)]
- }
- set rss($feed) [array get tmp]
- } else {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to load feed \"$feed\", missing one or more required settings. \"[join $required ", "]\""
- unset rss($feed)
- }
- unset tmp
- }
- bind evnt -|- prerehash [namespace current]::deinit
- bind time -|- {* * * * *} [namespace current]::feed_get
- bind pubm -|- {* *} [namespace current]::trigger
- bind msgm -|- {*} [namespace current]::trigger
- putlog "\002RSS Syndication Script v$version(number)\002 ($version(date)): Loaded."
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::deinit {args} {
- catch {unbind evnt -|- prerehash [namespace current]::deinit}
- catch {unbind time -|- {* * * * *} [namespace current]::feed_get}
- catch {unbind pubm -|- {* *} [namespace current]::trigger}
- catch {unbind msgm -|- {*} [namespace current]::trigger}
- foreach child [namespace children] {
- catch {[set child]::deinit}
- }
- namespace delete [namespace current]
- }
- #
- # Trigger Function
- ##
- proc ::rss-synd::trigger {nick user handle args} {
- variable rss
- variable default
- set i 0
- set chan ""
- if {[llength $args] == 2} {
- set chan [lindex $args 0]
- incr i
- }
- set text [lindex $args $i]
- array set tmp $default
- if {[info exists tmp(trigger)]} {
- regsub -all -- {@@(.*?)@@} $tmp(trigger) "" tmp_trigger
- set tmp_trigger [string trimright $tmp_trigger]
- if {[string equal -nocase $text $tmp_trigger]} {
- set list_feeds [list]
- }
- }
- unset -nocomplain tmp tmp_trigger
- foreach name [array names rss] {
- array set feed $rss($name)
- if {(![info exists list_feeds]) && \
- ([string equal -nocase $text $feed(trigger)])} {
- if {(![[namespace current]::check_channel $feed(channels) $chan]) && \
- ([string length $chan] != 0)} {
- continue
- }
- set feed(nick) $nick
- if {$chan != ""} {
- set feed(type) [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 0]
- set feed(channels) $chan
- } else {
- set feed(type) [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 1]
- set feed(channels) ""
- }
- if {[catch {set data [[namespace current]::feed_read]} error] == 0} {
- if {![[namespace current]::feed_info $data]} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid feed database file format ($feed(database))!"
- return
- }
- if {$feed(trigger-output) > 0} {
- set feed(announce-output) $feed(trigger-output)
- [namespace current]::feed_output $data
- }
- } else {
- putlog "\002RSS Warning\002: $error."
- }
- } elseif {[info exists list_feeds]} {
- if {$chan != ""} {
- # triggered from a channel
- if {[[namespace current]::check_channel $feed(channels) $chan]} {
- lappend list_feeds $feed(trigger)
- }
- } else {
- # triggered from a privmsg
- foreach tmp_chan $feed(channels) {
- if {([catch {botonchan $tmp_chan}] == 0) && \
- ([onchan $nick $tmp_chan])} {
- lappend list_feeds $feed(trigger)
- continue
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if {[info exists list_feeds]} {
- if {[llength $list_feeds] == 0} {
- lappend list_feeds "None"
- }
- lappend list_msgs "Available feeds: [join $list_feeds ", "]."
- if {$chan != ""} {
- set list_type [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 0]
- set list_targets $chan
- } else {
- set list_type [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 1]
- set list_targets ""
- }
- [namespace current]::feed_msg $list_type $list_msgs list_targets $nick
- }
- }
- #
- # Feed Retrieving Functions
- ##
- proc ::rss-synd::feed_get {args} {
- variable rss
- set i 0
- foreach name [array names rss] {
- if {$i == 3} { break }
- array set feed $rss($name)
- if {$feed(updated) <= [expr { [unixtime] - ($feed(update-interval) * 60) }]} {
- ::http::config -useragent $feed(user-agent)
- set feed(type) $feed(announce-type)
- set feed(headers) [list]
- if {$feed(url-auth) != ""} {
- lappend feed(headers) "Authorization" "Basic $feed(url-auth)"
- }
- if {([info exists feed(enable-gzip)]) && ($feed(enable-gzip) == 1)} {
- lappend feed(headers) "Accept-Encoding" "gzip"
- }
- catch {::http::geturl "$feed(url)" -command "[namespace current]::feed_callback {[array get feed] depth 0}" -timeout $feed(timeout) -headers $feed(headers)} debug
- set feed(updated) [unixtime]
- set rss($name) [array get feed]
- incr i
- }
- unset feed
- }
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::feed_callback {feedlist args} {
- set token [lindex $args end]
- array set feed $feedlist
- upvar 0 $token state
- if {[set status $state(status)] != "ok"} {
- if {$status == "error"} { set status $state(error) }
- putlog "\002RSS HTTP Error\002: $state(url) (State: $status)"
- ::http::cleanup $token
- return 1
- }
- array set meta $state(meta)
- if {([::http::ncode $token] == 302) || ([::http::ncode $token] == 301)} {
- set feed(depth) [expr {$feed(depth) + 1 }]
- if {$feed(depth) < $feed(max-depth)} {
- catch {::http::geturl "$meta(Location)" -command "[namespace current]::feed_callback {$feedlist}" -timeout $feed(timeout) -headers $feed(headers)}
- } else {
- putlog "\002RSS HTTP Error\002: $state(url) (State: timeout, max refer limit reached)"
- }
- ::http::cleanup $token
- return 1
- } elseif {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} {
- putlog "\002RSS HTTP Error\002: $state(url) ($state(http))"
- ::http::cleanup $token
- return 1
- }
- set data [::http::data $token]
- if {[info exists feed(feedencoding)]} {
- set data [encoding convertfrom [string tolower $feed(feedencoding)] $data]
- }
- if {[info exists feed(charset)]} {
- if {[string tolower $feed(charset)] == "utf-8" && [is_utf8_patched]} {
- #do nothing, already utf-8
- } else {
- set data [encoding convertto [string tolower $feed(charset)] $data]
- }
- }
- if {([info exists meta(Content-Encoding)]) && \
- ([string equal $meta(Content-Encoding) "gzip"])} {
- if {[catch {[namespace current]::feed_gzip $data} data] != 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to decompress \"$state(url)\": $data"
- ::http::cleanup $token
- return 1
- }
- }
- if {[catch {[namespace current]::xml_list_create $data} data] != 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to parse feed properly, parser returned error. \"$state(url)\""
- ::http::cleanup $token
- return 1
- }
- if {[string length $data] == 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to parse feed properly, no data returned. \"$state(url)\""
- ::http::cleanup $token
- return 1
- }
- set odata ""
- if {[catch {set odata [[namespace current]::feed_read]} error] != 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Warning\002: $error."
- }
- if {![[namespace current]::feed_info $data]} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid feed format ($state(url))!"
- ::http::cleanup $token
- return 1
- }
- ::http::cleanup $token
- if {[catch {[namespace current]::feed_write $data} error] != 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Database Error\002: $error."
- return 1
- }
- if {$feed(announce-output) > 0} {
- [namespace current]::feed_output $data $odata
- }
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::feed_info {data {target "feed"}} {
- upvar 1 $target feed
- set length [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data [list -1 "*"]]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} {
- set type [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data [list $i "*"] "name"]
- # tag-name: the name of the element that contains each article and its data
- # tag-list: the position in the xml structure where all 'tag-name' reside
- switch [string tolower $type] {
- rss {
- # RSS v0.9x & x2.0
- set feed(tag-list) [list 0 "channel"]
- set feed(tag-name) "item"
- break
- }
- rdf:rdf {
- # RSS v1.0
- set feed(tag-list) [list]
- set feed(tag-name) "item"
- break
- }
- feed {
- # ATOM
- set feed(tag-list) [list]
- set feed(tag-name) "entry"
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if {![info exists feed(tag-list)]} {
- return 0
- }
- set feed(tag-feed) [list 0 $type]
- return 1
- }
- # decompress gzip formatted data
- proc ::rss-synd::feed_gzip {cdata} {
- return $cdata
- }
- # variable packages
- #
- # if {(![info exists packages(trf)]) || \
- # ($packages(trf) != 0)} {
- # error "Trf package not found."
- # }
- #
- # # remove the 10 byte gzip header and 8 byte footer
- # set cdata [string range $cdata 10 [expr { [string length $cdata] - 9 } ]]
- #
- # # decompress the raw data
- # if {[catch {zip -mode decompress -nowrap 1 $cdata} data] != 0} {
- # error $data
- # }
- #
- # return $data
- #}
- proc ::rss-synd::feed_read { } {
- upvar 1 feed feed
- if {[catch {open $feed(database) "r"} fp] != 0} {
- error $fp
- }
- set data [read -nonewline $fp]
- close $fp
- return $data
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::feed_write {data} {
- upvar 1 feed feed
- if {[catch {open $feed(database) "w+"} fp] != 0} {
- error $fp
- }
- set data [string map { "\n" "" "\r" "" } $data]
- puts -nonewline $fp $data
- close $fp
- }
- #
- # XML Functions
- ##
- proc ::rss-synd::xml_list_create {xml_data} {
- set xml_list [list]
- set ns_current [namespace current]
- set ptr 0
- while {[set tag_start [${ns_current}::xml_get_position $xml_data $ptr]] != ""} {
- set tag_start_first [lindex $tag_start 0]
- set tag_start_last [lindex $tag_start 1]
- set tag_string [string range $xml_data $tag_start_first $tag_start_last]
- # move the pointer to the next character after the current tag
- set last_ptr $ptr
- set ptr [expr { $tag_start_last + 2 }]
- array set tag [list]
- # match 'special' tags that dont close
- if {[regexp -nocase -- {^!(\[CDATA|--|DOCTYPE)} $tag_string]} {
- set tag_data $tag_string
- regexp -nocase -- {^!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]$} $tag_string -> tag_data
- regexp -nocase -- {^!--(.*?)--$} $tag_string -> tag_data
- if {[info exists tag_data]} {
- set tag(data) [${ns_current}::xml_escape $tag_data]
- }
- } else {
- # we should only ever encounter opening tags, if we hit a closing one somethings wrong
- if {[string match {[/]*} $tag_string]} {
- putlog "\002RSS Malformed Feed\002: Tag not open: \"<$tag_string>\" ($tag_start_first => $tag_start_last)"
- continue
- }
- # split up the tag name and attributes
- regexp -- {(.[^ \/\n\r]*)(?: |\n|\r\n|\r|)(.*?)$} $tag_string -> tag_name tag_args
- set tag(name) [${ns_current}::xml_escape $tag_name]
- # split up all of the tags attributes
- set tag(attrib) [list]
- if {[string length $tag_args] > 0} {
- set values [regexp -inline -all -- {(?:\s*|)(.[^=]*)=["'](.[^"']*)["']} $tag_args]
- foreach {r_match r_tag r_value} $values {
- lappend tag(attrib) [${ns_current}::xml_escape $r_tag] [${ns_current}::xml_escape $r_value]
- }
- }
- # find the end tag of non-self-closing tags
- if {(![regexp {(\?|!|/)(\s*)$} $tag_args]) || \
- (![string match "\?*" $tag_string])} {
- set tmp_num 1
- set tag_success 0
- set tag_end_last $ptr
- # find the correct closing tag if there are nested elements
- # with the same name
- while {$tmp_num > 0} {
- # search for a possible closing tag
- set tag_success [regexp -indices -start $tag_end_last -- "</$tag_name>" $xml_data tag_end]
- set last_tag_end_last $tag_end_last
- set tag_end_first [lindex $tag_end 0]
- set tag_end_last [lindex $tag_end 1]
- # check to see if there are any NEW opening tags within the
- # previous closing tag and the new closing one
- incr tmp_num [regexp -all -- "<$tag_name\(\[\\s\\t\\n\\r\]+\(\[^/>\]*\)?\)?>" [string range $xml_data $last_tag_end_last $tag_end_last]]
- incr tmp_num -1
- }
- if {$tag_success == 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Malformed Feed\002: Tag not closed: \"<$tag_name>\""
- return
- }
- # set the pointer to after the last closing tag
- set ptr [expr { $tag_end_last + 1 }]
- # remember tag_start*'s character index doesnt include the tag start and end characters
- set xml_sub_data [string range $xml_data [expr { $tag_start_last + 2 }] [expr { $tag_end_first - 1 }]]
- # recurse the data within the currently open tag
- set result [${ns_current}::xml_list_create $xml_sub_data]
- # set the list data returned from the recursion we just performed
- if {[llength $result] > 0} {
- set tag(children) $result
- # set the current data we have because we're already at the end of a branch
- # (ie: the recursion didnt return any data)
- } else {
- set tag(data) [${ns_current}::xml_escape $xml_sub_data]
- }
- }
- }
- # insert any plain data that appears before the current element
- if {$last_ptr != [expr { $tag_start_first - 1 }]} {
- lappend xml_list [list "data" [${ns_current}::xml_escape [string range $xml_data $last_ptr [expr { $tag_start_first - 2 }]]]]
- }
- # inset tag data
- lappend xml_list [array get tag]
- unset tag
- }
- # if there is still plain data left add it
- if {$ptr < [string length $xml_data]} {
- lappend xml_list [list "data" [${ns_current}::xml_escape [string range $xml_data $ptr end]]]
- }
- return $xml_list
- }
- # simple escape function
- proc ::rss-synd::xml_escape {string} {
- regsub -all -- {([\{\}])} $string {\\\1} string
- return $string
- }
- # this function is to replace:
- # regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!\[CDATA\[.+?\]\]|!--.+?--|!DOCTYPE.+?|.+?)>} $xml_data -> tag_start
- # which doesnt work correctly with tcl's re_syntax
- proc ::rss-synd::xml_get_position {xml_data ptr} {
- set tag_start [list -1 -1]
- regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(.+?)>} $xml_data -> tmp(tag)
- regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!--.*?--)>} $xml_data -> tmp(comment)
- regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!DOCTYPE.+?)>} $xml_data -> tmp(doctype)
- regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!\[CDATA\[.+?\]\])>} $xml_data -> tmp(cdata)
- # 'tag' regexp should be compared last
- foreach name [lsort [array names tmp]] {
- set tmp_s [split $tmp($name)]
- if {( ([lindex $tmp_s 0] < [lindex $tag_start 0]) && \
- ([lindex $tmp_s 0] > -1) ) || \
- ([lindex $tag_start 0] == -1)} {
- set tag_start $tmp($name)
- }
- }
- if {([lindex $tag_start 0] == -1) || \
- ([lindex $tag_start 1] == -1)} {
- set tag_start ""
- }
- return $tag_start
- }
- # recursivly flatten all data without tags or attributes
- proc ::rss-synd::xml_list_flatten {xml_list {level 0}} {
- set xml_string ""
- foreach e_list $xml_list {
- if {[catch {array set e_array $e_list}] != 0} {
- return $xml_list
- }
- if {[info exists e_array(children)]} {
- append xml_string [[namespace current]::xml_list_flatten $e_array(children) [expr { $level + 1 }]]
- } elseif {[info exists e_array(data)]} {
- append xml_string $e_array(data)
- }
- unset e_array
- }
- return $xml_string
- }
- # returns information on a data structure when given a path.
- # paths can be specified using: [struct number] [struct name] <...>
- proc ::rss-synd::xml_get_info {xml_list path {element "data"}} {
- set i 0
- foreach {t_data} $xml_list {
- array set t_array $t_data
- # if the name doesnt exist set it so we can still reference the data
- # using the 'stuct name' *
- if {![info exists t_array(name)]} {
- set t_array(name) ""
- }
- if {[string match -nocase [lindex $path 1] $t_array(name)]} {
- if {$i == [lindex $path 0]} {
- set result ""
- if {([llength $path] == 2) && \
- ([info exists t_array($element)])} {
- set result $t_array($element)
- } elseif {[info exists t_array(children)]} {
- # shift the first path reference of the front of the path and recurse
- set result [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $t_array(children) [lreplace $path 0 1] $element]
- }
- return $result
- }
- incr i
- }
- unset t_array
- }
- if {[lindex $path 0] == -1} {
- return $i
- }
- }
- # converts 'args' into a list in the same order
- proc ::rss-synd::xml_join_tags {args} {
- set list [list]
- foreach tag $args {
- foreach item $tag {
- if {[string length $item] > 0} {
- lappend list $item
- }
- }
- }
- return $list
- }
- #
- # Output Feed Functions
- ##
- proc ::rss-synd::feed_output {data {odata ""}} {
- upvar 1 feed feed
- set msgs [list]
- set path [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-feed) $feed(tag-list) -1 $feed(tag-name)]
- set count [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $path]
- for {set i 0} {($i < $count) && ($i < $feed(announce-output))} {incr i} {
- set tmpp [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-feed) $feed(tag-list) $i $feed(tag-name)]
- set tmpd [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $tmpp "children"]
- if {[[namespace current]::feed_compare $odata $tmpd]} {
- break
- }
- set tmp_msg [[namespace current]::cookie_parse $data $i]
- if {(![info exists feed(output-order)]) || \
- ($feed(output-order) == 0)} {
- set msgs [linsert $msgs 0 $tmp_msg]
- } else {
- lappend msgs $tmp_msg
- }
- }
- set nick [expr {[info exists feed(nick)] ? $feed(nick) : ""}]
- [namespace current]::feed_msg $feed(type) $msgs $feed(channels) $nick
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::feed_msg {type msgs targets {nick ""}} {
- # check if our target is a nick
- if {(($nick != "") && \
- ($targets == "")) || \
- ([regexp -- {[23]} $type])} {
- set targets $nick
- }
- foreach msg $msgs {
- foreach chan $targets {
- if {([catch {botonchan $chan}] == 0) || \
- ([regexp -- {^[#&]} $chan] == 0)} {
- foreach line [split $msg "\n"] {
- if {($type == 1) || ($type == 3)} {
- putserv "NOTICE $chan :$line"
- } else {
- putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$line"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::feed_compare {odata data} {
- if {$odata == ""} {
- return 0
- }
- upvar 1 feed feed
- array set ofeed [list]
- [namespace current]::feed_info $odata "ofeed"
- if {[array size ofeed] == 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid feed format ($feed(database))!"
- return 0
- }
- if {[string equal -nocase [lindex $feed(tag-feed) 1] "feed"]} {
- set cmp_items [list {0 "id"} "children" "" 3 {0 "link"} "attrib" "href" 2 {0 "title"} "children" "" 1]
- } else {
- set cmp_items [list {0 "guid"} "children" "" 3 {0 "link"} "children" "" 2 {0 "title"} "children" "" 1]
- }
- set path [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $ofeed(tag-feed) $ofeed(tag-list) -1 $ofeed(tag-name)]
- set count [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $odata $path]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
- # extract the current article from the database
- set tmpp [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $ofeed(tag-feed) $ofeed(tag-list) $i $ofeed(tag-name)]
- set tmpd [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $odata $tmpp "children"]
- set w 0; # weight value
- set m 0; # item tag matches
- foreach {cmp_path cmp_element cmp_attrib cmp_weight} $cmp_items {
- # try and extract the tag info from the current article
- set oresult [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $tmpd $cmp_path $cmp_element]
- if {$cmp_element == "attrib"} {
- array set tmp $oresult
- catch {set oresult $tmp($cmp_attrib)}
- unset tmp
- }
- # if the tag doesnt exist in the article ignore it
- if {$oresult == ""} { continue }
- incr m
- # extract the tag info from the current article
- set result [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $cmp_path $cmp_element]
- if {$cmp_element == "attrib"} {
- array set tmp $result
- catch {set result $tmp($cmp_attrib)}
- unset tmp
- }
- if {[string equal -nocase $oresult $result]} {
- set w [expr { $w + $cmp_weight }]
- }
- }
- # value of 100 or more means its a match
- if {($m > 0) && \
- ([expr { round(double($w) / double($m) * 100) }] >= 100)} {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return 0
- }
- #
- # Cookie Parsing Functions
- ##
- proc ::rss-synd::cookie_parse {data current} {
- upvar 1 feed feed
- set output $feed(output)
- set eval 0
- if {([info exists feed(evaluate-tcl)]) && ($feed(evaluate-tcl) == 1)} { set eval 1 }
- set variable_index 0
- set matches [regexp -inline -nocase -all -- {@@(.*?)@@} $output]
- foreach {match tmpc} $matches {
- set tmpc [split $tmpc "!"]
- set index 0
- set cookie [list]
- incr variable_index
- foreach piece $tmpc {
- set tmpp [regexp -nocase -inline -all -- {^(.*?)\((.*?)\)|(.*?)$} $piece]
- if {[lindex $tmpp 3] == ""} {
- lappend cookie [lindex $tmpp 2] [lindex $tmpp 1]
- } else {
- lappend cookie 0 [lindex $tmpp 3]
- }
- }
- # replace tag-item's index with the current article
- if {[string equal -nocase $feed(tag-name) [lindex $cookie 1]]} {
- set cookie [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-list) [lreplace $cookie $index $index $current]]
- }
- set cookie [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-feed) $cookie]
- if {[set tmp [[namespace current]::cookie_replace $cookie $data]] != ""} {
- set tmp [[namespace current]::xml_list_flatten $tmp]
- regsub -all -- {([\"\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $match {\\\1} match
- set feed_data "[string map { "&" "\\\x26" } [[namespace current]::html_decode $eval $tmp]]"
- if {$eval == 1} {
- # We are going to eval this string so we can't insert untrusted
- # text. Instead create variables and insert references to those
- # variables that will be expanded in the subst call below.
- set cookie_val($variable_index) $feed_data
- regsub -- $match $output "\$cookie_val($variable_index)" output
- } else {
- regsub -- $match $output $feed_data output
- }
- }
- }
- # remove empty cookies
- if {(![info exists feed(remove-empty)]) || ($feed(remove-empty) == 1)} {
- regsub -nocase -all -- "@@.*?@@" $output "" output
- }
- # evaluate tcl code
- if {$eval == 1} {
- if {[catch {set output [subst $output]} error] != 0} {
- putlog "\002RSS Eval Error\002: $error"
- }
- }
- return $output
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::cookie_replace {cookie data} {
- set element "children"
- set tags [list]
- foreach {num section} $cookie {
- if {[string equal "=" [string range $section 0 0]]} {
- set attrib [string range $section 1 end]
- set element "attrib"
- break
- } else {
- lappend tags $num $section
- }
- }
- set return [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $tags $element]
- if {[string equal -nocase "attrib" $element]} {
- array set tmp $return
- if {[catch {set return $tmp($attrib)}] != 0} {
- return
- }
- }
- return $return
- }
- #
- # Misc Functions
- ##
- proc ::rss-synd::html_decode {eval data {loop 0}} {
- if {![string match *&* $data]} {return $data}
- array set chars {
- nbsp \x20 amp \x26 quot \x22 lt \x3C
- gt \x3E iexcl \xA1 cent \xA2 pound \xA3
- curren \xA4 yen \xA5 brvbar \xA6 brkbar \xA6
- sect \xA7 uml \xA8 die \xA8 copy \xA9
- ordf \xAA laquo \xAB not \xAC shy \xAD
- reg \xAE hibar \xAF macr \xAF deg \xB0
- plusmn \xB1 sup2 \xB2 sup3 \xB3 acute \xB4
- micro \xB5 para \xB6 middot \xB7 cedil \xB8
- sup1 \xB9 ordm \xBA raquo \xBB frac14 \xBC
- frac12 \xBD frac34 \xBE iquest \xBF Agrave \xC0
- Aacute \xC1 Acirc \xC2 Atilde \xC3 Auml \xC4
- Aring \xC5 AElig \xC6 Ccedil \xC7 Egrave \xC8
- Eacute \xC9 Ecirc \xCA Euml \xCB Igrave \xCC
- Iacute \xCD Icirc \xCE Iuml \xCF ETH \xD0
- Dstrok \xD0 Ntilde \xD1 Ograve \xD2 Oacute \xD3
- Ocirc \xD4 Otilde \xD5 Ouml \xD6 times \xD7
- Oslash \xD8 Ugrave \xD9 Uacute \xDA Ucirc \xDB
- Uuml \xDC Yacute \xDD THORN \xDE szlig \xDF
- agrave \xE0 aacute \xE1 acirc \xE2 atilde \xE3
- auml \xE4 aring \xE5 aelig \xE6 ccedil \xE7
- egrave \xE8 eacute \xE9 ecirc \xEA euml \xEB
- igrave \xEC iacute \xED icirc \xEE iuml \xEF
- eth \xF0 ntilde \xF1 ograve \xF2 oacute \xF3
- ocirc \xF4 otilde \xF5 ouml \xF6 divide \xF7
- oslash \xF8 ugrave \xF9 uacute \xFA ucirc \xFB
- uuml \xFC yacute \xFD thorn \xFE yuml \xFF
- ensp \x20 emsp \x20 thinsp \x20 zwnj \x20
- zwj \x20 lrm \x20 rlm \x20 euro \x80
- sbquo \x82 bdquo \x84 hellip \x85 dagger \x86
- Dagger \x87 circ \x88 permil \x89 Scaron \x8A
- lsaquo \x8B OElig \x8C oelig \x8D lsquo \x91
- rsquo \x92 ldquo \x93 rdquo \x94 ndash \x96
- mdash \x97 tilde \x98 scaron \x9A rsaquo \x9B
- Yuml \x9F apos \x27
- }
- regsub -all -- {<(.[^>]*)>} $data " " data
- if {$eval != 1} {
- regsub -all -- {([\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $data {\\\1} data
- } else {
- regsub -all -- {([\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $data {\\\\\\\1} data
- }
- regsub -all -- {&#(\d+);} $data {[subst -nocomm -novar [format \\\u%04x [scan \1 %d]]]} data
- regsub -all -- {&#x(\w+);} $data {[format %c [scan \1 %x]]} data
- regsub -all -- {&([0-9a-zA-Z#]*);} $data {[if {[catch {set tmp $chars(\1)} char] == 0} { set tmp }]} data
- regsub -all -- {&([0-9a-zA-Z#]*);} $data {[if {[catch {set tmp [string tolower $chars(\1)]} char] == 0} { set tmp }]} data
- regsub -nocase -all -- "\\s{2,}" $data " " data
- set data [subst $data]
- if {[incr loop] == 1} {
- set data [[namespace current]::html_decode 0 $data $loop]
- }
- return $data
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::is_utf8_patched {} { catch {queuesize a} err1; catch {queuesize \u0754} err2; expr {[string bytelength $err2]!=[string bytelength $err1]} }
- proc ::rss-synd::check_channel {chanlist chan} {
- foreach match [split $chanlist] {
- if {[string equal -nocase $match $chan]} {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return 0
- }
- proc ::rss-synd::urldecode {str} {
- regsub -all -- {([\"\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $str {\\\1} str
- regsub -all -- {%([aAbBcCdDeEfF0-9][aAbBcCdDeEfF0-9]);?} $str {[format %c [scan \1 %x]]} str
- return [subst $str]
- }
- ::rss-synd::init
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