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- <!-----
- theme made by tumblr user planthed // weedhs ★彡
- keep the creds u lil bitch
- —
- —
- —
- the idea of this layout and all that contain are made by me, please do not steal,redristibute or claim it as yours; keep the credits intact, bc i work really hard to make this for you. I know when people stole my codes, if you are of this people, i will message you to credit me, if you don't reply or dont take me in account, i proceed to report you and you will suffer the consequences.
- If you have any trouble with this, feel free to ask for help:)
- atte. Laura a.k.a planthed<3
- ****
- but I will also give indications of where to change them
- ****
- please please please keep the credits, i work really hard in this layout for you, i'll be grateful x
- --->
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- <body>
- <div id="color"></div>
- <div id="box">
- <div id="linkss">
- <a href="/" title="back to my blog"></a><br>
- <a href="/ask" title="message me!"></a><br>
- <a href="" title="she made this lovely navigation!"></a>
- </div>
- <!--LINKS--->
- <div id="titulo">more stuff to discover</div>
- <div id="tags">
- <!--you can add here, so much links as you want:)--->
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <a href="/">#tag title</a>
- <!--you can add here, so much links as you want:)--->
- </div>
- <div id="links">
- <!--keep it with 12 links only--->
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <a href="/">link title</a>
- <!--keep it with 12 links only--->
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