
LS Elphine 3/22/19

Mar 22nd, 2019
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  11. <div style="font-size:120px;text-align:center;color:#3e000e;font-family:montez, arial;padding-top:30px;"> Delphina </div>
  13. <div style="font-family:charm, montez;font-size:60px;color:#0a003e;padding:5px 45px 0px 35px;line-height:70px;margin:4% 1.7% 0% 1.6%;text-align:justify;">
  15. The only active tab in this alt is Delphina's.
  16. <p>This genealogy shows the descendents of Dr. Uncle, who like his brother Dr. Father, had 3 children in this generation. Dr. Father is lost in a time frame due to inaccuracies which compound the farther one travels in time. He is in an approximate present much different than ours, entirely without civilization or humans. A complex mission to time frame to him, reunite him with his family, and to build a new world, Earth, with a very much different, but well designed and managed complex ecosystem set is in final planning. The mission will also entail meeting with the 24 Lucunditas succubus survivors on Alpha Centauri C. The complexity of this is why it has been postponed.
  17. <p>Dr. Uncle's and Dr. Father's families are the two approximate halves of the WayStone family, which in many time frames are endowed with having children whose souls are on a probationary parole from hell, the conditions of which are summed up simply, and without detail; this being, they must be good. Most of you dear readers of the points of view stories of our lives and ventures live in Author Kathy WayStone's infinite number of time frames, (one of an infinite number of sets of time frames), which has no such beings as succubus on parole from hell living in them. By means of communication with our Kathy WayStone, your Kathy WayStone can tell you our stories. This is why this story is in the form of the POV of every person, including those who are persons not human. So you know, it is a greatly conceited anthropomorphism in your time frame set not to realize that the human form of Australopithecus, your Genus name, like or dislike; agree or disagree, will be the only sapient being. In an infinite number of time frames, you are simply the first speaking sapient being, and in many, the last also. This. Because of your own evil doing.
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  37.  </style> <div id="box3">      3 Sonia</div>
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  43. </style> <div id="box4"> 4 Delphina</div>
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  81. </style> <div id="box10"> 10 Elphine
  82.  <div style="font-family:allura, times;font-size:26px;text-align:right;color:#2e001e;">Page 14
  83.  <div style="font-size:154px;text-align:center;text-shadow:4px 4px 4px #74ffd5;margin-top:240px;"> Elphine</div>
  84.  <div style="font-family:charm, times;font-size:80px;color:#74ffd5;margin-top:380px;text-align:center;">Elphine mindsetting with nature</div>
  85. <center><img src=" " style="width:52%;margin:20px 0px 20px 0px;border-radius:20px;"><br>
  86. <img src=" " style="width:42%;margin:20px 0px 20px 0px;border-radius:20px;"></center>
  87.  <div style="font-family:charm, arial;font-size:80px;line-height:92px;color:#74ffd5;text-align:justify;padding:30px;">Elphine can mindset with nature in her human form too. This is her favorite picture. She is causing plants to grow after a drought.
  88. <table style="width:100%;color:#74ffd5;text-align:justify;font-family:charm, arial;font-size:62px;line-height:74px;padding:80px 35px 30px 20px;"><tr>
  89.  <td style="width:120px;color:#770100;" valign="top">Name:</td><td>Elphine WayStoneElvin-Cantu</td></tr><tr>
  90.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Parents: </td><td>Delphina is mother, Carina is father. CJ is other father.</td></tr><tr>
  91.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Children: </td><td>None yet</td></tr><tr>
  92.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Birth: </td><td>26 April, 18</td></tr><tr>
  93.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Gender: </td><td>Shemale</td></tr><tr>
  94.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Orientation: </td><td>Bisexual</td></tr><tr>
  95.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Further Notes: </td><td>Elphine is mainly Elvin-Human hybrid. She has good Gallan.</td></tr><tr>
  96.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Occupation: </td><td>She is learning environmental design. Has made major improvements to Permaculture.</td></tr><tr>
  97.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Residence: </td><td>For some time it will be 2nd mansion. Moved back to Provence.</td></tr><tr>
  98.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Height: </td><td5'9"</td></tr><tr>
  99. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Weight: </td><td>140 Lbs.</td></tr><tr>
  100. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Dominance Status:</td><td>Not</td></tr><tr>
  101. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Further ado: </td><td> </td></tr><tr>
  102. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Eyes: </td><td>Blue</td></tr><tr>
  103. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Hair: </td><td>Deep brown</td></tr><tr>
  104. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Lips: </td><td>Sensuous, red in human form.</td></tr><tr>
  105. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Tattoos: </td><td>None yet</td></tr><tr>
  106. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Scars: </td><td>No. She uses the alchem creme protectant.</td></tr><tr>
  107. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Canine Teeth: </td><td>Just a tad vampy</td></tr><tr>
  108. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Nails: </td><td>Uses the alchem nail protectant and hardener, transparent</td></tr><tr>
  109. <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Clothing Style: </td><td>What is known of the Elvin's culture</td></tr><tr>
  110.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">House Pets: </td><td>Several kinds of Cynodonts</td></tr><tr>
  111.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Breast Size: </td><td>40c, natural hormones</td></tr><tr>
  112.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Aureola Color: </td><td>Reddish pink</td></tr><tr>
  113.  <td style="color:#770100;" valign="top">Guiltiest Pleasures:</td><td>Taking off to commune with nature on study trips.</td></tr><tr>
  114.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Images: </td><td>
  115. <img src=" " style="width:60%;margin-left:0px;"><br>I was asked to go to a Casino Lounge in Elko Nevada, to sing, and to dance! Wow!I really loved doing that. I'm pretty good, don't do mistakes, get the words and notes right and in tune. Some shiny moments. They like it when I sing songs in french, then took some pictures, and made a big deal out of me being a shemale, hehe! I didn't tell them I'm part Elvin, part Succubus, and part human. Sure glad Love came with me. I kind of got nervous around the crowds of people. <br>
  116. <img src=" " style="width:60%;"><br>I can do some fun things with my form changing<br>
  117. <img src=" " style="width:40%;"><br>I like this eye color, and I use this form often in Provence. My favorite home. The experimental habitats, the farms, the village people.<p><br></td></tr><tr>
  118.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Essay:</td><td>words<p>
  119.  <div style="height:46px;border-bottom:10px solid #15000e;color:#f9008b;font-size:40px;letter-spacing:3px;">Some Events</div>
  120.  <ul style="list-style-type:square;"><li> 2017 - words<li> 2018 - words<li> 2019 - words</ul> </td></tr><tr></tr> </table>
  121.  <div style="font-family:charm, philosopher;font-size:60px;line-height:72px;text-align:justify;color:darkorchid;"><center><p>POV<p></center>words
  122.  </table></div></div></div></div>
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  128. </style> <div id="box10a"> 10a Reimi's typist ANDREA's and Delphina's baby</div>
  130. <div id="10b" class="genealogy"> </style>
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  134. </style> <div id="box10b"> 10b Reimi's typist ANDREA's and Elphine's baby</div>
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  140. </style> <div id="box11"> 11 Dessert</div>
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  152. </style> <div id="box13"> 13 Candy</div>
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  158. </style> <div id="box13a"> Flora 13a new Kannachan's baby from Candy</div>
  160. <div id="14" class="genealogy"> </style>
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  164. </style> <div id="box14"> 14 Love</div>
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  170. </style> <div id="box14a">  KannaDitus 14a Kannachan's baby from EverTo</div>
  172.  <div id="14b" class="genealogy"> </style>
  173. <style type="text/css" onload="try { document.title = 'Slice of Heaven'; } catch (error) { }">
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  176. </style> <div id="box14b"> Sophie 14b new Kannachan's baby from Love</div>
  178. <div id="15" class="genealogy"> </style>
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  218. </style> <div id="box21"> 21 Kazoku </div>
  220. <div id="22" class="genealogy"> </style>
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  222. #box22 { width:63px;height:24px;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;background:#3a3;transition:3s ease;font-family:charm, montez, times;
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  236. </style> <div id="box24"> 24 Matilda</div>
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  246. #box26 { width:58px;height:24px;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;background:#119895;transition:3s ease;font-family:charm, montez, times;
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  260. </style> <div id="box28"> 28 Joshua</div>
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  266. </style> <div id="box29"> 29 Veronica</div>
  268. </div>  </body></html><div style="color:transparent;"> Left Side Elphine 3/22/19 </div>
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