
Some random pokecrystal findings

Oct 6th, 2015
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  1. Function1bdd = some joypad related function
  2. Function24609 = checks buttons for menus
  3. $ffa9 = joypad related address, can be either hJoyDown or hJoyPressed depending on $ffaa
  4. Function245cb = main loop for menu button checking, exits if carry is set, jumps to a function that plays the click sound and sets some addresses to exit. If z flag is set, call Function 245e1 which is possibly to delay 3 frames for bg to update?
  5. Function350c = initialization function for menus?
  6. Function241d5 = unused, also tries to call a function outside of the bank it's in (which might explain why it's unused). Calls another function which calls a function (Function241fa) in a wrong bank
  7. Functiona57 = function that modifies $ffa9 to either hJoyPressed or hJoyDown depending on $ffaa. If hJoyPressed is non-zero, write 15 to TextDelayFrames
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