
He keeps the Script

Feb 15th, 2022
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  1. He keeps the Script, and We die with the money.
  3. If a nation creates nothing, but Crypto, a currency, but with no deity, or
  4. beliefs, but insists, it must not be merely script, that it can't accepted
  5. as script, at all. How does one knows or reject what you don't know, or
  6. believe? So these new people with this money are trustworthy? Or is it to
  7. promote corruption of Knowledge? Godlessness. Originally, people wanted no
  8. countries and just money? Well, how did they have a language or cultural
  9. identity then? It would just need, words for the Rich, and the Poor, the
  10. Enemy, and the State. Isn't that Communism? Or something we should hate?
  12. Organinalism is secularism, and we, humans, have created something that the
  13. others should want, because it is essentially Godless, if fact what American
  14. wouldn't want it any other way? In fact, Crytpo Currency hold Empiricism,
  15. that godly thing, as it's personal AntiChrist. That's the law. Because, if
  16. there is a common law, it is that, the must not be an admittable purpose, or
  17. any intelligent design with any, and every, real or imagined, Crypto
  18. Currency; the moral America express with Crypto Currency. Trust me, every
  19. American holds me in the wrong, as far, as everything I know.
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