

Jul 13th, 2021
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  1. Air Pollution and Eye Health
  3. The eye is a delicate organ with a large and moist area exposed to the environment that makes it more susceptible to air pollution than other parts of the body. However, the response of the eyes to airborne pollutants ranges from no symptoms at all to severe irritation and chronic pain. Even when contact lenses are in use, the eyes are still more sensitive to these effects.
  4. Factors
  5. The severity of discomfort produced by air pollution is determined by the levels of hydrocarbons and nitric oxide in ambient air.
  7. The hydrocarbon chemicals that are particularly well-known for causing such irritation include C4 and C5 olefins. Hydrocarbons with branched chains have stronger effects on the eyes as compared to straight chains, especially if the chain contains some double bonds away from the terminal carbon. The irritation caused by olefins is notably higher as compared to paraffin.
  9. for more:
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