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- alias ShowError {
- dialog -m AMSGError AMSGError
- }
- dialog AMSGError {
- title "Error"
- option dbu
- size 80 95 80 38
- box "",9, 1 0 78 22
- button "Ok",10, 1 24 78 12, cancel
- text %AMSGError,11, 3 5 74 16, center
- }
- on 1:open:?:{
- if (%QueryControl == off) halt
- haltdef
- if (($readini(ExceptionList.ini,Nick,$nick)) || ($readini(ExceptionList.ini,Address,$address($nick,2)) != $null)) return
- close -m $nick
- if (($readini(ExceptionList.ini,INick,$nick)) || ($readini(ExceptionList.ini,IAddress,$address($nick,2)) != $null)) return
- if (($dialog(QueryControl)) && (%NotifyOtherPM == 1)) { echo -a 12[4AV2 Query Control12]10 $nick sent you a query while the PM Blocker dialog has already opened. | return }
- set %QueryNick $nick
- if ($comchan($nick,0) == 0) set %QueryAddress UnknownAddress
- else set %QueryAddress $address($nick,2)
- set %QueryMessage $1-
- set %QueryTime $($Timestamp,2)
- writenextini QueryControl.ini All %QueryNick said: %QueryMessage at $fulldate
- msg $nick 12[4AV2 Query Control12]10 $+ $iif(%OnOpen,%OnOpen,You have activated my Query Control $+ $chr(44) please wait for a response.)
- dialog -m QueryControl QueryControl
- if (%AutoReject == on) { .timerReject $+ $Nick 1 %QueryInterval QueryReject $nick }
- }
- Alias QueryReject {
- close -m $1
- if (%AutoRejectReason) msg $1 12[4AV2 Query Control12]10 Your message got rejected reason being: %AutoRejectReason $+ .)
- else msg $1 12[4AV2 Query Control12]10 Your message got rejected $+ $iif(%RejectReason,$chr(44) the reason being: %RejectReason,.)
- if ($dialog(QueryControl)) { UnsetQuery | dialog -x QueryControl }
- }
- dialog QueryControl {
- title "AV2 Query Control"
- option dbu
- size 160 175 140 155
- box "User",1, 1 1 47 22
- edit %QueryNick,2, 5 9 40 10, read autohs
- box "Address",3, 60 1 81 22
- edit %QueryAddress,4, 63 9 72 10, read autohs
- box "Message",5, 1 25 140 22
- edit %QueryMessage,6, 5 33 130 10, read autohs
- button "Accept",7, 5 53 25 12
- button "Reject",8, 40 53 25 12
- button "Ignore",9, 75 53 25 12
- button "Silence",10, 110 53 25 12
- box "",11,1 48 140 20
- box "Exception list",12,1 73 62 20
- button "Add nick",13, 5 80 25 10
- button "Add host",14, 35 80 25 10
- box "Query Ignore",15,78 73 62 20
- button "Nick",16, 82 80 25 10
- button "Host",17, 112 80 25 10
- check "Enable",18, 5 103 25 8
- text "Interval (seconds):",19,63 103 55 10
- combo 20, 111 101 25 10, drop
- box "Auto reject",21,1 95 139 20
- button "Ok",22, 5 135 25 13
- button "Logs",28, 42 135 25 13
- button "Options",23, 78 135 25 13
- button "Cancel",24, 112 135 25 13, cancel
- box "",25,1 130 140 20
- edit %RejectReason,26,5 119 130 10
- box "",27,1 113 140 19
- }
- on 1:dialog:QueryControl:init:0:{
- did -i QueryControl 20 1 10 | did -i QueryControl 20 2 20 | did -i QueryControl 20 3 30 | did -i QueryControl 20 4 45 | did -i QueryControl 20 5 60 | did -i QueryControl 20 6 90 | did -i QueryControl 20 7 180 | did -i QueryControl 20 8 300 | did -i QueryControl 20 9 600
- if (%AutoReject == on) { did -c QueryControl 18 | did -e QueryControl 20 | did -c QueryControl 20 %IntervalNum }
- else did -b QueryControl 20
- }
- on *:dialog:QueryControl:sclick:*:{
- if ($did == 7) { .timerReject $+ %Querynick off | set %RejectReason $did(26) | query %QueryNick | echo %QueryNick %QueryTime < $+ %QueryNick $+ > %QueryMessage | msg %QueryNick 12[4AV2 Query Control12]10 Your message has been accepted, you may proceed. | UnsetQuery | dialog -x QueryControl }
- if ($did == 8) { set %RejectReason $did(26) | msg %QueryNick 12[4AV2 Query Control12]10 Your message got rejected $+ $iif(%RejectReason,$chr(44) the reason being:11 %RejectReason, $+ .) | .timerReject $+ %QueryNick off | UnsetQuery | dialog -x QueryControl }
- if ($did == 9) { ignore %QueryAddress | .timer $+ %QueryNick $+ Ignore 1 600 ignore -r %QueryAddress }
- if ($did == 10) { silence + $+ %QueryAddress | .timer $+ %QueryNick $+ Silence 1 600 silence - $+ %QueryAddress }
- if ($did == 13) {
- if ($readini(ExceptionList.ini,Nick,%QueryNick) == $null) { writeini -n ExceptionList.ini Nick %QueryNick $asctime($ctime,dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy hh:nn:sstt) | msg %QueryNick 12[4AV2 Query Control12]10 Your nick has been added to my exception list, fell free to talk now. }
- else { set %AMSGError That nick is already excempt from the Query Control. | ShowError | return }
- }
- if ($did == 14) {
- if (%QueryAddress == Unknown due to lack of common channels) { set %AMSGError The address is unknown; therefore, you cannot add it. | ShowError | return }
- if ($readini(ExceptionList.ini,Address,%QueryAddress) == $null) { writeini -n ExceptionList.ini Address %QueryAddress $asctime($ctime,dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy hh:nn:sstt) | msg %QueryNick 12[4AV2 Query Control12]10 Your host has been added to my exception list, fell free to talk now. }
- else { set %AMSGError That host is already excempt from the Query Control. | ShowError | return }
- }
- if ($did == 16) {
- if ((!%QueryNick) && (!%QueryAddress)) { set %AMSGError There is nothing to ignore. | ShowError | return }
- did -b $dname 16 | if ($readini(ExceptionList.ini,INick,%QueryNick) == $null) { writeini -n ExceptionList.ini INick %QueryNick $asctime($ctime,dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy hh:nn:sstt) }
- }
- if ($did == 17) {
- if ((!%QueryNick) && (!%QueryAddress) && (!%QueryMessage)) { set %AMSGError There is nothing to log. | ShowError | return }
- did -b $dname 17 | $readini(ExceptionList.ini,IAddress,%QueryAddress) == $null) { writeini -n ExceptionList.ini IAddress %QueryAddress $asctime($ctime,dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy hh:nn:sstt) }
- }
- if ($did == 18) {
- if ($did(18).state == 1) { did -e QueryControl 20 | set %AutoReject on }
- else { did -b QueryControl 20 | set %AutoReject off | unset %IntervalNum }
- }
- if ($did == 22) {
- if (%OkButton == QuietClose) dialog -x $dname
- if ((%AutoReject == on) && ($did(20) == $null)) { set %AMSGError You must specify an interval to auto-reject incoming queries. | ShowError | return }
- set %RejectReason $did(26) | set %QueryInterval $did(20)
- if ($did(20) < 40) set %IntervalNum $calc($did(20) /10)
- elseif ($did(20) == 45) set %IntervalNum 4
- elseif ($did(20) == 60) set %IntervalNum 5
- elseif ($did(20) == 90) set %IntervalNum 6
- elseif ($did(20) == 180) set %IntervalNum 7
- elseif ($did(20) == 300) set %IntervalNum 8
- elseif ($did(20) == 600) set %IntervalNum 9
- if (%OkButton == Apply) { UnsetQuery | dialog -x QueryControl }
- elseif (%OkButton == QuietOpen) { query %QueryNick | echo %QueryNick %QueryTime < $+ %QueryNick $+ > %QueryMessage }
- elseif (%OkButton == Random) {
- set %RandVar $r(1,3)
- if (%RandVar == 1) { query %QueryNick | echo %QueryNick %QueryTime < $+ %QueryNick $+ > %QueryMessage }
- elseif %RandVar == 2) { dialog -x $dname }
- else { UnsetQuery | dialog -x QueryControl }
- }
- else { UnsetQuery | dialog -x QueryControl }
- }
- if ($did == 23) { UnsetQuery | dialog -x Querycontrol | dialog -m QueryControlOptions2 QueryControlOptions2 }
- if ($did == 28) { UnsetQuery | dialog -x Querycontrol | dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions }
- }
- alias UnsetQuery { unset %QueryNick | unset %QueryAddress | unset %QueryMessage }
- dialog QueryControlOptions {
- showrecent
- title "AV2 Query Control Exception and Ignore lists"
- size -1 -1 220 180
- option dbu
- text "Oldest To Newest Nicks:" 1,5 13 26 55
- combo 2,28 11 55 55
- text "Oldest To Newest Hosts:" 3,98 13 26 50
- combo 4,125 11 90 55
- text "Oldest To Newest Nicks:" 5,5 95 26 50
- text "Oldest To Newest Hosts:" 17,98 95 26 50
- combo 6,28 95 55 55, autohs
- combo 18,125 95 90 55
- button "Add",7,27 65 20 10
- button "Delete",8,63 65 20 10
- button "Add",9,135 65 20 10
- button "Delete",10,180 65 20 10
- button "Add",19,27 150 20 10
- button "Delete",20,63 150 20 10
- button "Add",21,135 150 20 10
- button "Delete",22,180 150 20 10
- box "Exceptions",12, 1 1 217 77
- box "Ignore",13,1 85 217 77
- button "Ok",14,10 165 25 10,cancel
- button "Options"15,95 165 25 10
- button "Cancel",16,185 165 25 10,cancel
- }
- on 1:dialog:QueryControlOptions:init:0:{
- set %x 1
- while ($ini(ExceptionList.ini,Nick,%x)) {
- did -i QueryControlOptions 2 %x $ini(ExceptionList.ini,Nick,%x)
- inc %x
- }
- set %x 1
- while ($ini(ExceptionList.ini,Address,%x)) {
- did -i QueryControlOptions 4 %x $ini(ExceptionList.ini,Address,%x)
- inc %x
- }
- set %x 1
- while ($ini(ExceptionList.ini,INick,%x)) {
- did -i QueryControlOptions 6 %x $ini(ExceptionList.ini,INick,%x)
- inc %x
- }
- set %x 1
- while ($ini(ExceptionList.ini,IAddress,%x)) {
- did -i QueryControlOptions 18 %x $ini(ExceptionList.ini,IAddress,%x)
- inc %x
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:QueryControlOptions:sclick:*:{
- if ($did == 7) {
- if ($did(2) == $null) { set %AMSGError No user specified to add to the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- if $readini(ExceptionList.ini,Nick,$did(2)) { set %AMSGError That user already appears to be in the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- writeini ExceptionList.ini Nick $did(2) $asctime($ctime,dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy hh:nn:sstt)
- did -r QueryControlOptions 2
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions
- }
- if ($did == 8) {
- if ($did(2) == $null) { set %AMSGError No user specified to delete from the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- if ($readini(ExceptionList.ini,Nick,$did(2)) == $null) { set %AMSGError That user does not appear to be in the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- remini ExceptionList.ini Nick $did(2)
- did -r QueryControlOptions 2
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions
- }
- if ($did == 9) {
- if ($did(4) == $null) { set %AMSGError No host specified to add to the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- if ($left($did(4),4) != *!*@) { set %AMSGError The host must be in type 2 format (*!* | ShowError | return }
- if $readini(ExceptionList.ini,Address,$did(4)) { set %AMSGError That host already appears to be in the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- writeini ExceptionList.ini Address $did(4) $asctime($ctime,dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy hh:nn:sstt)
- did -r QueryControlOptions 4
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions
- }
- if ($did == 10) {
- if ($did(4) == $null) { set %AMSGError No host specified to delete from the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- if ($readini(ExceptionList.ini,Address,$did(4)) == $null) { set %AMSGError That host does not appear to be in the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- remini ExceptionList.ini Address $did(4)
- did -r QueryControlOptions 4
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions
- }
- if ($did == 11) {
- if ($did(6) == $null) { set %AMSGError No logged message specified to delete from the logs. | ShowError | return }
- if ($InList(Message,$did(6)) == no) { set %AMSGError That message does not appear to be in the log list. | ShowError | return }
- RemoveFromList All $did(6)
- did -r QueryControlOptions 6
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions
- }
- if ($did == 15) {
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions2 QueryControlOptions2
- }
- if ($did == 19) {
- if ($did(6) == $null) { set %AMSGError No user specified to add to the ignore list. | ShowError | return }
- if $readini(ExceptionList.ini,INick,$did(6)) { set %AMSGError That user already appears to be in the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- writeini ExceptionList.ini INick $did(6) $asctime($ctime,dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy hh:nn:sstt)
- did -r QueryControlOptions 6
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions
- }
- if ($did == 20) {
- if ($did(6) == $null) { set %AMSGError No user specified to delete from the ignore list. | ShowError | return }
- if ($readini(ExceptionList.ini,INick,$did(6)) == $null) { set %AMSGError That user does not appear to be in the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- remini ExceptionList.ini INick $did(6)
- did -r QueryControlOptions 6
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions
- }
- if ($did == 14) dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- if ($did == 21) {
- if ($did(18) == $null) { set %AMSGError No host specified to add to the ignore list. | ShowError | return }
- if ($left($did(4),4) != *!*@) { set %AMSGError The host must be in type 2 format (*!* | ShowError | return }
- if $readini(ExceptionList.ini,IAddress,$did(18)) { set %AMSGError That host already appears to be in the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- writeini ExceptionList.ini IAddress $did(18) $asctime($ctime,dddd mmmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy hh:nn:sstt)
- did -r QueryControlOptions 18
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions
- }
- if ($did == 22) {
- if ($did(18) == $null) { set %AMSGError No host specified to delete from the ignore list. | ShowError | return }
- if ($readini(ExceptionList.ini,IAddress,$did(18)) == $null) { set %AMSGError That host does not appear to be in the exception list. | ShowError | return }
- remini ExceptionList.ini IAddress $did(18)
- did -r QueryControlOptions 18
- dialog -x QueryControlOptions
- dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions
- }
- }
- alias RemoveFromList {
- set %x 1
- set %y 0
- while ($ini(QueryControl.ini,$1,%x)) {
- if (%y < $ini(QueryControl.ini,$1,%x)) set %y $ini(QueryControl.ini,$1,%x)
- inc %x
- }
- set %x 1
- while (%x <= %y) {
- if ($readini(querycontrol.ini,$1,%x) == $2-) { remini QueryControl.ini $1 %x | return }
- inc %x
- }
- }
- alias InList {
- set %x 1
- set %y 0
- while ($ini(QueryControl.ini,$1,%x)) {
- if (%y < $ini(QueryControl.ini,$1,%x)) set %y $ini(QueryControl.ini,$1,%x)
- inc %x
- }
- set %x 1
- while (%x <= %y) {
- if ($readini(querycontrol.ini,$1,%x) == $2-) { return yes }
- inc %x
- }
- return no
- }
- dialog QueryControlOptions2 {
- showrecent
- title "AV2 Query Control Options"
- size -1 -1 227 105
- option dbu
- text "Ok button function:",1, 5 15 55 10
- combo 2, 57 13 120 10, drop
- text "Auto Reject reason:"3,5 30 55 10
- edit %AutoRejectReason,4,57 28 120 10
- text "Rejection reason:",5,5 45 55 10
- edit %RejectReason,6,57 43 120 10
- text "Open query msg:",7,5 62 50 10
- edit %OnOpen,8,57 60 120 10
- box "Messaging",9,1 1 180 85
- button "Enable",10,182 12 20 10
- button "Disable",11,204 12 22 10
- button "Logs",12,182 27 20 10
- button "Set up",13,204 27 22 10
- button "Clear",14,182 43 20 10
- button "Default",15,204 43 22 10
- button "Help",16,182 60 20 10
- button "About",17,204 60 22 10
- button "Ok",18,10 90 25 10
- button "Cancel",19,195 90 25 10,cancel
- text "Notify you when somebody is PMing while blocker is activated:",20,5 76 155 10
- button "Yes",21,182 75 20 10
- button "No",22,204 75 22 10
- }
- on 1:dialog:QueryControlOptions2:init:0:{
- did -i $dname 2 1 Apply | did -i $dname 2 2 QuietOpen | did -i $dname 2 3 QuietClose | did -i $dname 2 4 Random
- did -c $dname 2 %OkButton
- }
- on *:dialog:QueryControlOptions2:sclick:*:{
- if ($did == 10) set %QueryControl on
- if ($did == 11) set %QueryControl off
- if ($did == 12) { dialog -x $dname | dialog -m QueryControlLogs QueryControlLogs }
- if ($did == 13) { dialog -x $dname | dialog -m QueryControlOptions QueryControlOptions }
- if ($did == 14) { did -r $dname 4,6,8 }
- if ($did == 15) { set %AutoRejectReason Automatically rejected due to inactivity | set %RejectReason Generic rejection message | set %OnOpen You have activated my Query Control $+ $chr(44) please wait for a response. | dialog -x $dname | dialog -m QueryControlOptions2 QueryControlOptions2 }
- if ($did == 16) { did -b $dname 16 | dialog -m QueryControlHelp QueryControlHelp }
- if ($did == 17) { did -b $dname 17 | dialog -m QueryControlAbout QueryControlAbout }
- if ($did == 18) { set %OkButton $did(1) | set %AutoRejectReason $did(4) | set %RejectReason $did(6) | set %OnOpen $did(8) | dialog -x $dname }
- if ($did == 21) { set %NotifyOtherPM 1 }
- if ($did == 22) { set %NotifyOtherPM 0 }
- }
- dialog QueryControlHelp {
- showrecent
- title "AV2 Query Control Options Help"
- size -1 -1 200 50
- option dbu
- text "Enable/Disable: Enable and disable the entire query control.",1,7 5 200 10
- text "Logs/Setup: Opens either the logs dialog or the initial on-open dialog.",2,7 12 200 10
- text "Clear/Defult: Clears all text fields, or sets them to the default values.",3,7 19 200 10
- text "Help/About: Gives help about the buttons, or info about the query control.",4,7 26 200 10
- button "Close",5,80 35 25 10
- }
- on *:dialog:QueryControlHelp:sclick:*:{
- if ($did == 5) { dialog -x $dname | did -e QueryControlOptions2 16 }
- }
- dialog QueryControlAbout {
- showrecent
- title "About AV2 Query Control"
- size -1 -1 130 50
- option dbu
- text "Created: Saturday, July 18, 2009. 13:01:56.",1,7 5 200 10
- text "Author: Sky, Adorable, and Aries.",2,7 12 200 10
- text "Server: Rizon. /Server -j #Mafia.",3,7 19 200 10
- text "Version: 0.63.2786.5",4,7 26 200 10
- button "Close",5,50 35 25 10
- }
- on *:dialog:QueryControlAbout:sclick:*:{
- if ($did == 5) { dialog -x $dname | did -e QueryControlOptions2 17 }
- }
- alias WriteNextIni {
- set %x 1
- while ($ini(QueryControl.ini,$2,%x)) {
- if (!$readini(QueryControl.ini,$2,%x)) { writeini -n $1 $2 %x $3- | return }
- inc %x
- }
- writeini -n $1 $2 %x $3-
- }
- alias RemoveFromList2 {
- set %x 1
- while (%x <= %highest)) {
- if ($readini(QueryControl.ini,Message,%x)) == $1) { remini QueryControl.ini | return }
- inc %x
- }
- }
- dialog QueryControlLogs {
- showrecent
- title "AV2 Query Control Full Logs"
- size -1 -1 220 180
- option dbu
- text "Full logs",111,95 1 20 10
- box "",2,1 5 217 140
- combo 3,5 11 210 135, autohs
- button "Delete",7,50 149 31 12
- button "Ok",10,10 165 25 10,cancel
- button "Options"11,95 165 25 10
- button "Cancel",12,185 165 25 10,cancel
- button "Clear",13,140 149 31 12
- }
- on 1:dialog:QueryControlLogs:init:0:{
- set %x 1
- set %y 1
- while ($ini(QueryControl.ini,All,%x)) {
- if ($readini(QueryControl.ini,All,%x) != $null) { did -i QueryControlLogs 3 %y $readini(QueryControl.ini,All,%x) }
- inc %x
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:QueryControlLogs:sclick:*:{
- if ($did == 7) {
- if ($did(3) == $null) { set %AMSGError No message specified to delete from the logs. | ShowError | return }
- if ($InList(All,$did(3)) == no) { set %AMSGError That message does not appear to be in the log list. | ShowError | return }
- RemoveFromList All $did(3)
- did -r QueryControlLogs 3
- dialog -x QueryControlLogs
- dialog -m QueryControlLogs QueryControlLogs
- }
- if ($did == 11) { dialog -x QueryControlLogs | QueryControl }
- if ($did == 13) { .remove QueryControl.ini | dialog -x QueryControlLogs | dialog -m QueryControlLogs QueryControlLogs }
- }
- alias QueryControl dialog -m QueryControlOptions2 QueryControlOptions2
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