
voucherpagi dan vouchermalam - tanpa usermanager

Oct 31st, 2017
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  1. #hanya untuk ROS yang sudah support fitur "Raw"
  2. #tanpa user profile yang lain, hanya ada 2 user profile saja, voucherpagi dan vouchermalam
  3. #konter timing berdasarkan inactive time di firewall raw
  4. #copy paste di terminal winbox lalu tekan enter :
  5. /ip firewall raw
  6. add action=passthrough chain=voucherpagi comment="JANGAN DIHAPUS" time=6h-17h59m,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  7. add action=passthrough chain=vouchermalam comment="JANGAN DIHAPUS" time=18h-5h59m59s,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
  9. #user profile voucherpagi
  10. #buatlah user profile dengan nama voucherpagi
  11. #isikan dibagian on login script berikut :
  12. {
  13. :local usernya $user;
  14. :if ([/ip hotspot user find name=$usernya limit-uptime=12h]="") do={/ip hotspot user set [find name=$usernya] limit-uptime=12h};
  15. :if ([/system schedule find name=$usernya]="") do={
  16. /system schedule add name=$usernya interval=1d on-event="/ip hotspot user remove [find name=$usernya]\r\n/ip hotspot active remove [find user=$usernya]\r\n/system schedule remove [find name=$usernya]"
  17. }
  18. :if ([/ip firewall raw get [find chain=voucherpagi] invalid] = true) do={
  19. /ip hotspot active remove [find user=$usernya]
  20. /ip hotspot user disable [find name=$usernya]
  21. }
  22. }
  25. #user profile vouchermalam
  26. #buatlah user profile dengan nama vouchermalam
  27. #isikan dibagian on login script berikut :
  28. {
  29. :local usernya $user;
  30. :if ([/ip hotspot user find name=$usernya limit-uptime=12h]="") do={/ip hotspot user set [find name=$usernya] limit-uptime=12h};
  31. :if ([/system schedule find name=$usernya]="") do={
  32. /system schedule add name=$usernya interval=1d on-event="/ip hotspot user remove [find name=$usernya]\r\n/ip hotspot active remove [find user=$usernya]\r\n/system schedule remove [find name=$usernya]"
  33. }
  34. :if ([/ip firewall raw get [find chain=vouchermalam] invalid] = true) do={
  35. /ip hotspot active remove [find user=$usernya]
  36. /ip hotspot user disable [find name=$usernya]
  37. }
  38. }
  40. #system schedule voucherpagi
  41. #buatlah system schedule dengan nama voucherpagi
  42. #start time = 17:59:59
  43. #interval 1d
  44. #on event script, isikan :
  45. /ip hotspot user disable [find profile=voucherpagi]
  46. /ip hotspot user enable [find profile=vouchermalam]
  47. /ip hotspot active remove [find]
  50. #system schedule vouchermalam
  51. #buatlah system schedule dengan nama vouchermalam
  52. #start time = 05:59:59
  53. #interval 1d
  54. #on event script, isikan :
  55. /ip hotspot user disable [find profile=vouchermalam]
  56. /ip hotspot user enable [find profile=voucherpagi]
  57. /ip hotspot active remove [find]
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