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- ]listCvars - help
- ai_stopCheckingFor_IsPlayingTraversalAnim_DuringSyncInteraction 1 - Stop checking for IsPlayingTraversalAnim
- and early outing when we do checks for a
- valid SyncInteraction
- animsysGui_alpha Gui alpha
- animsysGui_scale Gui scale
- bindset value of current bind set
- bindsetList space separated list of bindsets the 'bind'
- command will apply to
- bloodPunch_debugLog 1 - Log a history of blood punch targets
- success and failures
- chainsaw_debugLog 1 - Log a history of chainsaw targets
- success and failures, 2 - Verbose output
- com_allowFallbackPrintf allows a standard printf if no print
- listeners exist. Only relevant for POSIX
- platforms
- com_allowRefreshOnPrint 0 = never force a render frame during a
- console print
- com_breakableDialogBoxOnPCFatalError Whether to pop up a dialog box that allows
- breaking into the debugger for fatal errors
- - PC only.
- com_breakOnWarnings call debugBreak_ when warnings are sent
- com_captureFilename optional filename for screenshots, this is
- only used if no filename is given in the
- screenshot function call
- com_capturePath optional outpath for screenshots, this path
- is appended to screeenshots/
- com_captureSamples set to number of samples for screenshots
- com_captureTGA format for capture screenshots, 0 = JPG, 1 =
- com_CrashOnFatal if enabled we will crash on a fatal rather
- than throwing an exception
- com_drawThreadSpeeds 1 = dynamic draw, 2 = static draw, 3 =
- dynamic draw until stall
- com_enableCmdSystemTypoSuggestions If enabled, the command system will suggest
- possible commands and/or cvars if the input
- text is unrecognized.
- com_enableCrashHandler enable the crash exception handler
- com_enableCrashReporter enable the crash reporting (only works if
- crash handler is enabled) - 0: disabled, 1:
- local, 2: local and remote
- com_exitProcessOnError Exits the process on a com_error.
- com_frameStampPrints print frame number on each console print
- com_hidePrintWarnings Disables showing Warnings from calls to
- PrintWarnings() (called during
- initialization)
- com_hitchThresholdMS sets com_drawThreadSpeeds to 2 if a frame
- takes longer than this time in milliseconds
- com_prefixPrints allows to disable WARNING/ERROR prints that
- make typeinfo output non-clickable in Visual
- Studio
- com_printFilter print only if the filter is present in the
- print message.
- com_safemode deletes the video.cfg & rageConfig.cfg and
- reverts video settings to game default
- com_screenshotMode 1 = allow dof overrides using the
- shell_dof_* cvars
- com_showCameraPosition Shows the camera's position and rotation.
- com_showConsumerPerfMetrics shows consumer friendly performance metrics
- com_showFPS show frames rendered per second, 3 == retail
- version of show FPS
- com_showLightmapMissing Show a warning if the lightmap is missing.
- com_showMemoryUsage show memory usage. 1 = always, 2 = only with
- com_showFPS. 3 = only show usage of
- currently active heap.
- com_showReminders whether to show development reminders
- com_skipGameRenderView skip generating the GUIs
- com_skipIntroVideo skips the intro video
- com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens skips keypress on load screens
- com_skipSignInManager
- com_structuredLogFileName File name relative to the save path for the
- human readable structured log
- com_threadSpeedScale Time to screen scale
- com_timer replaces FPS with a seconds counter, set to
- -1 to start, set to 0 to turn off
- com_timeStampPrints print time with each console print, 1 = sec,
- 2 = msec, 3 = actual time, 4 = RFC 3339
- local
- com_warningSeverityFilter print only if the severity of a warning is
- greater than threshold
- con_cpuUtilizationFrequency The number of times per second to query CPU
- utilization. Higher frequencies make the
- numbers less accurate.
- con_fontSize Use con_fontName at this many pixels wide
- per char
- con_logThreadSpeeds log the thread speeds for offline graphing
- con_noPrint print on the console but not onscreen when
- console is pulled up
- con_notifyTime time messages are displayed onscreen when
- console is pulled up
- con_speed speed at which the console moves up and down
- connect_lobby Steam lobby to join on game launch set as a
- result of GameLobbyJoinRequested_t
- fs_basepath (Read Only) Location for game files
- fs_cachepath (Read/Write) Location for temporary files
- fs_debug
- fs_savepath (Read/Write) Location for development
- storage files, overwrites the default
- savegame path as well for the PC
- g_debugHUDOverlay 1 = show debug HUD
- g_fov camera field of view
- hammer_joystickDeadzone specifies how large the dead-zone is on the
- joystick
- image_dropMips Number of mips to drop from unstreamed
- images
- in_angleSpeedKey angle change scale when holding down _speed
- button
- in_controlInactiveWindow allow joystick input to control game
- instances that don't have win focus
- in_invertLookJoy inverts the look controls so the forward
- looks up (flight controls) for the
- controller
- in_invertLookMouse inverts the look controls so the forward
- looks up (flight controls) for the mouse
- in_joystick enables joystick input
- in_joystickHaptics enables joystick haptics
- in_joystickRumble enables joystick rumble
- in_mouse enable mouse input
- in_pitchSpeed pitch change speed when holding down look
- _lookUp or _lookDown button
- in_requireGameWindowActive true - input will be cleared when game
- window loses focus, false - input present
- when window lost focus will repeat
- in_terminal terminal output: 0 - disable, 1 - enable, 2
- - enable with color, 3 - enable with color
- if tty support
- in_tty stdin with tab-completion and history: 0 -
- disable, 1 - enable if stdin is tty, 2 -
- enable always
- in_unlockMouseInMenus If true, the mouse cursor can move outside
- the game window while in menus.
- in_yawSpeed yaw change speed when holding down _left or
- _right button
- is_lightmapDirMinMip Minimum mip for lightmap directional
- components.
- is_lightmapMinMip Minimum mip for lightmaps.
- is_maxUploadKBPerFrame Maximum amount of data to upload per frame
- is_maxUploadsPerFrame Maximum number of uploads per frame
- is_maxUploadsPerFramePrefetch Maximum number of uploads per frame during
- prefetch
- is_poolCapacity Image streaming pool capacity in MiB
- is_poolSize Image streaming pool size in MiB. is_restart
- after changing this.
- is_uiMinMip Minimum mip for ui.
- jobs_allocateLogicalThreads Allocate a job worker thread per logical
- core, instead of per physical
- jobs_maxThreads The maximum number of threads used when
- jobs_numThreads is -1
- jobs_minThreads The minimum number of threads used when
- jobs_numThreads is -1
- jobs_numThreads The number of threads used to crunch through
- jobs. if -1, use the maximum number of
- hyperthreads, minus one for main.
- joy_circleToSquare Convert view input from circle to square to
- prevent diag slowdown.
- joy_circleToSquarePower Power exponent for the circle to square lerp
- joy_dampenLook Do not allow full acceleration on look
- joy_deadZone specifies how large the dead-zone is on the
- joystick
- joy_deltaPerMSLook Max amount to be added on look per MS
- joy_edgeAccelerationAcceleration Max turn acceleration when edge acceleration
- is active
- joy_edgeAccelerationScalar Percentage of max turn rate to add when edge
- acceleration is active (0.0 does nothing;
- 1.0 doubles turn speed)
- joy_edgeAccelerationThreshold Percentage of joystick deflection needed
- before edge acceleration kicks in
- joy_gammaLook use a log curve instead of a power curve for
- movement
- joy_mergedDeadZoneAngle If joy_mergedThreshold is enabled, this
- value is used as an angular dead zone
- joy_mergedThreshold If the thresholds aren't merged, you drift
- more off center
- joy_pitchSpeed pitch speed when pressing left or right on
- the joystick
- joy_powerScale Raise joystick values to this power
- joy_range allow full range to be mapped to a smaller
- offset
- joy_smoothingAcceleration Max turn acceleration
- joy_smoothingEnabled Enable look smoothing
- joy_triggerThreshold how far the joystick triggers have to be
- pressed before they register as down
- joy_useGameDeltaTime Use game delta time instead of immediate
- system queried delta time
- joy_yawSpeed yaw speed when pressing left or right on the
- joystick
- key_comboDelay Delay time (ms) for processing keys bound to
- combos.
- logFile 1 = buffer log, 2 = flush after each print
- logFileName name of log file, if empty, qconsole.log
- will be used
- logFilePathType 0 = FSPATH_SAVE, 1 = FSPATH_BASE
- logFilePersistent If the qconsole log should persist between
- launches
- m_pitch mouse pitch scale
- m_sensitivity mouse view sensitivity
- m_show_messages show messages
- m_showMouseRate shows mouse movement
- m_smooth number of samples blended for mouse viewing
- m_smoothing enable mouse smoothing
- m_yaw mouse yaw scale
- menu_advanced_ignoreVRAMAmount Ignore VRAM limits for settings
- orbis_circleAsAccept If this is true/1, we are in a SCIJA region
- SKU with the OS flag to use Circle for
- Accept instead of Cross
- platform_bethesdanet_environment services environment name
- platform_bethesdanet_gameCodeLogin launcher game code login
- pm_photoModeFriction the air friction to use in photo mode, the
- higher the tighter it is
- pm_photoModeMaxDist the max distance we can deviate from the
- initial place in photo mode {{ units = m }}
- r_120HzDisplay Use 120Hz display, if supported by device
- and display available
- r_allowBlackListedLayers
- r_antialiasing 0 = Disabled, 1 = Temporal SSAA (32x), 2 =
- Nvidia DLSS
- r_blurRadialQuality Set radial blur quality. 0: low, 1: med, 2:
- high, 3: insane
- r_blurRadialScale Additional scaling factor applied to radial
- blur kernel length. 1.0: full blur, 0.0: no
- blur.
- r_decalDistanceFadeMultiplier Decal fade distance multiplier.
- r_decalFadeCulling 1/2. Starts culling decals based on area of
- visibility on screen after the distance
- specified on r_decalDistanceFadeStart.
- Culling starts once decal has
- r_decalPixelThresholdFadeStart on screen and
- ends when it reaches
- r_decalPixelThresholdFadeEnd pixels and also
- cull decals that face normals facing away
- from player.
- r_decalFilteringQuality 0 - Low (trilinear). 1 - Medium (aniso 2x).
- 2 - High (aniso 4x). 3 - Ultra (aniso 8x). 4
- - Nightmare (aniso 16x)
- r_decalLifetimeMultiplier Global lifetime multiplier for timed decals.
- r_displayRefresh optional display refresh rate option for vid
- mode
- r_dlssQuality 0 = Ultra Performance, 1 = Performance, 2 =
- Balanced, 3 = Quality
- r_dof 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 == Enable DOF
- near field
- r_dofTAA 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
- r_dofTransparencySort 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enable, sorts DOF
- directly with transparent geo
- r_drawFCATBar Enable drawing of FCAT bar
- r_enableAsyncCompute 0: Disable, 1: Enable on AMD, 2: Enable on
- AMD and NVIDIA Turing, 3: Enable everywhere
- r_enableMemoryOverallocationBehavior 0: Disable, 1: Enable on AMD, 2: Enable
- everywhere
- r_enableTransferQueues 0: Disable, 1: Use one queue, 2: Use two
- queues
- r_fullscreen 0 = windowed, 1 = full screen
- r_hdrBloom 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (default)
- r_hdrDisplay Use HDR display, if supported by device and
- display available
- r_hdrDisplayColorSpace Color space to be used. 0: REC-709, 1:
- DCI-P3, 2: BT-2020
- r_hdrDisplayMaxAverageLevelLightLevel Maximum frame average light level in nits.
- r_hdrDisplayMaxLuminance Maximum luminance of the mastering display
- in nits.
- r_hdrDisplayMinLuminance Minimum luminance of the mastering display
- in nits.
- r_hdrShutterSpeed Set camera shutter speed. Default = 10 (1/10
- th of a second)
- r_initialModeHeight Default Vertical Resolution on first start
- ever - Only gets used if r_mode = -2
- r_initialModeWidth Default Horizontal Resolution on first start
- ever - Only gets used if r_mode = -2
- r_initialMonitor -1 = auto detect default monitor, >= 0
- specific monitor index used to initialize
- the render system
- r_lightDistanceFadeMultiplier Light fade distance multiplier.
- r_lightGridDecalDistanceFadeMultiplier Decal fade distance multiplier.
- r_lightScatteringQuality Light scattering volume width: 3: screenres
- 8 x 128 depth (high) 2: screenres/16 x 128
- depth (high UDH) 1: screenres/8 x 64
- (medium), 0: screenres/16 x 64 (low).
- >=1440p uses 0 by default
- r_materialAniso Floating point aniso for material textures.
- r_materialAnisoCover Floating point aniso for material cover
- textures.
- r_mode Select the resolution and monitor to use in
- fullscreen mode (hit TAB to view available
- modes)
- r_motionblur 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
- r_motionBlurQuality Set motion blur quality. 2: high, 1; medium,
- 0: low
- r_multiSamples number of anti-aliasing samples (0 = no
- multi-sampled FBO)
- r_physicalDeviceIndex Override Vulkan device selection
- r_physicalPagesAspectRatio Set to change the aspect ratio of physical
- pages for the uniquemap.
- r_presentFromAsync
- r_rainQuality 0: low, 1: medium, 2: high
- r_raytracedReflectionsTemporalUpscaleQuality Enables raytraced reflections using temporal
- upsample. 0 - off, 1 - medium quality ( 1/2
- x 1/2 res ). 2 - low quality ( 1/3 x 1/3
- res ). 3 - ultra low quality ( 1/4 x 1/4 res
- ).
- r_raytracedReflectionsWater Enable raytraced reflections for water.
- r_shadowAtlasHeight Shadow map atlas height
- r_shadowAtlasTileSize Shadow map atlas tile size
- r_shadowAtlasWidth Shadow map atlas width
- r_shadowHardLimitTriangles Shadow per-frame triangles soft cap in
- kilo-triangles.
- r_shadowMaxStaleFrames Max stale frames for spots/point lights per
- mip level. (0=60hz, 1=30hz, 2=20hz, etc..)
- r_shadowsDistanceFadeMultiplier Shadows fade distance multiplier.
- r_shadowSoftLimitTriangles Shadow per-frame triangles soft cap in
- kilo-triangles.
- r_sharpening Sharpening filter, applied after all
- rendering
- r_showPIDInTitle 1 = show process ID in window title. 0 =
- don't.
- r_SSDO 0 - off, 1 - enables screen space
- directional occlusion
- r_SSDOQuality 0 - low, 1 - medium, 2 - high
- r_SSDORaytrace 0 - off, 1 - enables raytraced directional
- occlusion mode
- r_SSDORaytraceCosineWeightedRays sort hemisphere rays by angle
- r_SSDORaytracePreSortRays sort hemisphere rays by angle
- r_SSR 1: Enable screen space reflections pass
- r_SSRQuality 0 - low, 1 - medium, 2 - high
- r_swapChainDebug
- r_swapInterval Changes vsync settings. 0 = off, 1 = vsync
- double buffered, 2 = vsync triple buffered,
- -1 = swap-tear
- r_useFullScreenExclusive Enable use of VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive
- r_waterCaustics 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
- r_waterGridResolution Resolution of screenspace tessellation grid
- used to rasterize water surfaces. Max value
- 256.
- r_waterHitsSim 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
- r_waterInterleaveUpdates 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled ( interleaves
- updates for techniques with similar costs )
- r_waterLodViewDistance Disable/enable water related phenomena (for
- now caustics / hits simulation ) after
- threshold distance
- r_waterPostProcess Enable inside/outside water post process
- transitions
- r_waterReflections 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
- r_windowHeight window height when running in a window
- r_windowPosX window X position when running in a window
- r_windowPosY window Y position when running in a window
- r_windowWidth window width when running in a window
- resource_usePersistHeap set to use the play heap
- rs_enable Enable dynamic resolution scaling
- s_volume_midi music volume
- s_volume_sound sound volume
- saveGame_verbose debug spam
- steam_invitationCookie Steam invitation cookie
- steam_inviteSenderId Steam identity that sent the bootable invite
- sys_lang
- sys_langAsian uses to store if we are using an Asian
- language or not so we don't have to do a
- string compare when rendering text
- sys_langOverride if set uses sys_lang, otherwise sets
- sys_lang based on the system
- sys_langPlatform the actual language code supplied by the
- system at load time. Useful in a few
- platform-specific cases.
- sys_nolang use this to disable all string tables,
- useful only for testing.
- vt_filePath Path for the lightmap
- vulkan_VRAMAllocatorAlwaysPreferDeviceLocal 0: Don't prefer device local, 1: Prefer
- device local if
- VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior is
- available, 2: Always prefer device local
- memory first
- watchdog_enabled Enable the watchdog timer
- watchdog_ignoreDebugger Ignore the prescence of an attached debugger
- watchdog_timeout The number of seconds before the watchdog
- timer fires
- weapon_QuickFlipDeadzone Dead zone Weapon quick flip switching
- weapon_QuickFlipEnable 0 = Disable QuickFlip 1 = Enable QuickFlip
- weaponWheel_enableDeferredSelectionFrames_PC Enable deferred weapon wheel selection frams
- on the PC
- win_remoteCrashDmpRoot Override path to save windows crash
- minidmps. If empty, save to save path. Must
- include ending \
- win_signalOnCrash
- win_silentCrash crash without showing the Windows crash
- dialog. 0: show 1: silent with no crash
- written 2: silent with crash written
- win_spinOnCrash spins on a crash
- win_stackTracerSymbolStoreCache Local location to cache symbols from the
- symbol store (server disabled if no path is
- set)
- win_stackTracerSymbolStores Comma seperated list of locations of symbol
- servers to load symbols from
- win_stackTracerUseSymbolStores Use symbol stores. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
- for Forge builds, 2 - enabled for all builds
- win_terminateOnCrash immediate terminate process on crash
- 223 cvars listed
- listCvars [search string] = list cvar values
- listCvars - help [search string] = list cvar descriptions
- listCvars - type [search string] = list cvar types
- listCvars - flags [search string] = list cvar flags
- listCvars - changed [search string] = list cvars with non-default values
- listCvars - safe [search string] = list cvars considered safe to change
- '^' at start of search string limits to prefix matches
- '$' at end of in search string limits to postfix matches
- '*' and ' ' are ignored in search string
- listCmds - help
- activateConsole forces the console down ( or up ) and the
- desired fraction.. 0.5 is normal 0.2 is
- shifted
- ActivateMasterLevels Open the Pause Menu
- ActivateMissionSelect Open the Pause Menu
- bind binds a command to a key
- bindSecondary binds a command to a key in the secondary
- slot
- BuildInfo Display relevant build information.
- BuildInfoToClipBoard Copy build information to windows clipboard.
- clear clears the console
- conDump dumps the console text to a file
- configVersion just a placeholder so we can exec config
- files that have versioning in them
- demo_nextPerspective goes to the next viewing perspective
- demo_nextPlayer goes to the next player when spectating
- demo_previousPlayer goes to the previous player when spectating
- disconnect Exit current play session.
- displayBattleArenaQosResults Displays QoS for Battle Arena multiplayer
- server regions
- dumpWarnings Dump all warnings to a text file.
- echo prints text
- exec executes a config file
- exit exits the game
- find finds all system elements containing the
- given search string
- getviewpos prints the current view position
- GhostDiag Prints ghost diagnostics uses to determine
- the environment of the running game
- GhostDiagLong Prints ghost diagnostics uses to determine
- the environment of the running game
- GhostDiagLongToClipboard Prints ghost diagnostics uses to determine
- the environment of the running game
- GhostDiagToClipboard Prints ghost diagnostics uses to determine
- the environment of the running game
- LeaveGame Exit current play session.
- listBinds lists key bindings
- listCmds lists commands
- listCvars lists cvars
- parse prints tokenized string
- print Prints the arguments to the console
- quit quits the game
- resourceExec Execute a configuration file stored in the
- resource file
- screenshot takes a screenshot
- spectator_changeLoadout show change loadout screen
- spectator_localPerspective goes to the perspective of the local player
- TakeScreenshot Take a screenshot
- ToggleMainMenu Open the Pause Menu
- unbind unbinds any command from a key
- unbindAll unbinds any commands from all keys
- verifiedExec executes a verified config file
- vid_restart resizes/fullscreens the game window
- wait delays remaining buffered commands one or
- more frames
- where prints the current view position
- writeConfig writes a config file
- 45 commands listed
- listCmds [search string] = list commands
- listCmds - help [search string] = list command descriptions
- listCmds - flags [search string] = list command flags
- '^' at start of search string limits to prefix matches
- '$' at end of in search string limits to postfix matches
- '*' and ' ' are ignored in search string
- ]conDump "CVarsCMDs"
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