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- '''
- Script to test the TE mode converter from the fundamental mode to the second-order mode
- '''
- # Import necessary python libraries and SPINS-B libraries.
- import os
- import sys
- import datetime
- import logging
- import os
- import pickle
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- from spins import goos
- from spins.goos import compat
- from spins.goos_sim import maxwell
- from spins.invdes.problem_graph import optplan, log_tools
- '''
- Set up Optimization Plan object.
- '''
- ## Create folder where all spins-b results will be saved. ##
- # Currently, the folder will be named "TEmc_{current_timestamp}" and will
- # be located in the folder containing spins-b. To change this, change
- # the following line and set `out_folder_name` somewhere else.
- out_folder_name = "TEmc_" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
- out_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),out_folder_name)
- if (not os.path.exists(out_folder)):
- os.makedirs(out_folder)
- ## Setup logging and Optimization Plan. ##
- plan = goos.OptimizationPlan(save_path = out_folder)
- '''
- Define the constant background structures that will not be changed
- during the design. In this case, these are the input and output waveguides.
- '''
- with plan:
- # Define input waveguide.
- wg_in = goos.Cuboid(pos=goos.Constant([0, -2000, 0]),
- extents=goos.Constant([400, 3000, 220]),
- material=goos.material.Material(index=3.45))
- # Define output waveguide.
- wg_out = goos.Cuboid(pos=goos.Constant([0, 2000, 0]),
- extents=goos.Constant([400, 3000, 220]),
- material=goos.material.Material(index=3.45))
- # Group these background structures together.
- eps_background_structures = goos.GroupShape([wg_in, wg_out])
- '''
- Visualize the constant background structures we just defined.
- '''
- with plan:
- eps_rendered = maxwell.RenderShape(
- eps_background_structures,
- region=goos.Box3d(center=[0, 0, 0], extents=[3000, 3000, 0]),
- mesh=maxwell.UniformMesh(dx=40),
- wavelength=1550,
- )
- goos.util.visualize_eps(eps_rendered.get().array[2])
- '''
- Define and initialize the design region.
- '''
- with plan:
- # Use random initialization, where each pixel is randomly assigned
- # a value in the range [0.3,0.7].
- def initializer(size):
- # Set the seed immediately before calling `random` to ensure
- # reproducibility.
- np.random.seed(247)
- return np.random.random(size) * 0.2 + 0.5
- # Define the design region as a pixelated continuous shape, which is composed
- # of voxels whose permittivities can take on any value between `material` and
- # `material2`.
- var, design = goos.pixelated_cont_shape(
- initializer=initializer,
- pos=goos.Constant([0, 0, 0]),
- extents=[2000, 2000, 220],
- material=goos.material.Material(index=1),
- material2=goos.material.Material(index=3.45),
- pixel_size=[40, 40, 220],
- var_name="var_cont")
- eps = goos.GroupShape([eps_background_structures, design])
- '''
- Visualize the design region as a sanity check.
- '''
- with plan:
- eps_rendered = maxwell.RenderShape(
- eps,
- region=goos.Box3d(center=[0, 0, 0], extents=[3000, 3000, 0]),
- mesh=maxwell.UniformMesh(dx=40),
- wavelength=1550,
- )
- goos.util.visualize_eps(eps_rendered.get().array[2])
- '''
- Setup EM solver - in this case, we use the FDFD solver that comes with
- spins-b, maxwell.
- '''
- with plan:
- # Define wavelength and solver.
- my_wavelength = 1550
- sim_3d = True
- if sim_3d:
- sim_z_extent = 2500
- solver_info = maxwell.MaxwellSolver(solver="maxwell_cg",
- err_thresh=1e-2)
- pml_thickness = [400] * 6
- else:
- sim_z_extent = 40
- solver_info = maxwell.DirectSolver()
- pml_thickness = [400, 400, 400, 400, 0, 0]
- # Define simulation space.
- my_simulation_space = maxwell.SimulationSpace(
- mesh=maxwell.UniformMesh(dx=40),
- sim_region=goos.Box3d(
- center=[0, 0, 0],
- extents=[4000, 4000, sim_z_extent],
- ),
- pml_thickness=pml_thickness)
- # Define a waveguide mode source.
- my_sources = [maxwell.WaveguideModeSource(center=[0, -1400, 0],
- extents=[2500, 0, 1000],
- normal=[0, 1, 0],
- mode_num=0,
- power=1)]
- # Define simulation outputs.
- my_outputs=[ maxwell.Epsilon(name="eps"),
- maxwell.ElectricField(name="field"),
- maxwell.WaveguideModeOverlap(name="overlap",
- center=[0, 1400, 0],
- extents=[2500, 0, 1000],
- normal=[0, 1, 0],
- mode_num=2,
- power=1)]
- # Setup the simulation object.
- sim = maxwell.fdfd_simulation(
- name="sim_cont",
- wavelength= my_wavelength,
- background=goos.material.Material(index=1.0),
- eps=eps,
- simulation_space = my_simulation_space,
- solver_info = solver_info,
- sources = my_sources,
- outputs= my_outputs
- )
- '''
- Visualize simulation of initial structure, as a sanity check.
- '''
- with plan:
- initial_structure = np.squeeze(sim['eps'].get().array)
- initial_field = np.squeeze(sim['field'].get().array)
- initial_overlap = np.squeeze(sim['overlap'].get().array)
- plt.figure()
- plt.subplot(1,2,1)
- plt.imshow(
- np.abs(
- initial_structure[2]))
- plt.colorbar()
- plt.subplot(1,2,2)
- plt.imshow(
- np.abs(
- initial_field[2]))
- plt.colorbar()
- print("Initial overlap is {}.".format(np.abs(initial_overlap)))
- '''
- Define objective function to maximize the transmission of the fundamental
- waveguide mode.
- '''
- obj = goos.rename(goos.abs(sim["overlap"]), name="obj_cont")
- '''
- Setup the optimization strategy.
- '''
- with plan:
- goos.opt.scipy_maximize(
- obj,
- "L-BFGS-B",
- monitor_list=[sim["eps"], sim["field"], sim["overlap"], obj],
- max_iters=20,
- name="opt_cont")
- '''
- Save the plan.
- '''
- with plan:
- '''
- Run the plan.
- '''
- # Setup logging.
- LOG_FORMAT = "[%(asctime)-15s][%(levelname)s][%(module)s][%(funcName)s] %(message)s"
- logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout,format=LOG_FORMAT)
- logging.getLogger("").setLevel(logging.INFO)
- logger = logging.getLogger("")
- # Run the plan.
- with plan:
- '''
- Set the folder for visualizing optimization results.
- '''
- # Currently, this will visualize results in the output folder defined
- # at the beginning of this notebook in the cell where we define the
- # OptimizationPlan object - but, you can change this variable
- # to visualize results from other folders in your google drive.
- folder_plt = out_folder
- '''
- Open a pkl file and look at what's inside, as a sanity check.
- '''
- with open(os.path.join(folder_plt, "step1.pkl"), "rb") as fp:
- data = pickle.load(fp)
- print("Pkl dictionary: ", data.keys())
- print("'monitor_data' dictionary: ", data['monitor_data'].keys())
- print("'objective value': ", data['monitor_data']['obj_cont'])
- '''
- Visualize the objective function and overlap monitors as a function of iteration.
- '''
- # Load the logged monitor data.
- df = log_tools.create_log_data_frame(log_tools.load_all_logs(folder_plt))
- monitor_obj = log_tools.get_joined_scalar_monitors(df,"obj_cont", event_name = "optimizing", scalar_operation = None)
- monitor_overlap = log_tools.get_joined_scalar_monitors(df,"sim_cont.overlap", event_name = "optimizing",scalar_operation = "magnitude")
- # Plot the logged monitor data.
- plt.figure()
- plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
- plt.plot(monitor_obj.iterations,,'k-')
- plt.xlabel("Iteration")
- plt.ylabel("Objective")
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
- plt.plot(monitor_overlap.iterations,,'k-')
- plt.xlabel("Iteration")
- plt.ylabel("Overlap")
- plt.tight_layout()
- '''
- Visualize the final structure and fields.
- '''
- step = goos.util.get_latest_log_step(folder_plt)
- with open(os.path.join(folder_plt, "step{}.pkl".format(step)), "rb") as fp:
- data = pickle.load(fp)
- eps = np.linalg.norm(data["monitor_data"]["sim_cont.eps"], axis=0)
- field_norm = np.linalg.norm(data["monitor_data"]["sim_cont.field"], axis=0)
- plt.figure()
- plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
- plt.imshow(
- eps[:, :, eps.shape[2] // 2].squeeze())
- plt.colorbar()
- plt.title("|Eps_z|")
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
- plt.imshow(
- field_norm[:, :, field_norm.shape[2] // 2].squeeze())
- plt.colorbar()
- plt.title("|E_z|")
- plt.tight_layout()
- plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder_plt,"fields_step"+str(step)+".png"))
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