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- -- design.vhd
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
- entity d_flipflop_wReset_async is
- port(reset, clock, D : in std_logic;
- Q, Qn : out std_logic);
- end entity d_flipflop_wReset_async;
- architecture d_flipflop_wReset_async_arch of d_flipflop_wReset_async is
- begin
- process
- begin
- if(reset = '1') then
- Q <= '0';
- Qn <= '0';
- elsif(reset = '0' and clock = '0') then
- Q <= Q;
- Qn <= Qn;
- elsif(reset = '0' and clock = '1' and D = '0') then
- Q <= D;
- Qn <= not D;
- elsif(reset = '0' and clock = '1' and D = '1') then
- Q <= D;
- Qn <= not D;
- end if;
- end process;
- end architecture d_flipflop_wReset_async_arch;
- -- testbench.vhd
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
- entity d_flipflop_wReset_async_tb is
- end entity d_flipflop_wReset_async_tb;
- architecture d_flipflop_wReset_async_tb_arch of d_flipflop_wReset_async_tb is
- signal reset1, clock1, D1, Q1, Qn1 : std_logic;
- begin
- DUT1 : entity work.d_flipflop_wReset_async(d_flipflop_wReset_async_arch)
- port map(reset1, clock1, D1, Q1, Qn1);
- STIMULUS : process
- begin
- reset1 <= '0'; clock1 <= '0'; D1 <= '0'; wait for 10ns;
- reset1 <= '1'; clock1 <= '0'; D1 <= '0'; wait for 10ns;
- reset1 <= '0'; clock1 <= '0'; D1 <= '1'; wait for 10ns;
- reset1 <= '1'; clock1 <= '0'; D1 <= '1'; wait for 10ns;
- reset1 <= '0'; clock1 <= '1'; D1 <= '0'; wait for 10ns;
- reset1 <= '1'; clock1 <= '1'; D1 <= '0'; wait for 10ns;
- reset1 <= '0'; clock1 <= '1'; D1 <= '1'; wait for 10ns;
- reset1 <= '1'; clock1 <= '1'; D1 <= '1'; wait for 10ns;
- reset1 <= '0'; clock1 <= 'X'; D1 <= 'X'; wait for 10ns;
- reset1 <= '1'; clock1 <= 'X'; D1 <= 'X'; wait for 10ns;
- end process STIMULUS;
- end architecture d_flipflop_wReset_async_tb_arch;
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