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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <xml xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
- <project>
- <projname>Tower_Of_Death</projname>
- <welcome>Welcome To Tower Of Death!</welcome>
- <author>Firelord Quality Games</author>
- <language>English</language>
- <version>Version 003b</version>
- <output>adventure</output>
- <preps>
- <prep>in</prep>
- <prep>on</prep>
- <prep>at</prep>
- <prep>under</prep>
- <prep>into</prep>
- <prep>inside</prep>
- <prep>through</prep>
- <prep>out</prep>
- <prep>behind</prep>
- <prep>off</prep>
- <prep>up</prep>
- <prep>with</prep>
- <prep>to</prep>
- <prep>off</prep>
- <prep>north</prep>
- <prep>south</prep>
- <prep>east</prep>
- <prep>west</prep>
- <prep>northeast</prep>
- <prep>southeast</prep>
- <prep>northwest</prep>
- <prep>southwest</prep>
- <prep>up</prep>
- <prep>down</prep>
- <prep>about</prep>
- <prep>over</prep>
- <prep>across</prep>
- <prep>for</prep>
- </preps>
- <verbs>
- <builtinverbs>
- <verb>n,go north,north</verb>
- <verb>s,go south,south</verb>
- <verb>e,go east,east</verb>
- <verb>w,go west,west</verb>
- <verb>ne,go northeast,northeast</verb>
- <verb>se,go southeast,southeast</verb>
- <verb>sw,go southwest,southwest</verb>
- <verb>nw,go northwest,northwest</verb>
- <verb>up,go up,u</verb>
- <verb>down,go down,d</verb>
- <verb>enter,go in,go inside,get in</verb>
- <verb>out</verb>
- <verb>go</verb>
- <verb>get,take,grab,pick up</verb>
- <verb>give</verb>
- <verb>inventory,i</verb>
- <verb>kill,attack</verb>
- <verb>drop</verb>
- <verb>light</verb>
- <verb>look,l</verb>
- <verb>examine,x,look at</verb>
- <verb>look in</verb>
- <verb>search</verb>
- <verb>open</verb>
- <verb>lock</verb>
- <verb>unlock</verb>
- <verb>close,shut</verb>
- <verb>eat</verb>
- <verb>drink</verb>
- <verb>put,place</verb>
- <verb>quit</verb>
- <verb>smell,sniff</verb>
- <verb>listen</verb>
- <verb>wait</verb>
- <verb>climb</verb>
- <verb>yell,scream,shout</verb>
- <verb>jump</verb>
- <verb>talk to</verb>
- <verb>turn on</verb>
- <verb>turn off</verb>
- <verb>wear,put on</verb>
- <verb>save</verb>
- <verb>restore</verb>
- <verb>push,press</verb>
- <verb>read</verb>
- <verb>use</verb>
- <verb>again</verb>
- </builtinverbs>
- <userverbs />
- </verbs>
- <objects>
- <object id="0" holder="0" name="Offscreen" printedname="Offscreen">
- <description>Offscreen. Move objects here to remove them from the world.</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
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- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="1" holder="12" name="player" printedname="player">
- <description>You're a wonderful person. You shouldn't care what you look like.</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
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- <synonyms names="me,self" />
- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="2" holder="1" name="Ball_Attack" printedname="Ball Attack">
- <description />
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
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- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="3" holder="1" name="Blind_Attack" printedname="Blind Attack">
- <description />
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
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- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="4" holder="36" name="chuck_norris" printedname="Chuck Norris">
- <description>In the Beginning there was nothing … then Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked nothing and told it to get a job.Also Chuck Norris can divide by zero.</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
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- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="5" holder="1" name="Chun_Li_Attack" printedname="Chun Li Attack">
- <description />
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" transparent="0" openable="0" open="0" wearable="1" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="6" holder="14" name="conchita" printedname="Conchita">
- <description>You see a pretty figure near the door! It wears a Cinderella Dress</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="1" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="7" holder="1" name="Dental_Floss" printedname="Dental Floss">
- <description />
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" transparent="0" openable="0" open="0" wearable="1" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="8" holder="17" name="dhalsim" printedname="Dhalsim">
- <description>Long smelly feet!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="1" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="9" holder="14" name="Movie_Poster" printedname="Movie Poster">
- <description>You see a movie poster from the movie 'The Hangover'. It shows Galifianakis wearing a bikini!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" transparent="0" openable="0" open="0" wearable="1" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="10" holder="20" name="Red_Photo_Frame" printedname="Red Photo Frame">
- <description>You see a photo on wall. It show T-X wearing red leather!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" transparent="0" openable="0" open="0" wearable="1" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="11" holder="17" name="Cyan_Photo" printedname="Cyan Photo">
- <description>You see a cyan frame. With a closer look you see that it shows a zoomed image of Chun-Li doing the reverse kick! Her panties are clearly visible!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" transparent="0" openable="0" open="0" wearable="1" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="12" holder="0" name="Elm_Street" printedname="Elm Street">
- <description>You Are on Elm Street! To the North you see a scary tower!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="14" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="14" in="14" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="1" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <e />
- <n />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="13" holder="1" name="EMP_Attack" printedname="EMP Attack">
- <description />
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" transparent="0" openable="0" open="0" wearable="1" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="14" holder="0" name="Entrance" printedname="Entrance">
- <description>You see the entrance of a scary tower!To the North you see the Lobby!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="32" s="12" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="32" in="32" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="1" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <e />
- <n />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="15" holder="0" name="Floor_1" printedname="Floor 1">
- <description>You see many dead secret agents here!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="16" down="32" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="1" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <e />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="16" holder="0" name="Floor_2" printedname="Floor 2">
- <description>The place if full of bodies with a strange smilling face!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="17" down="15" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="1" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <e />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="17" holder="0" name="Floor_3" printedname="Floor 3">
- <description>You see many street fighters lying in the ground!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="18" down="16" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="1" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <e />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="18" holder="0" name="Floor_4" printedname="Floor 4">
- <description>You also see the ear of Sauron and his other eye!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="19" down="17" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="1" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <e />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="19" holder="0" name="Floor_5" printedname="Floor 5">
- <description>The place is full of dust!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="20" down="18" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="1" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" user3="0" user4="0" />
- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <e />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="20" holder="0" name="Floor_6" printedname="Floor 6">
- <description>Many terminated rebels lie here!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="21" down="19" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
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- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <e />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="21" holder="0" name="Floor_7" printedname="Floor 7">
- <description>The floor is filled with dead Kumite fighters!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="36" down="20" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
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- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <e />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="22" holder="1" name="Full_House_Attack" printedname="Full House Attack">
- <description />
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
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- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="23" holder="0" name="Future_CPU" printedname="Future CPU">
- <description />
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
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- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="24" holder="1" name="God_Attack" printedname="God Attack">
- <description />
- <initialdescription />
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- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
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- <sw />
- <n />
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- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
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- <n />
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- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
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- <initialdescription />
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- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
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- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
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- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
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- <sw />
- <n />
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- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="30" holder="15" name="jaws" printedname="Jaws">
- <description>Jaws is an assassin. He was last seen swimming in the ocean after escaping from the Atlantis city ship on which Bond had killed Stromberg before it was torpedoed and sunk.</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="31" holder="16" name="joker" printedname="Joker">
- <description>He wants world piece in his free time!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description>You see many WET FLOOR KEEP AWAY signs!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <s />
- <e />
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- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="33" holder="32" name="luigi" printedname="Luigi">
- <description>Smells like a sewer!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description>You can see your pretty face!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description />
- <initialdescription />
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- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description>You see some Playboy girls!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <e />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description />
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description />
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description>Big scary eye!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <synonyms names="" />
- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description>He is back!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="41" holder="19" name="thanos" printedname="Thanos">
- <description>Using the power of the Infinity Stones. Thanos believes he can ultimately save the universe by wiping out half of its population. He wants to start with you!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description>It has some brown marks</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
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- <description />
- <initialdescription />
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- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description />
- <initialdescription />
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- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="45" holder="21" name="van_damme" printedname="Van Damme">
- <description>When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Jean Claude Van Damme.</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <w />
- <e />
- <n />
- <in>You can't enter that.</in>
- <out>I don't know which way that is.</out>
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="46" holder="15" name="Black_White_Frame" printedname="Black White Frame">
- <description>You see a black and white photo. It is a picture of Dolly without braces!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="47" holder="18" name="Eye_painting" printedname="Eye painting">
- <description>You see a big painting on the wall. On closer look you realise that it is a painting of the eye of Galadriel!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="48" holder="21" name="Newspaper_Frame" printedname="Newspaper Frame">
- <description>You see a newspaper article on a frame hanged in the wall. It is an article of journalist Janice Kent with her picture in it!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="49" holder="36" name="Michelangelo_painting" printedname="Michelangelo painting">
- <description>You see a Michelangelo painting on the wall! It is the Original 'The Creation Of Adam'! It shows God sitting on the ground touching the finger of Chuck Norris!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="50" holder="19" name="Skeleton_Frame" printedname="Skeleton Frame">
- <description>You frame on the wall made out of bones! It shows an image od Death weraing sexy black underwear!</description>
- <initialdescription />
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- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
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- <description>You see a white frame on the wall. It shows Harley Quinn in wedding dress!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" transparent="0" openable="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" />
- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- <object id="52" holder="0" name="Mushroom_Frame" printedname="Mushroom Frame">
- <description>You see a mushroom frame hanging on the wall. It show Princess Peach fully clothed holding a Toilet Plumper!</description>
- <initialdescription />
- <directions n="255" s="255" e="255" w="255" ne="255" se="255" sw="255" nw="255" up="255" down="255" in="255" out="255" mass="0" />
- <flags scenery="0" portable="0" container="0" supporter="0" transparent="0" openable="0" open="0" wearable="0" emittinglight="0" locked="0" lockable="0" beingworn="0" user1="0" door="0" user2="0" />
- <synonyms />
- <nogo>
- <s />
- <w />
- <ne />
- <nw />
- <e />
- <se />
- <sw />
- <n />
- <up />
- <down />
- <in />
- <out />
- </nogo>
- <ImageId />
- </object>
- </objects>
- <checks>
- <check verb="n" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="s" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="e" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="w" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="u" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="d" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="ne" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="nw" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="se" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="sw" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="close" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="close" check="check_dobj_opnable" />
- <check verb="close" check="check_dobj_open" />
- <check verb="drink" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="drink" check="check_have_dobj" />
- <check verb="drop" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="drop" check="check_have_dobj" />
- <check verb="eat" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="eat" check="check_have_dobj" />
- <check verb="enter" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="enter" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="enter" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="out" check="check_move" />
- <check verb="examine" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="examine" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="get" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="get" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="get" check="check_dont_have_dobj" />
- <check verb="get" check="check_dobj_portable" />
- <check verb="get" check="check_weight" />
- <check verb="kill" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="kill" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="light" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="light" check="check_have_dobj" />
- <check verb="light" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="open" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="open" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="open" check="check_dobj_opnable" />
- <check verb="open" check="check_dobj_unlocked" />
- <check verb="put" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="put" check="check_prep_supplied" />
- <check verb="put" check="check_iobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="put" check="check_not_self_or_child" />
- <check verb="put" check="check_have_dobj" />
- <check verb="put" check="check_see_iobj" />
- <check verb="put" check="check_put" />
- <check verb="talk to" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="talk to" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="turn on" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="turn on" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="lock" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="lock" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="lock" check="check_dobj_lockable" />
- <check verb="unlock" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="unlock" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="unlock" check="check_dobj_lockable" />
- <check verb="look in" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="look in" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="wear" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="use" check="check_have_dobj" />
- <check verb="wear" check="check_have_dobj" />
- <check verb="wear" check="check_dobj_wearable" />
- <check verb="give" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="give" check="check_have_dobj" />
- <check verb="give" check="check_iobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="give" check="check_see_iobj" />
- <check verb="push" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="push" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="read" check="check_dobj_supplied" />
- <check verb="read" check="check_see_dobj" />
- <check verb="s" check="check1_conchita" />
- <check verb="n" check="check1_conchita" />
- <check verb="s" check="check2_luigi" />
- <check verb="up" check="check2_luigi" />
- <check verb="down" check="check3_jaws" />
- <check verb="up" check="check3_jaws" />
- <check verb="down" check="check4_joker" />
- <check verb="up" check="check4_joker" />
- <check verb="down" check="check5_dhalsim" />
- <check verb="up" check="check5_dhalsim" />
- <check verb="down" check="check6_sauron" />
- <check verb="up" check="check6_sauron" />
- <check verb="down" check="check7_thanos" />
- <check verb="up" check="check7_thanos" />
- <check verb="down" check="check8_t_800" />
- <check verb="up" check="check8_t_800" />
- <check verb="down" check="check9_van_damme" />
- <check verb="up" check="check9_van_damme" />
- <check verb="down" check="check10_chuck_norris" />
- </checks>
- <sentences>
- <sentence verb="wear" do="*" prep="" io="" type="before" sub="get_portable" />
- <sentence verb="take" do="player" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="not_possible" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="player" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="kill_self" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="*" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="default_kill" />
- <sentence verb="talk to" do="player" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="talk_to_self" />
- <sentence verb="talk to" do="*" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="default_talk" />
- <sentence verb="listen" do="" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="listen" />
- <sentence verb="wait" do="" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="wait" />
- <sentence verb="yell" do="" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="yell" />
- <sentence verb="jump" do="" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="jump" />
- <sentence verb="eat" do="*" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="default_eat" />
- <sentence verb="drink" do="*" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="default_drink" />
- <sentence verb="smell" do="*" prep="" io="" type="instead" sub="smell" />
- <sentence verb="take" do="*" prep="" io="" type="after" sub="report_take" />
- <sentence verb="drop" do="*" prep="" io="" type="after" sub="report_drop" />
- <sentence verb="close" do="*" prep="" io="" type="after" sub="report_closed" />
- <sentence verb="wear" do="*" prep="" io="" type="after" sub="report_wear" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="Conchita" prep="with" io="Ball_Attack" type="instead" sub="kill_conchita" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="Ball_Attack" prep="on" io="Conchita" type="instead" sub="useon_conchita" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="Luigi" prep="with" io="Pipe_Attack" type="instead" sub="kill_luigi" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="Pipe_Attack" prep="on" io="Luigi" type="instead" sub="useon_luigi" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="Jaws" prep="with" io="Dental_Floss" type="instead" sub="kill_jaws" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="Dental_Floss" prep="on" io="Jaws" type="instead" sub="useon_jaws" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="Joker" prep="with" io="Full_House_Attack" type="instead" sub="kill_joker" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="Full_House_Attack" prep="on" io="Joker" type="instead" sub="useon_joker" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="Dhalsim" prep="with" io="Chun_Li_Attack" type="instead" sub="kill_dhalsim" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="Chun_Li_Attack" prep="on" io="Dhalsim" type="instead" sub="useon_dhalsim" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="Sauron" prep="with" io="Ring_Attack" type="instead" sub="kill_sauron" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="Ring_Attack" prep="on" io="Sauron" type="instead" sub="useon_sauron" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="Thanos" prep="with" io="Infinity_Attack" type="instead" sub="kill_thanos" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="Infinity_Attack" prep="on" io="Thanos" type="instead" sub="useon_thanos" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="T_800" prep="with" io="EMP_Attack" type="instead" sub="kill_t_800" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="EMP_Attack" prep="on" io="T_800" type="instead" sub="useon_t_800" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="Van_Damme" prep="with" io="Blind_Attack" type="instead" sub="kill_van_damme" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="Blind_Attack" prep="on" io="Van_Damme" type="instead" sub="useon_van_damme" />
- <sentence verb="kill" do="Chuck_Norris" prep="with" io="God_Attack" type="instead" sub="kill_chuck_norris" />
- <sentence verb="use" do="God_Attack" prep="on" io="Chuck_Norris" type="instead" sub="useon_chuck_norris" />
- </sentences>
- <routines>
- <routine name="game_start">//put any startup code or messages here
- </routine>
- <routine name="reset">//put reset code here
- </routine>
- <routine name="not_possible">if (dobj == player) { println("Not physically possible."); } </routine>
- <routine name="get_portable">if (dobj.portable == 1) { if (dobj.holder != player) { println("(Taken)"); dobj.holder = player;} } </routine>
- <routine name="kill_self">println("If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts you should seek psychiatric help.");</routine>
- <routine name="default_kill">println("Perhaps you should count to 3 and calm down.");</routine>
- <routine name="kill_player">println("***YOU HAVE DIED***.");
- reset();
- </routine>
- <routine name="talk_to_self">println("Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.");</routine>
- <routine name="default_talk">println("That fails to produce an exciting conversation.");</routine>
- <routine name="listen">println("You hear nothing unexpected.");</routine>
- <routine name="smell">println("You smell nothing unexpected.");</routine>
- <routine name="wait">println("Time passes...");</routine>
- <routine name="yell">println("AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGG!");</routine>
- <routine name="jump">println("WHEEEEEE!");</routine>
- <routine name="default_eat">println("That's not part of a healthy diet.");</routine>
- <routine name="default_drink">println("You can't drink that.");</routine>
- <routine name="quit_sub">println("[Note: you can't quit the test client]");</routine>
- <routine name="report_take">println("Taken.");</routine>
- <routine name="report_drop">println("Dropped.");</routine>
- <routine name="report_closed">println("Closed.");</routine>
- <routine name="report_wear">print("You put on the ");
- printname(dobj);
- println(".");</routine>
- <routine name="kill_conchita">println("You kill Conchita ");
- conchita.location= offscreen;
- ball_attack.location= offscreen;
- mirror.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_conchita">println("You passed Conchita obstacle ");
- conchita.location= offscreen;
- ball_attack.location= offscreen;
- mirror.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="kill_luigi">println("You kill Luigi ");
- luigi.location= offscreen;
- pipe_attack.location= offscreen;
- toilet_plumper.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_luigi">println("You passed Luigi obstacle ");
- luigi.location= offscreen;
- pipe_attack.location= offscreen;
- toilet_plumper.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="kill_jaws">println("You kill Jaws ");
- jaws.location= offscreen;
- dental_floss.location= offscreen;
- tooth_brush.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_jaws">println("You passed Jaws obstacle ");
- jaws.location= offscreen;
- dental_floss.location= offscreen;
- tooth_brush.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="kill_joker">println("You kill Joker ");
- joker.location= offscreen;
- full_house_attack.location= offscreen;
- half_a_deck_of_cards.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_joker">println("You passed Joker obstacle ");
- joker.location= offscreen;
- full_house_attack.location= offscreen;
- half_a_deck_of_cards.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="kill_dhalsim">println("You kill Dhalsim ");
- dhalsim.location= offscreen;
- chun_li_attack.location= offscreen;
- hairbrush.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_dhalsim">println("You passed Dhalsim obstacle ");
- dhalsim.location= offscreen;
- chun_li_attack.location= offscreen;
- hairbrush.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="kill_sauron">println("You kill Sauron ");
- sauron.location= offscreen;
- ring_attack.location= offscreen;
- palantir.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_sauron">println("You passed Sauron obstacle ");
- sauron.location= offscreen;
- ring_attack.location= offscreen;
- palantir.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="kill_thanos">println("You kill Thanos ");
- thanos.location= offscreen;
- infinity_attack.location= offscreen;
- infinity_stones.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_thanos">println("You passed Thanos obstacle ");
- thanos.location= offscreen;
- infinity_attack.location= offscreen;
- infinity_stones.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="kill_t_800">println("You kill T 800 ");
- t_800.location= offscreen;
- emp_attack.location= offscreen;
- future_cpu.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_t_800">println("You passed T 800 obstacle ");
- t_800.location= offscreen;
- emp_attack.location= offscreen;
- future_cpu.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="kill_van_damme">println("You kill Van Damme ");
- van_damme.location= offscreen;
- blind_attack.location= offscreen;
- torn_shirt.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_van_damme">println("You passed Van Damme obstacle ");
- van_damme.location= offscreen;
- blind_attack.location= offscreen;
- torn_shirt.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="kill_chuck_norris">println("You kill Chuck Norris ");
- chuck_norris.location= offscreen;
- god_attack.location= offscreen;
- holy_grail.location= player; </routine>
- <routine name="useon_chuck_norris">println("You passed Chuck Norris obstacle ");
- chuck_norris.location= offscreen;
- god_attack.location= offscreen;
- holy_grail.location= player; </routine>
- </routines>
- <CheckFunctions>
- <UserCheck name="check1_conchita">if ( conchita.location==player.location )
- {
- println("Conchita blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- <UserCheck name="check2_luigi">if ( luigi.location==player.location )
- {
- println("Luigi blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- <UserCheck name="check3_jaws">if ( jaws.location==player.location )
- {
- println("Jaws blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- <UserCheck name="check4_joker">if ( joker.location==player.location )
- {
- println("Joker blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- <UserCheck name="check5_dhalsim">if ( dhalsim.location==player.location )
- {
- println("Dhalsim blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- <UserCheck name="check6_sauron">if ( sauron.location==player.location )
- {
- println("Sauron blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- <UserCheck name="check7_thanos">if ( thanos.location==player.location )
- {
- println("Thanos blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- <UserCheck name="check8_t_800">if ( t_800.location==player.location )
- {
- println("T 800 blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- <UserCheck name="check9_van_damme">if ( van_damme.location==player.location )
- {
- println("Van Damme blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- <UserCheck name="check10_chuck_norris">if ( chuck_norris.location==player.location )
- {
- println("Chuck Norris blocks that exit! ");
- stop();
- }
- </UserCheck>
- </CheckFunctions>
- <events>
- <event name="same_room_conchita">if(conchita.location==player.location) println("You see Conchita in the room! You see a pretty figure near the door! It wears a Cinderella Dress ") ;
- </event>
- <event name="same_room_luigi">if(luigi.location==player.location) println("You see Luigi in the room! Smells like a sewer! ") ;
- </event>
- <event name="same_room_jaws">if(jaws.location==player.location) println("You see Jaws in the room! Jaws is an assassin. He was last seen swimming in the ocean after escaping from the Atlantis city ship on which Bond had killed Stromberg before it was torpedoed and sunk. ") ;
- </event>
- <event name="same_room_joker">if(joker.location==player.location) println("You see Joker in the room! He wants world piece in his free time! ") ;
- </event>
- <event name="same_room_dhalsim">if(dhalsim.location==player.location) println("You see Dhalsim in the room! Long smelly feet! ") ;
- </event>
- <event name="same_room_sauron">if(sauron.location==player.location) println("You see Sauron in the room! Big scary eye! ") ;
- </event>
- <event name="same_room_thanos">if(thanos.location==player.location) println("You see Thanos in the room! Using the power of the Infinity Stones. Thanos believes he can ultimately save the universe by wiping out half of its population. He wants to start with you! ") ;
- </event>
- <event name="same_room_t_800">if(t_800.location==player.location) println("You see T 800 in the room! He is back! ") ;
- </event>
- <event name="same_room_van_damme">if(van_damme.location==player.location) println("You see Van Damme in the room! When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Jean Claude Van Damme. ") ;
- </event>
- <event name="same_room_chuck_norris">if(chuck_norris.location==player.location) println("You see Chuck Norris in the room! In the Beginning there was nothing ... then Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked nothing and told it to get a job. Also,Chuck Norris can divide by zero.") ;</event>
- <event name="win_condition_chuck_norris">if(chuck_norris.location==offscreen) println("You killed Chuck Norris!!! You WON!") ;
- </event>
- </events>
- <variables>
- <builtin>
- <var name="dobj" addr="dobjId" value="0" />
- <var name="iobj" addr="iobjId" value="0" />
- <var name="score" addr="score" value="0" />
- <var name="moves" addr="moves" value="0" />
- <var name="health" addr="health" value="100" />
- <var name="turnsWithoutLight" addr="turnsWithoutLight" value="0" />
- <var name="gameOver" addr="gameOver" value="0" />
- <var name="answer" addr="answer" value="0" />
- <var name="maxWeight" addr="maxWeight" value="10" />
- <var name="invWeight" addr="invWeight" value="0" />
- <var name="couldSee" addr="couldSee" value="255" />
- <var name="canSee" addr="canSee" value="1" />
- <var name="iAnswer" addr="iAnswer" value="0" />
- <var name="itId" addr="itId" value="255" />
- </builtin>
- <user />
- </variables>
- <Arrays />
- <walkthrough>kill Conchita with ball attack,n,kill Luigi with pipe ,u,kill Jaws with dental floss ,u,Kill Joker with Full House Attack ,u,Kill Dhalsim with Chun Li Attack ,u,Kill Sauron With Ring Attack ,u,kill thanos with infinity attack ,u,kill t 800 with emp attack ,u,Kill Van Damme with Blind Attack ,u,kill Chuck Norris with God Attack</walkthrough>
- <BuildSettings>
- <SpectrumBorder>0</SpectrumBorder>
- <SpectrumPen>7</SpectrumPen>
- <SpectrumPaper>0</SpectrumPaper>
- <SpectrumFont />
- <BrightPalette>true</BrightPalette>
- <EnableGraphics>true</EnableGraphics>
- <C64LoadScreen />
- <CPMPostBuildScript />
- <C64Border>0</C64Border>
- <C64BG>2</C64BG>
- <C64FG>3</C64FG>
- <StatusLine>true</StatusLine>
- </BuildSettings>
- <StringDefs>
- <Strings>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>LeadingA</StringName>
- <Z80name>leadinga</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>leadingA</SF02Name>
- <Value>A </Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>The</StringName>
- <Z80name>the</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>the</SF02Name>
- <Value>The </Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Pardon</StringName>
- <Z80name>pardonstr</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>pardon</SF02Name>
- <Value>Pardon?</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>DontUnderstand</StringName>
- <Z80name>confused</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>confused</SF02Name>
- <Value>I don't follow you.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Done</StringName>
- <Z80name>done</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>done</SF02Name>
- <Value>Done.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Is</StringName>
- <Z80name>is</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>is</SF02Name>
- <Value> is...</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>InThe</StringName>
- <Z80name>inthe </Z80name>
- <SF02Name>inthe </SF02Name>
- <Value>In the </Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Onthe</StringName>
- <Z80name>onthe</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>onthe</SF02Name>
- <Value>On the </Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>NotOpenable</StringName>
- <Z80name>notopenable</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>notOpenable</SF02Name>
- <Value>That's not openable.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>NotCloseable</StringName>
- <Z80name>notcloseable</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>notcloseable</SF02Name>
- <Value>That's not closeable.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>AlreadyOpen</StringName>
- <Z80name>alreadyopen</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>alreadyOpen</SF02Name>
- <Value>It's already open.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>AlreadyClosed</StringName>
- <Z80name>alreadyclosed</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>alreadyClosed</SF02Name>
- <Value>It's already closed.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>AlreadyHave</StringName>
- <Z80name>alreadyhave</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>alreadyHave</SF02Name>
- <Value>You already have that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>CantTake</StringName>
- <Z80name>notportable</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>notPortable</SF02Name>
- <Value>You can't take that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>CantDo</StringName>
- <Z80name>cantDoThat</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>cantDoThat</SF02Name>
- <Value>You can't do that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Carrying</StringName>
- <Z80name>carrying</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>carrying</SF02Name>
- <Value>You are carrying...</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>TooHeavy</StringName>
- <Z80name>tooheavystr</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>tooHeavy</SF02Name>
- <Value>You can't carry any more.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>HaveNothing</StringName>
- <Z80name>noitems</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>emptyhanded</SF02Name>
- <Value>You are empty handed.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>CantSee</StringName>
- <Z80name>pitchdark</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>noLight</SF02Name>
- <Value>It is pitch dark.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>DontHave</StringName>
- <Z80name>donthave</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>dontHave</SF02Name>
- <Value>You don't have that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>DontSee</StringName>
- <Z80name>dontseestr</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>dontsee</SF02Name>
- <Value>You don't see that here.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>CantSeeIn</StringName>
- <Z80name>cantlook</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>noPeek</SF02Name>
- <Value>You can't see inside that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>FindNothing</StringName>
- <Z80name>nothing</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>itsEmpty</SF02Name>
- <Value>You find nothing.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>CantOpen</StringName>
- <Z80name>cantopen</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>cantopen</SF02Name>
- <Value>You can't open that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>CantEnter</StringName>
- <Z80name>noenter</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>noenter</SF02Name>
- <Value>You can't enter that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>NotContainer</StringName>
- <Z80name>notcontainer</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>notContainer</SF02Name>
- <Value>You can't put things in that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>NotSupporter</StringName>
- <Z80name>notsupporter</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>nosurface</SF02Name>
- <Value>You find no suitable surface.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>CantWear</StringName>
- <Z80name>notwearable</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>notwearable</SF02Name>
- <Value>You can't wear that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>AlreadyWearing</StringName>
- <Z80name>alreadyworn</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>alreadyWorn</SF02Name>
- <Value>You're already wearing that.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Opening</StringName>
- <Z80name>openingThe</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>openningThe</SF02Name>
- <Value>Opening the </Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Reveals</StringName>
- <Z80name>reveals</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>reveals</SF02Name>
- <Value> reveals...</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>ItsClosed</StringName>
- <Z80name>closed</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>itsClosed</SF02Name>
- <Value>It's closed.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>IsClosed</StringName>
- <Z80name>isclosed</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>isclosed</SF02Name>
- <Value> is closed.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>IsEmpty</StringName>
- <Z80name>isempty</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>isempty</SF02Name>
- <Value> is empty.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>IsLocked</StringName>
- <Z80name>isLocked</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>isLocked</SF02Name>
- <Value> is locked.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>ItsLocked</StringName>
- <Z80name>itslocked</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>itslocked</SF02Name>
- <Value>It's locked.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>DoorClosed</StringName>
- <Z80name>doorclosed</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>doorclosed</SF02Name>
- <Value>The door is closed.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>ThereIsA</StringName>
- <Z80name>thereisa</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>thereisa</SF02Name>
- <Value>There is a </Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Here</StringName>
- <Z80name>here</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>here</SF02Name>
- <Value> here.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Contains</StringName>
- <Z80name>contains</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>contains</SF02Name>
- <Value> contains...</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>ItsNotLocked</StringName>
- <Z80name>notlocked</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>notlocked</SF02Name>
- <Value>It's not locked.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>NotLockable</StringName>
- <Z80name>notLockable</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>notLockable</SF02Name>
- <Value>It's not locked.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>AlreadyLocked</StringName>
- <Z80name>alreadyLocked</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>alreadyLocked</SF02Name>
- <Value>It's already locked.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>AlreadyUnlocked</StringName>
- <Z80name>alreadyUnlocked</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>alreadyUnlocked</SF02Name>
- <Value>It's already unlocked.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>NotPossible</StringName>
- <Z80name>impossible</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>impossible</SF02Name>
- <Value>That's not possible.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>WhichWay</StringName>
- <Z80name />
- <SF02Name />
- <Value>I don't know which way that is.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>BadPut</StringName>
- <Z80name>badput</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>badput</SF02Name>
- <Value>That would violate the laws of physics.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>ProvidingLight</StringName>
- <Z80name>providingLight</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>providingLight</SF02Name>
- <Value> (providing light)</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>BeingWorn</StringName>
- <Z80name>beingworn</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>beingWorn</SF02Name>
- <Value> (being worn)</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>MissingNoun</StringName>
- <Z80name>missingnoun</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>missingDobj</SF02Name>
- <Value>Missing noun.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>MissingPrep</StringName>
- <Z80name>missingprep</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>missingPrep</SF02Name>
- <Value>Missing preposition.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>MissingNoun2</StringName>
- <Z80name>missing_io</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>missing_io</SF02Name>
- <Value>Missing second noun.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>BadWord</StringName>
- <Z80name>dontknowstr</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>badword</SF02Name>
- <Value>I don't know the word '</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>BadVerb</StringName>
- <Z80name>badverbstr</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>badverb</SF02Name>
- <Value>I don't know the verb '</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Ambiguous</StringName>
- <Z80name>ambigstr</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>ambig</SF02Name>
- <Value>I don't know which one you mean.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>Bye</StringName>
- <Z80name>bye</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>bye</SF02Name>
- <Value>Bye.</Value>
- </StringDef>
- <StringDef>
- <StringName>LeadingAn</StringName>
- <Z80name>leadingan</Z80name>
- <SF02Name>leadingAn</SF02Name>
- <Value>An </Value>
- </StringDef>
- </Strings>
- </StringDefs>
- <YouCantGoThatWay>You can't go that way.</YouCantGoThatWay>
- <DefaultDescription>You notice nothing unexpected.</DefaultDescription>
- </project>
- </xml>
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