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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use List::Priority;
- use List::AllUtils qw(firstidx);
- $| = 1;
- sub vec_sum ($$) { my ($v, $w) = @_; return ([$v->[0] + $w->[0], $v->[1] + $w->[1]]) }
- sub dist ($$) { my ($p, $q) = @_; return (abs($p->[0] - $q->[0]) + abs($p->[1] - $q->[1])) }
- # Including the option to wait in directions
- my @Dirs = ([1,0], [0,1], [-1,0], [0,-1], [0,0]);
- my @input = map {chomp; [split //]} <>;
- my $start_pos = [ 0, firstidx {$_ eq '.'} $input[0]->@* ];
- my $end_pos = [$#input, firstidx {$_ eq '.'} $input[-1]->@*];
- my $MAX_Y = scalar @input - 2;
- my $MAX_X = scalar $input[0]->@* - 2;
- push( @input, [('#') x ($MAX_X + 2)] ); # add sentinel row to bottom
- # Get hash of locations for each character in the valley
- my %blizz;
- foreach my $y (1 .. $MAX_Y) {
- foreach my $x (1 .. $MAX_X) {
- push( $blizz{ $input[$y][$x] }->@*, [$y,$x] );
- }
- }
- # Build two tables, one for vertical blizzards, one for horizontal
- # Tables are $VBlizz[ $time % (size of valley) ]{ coord } => number of blizzards
- # Thus giving the number of blizzards at a spot at a time (mod repeats)
- my @VBlizz;
- my @HBlizz;
- for (my $time = 0; $time < $MAX_Y; $time++) {
- for my $up ($blizz{'^'}->@*) {
- my $y = ($up->[0] - $time - 1) % $MAX_Y + 1;
- $VBlizz[$time]{$y, $up->[1]}++;
- }
- for my $down ($blizz{'v'}->@*) {
- my $y = ($down->[0] + $time - 1) % $MAX_Y + 1;
- $VBlizz[$time]{$y, $down->[1]}++;
- }
- }
- for (my $time = 0; $time < $MAX_X; $time++) {
- for my $left ($blizz{'<'}->@*) {
- my $x = ($left->[1] - $time - 1) % $MAX_X + 1;
- $HBlizz[$time]{$left->[0], $x}++;
- }
- for my $right ($blizz{'>'}->@*) {
- my $x = ($right->[1] + $time - 1) % $MAX_X + 1;
- $HBlizz[$time]{$right->[0], $x}++;
- }
- }
- # Function to print the valley for testing
- sub print_valley {
- my $time = shift @_;
- print "Time: $time\n";
- print '#' x ($MAX_X + 2), "\n";
- for my $y (1 .. $MAX_Y) {
- print '#';
- for my $x (1 .. $MAX_X) {
- my $num = ($VBlizz[$time % $MAX_Y]{$y,$x} // 0)
- + ($HBlizz[$time % $MAX_X]{$y,$x} // 0);
- print( ($num == 0) ? '.' : $num );
- }
- print "#\n";
- }
- print '#' x ($MAX_X + 2), "\n";
- }
- #
- # A* Search Time!
- #
- sub cross_valley {
- my ($begin, $start, $end) = @_;
- my $queue = new List::Priority;
- $queue->insert( 0, [$begin, $start] );
- my $count = 0;
- my %visit;
- while (my ($time, $pos) = ($queue->shift)->@*) {
- print ::stderr "[$time : ", $queue->size(), "] ($pos->[0],$pos->[1]) \r" if ($count++ % 10000 == 0);
- if ($pos->[0] == $end->[0] && $pos->[1] == $end->[1]) {
- print ::stderr "\nAcross at $time\n";
- return ($time);
- }
- # Circling back here later might be correct.
- # Coming back at the exact same time, no.
- next QUEUE if ($visit{$time, $pos->[0], $pos->[1]}++);
- foreach my $d (@Dirs) {
- my $npos = vec_sum( $pos, $d );
- next MOVE if (exists $VBlizz[($time + 1) % $MAX_Y]{$npos->[0], $npos->[1]}
- or exists $HBlizz[($time + 1) % $MAX_X]{$npos->[0], $npos->[1]});
- next MOVE if ($input[$npos->[0]][$npos->[1]] eq '#');
- # Add distance to end as heuristic (minimal number of steps)
- $queue->insert( $time + 1 + &dist($npos, $end), [$time + 1, $npos] );
- }
- }
- }
- my $time = &cross_valley( 0, $start_pos, $end_pos );
- print "Part 1: $time\n";
- # Silly elf! Next time don't forget your snacks!
- $time = &cross_valley( $time, $end_pos, $start_pos );
- $time = &cross_valley( $time, $start_pos, $end_pos );
- print "Part 2: $time\n";
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