

Jan 13th, 2012
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  1. Recently, efforts have been made to ease the tension between the humans and the various youkai. One such effort involved establishing an experimental school for students looking for something out of the ordinary. It is located far from civilization in order to prevent hostility, importing food and other goods and allowing students to live at the dorms. Though it is an experimental school, great amounts of money have been put into it in order to ensure the highest possible comfort, so the humans and youkai get along. The school also delves into some form of magic, which includes required courses and as a whole is important to survival, as other more hostile youkai make their homes in the nearby woods. Additionally, youkai tend to be more affiliated with magic while the humans are not. So it serves as a sort of death-prevention method, although after the first year, they realized this means students tend to pick more fights since they have power to back them up.
  2. It’s officially the second year. Having taken only younger students, graduation stands far out of reach. This was done intentionally so students didn’t have the weight of entrance examinations on their shoulders, and could focus on a much different life. Most of these students have come for the new excitement, as well as the more artistic approach the school offers, rather than the more technical and traditional means of study.
  3. Being detached from society, the school has little protection from the world directly around it. Students are forbidden to leave the confines of the school, lest they be killed by the hostile, ferocious creatures about. Now and then though, their classes require that they drive these creatures away, though target difficulty is specifically lowered while professors deal with the tougher enemies. Students are taught to fly with an object or unaided, and use various spells to attack their enemies.
  4. The main characters of the story are as follows. However, not all of the “couples” start out as romantically involved with each other (where would the work be?):
  5. Chitose Tamamura is a human who had long believed youkai were just the subjects of stories meant to terrify children. She is young and naïve, but keeps her friends close. Starting anew is a challenge for her, so she looks to her superiors for guidance, but keeps her distance.
  6. Shizuka Kadomatsu is a second-year, a charismatic girl of few words, preferring action over long conversations. She has taken a higher position, operating as any normal student but with greater responsibility. Revered by many, she chooses her friends carefully, avoiding those who might have ill intents. Her intuition is well-known, and she is always able to sense when something is wrong. However, she keeps her emotional side well hidden, and few people have seen her smile or cry.
  7. Ayumi Aozaki (I’ll let you design most of her character). An academic girl with good performance, Ayumi has trouble making friends due to her passive nature. However, she was able to befriend the shoujou Satsuki, when she expressed interest in her crippled legs. She is reserved and patient when it comes to Satsuki’s frustration, but does not understand the vast differences between humans and youkai.
  8. Satsuki Kurushima is a shoujou, an alcohol-loving youkai bound to the water. Though she is capable of walking on land, her legs are weak, so she can’t traverse great distances. She is prone to tripping, is easily embarrassed, and handles this embarrassment with backlashing and harsh comments. She has few friends and blames it on her inability to walk among them. Rather than living in the dorms, makes her home in the nearby lake, and is frequently found in the bath.
  9. Takako Fujimura is a rabbit youkai, an energetic yet proud girl who frequently picks fights with those she feels are lesser. Mature for her age, she is looking for a higher position in the school. Has a bit of a running rivalry when it comes to her classmate Minami. Whenever possible, they compete in scores, performance, and even their creative outlets. However, when there is nothing to compete in, they can have fairly normal conversations. Though pretentious, she is protective of her friends and even her enemies, refusing to share them with others.
  10. Minami Miyanaga is a cat youkai, prodded by her classmates for appearing so young. She is sometimes overly friendly, getting on a first-name basis early on, and has little regard for personal space. She has an affinity for games and sweets, and takes pleasure in eavesdropping and playing the occasional prank.
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