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- #include <Wire.h>
- //#include <BMP085.h>
- #include <Adafruit_BMP085.h>
- #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
- uint8_t bukva1[8] = {
- B00100,
- B01110,
- B11111,
- B00100,
- B00100,
- B00100,
- B00100
- };
- uint8_t bukva2[8] = {
- B11100,
- B10100,
- B11100,
- B00000,
- B00000,
- B00000,
- B00000
- };
- LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // Для экрана 16х2 (двухстрочный)
- //BMP085 dps = BMP085();
- Adafruit_BMP085 dps;
- long vario=0,vario2=0;
- long Pressure = 0;
- float Temperature = 0, Altitude = 0;
- const int n=20;
- const byte buzzPin=3;
- //int delta=0;
- //const byte ledPin = 13;
- unsigned long time1=0,time2=0;
- int ibuf;
- int t1=0,t2=0;
- unsigned long tim[20],al[20];
- long QFE=0;
- void setup(void) {
- // Serial.begin(115200);
- Wire.begin();
- delay(1000);
- if (!dps.begin()) {
- Serial.println("Could not find a valid BMP085 sensor, check wiring!");
- while (1) {}
- }
- lcd.init();
- lcd.backlight();
- lcd.noCursor();
- lcd.createChar(0,bukva1);
- lcd.createChar(1,bukva2);
- QFE=dps.readPressure(); // Set ongroung pressure and now Altitude=0
- }
- void loop() {
- int i;
- float dg;
- if (((millis() - time1)/1000.0) >= 5.0) {
- // dps.calcTrueTemperature();
- Temperature = dps.readTemperature();
- time1 = millis();
- }
- t1++;
- t2++;
- // t3++;
- // t4++;
- if (t1 >= 10) {t1=0;noTone(buzzPin);}
- if (t2 >= 6) {t2=0;noTone(buzzPin);}
- //if (vario < 0) noTone(buzzPin);
- if (vario > -5 && vario < -2) tone(buzzPin, 350); //Sink :-(
- if (vario <= -5 ) tone(buzzPin, 250); // Falling ;-((
- //if (vario <= -5 ) tone(buzzPin, 300);
- if (vario < 5 && vario > 1 && t1 == 5) { tone(buzzPin, 1444); } //Climbing !!
- if (vario >= 5 && t2 ==3 ) { tone(buzzPin, 1888);} // Termic !!!!
- Altitude = (dps.readAltitude(QFE)*100);
- //Altitude+=10;
- ibuf++;
- if (ibuf > n-1) ibuf=0;
- al[ibuf]=Altitude;
- tim[ibuf]=millis(); //ibuf*delta;
- /*
- // test
- for (i=0;i<n;i++){
- al[i]=i;
- tim[i]=i;
- ibuf=0;
- }
- */
- long xs,ys,xys,xxs;
- xs=0;
- ys=0;
- xys=0;
- xxs=0;
- for ( i=0;i < n;i++){
- xs+=tim[i]-tim[0];
- ys+=al[i]-al[0];
- xys+=(tim[i]-tim[0])*(al[i]-al[0]);
- xxs+=(tim[i]-tim[0])*(tim[i]-tim[0]);
- }
- xs=xs;
- ys=ys;
- xys=xys;
- xxs=xxs;
- //float tmp=0.0;
- dg=(xs*xs/n - xxs);
- //tmp= (xs*ys - xys*n)/dg*10;
- /*
- if (abs(dg) > 0.0001)
- vario = (xs*ys - xys*n)/dg*10;
- else
- vario =99.9;
- */
- vario=(xs*ys/n-xys)/dg*100;//(long)tmp;
- //vario=10;
- vario2=(vario+0.9*vario2);
- if (((millis() - time2)/1000.0) >= 1.0) {
- lcd.clear();
- lcd.setCursor(0,0);
- if (vario >= 0)
- lcd.write(0);
- else
- lcd.print("\-");
- lcd.setCursor(2,0);
- lcd.print( abs(vario*0.1),1 );
- lcd.setCursor(8,0);
- if (vario2 >= 0)
- lcd.write(0);
- else
- lcd.print("\-");
- lcd.setCursor(10,0);
- lcd.print(abs(vario2)*0.01,1);
- lcd.print("m/s");
- lcd.setCursor(0,1);
- lcd.print( "A=");
- lcd.print( int(Altitude*0.01));
- lcd.print("m");
- lcd.setCursor(8,1);
- lcd.print("T=");
- lcd.print(Temperature); // *0.1,1);
- lcd.write(1);
- lcd.print("C");
- time2=millis();
- }
- /*
- Serial.print(" U Alt(cm): ");
- Serial.print(Altitude);
- //Serial.print(" P(hPa): ");
- //Serial.print(Pressure*0.01);
- Serial.print(" V: ");
- Serial.print(vario*0.1);
- Serial.print(" V2: ");
- Serial.print(vario2*0.1);
- Serial.print(" T: ");
- Serial.println(Temperature*0.1);
- */
- delay(100);
- }
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