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- DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
- DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
- Kalos: last time on spaceknights, our heroes spent two weeks getting their shit all together, and got aboard their space ship- all getting settled in.
- Kalos: The ship is pretty bare except for its role, and it's mainly meant for two things- stealth and sensors. its a spy ship through and through.
- Kalos: And now that they hve their affairs in order, it would be time for them all to get their first mission- still board the space station, but now on their ship- everyone needs to gather their things and get to the common room, where they'd be having an encrypted call with Runi
- Cyril: _hopes the spaceport customs on **this** station at least are fine with the "it's okay we're spaceknights" excuse for all the stuff they'll be carrying through :B_
- Kalos: they are, actually. Once Runi got to them.
- Kalos: And raised a little hell about coalition security
- Cyril: ~~thanks, birdmom~~
- Miri: _sighs. She felt like she'd just gotten used again to life on the station, which is a *little* weird as she's pretty sure she never left. She packs up her belongings - extra outfits, her tools of the trade, maintenance supplies, and a small box of other miscellany - and makes her way to the common room._
- Kalos: Your ship's all decked out in what is basically military sensor absorbant paint and all that- it doesn't look like a civilian ship. too clean for a pirate's
- Keith: _Keith packs his things, this will be the **first** time he will leave this station, he is a little bit nervous with the prospect, but also a bit excited, he might even be able to see what a **sky** looks like! He eventually goes to the common room, with his belingings._
- Miri: (So our ship is designed not to stand out, but parked like this among other ships, *it stands out.* XD)
- Kalos: its designed more not to be seen than not to stand out.
- Kalos: (you'd also later find its hull has a chameleon skin on it too!)
- Kalos: (once one of you looked long enough in the control room
- Kalos: so you can actually have it display arbitrary paint schemes
- Kalos: be wary of breaking intergalactic treaties
- Cyril: _shows up, predictably, with a spacesuit and pack full of grenades. He looks very ready._
- Keith: (What are the intergalactic treaties?)
- Keith: (Also, <@!Cyril> , most of us live together, we will probably get there together 😛 )
- Kalos: basically don't pretend to be a warship from some *other* place.
- Keith: (Gotha)
- Keith: (Or, don't get caught doing it)
- Kalos: at least in battle or during an active war
- Kalos: yea.
- Kalos: If you're snooping around as a spy/don't intend on doing any shooting at the time, its more okay.
- Kalos: laws of war and espionage can be weired.
- Kalos: (is <@!Dominic> about?)
- Kalos: Now then- as you all sit at what is basically the dining room table in the galley- you get the call from Runi for your first assignment-
- Kalos: unless one of you for some reason delays the call
- Cyril: _doesn't think they have any reason to delay it?_
- Keith: _~~Koshy~~ Keith attempts to explore the ship, and see which are the best quarters_
- Miri: _plays idly with an old yo-yo as she waits with the others for the call to start._
- Kalos: While keith's out, Runi pops up on the screen, sitting at large fancy table with a freshly laser cut name plate/triangular prism thingy.
- Kalos: "Hello- Is this thing working?"
- Cyril: _waves to the screen!_
- Miri: "You're coming in loud and clear, Ms. Thistle. Er...or should we call you Runi? Commander?"
- Kalos: "While we're not yelling over gunfire, Commander Thistle will do. But if the situation is a bit more dire, 'Runi' wil do." she began to explain
- Keith: (Is that going to be a code?)
- Kalos: "So, we have work for you to do- And this is maybe a bit more intense than I wanted it to be."
- Kalos: On your display, about half of it is taken up by a star map and the image of a planet- it sort of cuts Runi in half until she slides her chair and herself overto her right a couple of feet to stay in camera shot.
- Cyril: (pff, high-tech solutions)
- Kalos: "This is Ranias II. in short, this is a low-tech world buried well within our space. Since the galactic council existed, it was known for a while this planet held reserves of some rather rare and interesting alloys, but since there was sapient life there, it's been decided to bar all access."
- Keith: (I wonder if she'll notice Keith is missing XD)
- Kalos: She notices.
- Kalos: She just doesn't say anything.
- Keith: (Oh, I see)
- Miri: "So someone's making a play for the planet?"
- Kalos: "Sort of."
- Kalos: "In the past 2 months though, a mining company has started to make use of it all. we only found out when suddenly the price for the comodity took a dive and market analysts were trying to find out why."
- Miri: _is excited. This is sounding like the kind of job she'd love._
- Kalos: "in truth, Narirela would very much like to just come in and take the place over. Without glassing it. but that takes a lot of time, effort, and manpower to do that we just don't have for right now."
- Kalos: "The concern is that technology may be leaking into the hands of the natives."
- Miri: _raises an eyebrow. This is sounding less like the kind of job she'd love._
- Kalos: "and we don't want a sudden surprise in times like this."
- Kalos: "So, your mission then, is to find out what technology has been leaked, get the miners to leave, and if possible, retrieve or destroy such equipment."
- Kalos: "the place is 3 days away by hyperspace from your position with that ship. The natives from our very limited knowledge were last known to be developing primitive aircraft. That was 40 years ago."
- Keith: (Biplanes?)
- Kalos: "Any questions?"
- Keith: (Do they have nukes?)
- Miri: "Uh. How long have the miners been on the planet?"
- Kalos: "hyperspace signals were first detected two months ago. We believe this is the miners because it is a great leap in technology to make in 40 years,"
- Kalos: "and the comoditiy coincidence."
- Kalos: "Most of it sold through Targas Minding Concern, Limited."
- Miri: "Huh." Miri is counting years on her fingers. 40 years of advancement...if they're like the Chater, that means they might *still* be strapping propellers to hot air balloons, but if their growth curve is more like Mars...well, she knows they had *nuclear weapons* within half a century of the Wright Brothers.
- Keith: (Jeez, I am regretting having Keith out of the scene)
- Cyril: "How's Targas's security?"
- Miri: "So, uh. 40 years of isolation." She looks at the others present. "How do we blend in? Obviously we'll stand out, unless the planet happens to be populated by Chater, androids, and modified Martians..."
- Miri: "Will we havea cover, or are we just supposed to avoid detection?"
- Kalos: "Targas' security procurements are unknown- but we don't have evidence of large orders of mercenaries within our core worlds."
- Miri: "So if there's something shooting at us, it'll probably be okay to shoot back."
- Kalos: "the planet seems to be populated by a species of scaled bipeds- they don't have a proper name yet. except perhaps Ranians"
- Kalos:
- Kalos: "it's alright to shoot back, but we'd also prefer not to have there be a long term hatred of spacemen from them. It'l make future operations easier."
- Kalos: "as for cover, You will have a cruiser nearby doing training misions- at some points in its actions it will be within minutes response, at others, a day."
- Kalos: "they aren't told of the nature of your mission, of course, but will do as you command if they think they can achieve it."
- Kalos:
- Kalos: !end
- Kalos: !end
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