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- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
- local CoreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui")
- hookfunction(gcinfo, function()
- return math.random(1500, 2500)
- end)
- local repo = ""
- local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. "Library.lua"))()
- local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. "addons/SaveManager.lua"))()
- local ThemeManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. "addons/ThemeManager.lua"))()
- local protect_gui = syn and syn.protect_gui or function(obj: Instance) end
- -- Constants:
- local WEAPON_NAMES = { "Weapon1", "Weapon2", "Weapon3" }
- local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
- local Camera = Workspace.CurrentCamera
- local Map = Workspace:WaitForChild("Map")
- local ZombiesFolder = Workspace:WaitForChild("Baddies")
- local IgnoreFolder = Workspace:WaitForChild("Ignore")
- local InteractFolder = Workspace:WaitForChild("Interact")
- local CurrentRound = Workspace:WaitForChild("RoundNum")
- local Circle ="Circle")
- -- Variables:
- local aimTarget = nil
- local botTarget = nil
- local aimbotting = false
- local weaponScript = nil
- local inputBeganFunc = nil
- local playerVisuals = {}
- local zombieVisuals = {}
- local crateVisuals = {}
- local zombieMovers = {}
- local zombieIgnore = {}
- -- Functions:
- local function isCharacterValid(character: Model)
- if character and character:IsA("Model") then
- local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")
- if humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 then
- local root = character.PrimaryPart or character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if root then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function isPositionVisible(position: Vector3)
- local raycastParams =
- local ignore = { IgnoreFolder, ZombiesFolder }
- for i, v in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local character = v.Character
- if character then
- table.insert(ignore, character)
- end
- end
- raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = ignore
- raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
- -- Raycast to the position:
- local origin = Camera.CFrame.Position
- local direction = (position - origin)
- local result = Workspace:Raycast(Camera.CFrame.Position, direction, raycastParams)
- return result == nil
- end
- local function getAimbotTarget(mouse: Vector2)
- local target = nil
- local distance = math.huge
- local visible = false
- for i, v in ipairs(ZombiesFolder:GetChildren()) do
- if isCharacterValid(v) and not zombieIgnore[v] then
- local root = v.HumanoidRootPart
- local position = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(root.Position)
- if position.Z > 0 then
- position =, position.Y)
- local mouseDistance = (position - mouse).Magnitude
- if mouseDistance < Options.Aimbot_FOV.Value then
- local magnitude = (root.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).Magnitude
- local canSee = isPositionVisible(root.Position)
- if magnitude < distance or (canSee and not visible) then
- target = v
- distance = magnitude
- visible = canSee
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return target
- end
- local function onMapChild(child: Instance)
- if child.Name == "IceBlock" then
- local weld: WeldConstraint = child:WaitForChild("WeldConstraint", 5)
- if weld and weld.Part1 then
- local zombie = weld.Part1.Parent
- if isCharacterValid(zombie) then
- zombieIgnore[zombie] = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function onZombieAdded(zombie: Model) -- Fires on Zombie added
- if zombieVisuals[zombie] then
- return
- end
- zombieIgnore[zombie] = nil
- -- Constants:
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- zombieVisuals[zombie] = highlight
- -- Listeners:
- local function onDestroy()
- highlight:Destroy()
- zombieVisuals[zombie] = nil
- end
- -- Listeners:
- zombie.Destroying:Connect(onDestroy)
- -- Actions:
- highlight.Adornee = zombie
- highlight.Enabled = Toggles.Zombie_Chams.Value
- highlight.FillColor =, 1, 0)
- highlight.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
- highlight.RobloxLocked = true
- protect_gui(highlight)
- highlight.Parent = CoreGui
- end
- local function onInteractAdded(interact: Instance) -- Fires on Interact Item added
- if interact.Name ~= "MysteryBox" or crateVisuals[interact] then
- return
- end
- -- Constants:
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- crateVisuals[interact] = highlight
- -- Listeners:
- local function onDestroy()
- highlight:Destroy()
- crateVisuals[interact] = nil
- end
- -- Listeners:
- interact.Destroying:Connect(onDestroy)
- -- Actions:
- highlight.Adornee = interact
- highlight.Enabled = Toggles.Zombie_Chams.Value
- highlight.FillColor =, 1, 0)
- highlight.FillTransparency = 0.75
- highlight.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
- highlight.RobloxLocked = true
- protect_gui(highlight)
- highlight.Parent = CoreGui
- end
- local function onPlayerAdded(player: Player) -- Fires on Player joined
- -- Constants:
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- playerVisuals[player] = highlight
- -- Listeners:
- local function onCharacterAdded(character: Model)
- highlight.Adornee = character
- end
- -- Listeners:
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(onCharacterAdded)
- -- Actions:
- local character = player.Character
- if character then
- onCharacterAdded(character)
- end
- highlight.Enabled = Toggles.Player_Chams.Value
- highlight.FillColor =, 0.5, 1)
- highlight.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
- highlight.RobloxLocked = true
- protect_gui(highlight)
- highlight.Parent = CoreGui
- end
- local function onPlayerRemoving(player: Player) -- Fires on Player left
- -- Destroys Highlight:
- local highlight = playerVisuals[player]
- if highlight then
- highlight:Destroy()
- end
- -- Cleanup:
- playerVisuals[player] = nil
- end
- local function onCharacterAdded(character: Model) -- Fires on Character added
- weaponScript = character:WaitForChild("WeaponScript")
- -- Obtain Locals:
- inputBeganFunc = nil
- repeat
- task.wait(0.1)
- for i, v in ipairs(getgc()) do
- if type(v) == "function" then
- local script = getfenv(v).script
- if script and script == weaponScript then
- local constants = debug.getconstants(v)
- if table.find(constants, Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) then
- inputBeganFunc = v
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- until inputBeganFunc
- end
- -- Interface:
- do
- Library:SetWatermark("Linoria Community (OminousVibes)")
- Library:Notify("Loading UI...")
- local Window = Library:CreateWindow("Project Lazarus")
- do -- Gameplay
- local Tab = Window:AddTab("Gameplay")
- do -- Silent Aim
- local Container = Tab:AddLeftTabbox("Silent Aim")
- local Aimbot = Container:AddTab("Silent Aim")
- Aimbot
- :AddToggle("Aimbot", { Text = "Enabled", Default = false })
- :AddKeyPicker("Aimbot", { Text = "Silent Aim", Default = "G" })
- Aimbot
- :AddToggle("Aimbot_Circle", { Text = "Show Circle", Default = false })
- :AddColorPicker("Aimbot_Circle", { Title = "Circle Color", Default =, 1, 1) })
- local Advanced = Container:AddTab("Advanced")
- Advanced:AddSlider(
- "Aimbot_FOV",
- { Text = "Circle Radius", Min = 25, Max = 500, Default = 100, Rounding = 0, Suffix = "px" }
- )
- Advanced:AddSlider(
- "Aimbot_Thicknesss",
- { Text = "Circle Thickness", Min = 0, Max = 10, Default = 1, Rounding = 1, Suffix = "px" }
- )
- end
- do -- Modifications
- local Container = Tab:AddRightTabbox("Modifications")
- local Guns = Container:AddTab("Guns")
- Guns:AddToggle("Gun_Clip", { Text = "Infinite Clip", Default = false })
- Guns:AddToggle("Gun_Ammo", { Text = "Infinite Ammo", Default = false })
- Guns:AddToggle("Gun_HK", { Text = "One Hit Kill", Default = false })
- Guns:AddToggle("Gun_Piercing", { Text = "High Penetration", Default = false })
- local Char = Container:AddTab("Character")
- Char:AddToggle("Character_Speed", { Text = "Speed Hack", Default = false })
- local Zomb = Container:AddTab("Zombies")
- Zomb:AddToggle("Zombie_Freeze", { Text = "Freeze Zombies", Default = false })
- end
- do -- AFK Bot
- local Container = Tab:AddRightGroupbox("AFK Bot")
- Container:AddToggle("Bot_Enabled", { Text = "Enabled", Default = false })
- Container:AddSlider(
- "Bot_Radius",
- { Text = "Shoot Distance", Min = 10, Max = 100, Default = 25, Rounding = 0, Suffix = " studs" }
- )
- end
- end
- do -- Visuals
- local Tab = Window:AddTab("Visuals")
- do -- Visuals
- local Container = Tab:AddLeftTabbox("Visuals")
- local Zombies = Container:AddTab("Humanoids")
- Zombies:AddToggle("Player_Chams", { Text = "Players", Default = true })
- Zombies:AddToggle("Zombie_Chams", { Text = "Zombies", Default = true })
- local Others = Container:AddTab("Others")
- Others:AddToggle("Crate_Chams", { Text = "Mystery Box", Default = false })
- end
- do -- World Render
- local Container = Tab:AddRightGroupbox("World Render")
- Container:AddLabel("Work in progress")
- end
- end
- do -- Settings
- local Tab = Window:AddTab("Settings")
- ThemeManager:SetLibrary(Library)
- SaveManager:SetLibrary(Library)
- ThemeManager:SetFolder("OminousVibes")
- SaveManager:SetFolder("OminousVibes/project-lazarus")
- SaveManager:IgnoreThemeSettings()
- SaveManager:SetIgnoreIndexes({ "MenuKeybind" })
- SaveManager:BuildConfigSection(Tab)
- ThemeManager:ApplyToTab(Tab)
- local Menu = Tab:AddLeftGroupbox("Menu")
- Menu:AddButton("Unload", function()
- Library:Unload()
- end)
- Menu:AddLabel("Menu bind"):AddKeyPicker("MenuKeybind", { Default = "End", NoUI = true, Text = "Menu keybind" })
- Menu:AddToggle("Keybinds", { Text = "Show Keybinds Menu", Default = true }):OnChanged(function()
- Library.KeybindFrame.Visible = Toggles.Keybinds.Value
- end)
- Menu:AddToggle("Watermark", { Text = "Show Watermark", Default = true }):OnChanged(function()
- Library:SetWatermarkVisibility(Toggles.Watermark.Value)
- end)
- end
- Library:Notify("UI Loaded")
- end
- -- Listeners:
- RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(deltaTime)
- -- Aimbot:
- local mouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
- if Toggles.Aimbot.Value and Options.Aimbot:GetState() then
- aimTarget = getAimbotTarget(mouseLocation)
- aimbotting = true
- else
- aimTarget = nil
- aimbotting = false
- end
- if Circle.Visible then
- Circle.Position = mouseLocation
- end
- -- Gun Mods:
- local equipped = getrenv()._G.Equipped
- if equipped then
- if Toggles.Gun_Clip.Value then
- equipped.Ammo = equipped.MagSize
- end
- if Toggles.Gun_Ammo.Value then
- equipped.StoredAmmo = equipped.MaxAmmo
- end
- if Toggles.Gun_HK.Value then
- equipped.HeadShot = 100 + (CurrentRound.Value * 50)
- equipped.TorsoShot = 100 + (CurrentRound.Value * 50)
- equipped.LimbShot = 100 + (CurrentRound.Value * 50)
- end
- if Toggles.Gun_Piercing.Value then
- equipped.BulletPenetration = 250
- end
- end
- -- Character Mods:
- -- Zombie Mods:
- if Toggles.Zombie_Freeze.Value then
- for _, zombie in ipairs(ZombiesFolder:GetChildren()) do
- if isCharacterValid(zombie) then
- local root = zombie.PrimaryPart
- if root then
- local distance = (root.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).Magnitude
- if distance < 30 and not zombieMovers[zombie] then
- local bodyMover ="BodyPosition")
- zombieMovers[zombie] = bodyMover
- bodyMover.MaxForce = * math.huge
- bodyMover.P = 1e4
- bodyMover.Position = root.Position +, 4, 0)
- bodyMover.RobloxLocked = true
- bodyMover.Parent = root
- local connection
- connection = zombie.AncestryChanged:Connect(function()
- connection:Disconnect()
- bodyMover:Destroy()
- zombieMovers[zombie] = nil
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Toggles.Bot_Enabled:OnChanged(function()
- if not Toggles.Bot_Enabled.Value then
- return
- end
- -- Variables:
- local aiming = false
- -- Bot Logic:
- while Toggles.Bot_Enabled.Value do
- local character = LocalPlayer.Character
- if weaponScript and inputBeganFunc then
- while Toggles.Bot_Enabled.Value and isCharacterValid(character) do
- local target = nil
- local distance = Options.Bot_Radius.Value or 25
- local zombies = ZombiesFolder:GetChildren()
- for i, v in ipairs(zombies) do
- if isCharacterValid(v) and not zombieIgnore[v] then
- local root: BasePart = v.HumanoidRootPart
- if isPositionVisible(root.Position) then
- local magnitude = (root.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).Magnitude
- if magnitude < distance then
- target = v
- distance = magnitude
- end
- end
- end
- end
- botTarget = target
- if target then
- Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame:Lerp(
-, target.HumanoidRootPart.Position),
- 0.5
- )
- task.defer(getsenv(weaponScript).AimGun)
- aiming = true
- local input = {
- UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1,
- KeyCode = nil,
- UserInputState = Enum.UserInputState.Begin,
- }
- task.defer(inputBeganFunc, input, false)
- task.delay(0.05, function()
- input.UserInputState = Enum.UserInputState.End
- end)
- else
- if aiming then
- task.defer(getsenv(weaponScript).UnAimGun)
- aiming = false
- end
- task.defer(inputBeganFunc, {
- UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard,
- KeyCode = Enum.KeyCode.R,
- UserInputState = Enum.UserInputState.Begin,
- }, false)
- end
- RunService.RenderStepped:Wait()
- end
- end
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end)
- Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded)
- Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(onPlayerRemoving)
- LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(onCharacterAdded)
- ZombiesFolder.ChildAdded:Connect(onZombieAdded)
- InteractFolder.ChildAdded:Connect(onInteractAdded)
- Workspace:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CurrentCamera"):Connect(function()
- local camera = Workspace.CurrentCamera
- if camera then
- Camera = camera
- end
- end)
- Workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
- if child.Name == "Map" then
- child.ChildAdded:Connect(onMapChild)
- end
- end)
- do -- UI Listeners
- -- Aimbot:
- Toggles.Aimbot:OnChanged(function()
- Circle.Visible = Toggles.Aimbot.Value and Toggles.Aimbot_Circle.Value
- end)
- Toggles.Aimbot_Circle:OnChanged(function()
- Circle.Visible = Toggles.Aimbot.Value and Toggles.Aimbot_Circle.Value
- end)
- Options.Aimbot_Circle:OnChanged(function()
- Circle.Color = Options.Aimbot_Circle.Value
- end)
- Options.Aimbot_FOV:OnChanged(function()
- Circle.Radius = Options.Aimbot_FOV.Value
- end)
- Options.Aimbot_Thicknesss:OnChanged(function()
- Circle.Thickness = Options.Aimbot_Thicknesss.Value
- end)
- -- Zombie Mods:
- Toggles.Zombie_Freeze:OnChanged(function()
- if not Toggles.Zombie_Freeze.Value then
- for i, v in pairs(zombieMovers) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- zombieMovers = {}
- end
- end)
- -- Visual:
- Toggles.Player_Chams:OnChanged(function()
- for player, highlight in pairs(playerVisuals) do
- highlight.Enabled = Toggles.Player_Chams.Value
- end
- end)
- Toggles.Zombie_Chams:OnChanged(function()
- for zombie, highlight in pairs(zombieVisuals) do
- highlight.Enabled = Toggles.Zombie_Chams.Value
- end
- end)
- Toggles.Crate_Chams:OnChanged(function()
- for crate, highlight in pairs(crateVisuals) do
- highlight.Enabled = Toggles.Crate_Chams.Value
- end
- end)
- end
- -- MetaHooks:
- local __index
- __index = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", function(self: Instance, index)
- if not checkcaller() then
- local script = getcallingscript()
- if script == weaponScript then
- if typeof(self) == "Instance" then
- local target = nil
- if Toggles.Bot_Enabled.Value then
- target = botTarget
- elseif aimbotting then
- target = aimTarget
- end
- if target then
- if index == "CFrame" then
- if self == Camera then
- local head = target:FindFirstChild("HeadBox")
- if head then
- local origin = __index(Camera, "CFrame").Position
- return, head.Position)
- end
- end
- if __index(self, "Name") == "AimPart" and self:IsA("BasePart") then
- local head = target:FindFirstChild("HeadBox")
- if head then
- local origin = __index(Camera, "CFrame").Position
- return + (head.Position - origin) / 2)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return __index(self, index)
- end)
- -- Actions:
- Circle.Transparency = 0.9
- Circle.NumSides = 25
- Circle.Thickness = Options.Aimbot_Thicknesss.Value
- Circle.Color = Options.Aimbot_Circle.Value
- for i, v in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= LocalPlayer then
- task.defer(onPlayerAdded, v)
- end
- end
- if LocalPlayer.Character then
- task.defer(onCharacterAdded, LocalPlayer.Character)
- end
- for i, v in ipairs(ZombiesFolder:GetChildren()) do
- task.defer(onZombieAdded, v)
- end
- for i, v in ipairs(InteractFolder:GetChildren()) do
- task.defer(onInteractAdded, v)
- end
- return Library:Notify("[Project Lazarus] Loaded!")
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