

May 13th, 2021
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  2. for i, v in pairs(whitelist) do
  3. if i == "UserId" then
  4. if player.UserId == v then
  5. enable = true
  6. end
  7. end
  8. end
  10. if enable then
  12. --WhiteList
  13. if 1 == 1 then
  14. local function Message(text, color)
  15. game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {
  16. Text = text,
  17. Color = color,
  18. })
  19. end
  20. rconsoleprint('---------------------Sin HUB WHITELIST--------------------- \n')
  21. Message("Checking your whitelist....",, 62, 255))
  22. rconsoleprint('Checking your whitelist.... \n')
  23. wait(0.3)
  24. rconsoleprint('Whitelist valid loading the hub\n')
  25. Message("Whitelist valid loading the hub",, 62, 255))
  26. wait(0.5)
  27. rconsoleprint('Game found loading the ui \n')
  28. Message("Game found loading the ui",, 62, 255))
  29. wait(0.2)
  30. rconsoleprint('Ui loaded welcome to Sin hub!\n')
  31. Message("Ui loaded welcome to Sin hub!",, 62, 255))
  32. rconsoleprint('---------------------WHITELIST SUCCEEDED---------------------')
  34. if game.PlaceId == 3527629287 then
  36. local UILibrary = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  38. local MainUI = UILibrary.Load(" Big Paintball | SinHub")
  39. local SecondPage = MainUI.AddPage("Gun Mods")
  40. local CombatPage = MainUI.AddPage("Combat")
  41. local ThirdPage = MainUI.AddPage("ESP")
  42. local MiscPage = MainUI.AddPage("Misc")
  43. local CreditsPage = MainUI.AddPage("Credits")
  45. --functions
  47. --Walkspeed--
  48. local function UserWalkSpeed(person, speed)
  49. if person and person.Character then
  50. if person.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") then
  51. person.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = speed
  52. end
  53. end
  54. end
  57. --Labels
  59. local CreditsLabel = CreditsPage.AddLabel("Made by KarumuBlox#2391")
  60. local CreditsLabel = CreditsPage.AddLabel("UI made by twink marie")
  61. local CombatLabel = CombatPage.AddLabel("Thanks to WetWipes#1017 for the silent Aim")
  64. --------Gun Mods--------
  66. --Auto Gun--
  67. local ModsToggle = SecondPage.AddToggle("Automatic Gun", false, function(Value)
  68. if toggle == false
  69. then toggle = true
  71. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  72. pcall(function()
  73. require(v)[tostring(i)].automatic = false
  74. end)
  75. end
  78. else
  79. toggle = false
  81. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  82. pcall(function()
  83. require(v)[tostring(i)].automatic = true
  84. end)
  85. end
  86. end
  87. end)
  89. --Fire Rate--
  90. local ModsToggle = SecondPage.AddToggle("Fire Rate", false, function(Value)
  91. if toggle == false
  92. then toggle = true
  94. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  95. pcall(function()
  96. require(v)[tostring(i)].firerate = 50
  97. end)
  98. end
  99. else
  100. toggle = false
  102. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  103. pcall(function()
  104. require(v)[tostring(i)].firerate = -math.huge
  105. end)
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end)
  110. --Range (No Drop)--
  111. local ModsToggle = SecondPage.AddToggle("Range (No Drop)", false, function(Value)
  112. if toggle == false
  113. then toggle = true
  115. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  116. pcall(function()
  117. require(v)[tostring(i)].velocity = 150
  118. end)
  119. end
  120. else
  121. toggle = false
  123. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  124. pcall(function()
  125. require(v)[tostring(i)].velocity = 9999999
  126. end)
  127. end
  128. end
  129. end)
  131. --Super Gun--
  132. local ModsToggle = SecondPage.AddToggle("Super Gun", false, function(Value)
  133. if toggle == false
  134. then toggle = true
  136. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  137. pcall(function()
  138. require(v)[tostring(i)].firerate = 50
  139. require(v)[tostring(i)].velocity = 150
  140. require(v)[tostring(i)].additionalSpeed = -15
  141. require(v)[tostring(i)].automatic = false
  142. end)
  143. end
  144. else
  145. toggle = false
  147. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  148. pcall(function()
  149. require(v)[tostring(i)].firerate = math.huge
  150. require(v)[tostring(i)].velocity = 9999999
  151. require(v)[tostring(i)].additionalSpeed = 15
  152. require(v)[tostring(i)].automatic = true
  153. end)
  154. end
  156. end
  157. end)
  159. --------Combat--------
  163. local CombatButton = CombatPage.AddButton("One Hit Gadgets (Drone and turrets)", function()
  165. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  166. pcall(function()
  167. require(v)[tostring(i)].gadgetDamage = 100
  168. end)
  169. end
  170. warn("Sucessfull!")
  172. end)
  174. local CombatButton = CombatPage.AddButton("Kill All (K to toggle)", function()
  176. _G.Debug = true
  178. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  179. local mouse = player:GetMouse()
  180. Players = game:GetService("Players")
  181. KillAll = false
  185. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  186. if key == "k" then
  187. if KillAll then
  188. KillAll = false
  189. _G.ENABLED = false
  190. ENABLED = false
  191. Respawn = false
  192. TARGET = false
  196. else
  197. KillAll = true
  198. _G.ENABLED = true
  199. ENABLED = true
  200. Respawn = true
  201. TARGET = true
  204. end
  205. end
  206. end)
  208. PLAYER = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  209. MOUSE = PLAYER:GetMouse()
  210. CC = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  212. ENABLED = true
  214. _G.FREE_FOR_ALL = false
  216. local TARGET = false
  218. _G.AIM_AT = 'Head'
  220. wait(1)
  222. function GetNearestPlayerToMouse()
  223. local PLAYERS = {}
  224. local PLAYER_HOLD = {}
  225. local DISTANCES = {}
  226. for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  227. if v ~= PLAYER then
  228. table.insert(PLAYERS, v)
  229. end
  230. end
  231. for i, v in pairs(PLAYERS) do
  232. if _G.FREE_FOR_ALL == false then
  233. if v and (v.Character) ~= nil and v.TeamColor ~= PLAYER.TeamColor then
  234. local AIM = v.Character:FindFirstChild(_G.AIM_AT)
  235. if AIM ~= nil then
  236. local DISTANCE = (AIM.Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude
  237. local RAY =, (MOUSE.Hit.p - CC.CoordinateFrame.p).unit * DISTANCE)
  238. local HIT,POS = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(RAY, game.Workspace)
  239. local DIFF = math.floor((POS - AIM.Position).magnitude)
  240. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i] = {}
  241. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].dist = DISTANCE
  242. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].plr = v
  243. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].diff = DIFF
  244. table.insert(DISTANCES, DIFF)
  245. end
  246. end
  247. elseif _G.FREE_FOR_ALL == true then
  248. local AIM = v.Character:FindFirstChild(_G.AIM_AT)
  249. if AIM ~= nil then
  250. local DISTANCE = (AIM.Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude
  251. local RAY =, (MOUSE.Hit.p - CC.CoordinateFrame.p).unit * DISTANCE)
  252. local HIT,POS = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(RAY, game.Workspace)
  253. local DIFF = math.floor((POS - AIM.Position).magnitude)
  254. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i] = {}
  255. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].dist = DISTANCE
  256. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].plr = v
  257. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].diff = DIFF
  258. table.insert(DISTANCES, DIFF)
  259. end
  260. end
  261. end
  263. if unpack(DISTANCES) == nil then
  264. return false
  265. end
  267. local L_DISTANCE = math.floor(math.min(unpack(DISTANCES)))
  268. if L_DISTANCE > 12 then
  269. return false
  270. end
  272. for i, v in pairs(PLAYER_HOLD) do
  273. if v.diff == L_DISTANCE then
  274. return v.plr
  275. end
  276. end
  277. return false
  278. end
  283. function FIND()
  284. CLEAR()
  285. TRACK = true
  286. spawn(function()
  287. while wait() do
  288. if TRACK then
  289. CLEAR()
  290. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  291. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  292. if _G.FREE_FOR_ALL == false then
  293. if v.TeamColor ~= PLAYER.TeamColor then
  294. if v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  295. CREATE(v.Character.Head, true)
  296. end
  297. end
  298. else
  299. if v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  300. CREATE(v.Character.Head, true)
  301. end
  302. end
  303. end
  304. end
  305. end
  306. end
  307. wait(1)
  308. end)
  309. end
  311. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  312. local mouse = player:GetMouse() -- get the mouse
  313. local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  314. local ready = true
  315. game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:connect(function()
  316. if ENABLED then
  317. local TARGET = GetNearestPlayerToMouse()
  318. if (TARGET ~= true) then
  319. local AIM = TARGET.Character:FindFirstChild(_G.AIM_AT)
  320. if AIM then
  321. CC.CoordinateFrame =, AIM.CFrame.p)
  322. end
  324. end
  325. end
  326. end)
  328. wait()
  329. Respawn = false
  331. Players = game:GetService("Players")
  332. LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  333. LocalCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character
  334. LocalCFrame = LocalCharacter.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  336. warn("Kill All Enabled, Thanks WetWipes!")
  337. while wait(0.3) do
  338. if LocalCharacter and LocalPlayer.Character and KillAll then
  339. if Respawn then
  340. keypress(0x20)
  341. end
  342. for i, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  343. if player.TeamColor ~= LocalPlayer.TeamColor and player.Character and player.Character.HumanoidRootPart then
  344. end
  346. Players = game:GetService("Players")
  347. LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  348. LocalCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character
  349. LocalCFrame = LocalCharacter.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  351. root = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  352. root.CFrame = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *, 0, 3)
  353. mouse1click()
  354. wait(0.1)
  355. end
  356. end
  357. end
  359. end)
  361. local CombatButton = CombatPage.AddButton("Silent Aim (Q = On, E = Off)", function()
  363. local Players = game:GetService("Players"); --> Wally is sexy!
  364. local Player = Players.LocalPlayer;
  365. local scriptEnv = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Library);
  366. local network = scriptEnv.Network;
  367. local gunCmds = scriptEnv.GunCmds;
  368. local SilentAimTog = false;
  369. local UnlockAllTog = false;
  370. game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function(io)
  371. if io.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then -- true when pressed Q or F9
  372. SilentAimTog = true
  373. elseif io.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then -- only true when pressed F9
  374. SilentAimTog = false
  375. end
  376. end)
  377. local function getClosestPlayer()
  378. local shortestDistance, closestPlayer = math.huge;
  380. for i, v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do
  381. if (v.Name ~= Player.Name and v.Team ~= Player.Team and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then
  382. local mag = (v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude;
  384. if (mag < shortestDistance) then
  385. closestPlayer = v;
  386. shortestDistance = mag;
  387. end;
  388. end;
  389. end;
  391. return closestPlayer;
  392. end;
  394. local function kill(code, plr)
  395. if (code and plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then
  396. local data =
  397. {
  398. [1] =
  399. {
  400. [1] = plr.Character.Humanoid;
  401. [2] = code;
  402. [3] = 235;
  403. [4] = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position;
  404. [5] = false;
  405. };
  406. [2] =
  407. {
  408. [1] = false;
  409. [2] = false;
  410. [3] = false;
  411. [4] = false;
  412. [5] = false;
  413. };
  414. };
  416. game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("__THINGS"):FindFirstChild("__REMOTES"):FindFirstChild("do damage"):FireServer(data);
  417. end;
  418. end;
  420. wait(1)
  421. do
  422. local oldUnlockAll = gunCmds.DoesOwnGun;
  424. gunCmds.DoesOwnGun = newcclosure(function(...)
  425. if (UnlockAllTog) then
  426. return true;
  427. end;
  429. return oldUnlockAll(...);
  430. end);
  431. end;
  433. do
  434. local oldFire = network.Fire;
  436. network.Fire = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
  437. local args = {...};
  439. if (tostring(self) == "New Projectile" and SilentAimTog) then
  440. local closePlayer = getClosestPlayer();
  442. if (closePlayer) then
  443. kill(args[2], closePlayer); --> Epic func
  444. end;
  445. elseif (tostring(self) == "Request Respawn" and UnlockAllTog) then
  446. args[1] = "1"; --> Easy peasy bypass :)
  447. end;
  449. return oldFire(self, unpack(args));
  450. end);
  451. end;
  453. warn("Legit Silent Aim Enabled!");
  455. end)
  459. --------ESP--------
  461. --Basic ESP--
  462. local ESPToggle = ThirdPage.AddToggle("Basic Esp", false, function(Value)
  463. if toggle == false
  464. then toggle = true
  466. --// Made by Blissful#4992 - R15 Skeleton ESP
  467. --//Options:
  468. local Settings = {
  469. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), -- Color of the lines of the skeleton
  470. Thickness = 2, -- Thickness of the lines of the Skeleton
  471. Transparency = 1, -- 1 Visible - 0 Not Visible
  472. AutoThickness = true -- Makes Thickness above futile, scales according to distance, good for less encumbered screen
  473. }
  475. --//Locals, etc:
  476. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  477. local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  479. local function NewLine()
  480. local line ="Line")
  481. line.Visible = false
  482. line.From =, 0)
  483. line.To =, 0)
  484. line.Color = Settings.Color
  485. line.Thickness = Settings.Thickness
  486. line.Transparency = Settings.Transparency
  487. return line
  488. end
  490. --//Separation: Main Function
  492. for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  493. local R15
  494. spawn(function()
  495. repeat wait() until v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil
  496. R15 = (v.Character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) and true or false
  497. end)
  499. local Spine = {}
  500. local SpineNames = {}
  501. local connecthead = NewLine()
  503. local LLeg = {}
  504. local LLegNames = {}
  505. local connectlegleft = NewLine()
  507. local RLeg = {}
  508. local RLegNames = {}
  509. local connectlegright = NewLine()
  511. local LArm = {}
  512. local LArmNames = {}
  513. local connectarmleft = NewLine()
  515. local RArm = {}
  516. local RArmNames = {}
  517. local connectarmright = NewLine()
  519. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  520. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Transparency ~= 1 then
  521. if v.Name == "UpperTorso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or v.Name == "LowerTorso" then
  522. table.insert(SpineNames, v.Name)
  523. Spine[v.Name] = NewLine()
  524. end
  525. if v.Name == "LeftLeg" or v.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or v.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or v.Name == "LeftFoot" then
  526. table.insert(LLegNames, v.Name)
  527. LLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  528. end
  529. if v.Name == "RightLeg" or v.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or v.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or v.Name == "RightFoot" then
  530. table.insert(RLegNames, v.Name)
  531. RLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  532. end
  533. if v.Name == "LeftArm" or v.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or v.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or v.Name == "LeftHand" then
  534. table.insert(LArmNames, v.Name)
  535. LArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  536. end
  537. if v.Name == "RightArm" or v.Name == "RightUpperArm" or v.Name == "RightLowerArm" or v.Name == "RightHand" then
  538. table.insert(RArmNames, v.Name)
  539. RArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  540. end
  541. end
  542. end
  544. local function ESP()
  545. local function ConnectLimbs(limb, root, connector)
  546. if v.Character:FindFirstChild(root) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(limb) ~= nil then
  547. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(root).Position)
  548. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(limb).Position)
  549. connector.From =, pos1.Y)
  550. connector.To =, pos2.Y)
  551. end
  552. end
  553. local function Visibility(state)
  554. connecthead.Visible = state
  555. connectarmleft.Visible = state
  556. connectarmright.Visible = state
  557. connectlegleft.Visible = state
  558. connectlegright.Visible = state
  559. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  560. x.Visible = state
  561. end
  562. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  563. x.Visible = state
  564. end
  565. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  566. x.Visible = state
  567. end
  568. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  569. x.Visible = state
  570. end
  571. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  572. x.Visible = state
  573. end
  574. end
  575. local function Thickness(state)
  576. connecthead.Thickness = state
  577. connectarmleft.Thickness = state
  578. connectarmright.Thickness = state
  579. connectlegleft.Thickness = state
  580. connectlegright.Thickness = state
  581. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  582. x.Thickness = state
  583. end
  584. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  585. x.Thickness = state
  586. end
  587. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  588. x.Thickness = state
  589. end
  590. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  591. x.Thickness = state
  592. end
  593. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  594. x.Thickness = state
  595. end
  596. end
  597. local function Color(color)
  598. connecthead.Color = color
  599. connectarmleft.Color = color
  600. connectarmright.Color = color
  601. connectlegleft.Color = color
  602. connectlegright.Color = color
  603. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  604. x.Color = color
  605. end
  606. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  607. x.Color = color
  608. end
  609. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  610. x.Color = color
  611. end
  612. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  613. x.Color = color
  614. end
  615. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  616. x.Color = color
  617. end
  618. end
  620. local connection
  621. connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  622. if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and v.Name ~= plr.Name and v.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  623. local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  624. if vis then
  625. if R15 then
  626. local a = 0
  627. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  628. a=a+1
  629. if SpineNames[a+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position ~= nil then
  630. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a]).Position)
  631. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position)
  632. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  633. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  634. end
  635. end
  636. local b = 0
  637. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  638. b=b+1
  639. if LArmNames[b+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position ~= nil then
  640. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b]).Position)
  641. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position)
  642. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  643. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  644. end
  645. end
  646. local c = 0
  647. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  648. c=c+1
  649. if RArmNames[c+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position ~= nil then
  650. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c]).Position)
  651. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position)
  652. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  653. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  654. end
  655. end
  656. local d = 0
  657. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  658. d=d+1
  659. if LLegNames[d+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position ~= nil then
  660. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d]).Position)
  661. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position)
  662. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  663. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  664. end
  665. end
  666. local e = 0
  667. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  668. e=e+1
  669. if RRLegNames[e+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position ~= nil then
  670. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e]).Position)
  671. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position)
  672. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  673. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  674. end
  675. end
  677. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmleft)
  678. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmright)
  679. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegleft)
  680. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegright)
  681. ConnectLimbs("UpperTorso", "Head", connecthead)
  682. end
  684. if Settings.AutoThickness then
  685. local distance = (plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
  686. local value = math.clamp(1/distance*100, 0.1, 3) --0.1 is min thickness, 4 is max
  687. Thickness(value)
  688. else
  689. Thickness(Settings.Thickness)
  690. end
  692. Visibility(true)
  693. else
  694. Visibility(false)
  695. end
  696. else
  697. Visibility(false)
  698. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name) == nil then
  699. connection:Disconnect()
  700. end
  701. end
  702. end)
  703. end
  704. coroutine.wrap(ESP)()
  705. end
  707. --// Made by Blissful#4992
  709. -- For when a player gets added:
  710. game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(newplr)
  711. repeat wait() until newplr.Character ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil
  712. local R15 = (newplr.Character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) and true or false
  714. local Spine = {}
  715. local SpineNames = {}
  716. local connecthead = NewLine()
  718. local LLeg = {}
  719. local LLegNames = {}
  720. local connectlegleft = NewLine()
  722. local RLeg = {}
  723. local RLegNames = {}
  724. local connectlegright = NewLine()
  726. local LArm = {}
  727. local LArmNames = {}
  728. local connectarmleft = NewLine()
  730. local RArm = {}
  731. local RArmNames = {}
  732. local connectarmright = NewLine()
  734. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  735. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Transparency ~= 1 then
  736. if v.Name == "UpperTorso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or v.Name == "LowerTorso" then
  737. table.insert(SpineNames, v.Name)
  738. Spine[v.Name] = NewLine()
  739. end
  740. if v.Name == "LeftLeg" or v.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or v.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or v.Name == "LeftFoot" then
  741. table.insert(LLegNames, v.Name)
  742. LLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  743. end
  744. if v.Name == "RightLeg" or v.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or v.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or v.Name == "RightFoot" then
  745. table.insert(RLegNames, v.Name)
  746. RLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  747. end
  748. if v.Name == "LeftArm" or v.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or v.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or v.Name == "LeftHand" then
  749. table.insert(LArmNames, v.Name)
  750. LArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  751. end
  752. if v.Name == "RightArm" or v.Name == "RightUpperArm" or v.Name == "RightLowerArm" or v.Name == "RightHand" then
  753. table.insert(RArmNames, v.Name)
  754. RArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  755. end
  756. end
  757. end
  760. local function ESP()
  761. local function ConnectLimbs(limb, root, connector)
  762. if newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(root) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(limb) ~= nil then
  763. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(root).Position)
  764. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(limb).Position)
  765. connector.From =, pos1.Y)
  766. connector.To =, pos2.Y)
  767. end
  768. end
  769. local function Visibility(state)
  770. connecthead.Visible = state
  771. connectarmleft.Visible = state
  772. connectarmright.Visible = state
  773. connectlegleft.Visible = state
  774. connectlegright.Visible = state
  775. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  776. x.Visible = state
  777. end
  778. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  779. x.Visible = state
  780. end
  781. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  782. x.Visible = state
  783. end
  784. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  785. x.Visible = state
  786. end
  787. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  788. x.Visible = state
  789. end
  790. end
  791. local function Thickness(state)
  792. connecthead.Thickness = state
  793. connectarmleft.Thickness = state
  794. connectarmright.Thickness = state
  795. connectlegleft.Thickness = state
  796. connectlegright.Thickness = state
  797. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  798. x.Thickness = state
  799. end
  800. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  801. x.Thickness = state
  802. end
  803. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  804. x.Thickness = state
  805. end
  806. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  807. x.Thickness = state
  808. end
  809. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  810. x.Thickness = state
  811. end
  812. end
  813. local function Color(color)
  814. connecthead.Color = color
  815. connectarmleft.Color = color
  816. connectarmright.Color = color
  817. connectlegleft.Color = color
  818. connectlegright.Color = color
  819. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  820. x.Color = color
  821. end
  822. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  823. x.Color = color
  824. end
  825. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  826. x.Color = color
  827. end
  828. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  829. x.Color = color
  830. end
  831. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  832. x.Color = color
  833. end
  834. end
  836. local connection
  837. connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  838. if newplr.Character ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and newplr.Name ~= plr.Name and newplr.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  839. local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  840. if vis then
  841. if R15 then
  842. local a = 0
  843. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  844. a=a+1
  845. if SpineNames[a+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position ~= nil then
  846. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a]).Position)
  847. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position)
  848. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  849. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  850. end
  851. end
  852. local b = 0
  853. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  854. b=b+1
  855. if LArmNames[b+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position ~= nil then
  856. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b]).Position)
  857. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position)
  858. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  859. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  860. end
  861. end
  862. local c = 0
  863. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  864. c=c+1
  865. if RArmNames[c+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position ~= nil then
  866. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c]).Position)
  867. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position)
  868. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  869. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  870. end
  871. end
  872. local d = 0
  873. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  874. d=d+1
  875. if LLegNames[d+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position ~= nil then
  876. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d]).Position)
  877. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position)
  878. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  879. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  880. end
  881. end
  882. local e = 0
  883. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  884. e=e+1
  885. if RLegNames[e+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position ~= nil then
  886. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e]).Position)
  887. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position)
  888. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  889. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  890. end
  891. end
  893. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmleft)
  894. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmright)
  895. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegleft)
  896. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegright)
  897. ConnectLimbs("UpperTorso", "Head", connecthead)
  898. end
  900. if Settings.AutoThickness then
  901. local distance = (plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - newplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
  902. local value = math.clamp(1/distance*100, 0.1, 3) --0.1 is min thickness, 4 is max
  903. Thickness(value)
  904. else
  905. Thickness(Settings.Thickness)
  906. end
  908. Visibility(true)
  909. else
  910. Visibility(false)
  911. end
  912. else
  913. Visibility(false)
  914. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(newplr.Name) == nil then
  915. connection:Disconnect()
  916. end
  917. end
  918. end)
  919. end
  920. coroutine.wrap(ESP)()
  921. end)
  922. --// Made by Blissful#4992
  924. else
  925. toggle = false
  927. --// Made by Blissful#4992 - R15 Skeleton ESP
  928. --//Options:
  929. local Settings = {
  930. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), -- Color of the lines of the skeleton
  931. Thickness = 2, -- Thickness of the lines of the Skeleton
  932. Transparency = 1, -- 1 Visible - 0 Not Visible
  933. AutoThickness = true -- Makes Thickness above futile, scales according to distance, good for less encumbered screen
  934. }
  936. --//Locals, etc:
  937. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  938. local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  940. local function NewLine()
  941. local line ="Line")
  942. line.Visible = true
  943. line.From =, 0)
  944. line.To =, 0)
  945. line.Color = Settings.Color
  946. line.Thickness = Settings.Thickness
  947. line.Transparency = Settings.Transparency
  948. return line
  949. end
  951. --//Separation: Main Function
  953. for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  954. local R15
  955. spawn(function()
  956. repeat wait() until v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil
  957. R15 = (v.Character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) and true or false
  958. end)
  960. local Spine = {}
  961. local SpineNames = {}
  962. local connecthead = NewLine()
  964. local LLeg = {}
  965. local LLegNames = {}
  966. local connectlegleft = NewLine()
  968. local RLeg = {}
  969. local RLegNames = {}
  970. local connectlegright = NewLine()
  972. local LArm = {}
  973. local LArmNames = {}
  974. local connectarmleft = NewLine()
  976. local RArm = {}
  977. local RArmNames = {}
  978. local connectarmright = NewLine()
  980. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  981. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Transparency ~= 1 then
  982. if v.Name == "UpperTorso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or v.Name == "LowerTorso" then
  983. table.insert(SpineNames, v.Name)
  984. Spine[v.Name] = NewLine()
  985. end
  986. if v.Name == "LeftLeg" or v.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or v.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or v.Name == "LeftFoot" then
  987. table.insert(LLegNames, v.Name)
  988. LLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  989. end
  990. if v.Name == "RightLeg" or v.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or v.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or v.Name == "RightFoot" then
  991. table.insert(RLegNames, v.Name)
  992. RLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  993. end
  994. if v.Name == "LeftArm" or v.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or v.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or v.Name == "LeftHand" then
  995. table.insert(LArmNames, v.Name)
  996. LArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  997. end
  998. if v.Name == "RightArm" or v.Name == "RightUpperArm" or v.Name == "RightLowerArm" or v.Name == "RightHand" then
  999. table.insert(RArmNames, v.Name)
  1000. RArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1001. end
  1002. end
  1003. end
  1005. local function ESP()
  1006. local function ConnectLimbs(limb, root, connector)
  1007. if v.Character:FindFirstChild(root) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(limb) ~= nil then
  1008. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(root).Position)
  1009. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(limb).Position)
  1010. connector.From =, pos1.Y)
  1011. connector.To =, pos2.Y)
  1012. end
  1013. end
  1014. local function Visibility(state)
  1015. connecthead.Visible = state
  1016. connectarmleft.Visible = state
  1017. connectarmright.Visible = state
  1018. connectlegleft.Visible = state
  1019. connectlegright.Visible = state
  1020. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1021. x.Visible = state
  1022. end
  1023. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1024. x.Visible = state
  1025. end
  1026. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1027. x.Visible = state
  1028. end
  1029. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1030. x.Visible = state
  1031. end
  1032. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1033. x.Visible = state
  1034. end
  1035. end
  1036. local function Thickness(state)
  1037. connecthead.Thickness = state
  1038. connectarmleft.Thickness = state
  1039. connectarmright.Thickness = state
  1040. connectlegleft.Thickness = state
  1041. connectlegright.Thickness = state
  1042. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1043. x.Thickness = state
  1044. end
  1045. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1046. x.Thickness = state
  1047. end
  1048. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1049. x.Thickness = state
  1050. end
  1051. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1052. x.Thickness = state
  1053. end
  1054. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1055. x.Thickness = state
  1056. end
  1057. end
  1058. local function Color(color)
  1059. connecthead.Color = color
  1060. connectarmleft.Color = color
  1061. connectarmright.Color = color
  1062. connectlegleft.Color = color
  1063. connectlegright.Color = color
  1064. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1065. x.Color = color
  1066. end
  1067. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1068. x.Color = color
  1069. end
  1070. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1071. x.Color = color
  1072. end
  1073. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1074. x.Color = color
  1075. end
  1076. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1077. x.Color = color
  1078. end
  1079. end
  1081. local connection
  1082. connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  1083. if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and v.Name ~= plr.Name and v.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  1084. local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  1085. if vis then
  1086. if R15 then
  1087. local a = 0
  1088. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1089. a=a+1
  1090. if SpineNames[a+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1091. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a]).Position)
  1092. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position)
  1093. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1094. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1095. end
  1096. end
  1097. local b = 0
  1098. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1099. b=b+1
  1100. if LArmNames[b+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1101. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b]).Position)
  1102. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position)
  1103. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1104. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1105. end
  1106. end
  1107. local c = 0
  1108. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1109. c=c+1
  1110. if RArmNames[c+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1111. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c]).Position)
  1112. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position)
  1113. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1114. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1115. end
  1116. end
  1117. local d = 0
  1118. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1119. d=d+1
  1120. if LLegNames[d+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1121. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d]).Position)
  1122. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position)
  1123. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1124. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1125. end
  1126. end
  1127. local e = 0
  1128. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1129. e=e+1
  1130. if RRLegNames[e+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1131. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e]).Position)
  1132. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position)
  1133. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1134. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1135. end
  1136. end
  1138. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmleft)
  1139. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmright)
  1140. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegleft)
  1141. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegright)
  1142. ConnectLimbs("UpperTorso", "Head", connecthead)
  1143. end
  1145. if Settings.AutoThickness then
  1146. local distance = (plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
  1147. local value = math.clamp(1/distance*100, 0.1, 3) --0.1 is min thickness, 4 is max
  1148. Thickness(value)
  1149. else
  1150. Thickness(Settings.Thickness)
  1151. end
  1153. Visibility(true)
  1154. else
  1155. Visibility(false)
  1156. end
  1157. else
  1158. Visibility(false)
  1159. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name) == nil then
  1160. connection:Disconnect()
  1161. end
  1162. end
  1163. end)
  1164. end
  1165. coroutine.wrap(ESP)()
  1166. end
  1168. --// Made by Blissful#4992
  1170. -- For when a player gets added:
  1171. game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(newplr)
  1172. repeat wait() until newplr.Character ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil
  1173. local R15 = (newplr.Character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) and true or false
  1175. local Spine = {}
  1176. local SpineNames = {}
  1177. local connecthead = NewLine()
  1179. local LLeg = {}
  1180. local LLegNames = {}
  1181. local connectlegleft = NewLine()
  1183. local RLeg = {}
  1184. local RLegNames = {}
  1185. local connectlegright = NewLine()
  1187. local LArm = {}
  1188. local LArmNames = {}
  1189. local connectarmleft = NewLine()
  1191. local RArm = {}
  1192. local RArmNames = {}
  1193. local connectarmright = NewLine()
  1195. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1196. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Transparency ~= 1 then
  1197. if v.Name == "UpperTorso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or v.Name == "LowerTorso" then
  1198. table.insert(SpineNames, v.Name)
  1199. Spine[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1200. end
  1201. if v.Name == "LeftLeg" or v.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or v.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or v.Name == "LeftFoot" then
  1202. table.insert(LLegNames, v.Name)
  1203. LLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1204. end
  1205. if v.Name == "RightLeg" or v.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or v.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or v.Name == "RightFoot" then
  1206. table.insert(RLegNames, v.Name)
  1207. RLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1208. end
  1209. if v.Name == "LeftArm" or v.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or v.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or v.Name == "LeftHand" then
  1210. table.insert(LArmNames, v.Name)
  1211. LArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1212. end
  1213. if v.Name == "RightArm" or v.Name == "RightUpperArm" or v.Name == "RightLowerArm" or v.Name == "RightHand" then
  1214. table.insert(RArmNames, v.Name)
  1215. RArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1216. end
  1217. end
  1218. end
  1221. local function ESP()
  1222. local function ConnectLimbs(limb, root, connector)
  1223. if newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(root) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(limb) ~= nil then
  1224. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(root).Position)
  1225. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(limb).Position)
  1226. connector.From =, pos1.Y)
  1227. connector.To =, pos2.Y)
  1228. end
  1229. end
  1230. local function Visibility(state)
  1231. connecthead.Visible = state
  1232. connectarmleft.Visible = state
  1233. connectarmright.Visible = state
  1234. connectlegleft.Visible = state
  1235. connectlegright.Visible = state
  1236. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1237. x.Visible = state
  1238. end
  1239. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1240. x.Visible = state
  1241. end
  1242. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1243. x.Visible = state
  1244. end
  1245. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1246. x.Visible = state
  1247. end
  1248. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1249. x.Visible = state
  1250. end
  1251. end
  1252. local function Thickness(state)
  1253. connecthead.Thickness = state
  1254. connectarmleft.Thickness = state
  1255. connectarmright.Thickness = state
  1256. connectlegleft.Thickness = state
  1257. connectlegright.Thickness = state
  1258. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1259. x.Thickness = state
  1260. end
  1261. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1262. x.Thickness = state
  1263. end
  1264. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1265. x.Thickness = state
  1266. end
  1267. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1268. x.Thickness = state
  1269. end
  1270. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1271. x.Thickness = state
  1272. end
  1273. end
  1274. local function Color(color)
  1275. connecthead.Color = color
  1276. connectarmleft.Color = color
  1277. connectarmright.Color = color
  1278. connectlegleft.Color = color
  1279. connectlegright.Color = color
  1280. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1281. x.Color = color
  1282. end
  1283. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1284. x.Color = color
  1285. end
  1286. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1287. x.Color = color
  1288. end
  1289. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1290. x.Color = color
  1291. end
  1292. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1293. x.Color = color
  1294. end
  1295. end
  1297. local connection
  1298. connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  1299. if newplr.Character ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and newplr.Name ~= plr.Name and newplr.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  1300. local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  1301. if vis then
  1302. if R15 then
  1303. local a = 0
  1304. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1305. a=a+1
  1306. if SpineNames[a+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1307. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a]).Position)
  1308. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position)
  1309. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1310. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1311. end
  1312. end
  1313. local b = 0
  1314. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1315. b=b+1
  1316. if LArmNames[b+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1317. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b]).Position)
  1318. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position)
  1319. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1320. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1321. end
  1322. end
  1323. local c = 0
  1324. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1325. c=c+1
  1326. if RArmNames[c+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1327. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c]).Position)
  1328. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position)
  1329. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1330. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1331. end
  1332. end
  1333. local d = 0
  1334. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1335. d=d+1
  1336. if LLegNames[d+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1337. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d]).Position)
  1338. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position)
  1339. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1340. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1341. end
  1342. end
  1343. local e = 0
  1344. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1345. e=e+1
  1346. if RLegNames[e+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1347. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e]).Position)
  1348. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position)
  1349. x.From =, pos1.Y)
  1350. x.To =, pos2.Y)
  1351. end
  1352. end
  1354. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmleft)
  1355. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmright)
  1356. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegleft)
  1357. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegright)
  1358. ConnectLimbs("UpperTorso", "Head", connecthead)
  1359. end
  1361. if Settings.AutoThickness then
  1362. local distance = (plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - newplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
  1363. local value = math.clamp(1/distance*100, 0.1, 3) --0.1 is min thickness, 4 is max
  1364. Thickness(value)
  1365. else
  1366. Thickness(Settings.Thickness)
  1367. end
  1369. Visibility(true)
  1370. else
  1371. Visibility(false)
  1372. end
  1373. else
  1374. Visibility(false)
  1375. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(newplr.Name) == nil then
  1376. connection:Disconnect()
  1377. end
  1378. end
  1379. end)
  1380. end
  1381. coroutine.wrap(ESP)()
  1382. end)
  1383. --// Made by Blissful#4992
  1384. end
  1385. end)
  1387. --ADVANCED ESP--
  1388. local ESPToggle = ThirdPage.AddToggle("Advanced Esp", false, function(Value)
  1389. if toggle == false
  1390. then toggle = true
  1392. shared.Visuals = { --// Configuration (Will load default settings if shared.Visuals doesn't exist.)
  1393. Enabled = false,
  1394. CrosshairEnabled = true,
  1395. Boxes = true,
  1396. Healthbar = true,
  1397. Tracers = true,
  1398. Info = true,
  1399. ShowAllyTeam = true,
  1400. UseTeamColor = true,
  1401. AllyColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0),
  1402. EnemyColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),
  1403. Crosshair = {
  1404. Size = 5,
  1405. Thickness = 1.5,
  1406. Offset = 5
  1407. }
  1408. }
  1410. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  1411. else
  1412. toggle = false
  1414. shared.Visuals = { --// Configuration (Will load default settings if shared.Visuals doesn't exist.)
  1415. Enabled = true,
  1416. CrosshairEnabled = true,
  1417. Boxes = true,
  1418. Healthbar = true,
  1419. Tracers = true,
  1420. Info = true,
  1421. ShowAllyTeam = true,
  1422. UseTeamColor = true,
  1423. AllyColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0),
  1424. EnemyColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),
  1425. Crosshair = {
  1426. Size = 5,
  1427. Thickness = 1.5,
  1428. Offset = 5
  1429. }
  1430. }
  1432. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  1433. end
  1434. end)
  1436. --Radar ESP--
  1437. local ESPButton = ThirdPage.AddButton("Radar ESP (Purple)", function()
  1439. function newRadarESP(c)
  1440. local radarESP = game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.RadarPing:Clone()
  1441. radarESP.Parent = c.Head
  1442. end
  1443. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do
  1444. if v~=game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  1445. newRadarESP(v.Character)
  1446. v.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(c)
  1447. repeat wait()until c:FindFirstChild("Head")
  1448. newRadarESP(c)
  1449. end)
  1450. end
  1451. end
  1452. game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(p)
  1453. p.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(c)
  1454. repeat wait()until c:FindFirstChild("Head")
  1455. newRadarESP(c)
  1456. end)
  1457. end)
  1459. end)
  1461. --Turret ESP--
  1462. local ESPButton = ThirdPage.AddButton("Turret ESP (Red)", function()
  1464. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.__THINGS.Sentries:GetChildren())do
  1465. local gadgetESP=game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.GadgetIndicator:Clone()
  1466. gadgetESP.Parent=v["Turret Bottom"]
  1467. gadgetESP.Frame.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,30,30)
  1468. end
  1469. game.Workspace.__THINGS.Sentries.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c)
  1470. if tostring(c)==tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer) then return end
  1471. repeat wait()until c:FindFirstChild("Turret Bottom")
  1472. local gadgetESP=game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.GadgetIndicator:Clone()
  1473. gadgetESP.Parent=c["Turret Bottom"]
  1474. gadgetESP.Frame.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,30,30)
  1475. end)
  1477. end)
  1479. --Drone ESP--
  1480. local ESPButton = ThirdPage.AddButton("Drone ESP (Blue)", function()
  1482. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.__THINGS.Drones:GetChildren())do
  1483. local gadgetESP=game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.GadgetIndicator:Clone()
  1484. gadgetESP.Parent=v["Base"]
  1485. gadgetESP.Frame.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,30,30)
  1486. end
  1487. game.Workspace.__THINGS.Drones.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c)
  1488. if tostring(c)==tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer) then return end
  1489. repeat wait()until c:FindFirstChild("Base")
  1490. local gadgetESP=game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.GadgetIndicator:Clone()
  1491. gadgetESP.Parent=c["Base"]
  1492. gadgetESP.Frame.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(30,30,255)
  1493. end)
  1495. end)
  1496. --------Misc--------
  1498. local WalkSlider = MiscPage.AddSlider("WalkSpeed", {Min = 16, Max = 100, Def = 0}, function(Value)
  1499. UserWalkSpeed(user, Value)
  1500. end)
  1502. local MiscButton = MiscPage.AddButton("Unlock all", function()
  1503. loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
  1504. end)
  1506. local MiscButton = MiscPage.AddButton("TP to BanLand", function()
  1507. game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(4505939773, LocalPlayer)
  1508. end)
  1510. local MiscButton = MiscPage.AddButton("Destroy all Sentries", function()
  1512. for a,b in pairs(workspace["__THINGS"].Sentries:GetChildren()) do
  1513. workspace["__THINGS"]["__REMOTES"]["do sentry damage"]:FireServer({[1]={[1]=b,[2]=math.huge},[2]={[1]=false,[2]=false}})
  1514. end
  1516. end)
  1518. local MiscButton = MiscPage.AddButton("Destroy all Drones", function()
  1520. for a,b in pairs(workspace["__THINGS"].Drones:GetChildren()) do
  1521. workspace["__THINGS"]["__REMOTES"]["do drone damage"]:FireServer({[1]={[1]=b,[2]=math.huge},[2]={[1]=false,[2]=false}})
  1522. end
  1524. end)
  1526. end
  1527. end
  1529. if game.PlaceId == 4390380541 then
  1531. --Made by :
  1533. local UILibrary = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  1535. local MainUI = UILibrary.Load("Rumble Quest | SinHub")
  1536. local FirstPage = MainUI.AddPage("Main")
  1537. local FirstLabel = FirstPage.AddLabel("Press R To rapidly damage enemies")
  1538. local FirstButton = FirstPage.AddButton("Rapidly Damage Enemies", function()
  1539. local CreditsPage = MainUI.AddPage("Credits")
  1541. local CreditsLabel = CreditsPage.AddLabel("Made by KarumuBlox#2391")
  1542. local CreditsLabel = CreditsPage.AddLabel("UI made by twink marie")
  1544. weapon = nil
  1545. murder = false
  1546. directmurder = false
  1547. mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  1549. function GetNearestNPCToMouse()
  1550. local PLAYERS = {}
  1551. local PLAYER_HOLD = {}
  1552. local DISTANCES = {}
  1553. for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace.Enemies:GetChildren()) do
  1554. if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  1555. table.insert(PLAYERS, v)
  1556. end
  1557. end
  1558. for i, v in pairs(PLAYERS) do
  1559. if v.HumanoidRootPart ~= nil then
  1560. local AIM = v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  1561. if AIM ~= nil then
  1562. local DISTANCE = (v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p).magnitude
  1563. local RAY =, (mouse.Hit.p - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p).unit * DISTANCE)
  1564. local HIT,POS = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(RAY, game.Workspace)
  1565. local DIFF = math.floor((POS - AIM.Position).magnitude)
  1566. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i] = {}
  1567. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].dist= DISTANCE
  1568. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].plr = v
  1569. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].diff = DIFF
  1570. table.insert(DISTANCES, DIFF)
  1571. end
  1572. end
  1573. end
  1575. if unpack(DISTANCES) == nil then
  1576. return nil
  1577. end
  1579. local L_DISTANCE = math.floor(math.min(unpack(DISTANCES)))
  1580. if L_DISTANCE > 20 then
  1581. return nil
  1582. end
  1584. for i, v in pairs(PLAYER_HOLD) do
  1585. if v.diff == L_DISTANCE then
  1586. return v.plr
  1587. end
  1588. end
  1589. return nil
  1590. end
  1592. mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(key)
  1593. if key == "r" then
  1594. murder = true
  1595. end
  1596. end)
  1597. mouse.KeyUp:Connect(function(key)
  1598. if key == "r" then
  1599. murder = false
  1600. end
  1601. end)
  1603. mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(key)
  1604. if key == "f" then
  1605. murderdirect = true
  1606. end
  1607. end)
  1608. mouse.KeyUp:Connect(function(key)
  1609. if key == "f" then
  1610. murderdirect = false
  1611. end
  1612. end)
  1614. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1615. if v:IsA("Model") and v:FindFirstChild("Handle") then
  1616. weapon = v
  1617. end
  1618. end
  1621. game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function()
  1622. if murder == true then
  1623. for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace.Enemies:GetChildren()) do
  1624. if v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1625. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Network.RemoteEvent:FireServer("WeaponDamage", ""..weapon.Name.."", v.Humanoid)
  1626. end
  1627. end
  1628. end
  1629. if murderdirect == true then
  1630. for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace.Enemies:GetChildren()) do
  1631. if v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1632. local NPC = GetNearestNPCToMouse()
  1633. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Network.RemoteEvent:FireServer("WeaponDamage", ""..weapon.Name.."", NPC.Humanoid)
  1634. end
  1635. end
  1636. end
  1637. end)
  1639. --[[
  1640. ..
  1641. /yys. `hMM/
  1642. :ys: `NMMMo oMMM:
  1643. `sMMMm -oo: `NMMy
  1644. .hMMMMM+ +MMN` `.-::. `
  1645. -mMMyoMMN. /hho .:syhhomMMs -smNMMMNy `shysssssyhdho
  1646. :mMMs``dMMd` NMMm .smMNdhdMMMM. `sNMNs:/MMM. `ydmmmmddMMMN+
  1647. +NMMs -MMMs :MMM/ +NMNs- .MMMy .dMMd- -yMMy `````/hMMy-
  1648. `yMMMmosyhdMMMM+ yMMm yMMN: `yMMM/ dMMN+odNMd/ :hMNy:
  1649. -dMMMMMMmmdhyhMMM+ NMMo /MMM- :dMMMM- :MMMMNmho-``:/ :hNMh-
  1650. +NMMm//-..`` `hMMMo` -MMM/ yMMm``:hNMyMMM+.-- :MMMy.` `-omMd` /dMMmo/+oooo/`
  1651. oMMMh. `yMMMm/ :MMMs +MMMmmMNh: hMMNNNy yMMMmhdmNMm+`:dMMMMNNNNmNMMMo
  1652. :yh+` `/dNNs `ydh: :shys/. `+yso-` :shddhy+-` oNMNho:-..```.-/`
  1654. Join my discord here!:
  1656. --]]
  1658. -- Hold R to kill all the NPCs around you
  1659. -- Hold F to kill the closest NPC to your mouse
  1660. end)
  1662. local FirstButton = FirstPage.AddButton("Auto Complete Dungeon", function()
  1663. --[ Keep in mind, the options still need to be unlocked in game, for you to create a Dungeon of that type and Difficulty Mode]
  1664. --[ Auto Sell can be buggy sometimes, as always i am not responsible for the wrong items being sold, it has a 99% chance of not happening but just in case]
  1666. getgenv().GameSettings = {
  1667. AutoSell = {
  1668. ['Active'] = false, --[ On or Off ]--
  1669. ["Cosmetic"] = false,
  1670. ["CosmeticRarity"] = {["Common"] = false, ["Unique"] = false, ["Rare"] = false, ["Epic"] = false, ["Lengendary"] = false},
  1671. ["Armor"] = false,
  1672. ["ArmorRarity"] = {["Common"] = false, ["Unique"] = false, ["Rare"] = false, ["Epic"] = false, ["Lengendary"] = false},
  1673. ["Weapon"] = false,
  1674. ["WeaponRarity"] = {["Common"] = false, ["Unique"] = false, ["Rare"] = false, ["Epic"] = false, ["Lengendary"] = false},
  1675. ["Ability"] = false,
  1676. ["AbilityRarity"] = {["Common"] = false, ["Unique"] = false, ["Rare"] = false, ["Epic"] = false,["Lengendary"] = false},
  1677. },
  1678. Dungeon = {
  1679. ["Active"] = true, --[ On or Off ]--
  1680. ["Difficulty"] = "Easy", --[ Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert ]
  1681. ["PartyOnly"] = false,
  1682. ["Hardcore"] = false,
  1683. ["Location"] = "Caves" --[ Dungeon Name]
  1684. },
  1685. Player = {
  1686. ['HideName'] = true,
  1687. ["NoMeleeCoolDown"] = true,
  1688. ["PlayerHeight"] = -15,
  1689. ["RangeAngle"] = true, --[ Always Set to true unless you know what your doing ]--
  1690. },
  1691. Skill = {
  1692. ['Active'] = false,
  1693. ["NumberOfPointsToWait"] = 5, --[ Wait for a set amount of skill points before autoskill kicks in ]--
  1694. ["SkilltoPut"] = "Strength" ,
  1695. }
  1696. }
  1698. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  1699. end)
  1702. end
  1703. end
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