
Predator If It Bleeds 29

Dec 22nd, 2023
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  1. The Yautja tossed the corpse off its blades, then spread its arms wide, tilted its head back, and screamed a basso roar of challenge. It charged down the aisle between the pews.
  3. Lejeune slipped in the rising water, falling to one knee but never letting off the trigger, as the rougarou bore down on her. There was one thing she hadn't tried yet... Lejeune jerked one of two flashbang grenades off her harness, pulled the pin, and threw it at the beast's head. A fist smashed into her ribs, breaking them, and the world
  4. spun as she went ass-over-teakettle to the side. She felt more ribs break as she impacted the pews and her vision went bright white as the flashbang detonated. The back of her head cracked into another pew and pain overwhelmed her Her stomach rebelled and she vomited, spewing bile over her own chest.
  6. Romilly pushed herself up to her knees. The Yautja smacked Lejeune aside with casual disdain then charged the rougarou as the flashbang went off. Romilly stopped and took a deep breath, rubbing her eyes. Not thinking was stupid, and stupid got you killed. She looked around. The wolf-beast and the alien closed in on each other, the alien raining blows on the rougarou's head while the beast snapped its fearsome maw at the hunter.
  8. Weapons were easy. Both Tito's and Lejeune's rifles were reachable, but neither of them had seemed to dent the two combatants.
  10. The alien was holding the rougarou by the neck, fighting to keep the beast off while hammering the hand wielding the twin blades into the beast's shoulder and chest. The problem was one of size.
  11. The rougarou outweighed the alien by a couple hundred pounds, and the blades just weren't penetrating far enough through its tough hide.
  12. The rougarou snapped massive jaws over the alien's
  13. face, ripping the mask free. It savaged the piece, shaking its head back and forth.-pg.148-149 chpt.5
Tags: Predator
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