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- <a href="" class="credit">Themes by Eris</a>
- <!-- Do not remove the credit -->
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- -------------------------------
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- <img id ="gramophone" src="" />
- <div id="player">{AudioPlayerblack}</div>
- <div id="info">
- {block:Artist}
- <div class="title">Artist:</div>
- {Artist}<br><br>
- {/block:Artist}
- {block:Album}
- <div class="title">Album:</div>
- {Album}<br><br>
- {/block:Album}
- {block:TrackName}
- <div class="title">Track Name:</div>
- {TrackName}<br><br>
- {/block:TrackName}
- {block:PlayCount}
- <div class="title">Play Count: </div>
- {FormattedPlayCount}
- {/block:PlayCount}
- </div>
- {block:Caption}
- <div id="gap"></div>
- <div id="caption" class="{select:Text Size}">{Caption}</div>
- {/block:Caption}
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- <img src="">
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- <div id="title">{Title}</div>
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