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- local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Dolphin Hub",
- LoadingTitle = "I just wanna be part of your symphony",
- LoadingSubtitle = "by ben and medium",
- ConfigurationSaving = {
- Enabled = true,
- FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game
- FileName = "dolphinhub"
- },
- Discord = {
- Enabled = false,
- Invite = "noinvitelink", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD
- RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up
- },
- KeySystem = false, -- Set this to true to use our key system
- KeySettings = {
- Title = "Untitled",
- Subtitle = "Key System",
- Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided",
- FileName = "Key", -- It is recommended to use something unique as other scripts using Rayfield may overwrite your key file
- SaveKey = true, -- The user's key will be saved, but if you change the key, they will be unable to use your script
- GrabKeyFromSite = false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from
- Key = {"Hello"} -- List of keys that will be accepted by the system, can be RAW file links (pastebin, github etc) or simple strings ("hello","key22")
- }
- })
- local Tab = Window:CreateTab("Volleyball 4.2", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = Tab:CreateSection("Scripts")
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "No Line Fault",
- Callback = function()
- game.Workspace.ServeLF.Size =, 0.001, 0.001)
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "No Team Borders",
- Callback = function()
- game.Workspace.BlueSide:Destroy()
- game.Workspace.RedSide:Destroy()
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Jump On Frontrow While Backrow",
- Callback = function()
- game.Workspace.BackrowLF.Size =, 0.001, 0.001)
- end,
- })
- local Slider = Tab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Jump Height",
- Range = {0, 100},
- Increment = 0.1,
- Suffix = "Height",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(Value)
- -- The function that takes place when the slider changes
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.UseJumpPower = false
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpHeight = Value
- -- The variable (Value) is a number which correlates to the value the slider is currently at
- end,
- })
- local Tab = Window:CreateTab("CRAZY", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = Tab:CreateSection("Scripts")
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Axe",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "axe",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Bat",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "bat",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Candy",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "candy",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Candy Cane",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "candycane",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Chainsaw",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "chainsaw",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Cheetos",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "cheetos",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Claws",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "claws",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Cleavers",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "cleavers",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Cricket Bat",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "cricketbat",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Crowbar",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "crowbar",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Dagger",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "dagger",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Fists",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "fists",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Glaive",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "glaive",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Golf Club",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "golfclub",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Guitar",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "guitar",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Katana",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "katana",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "kick",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Knife",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "knife",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Mace",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "mace",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Machete",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "machete",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Night Stick",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "nightstick",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Pan",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "pan",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Pencil",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "pencil",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Pick and Spade",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "pickandspade",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Pillow",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "pillow",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Pipe",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "pipe",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Sabres",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "sabres",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Scythe",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "scythe",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Spiked Club",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "spikedclub",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Sucker",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "sucker",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Trench Axe",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "trenchaxe",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Turkey",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "turkey",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Get Wrench",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "wrench",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end,
- })
- local Section = Tab:CreateSection("Other")
- local Paragraph = Tab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Info", Content = "Equip the glaive first to lag the server. You get 5 secs to equip the glaive, when you unequip the glaive, it stops."})
- local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Lag Server",
- Callback = function()
- local args = {
- [1] = "changeClass",
- [2] = "glaive",
- [3] = "none"
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("events"):WaitForChild("guiEvent"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- wait(5)
- while wait() do
- local args = {
- [1] = "equip"
- }
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.glaive.RemoteEvent:FireServer(unpack(args))
- end
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight = 50
- end,
- })
- Rayfield:LoadConfiguration()
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