
Pokémon Blue 151 FTL Route v2.0 (CEA No ACE/ARE/AMC/PO)

Jul 30th, 2018
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  1. blue 151 FTL:
  3. - manip TID 0x765e (30302)
  4. - name player baaaa
  5. - name rival ??//;;
  6. - note: input rival name to 7 characters, then delete last char to get proper rival name to save a bit on tossing ethers
  7. - i.e. input rival name to be ??//;;;, then press B to make rival name ??//;;
  8. - pick bulbasaur, win rival
  9. - buy 10 poke balls
  10. - optional: pick up tree potion
  11. - get good pidgey
  12. - pick up forest antidote
  13. - pick up forest potion
  14. - win weedle fight
  15. - buy escape rope x1, parlyz heal x1, burn heal x1, awakening x1
  16. - easy manip strats: buy burn heal x1, escape rope x1, parlyz heal x1, awakening x1
  17. - brock through walls
  18. - catch ditto
  19. - swap ditto to front, use escape rope
  20. - get CT
  21. - pokedex menu flash on grass tile next to side of ledge:
  22. - can do this before getting CT, as long as you do not open any submenu
  23. - double distort missingno:
  24. - view CT until corruption
  25. - flash item menu
  26. - view CT again until another corruption
  27. - do this fast enough and get first ball missingno to skip missingno cry
  28. - you can also view CT again if audio completely fades out and you haven't caught missingno by then for another chance at skipping missingno's cry
  29. - toss awakening x2, double distort again (no need to worry about missingno cry this time)
  30. - walk to this location:
  31. - swap ditto with rhydon
  32. - swap antidote x1 (third) with awakening x255 (6th) (if used all poke balls, reference item slots)
  33. - toss antidote x1 (6th)
  34. - dry underflow
  35. - do not flash use/toss or back out/enter in to save a bit of frames (maybe)
  36. - swap awakening x0 with 9th slot
  37. - teach missingno teleport (tm30)
  38. - swap ether x80 into options
  39. - swap xblock master ball x0 with potion x0
  40. - toss 240 from potion x0 to get 16
  41. - swap potion x16 with RED in text pointer
  42. - save
  43. - take one step left
  44. - view trainer card
  45. - swap bicycle (up 5) with ultra ball (up 3)
  46. - swap bicycle with Q r 4 h I
  47. - get on and off the bicycle
  48. - the game should crash. hard reset
  49. - open inventory
  50. - toss 1 from awakening in 9th slot
  51. - toss all of tm55 in 8th slot (quantity 0), 7th slot (x1), 6th slot (x0 if had poke balls left, x1 if ran out of poke balls), 5th slot (x1) (BUT NOT 4TH!)
  52. - walk down 1 and right 1, then press A to access the player PC
  53. - open deposit menu
  54. - if got PC potion: deposit []j. x1
  55. - deposit tm55 in fourth slot
  56. - deposit awakening x255
  57. - go to toss menu
  58. - toss CANCEL under potion/[]j. x1
  59. - toss potion x1
  60. - dry underflow
  61. - toss []j. from 5th slot in box underflow
  62. - alternatively, back out and in of toss menu
  63. - swap 5th []j. with 6th []j.
  64. - walk down to grass and get an encounter
  65. - use 9F in TID, then use teleport with missingno (cannot just walk back to daisy's house)
  66. - walk to daisy's house
  67. - walk right 1 to save []j. lag
  68. - toss 253 master balls from warping to get to 3
  69. - exit daisy's house
  70. - enter cerulean house
  71. - swap []j. x3 with ultra ball x1
  72. - scroll to tm22 x65, toss 58 to get to 7
  73. - swap tm22 x7 with ultra ball x1
  74. - swap []j. x255 in connections byte with tmtrainer item below
  75. - swap []j. x255 with coin case directly under the first cancel button you see (swap while cancel button is on screen to save frames)
  76. - swap []j. x255 with ultra ball x1 OR great ball x1 directly under cancel
  77. - swapping with great ball x1 saves []j. frames
  78. - toss []j. x175 from []j. x255 to get []j. x80
  79. - exit house
  80. - open item menu
  81. - scroll up until you see fire stone x[]9 (close to poké flute, above marshbadge)
  82. - press select on fire stone x[]9
  83. - scroll up until you hit a click item
  84. - press b three times to advance click item, then immediately press select
  85. - swap fire stone x[]9 with x accuracy x90
  86. - swap fire stone x[]9 with []4 [] "
  87. - toss 119 from dire hit x126 to get 7
  88. - scroll up, swap ether x80 in options with []4 [] "
  89. - toss 29 from ether x80 to get 51
  90. - bonk right, talk to invisible sign which is now a mart
  91. - NOTE: selling items with OWRB skips sell jingle, be sure to sell fast!
  92. - sell: []j. x0/x255, parlyz heal x1, burn heal x1, 7 stacks of awakening x255 (money should be 678789)
  93. - buy (IN ORDER): hyper potion x99, hyper potion x99, hyper potion x20, rare candy x1
  94. - buy rare candy x81 if you want to preserve save file after credits
  95. - exit mart
  96. - open item menu
  97. - swap tm43 x243 in rival name with ether x51 in text pointer
  98. - toss 227 from tm43 x243 to get 16
  99. - scroll down, select repel x241 near super rod
  100. - scroll down until you hit a click item
  101. - 3 clicks twice, then press select on click item to swap with repel x241
  102. - if you accidentally deselect the repels, advance past the click item and select the repel x248 near poke flute
  103. - press select on repel and scroll down again until you hit another click item
  104. - 1 click 4 times to advance through
  105. - scroll down again until you see rare candy x1
  106. - scroll a bit more until the cursor is on cancel below rare candy x1 (reduces []j. lag)
  107. - swap repels with []j. x0 above rare candy x1
  108. - toss repels to get to repel x190 (241 tosses 51, 248 tosses 58)
  109. - exit menu, press A to talk to invisible prize vendor
  110. - NOTE: can use repels multiple times instead of tossing (not sure on which is faster)
  111. - by default, a repel is used each time per pokemon
  112. - no need to change box since party count is set to 0 every time you talk to the prize vendor
  113. - buy tangela and chansey from 1st and 3rd slot respectively at some point
  115. After buying Oddish, toss 5 from Repels
  116. After buying Charmander toss 3
  117. After buying Magnemite toss 2
  118. After buying Ponyta toss 5
  119. After buying Goldeen toss 2
  120. After buying Venusaur toss 2
  121. After buying Haunter toss 2
  122. After buying Electrode toss 2
  123. After buying Kingler toss 2
  124. After buying Muk toss 3
  125. After buying Golduck toss 2
  126. After buying Caterpie toss 3
  127. After buying Dodrio toss 2
  128. After buying Sandshrew toss 3
  129. After buying Dratini toss 3
  130. After buying Vulpix toss 4
  131. After buying Meowth toss 2
  132. After buying Doduo toss 4
  133. After buying Farfetch’d toss 4
  134. After buying Mankey toss 2
  135. After buying Electabuzz toss 2
  136. After buying Magmar toss 2
  137. After buying Machoke toss 2
  138. After buying Slowpoke toss 2
  139. After buying Growlithe toss 4
  142. - once all pokemon have been bought, toss 0 from []j. x0 directly under cancel button
  144. - do this before getting kangashkan, and do not do []j. x0 toss yet:
  145. - toss 1 from rare candy x81 to get rare candy x80
  146. - press select on rare candy x80
  147. - scroll down until inventory wraps around, then scroll up until the first occurance when []j.s appear
  148. - press up once more, then press select to swap rare candy x80
  149. - exit menu and get kangaskhan
  150. - toss 0 from []j. x0 below rare candy x80
  151. - press select on []j. x0 directly below last awakening x255 stack (saves []j. frames getting the []j. x0 here)
  152. - scroll down and press select on dire hit x7
  153. - scroll up a bit and press select on master ball x118
  154. - press select on ????? above coin case
  155. - exit menu and walk up to HoF
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