
Unit 14 + 16

Sep 19th, 2013
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  1. Unit 14
  3. 1. Blackmail = ora bo ta threathen un hende pa e haci algo pabo
  4. -Verb: He had blackmailed her into sailing with him.
  5. -Noun: There were many charges of blackmail against the man.
  7. 2. Evade = pa scapa di haci algo, huy
  8. -Verb = Messi was sentenced 68 years for evading his taxes.
  10. 3. Incriminate = algo cu ta culpabo, cu ta duna evidence contra bo
  11. -Verb = He refused to answer questions in order not to incriminate himself.
  12. -Adjective = The police found incriminating evidence against the criminal.
  14. 4. Intimidate = intimida un hende, lage haya miedo door di menace.
  15. -Verb = Taking hostiges is often set to intimidate the enemy.
  16. -Adjective = The intimidating defence barrister was not easy to go trough.
  18. 5. Malice = ora bo ta wish malo pa otro hende
  19. -Noun = There was no malice intended in what she said.
  20. -Adjective = She took a malicious pleasure in hurting others.
  22. 6. Molest = molestia un hende
  23. -Verb = The children kept molesting the women while she was working.
  24. -Noun = The child molester was found guilty with several charges.
  26. 7. Notorious = un hende conosi widely pa algo malo
  27. -Adjective = A notorious murderer has been captured by the local police.
  28. -Adverb = He was notoriously known for his mass murders across the country.
  30. 8. Ordeal = Un painful experience
  31. Noun = Being kidnapped was an ordeal for the child.
  33. 9. Rape = rape den papiamento tmb
  34. -Noun = The criminal has committed at least two rapes.
  35. -Verb = The women was raped at knifepoint.
  37. 10. Riot = ora e publico bira violent, riots.
  38. -Verb = The protesters were rioting in the streets of Amsterdam.
  39. -Noun = The student march developed itself into a riot.
  41. 11. Riotuous = sin stop
  42. -Adjective = The teenagers were riotuous at the party.
  44. 12. Strangle = pa bo muri of mata un hende door di stop su breathing
  45. -Verb = He strangled her with a nylon stockings, she died immediately.
  46. - Noun = The strangulation caused the women to die.
  48. 13. Thwart = pa frustia un hende, pa confuse e
  49. -Verb = The man doesn't like to be thwarted when working.
  51. Unit 16
  53. 1. Belligerence = un hende aggresivo cu ta gusta war, bv George Bush
  54. -Noun = He could be accused of passion but never belligerence.
  56. 2. Cow = pa intimida un hende cu yen threats, spanta nn
  57. -Verb = The pupil was cowed by the headmaster's harsh words.
  58. -Adj = The cowed pupil was freaked out by the harsh words.
  60. 3. Debris = e restonan di un destruction, e destruction dus
  61. -Noun = The fireman was found a corpse amoung the debris.
  63. 4. Detonate = pa activa algo cu ta explota, set e on
  64. -Verb = This device detonates the bomb from a long distance.
  65. -Noun = The detonation of the bomb was set on while the president passed.
  66. -Noun = The detonator of the bomb was given to the terrorist.
  68. 5. Infringe = pa haci algo cu ta viola otro hende
  69. -Verb = Making an unauthorized copy would infringe his copyright.
  71. 6. Martyr = un hende cu ta sacrifica su mes pa algo, of pa su country.
  72. -Noun = The soldier is said to be a martyr, he died in war.
  73. -Verb = Saint Joan was martyred by the English people.
  75. 7. Obliterate = Pa kita algo full, pa kite fey mapa, bv. twin towers
  76. -Verb = The memory was so paintful that he obliterated it from his mind.
  77. -Verb = Whole villages were obliterated by the fire last night.
  79. 8. Onslaught = un atake hopi violento
  80. -Noun = An onslaught on the enemy troops was caused by our army.
  82. 9. Partisan = un guerilla, bv na colombia la guerilla
  83. -Noun = The partisans opened fire from the woods last night.
  85. 10. Projectile = un rocket, of algo cu ta wordo fired, tira riba otro.
  86. -Noun = They tried to shield Johnson from the projectiles that were being thrown.
  88. 11. Quarter = pa provide un shelter pa soldiers of otro hende.
  89. -Noun = The enemies quarter is much more prepared for attacks.
  90. -Verb = The soldiers were quartered in a brief area during the war.
  92. 12. Salute = salute un hende, meestal den army
  93. -Noun = The soldier raises his arms to salute the his general.
  94. -Verb = Do you usually salute your superior officer everyday?
  96. 13. Subside = algo ta bira menos, fade away dus, bv sound
  97. -Verb = I'll wait a few minutes until the storm subsides.
  99. 14. Torpedo = un rocket abouw den awa, dus esunn di sumarines
  100. -Noun = The enemy torpedo destroyed our entire ship.
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