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- --this doesnt work yet dont execute
- if not LPH_OBFUSCATED then
- LPH_JIT_MAX = function(...) return(...) end;
- LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE = function(...) return(...) end;
- end
- --//Pet Simulator X
- repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded()
- if game.PlaceId == 6284583030 or 10321372166 or 7722306047 then
- repeat task.wait() until require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Framework"):WaitForChild("Library")).Loaded
- local StartTick = tick()
- --// Anti Afk
- local VirtualUser=game:service'VirtualUser'
- game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()
- VirtualUser:CaptureController()
- VirtualUser:ClickButton2(
- end)
- --// Variables
- local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
- local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local PathfindingService = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
- local ReplicatedFirst = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- if not isfolder("MilkUp") then
- makefolder("MilkUp")
- end
- if not isfolder("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX") then
- makefolder("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX")
- end
- if not isfile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/GlobalSettings.json") then
- writefile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/GlobalSettings.json", HttpService:JSONEncode({["LoadConfig"] = false, ["SeparateConfig"] = false}))
- end
- local Library = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Framework"):WaitForChild("Library"))
- local Scripts = Player.PlayerScripts.Scripts
- local Api = ""
- local HTTPRequest = http_request or request or HttpPost or syn.request
- local UserIDToUsername = Library.Functions.UserIdToUsername
- local IsHardcoreMode = (game.PlaceId == 10321372166 and true) or false
- local Premium = (LRM_IsUserPremium and true) or (not LPH_OBFUSCATED and true) or false
- local DiscordID = (not LPH_OBFUSCATED and "Flury") or (LRM_LinkedDiscordID and LRM_LinkedDiscordID) or "Someone"
- local RemotesLoaded = false
- local ScriptVersion = 2.4
- --// PSX Remotes
- local Remotes = {
- ["Get Coins"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Join Coin"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Leave Coin"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Farm Coin"] = {"Fire", nil},
- ["Claim Orbs"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Collect Lootbag"] = {"Fire", nil},
- ["Buy Egg"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Use Golden Machine"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Use Rainbow Machine"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Convert To Dark Matter"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Redeem Dark Matter Pet"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Fuse Pets"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Delete Several Pets"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Request World"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Claim Trading Booth"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Purchase Trading Booth Pet"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Add Trading Booth Pet"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Get Booth By Id"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Get All Booths"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Redeem Rank Rewards"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Redeem VIP Rewards"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Redeem Free Gift"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Activate Boost"] = {"Fire", nil},
- ["Activate Server Boost"] = {"Fire", nil},
- ["Travel To Main World"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Travel To Trading Plaza"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Travel To Hardcore World"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Buy Area"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Request Cannon Launch"] = {"Invoke", nil},
- ["Start Hacker Portal Quests"] = {"Fire", nil},
- ["Finish Hacker Portal Quest"] = {"Invoke", nil}
- }
- local function UseRemote(RemoteName, ...)
- if RemoteName[2] ~= nil and RemotesLoaded then
- local RemoteNetwork = Library.Network[RemoteName[1]]
- return RemoteNetwork(RemoteName[2], ...)
- end
- end
- local function AdvancedSignal(Content, ColorToInput)
- return Library.Signal.Fire("Notification", Content, {color = ColorToInput})
- end
- local function NewFunction(...)
- return ...
- end
- local function GetAllRemotes()
- task.spawn(function()
- task.wait(10)
- LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- local RemoteTime = tick()
- InvokeHook = hookfunction(getupvalue(Library.Network.Invoke, 1), function(...) return true end)
- FireHook = hookfunction(getupvalue(Library.Network.Fire, 1), function(...) return true end)
- for i,v in pairs(getgc()) do
- if type(v) == "function" and islclosure(v) then
- --// Join Coin
- if debug.getinfo(v).name == "SelectCoin" then
- if #debug.getconstants(v) > 15 then
- Remotes["Join Coin"][2] = debug.getconstant(v, 36)
- Remotes["Leave Coin"][2] = debug.getconstant(v, 51)
- end
- end
- --// Farm Coin
- if debug.getinfo(v).name == "SelectCoin" then
- if #debug.getconstants(v) > 15 then
- Remotes["Farm Coin"][2] = debug.getconstant(debug.getproto(v, 5), 6)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --// Get Coins
- Remotes["Get Coins"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game.Coins).InvokeCoins, 3)
- --// Collect LootBag
- Remotes["Collect Lootbag"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game.Lootbags).Collect, 32)
- --// Buy Egg
- Remotes["Buy Egg"][2] = debug.getconstant(debug.getproto(getsenv(Scripts.Game.Eggs).SetupEgg, 5), 26)
- --/ Use Golden Machine
- Remotes["Use Golden Machine"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["Golden Machine"]).Convert, 15)
- --// Use Rainbow Machine
- Remotes["Use Rainbow Machine"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["Rainbow Machine"]).Convert, 15)
- --// Convert To Dark Matter
- Remotes["Convert To Dark Matter"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["Dark Matter Machine"]).PetsConvert, 3)
- --// Redeem Dark Matter Pet
- Remotes["Redeem Dark Matter Pet"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["Dark Matter Machine"]).RedeemQueuePet, 3)
- --// Fuse Pets
- Remotes["Fuse Pets"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["Fuse Pets"]).Fuse, 7)
- --// Delete Several Pets
- Remotes["Delete Several Pets"][2] = debug.getconstant(debug.getproto(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Inventory).DeletePets, 1), 22)
- --// Request World
- Remotes["Request World"][2] = debug.getconstant(Library.WorldCmds.Load, 16)
- --// Claim Trading Booth
- Remotes["Claim Trading Booth"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game["Trading Booths"]).ClaimBooth, 3)
- --// Purchase Trading Booth Pet
- Remotes["Purchase Trading Booth Pet"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game["Trading Booths"]).AttemptBuy, 32)
- --// Add Trading Booth Pet
- Remotes["Add Trading Booth Pet"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["List Pet"]).List, 8)
- --// Get Booth By Id
- Remotes["Get Booth By Id"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["Booth Inventory"]).Update, 7)
- --// Get All Booths
- Remotes["Get All Booths"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game["Trading Booths"]).Setup, 3)
- --// Redeem Rank Rewards
- Remotes["Redeem Rank Rewards"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game["Reedem Rank Rewards"]).Redeem, 3)
- --// Redeem VIP Rewards
- Remotes["Redeem VIP Rewards"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game["Reedem VIP Rewards"]).Redeem, 3)
- --// Redeem Free Gift
- Remotes["Redeem Free Gift"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["Free Gifts"]).Redeem, 3)
- --// Activate Boost
- Remotes["Activate Boost"][2] = debug.getconstant(debug.getproto(debug.getproto(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["Exclusive Shop"]).UpdateBoosts, 2), 2), 3)
- --// Activate Server Boost
- Remotes["Activate Server Boost"][2] = debug.getconstant(debug.getproto(debug.getproto(getsenv(Scripts.GUIs["Server Boosts"]).Update, 3), 1), 3)
- --// World Remotes
- Remotes["Travel To Main World"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game.Misc["Leave Trading Plaza"]).Request, 5)
- Remotes["Travel To Hardcore World"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game.Misc["Hardcore Mode Teleports"]).Request, 15)
- Remotes["Travel To Trading Plaza"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game.Misc["Join Trading Plaza"]).Request, 7)
- --// Buy Gate
- Remotes["Buy Area"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game.Gates).BuyGate, 20)
- --// Request Cannon Launch
- Remotes["Request Cannon Launch"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game.Cannons).ClientAttemptFire, 14)
- --// Start Hacker Portal Quest
- Remotes["Start Hacker Portal Quests"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game["Hacker Portal Quests"]).PromptQuest, 12)
- --// Finish Hacker Portal Quest
- Remotes["Finish Hacker Portal Quest"][2] = debug.getconstant(getsenv(Scripts.Game["Hacker Portal Quests"]).PromptQuest, 19)
- RemotesLoaded = true
- AdvancedSignal("Remotes Loaded Took: "..tick() - RemoteTime, Color3.fromRGB(115, 80, 255))
- end)()
- end)
- end
- GetAllRemotes()
- LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- local Audio = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Library.Audio)
- local AudoHook
- local FakeSound ="Sound", game.Workspace)
- FakeSound.Name = "Fake"
- AudoHook = hookfunction(Audio.Play, function(...)
- return FakeSound
- end)
- end)()
- --// Tables
- getgenv().Config = {
- ConfigVersion = ScriptVersion,
- SelectedConfig = "None",
- Valentines = {
- StartHeartFarm = false,
- StartWorldTeleport = false,
- StartServerTeleport = false,
- StartInstantWorldTeleport = false,
- Worlds = {
- Spawn = false,
- Fantasy = false,
- Tech = false,
- Axolotl = false,
- Pixel = false,
- Cat = false
- }
- },
- Farming = {
- StartFarm = false,
- Mode = "Normal",
- CoinType = "Normal",
- FarmSpeed = 0.09,
- PetSendSpeed = 0,
- SendAllPets = false,
- CollectOrbs = false,
- CollectLootbags = false,
- TeleportToCoinsArea = false,
- StayOnPrivatePlatform = false,
- StartCompleteGame = false,
- Areas = {},
- Blacklisted = {}
- },
- Pets = {
- StartHatch = false,
- StartOpenInventory = false,
- DisableEggAnimation = false,
- DisableNotifications = false,
- TeleportToEgg = false,
- Mode = "Single",
- ChoosenEgg = "None"
- },
- Machines = {
- Golden = {
- StartGolden = false,
- GoldenAmount = 6,
- GoldenHC = false,
- GoldenHCAmount = 10,
- GoldenShiny = false,
- },
- Rainbow = {
- StartRainbow = false,
- RainbowAmount = 6,
- RainbowHC = false,
- RainbowHCAmount = 10,
- RainbowShiny = false,
- },
- DarkMatter = {
- StartDarkMatter = false,
- ClaimPets = false,
- DarkMatterAmount = 6,
- DarkMatterHC = false,
- DarkMatterHCAmount = 8,
- DarkMatterShiny = false,
- },
- Fusing = {
- StartFuse = false,
- Amount = 3,
- Mode = "Normal",
- WhenToStop = 0
- }
- },
- Booths = {
- Selling = {
- StartSellingPet = false,
- ChoosenPetToSell = "None",
- ChoosenPetPrice = "None",
- SellingList = {},
- Options = {},
- EditMode = false,
- EditNumber = "None"
- },
- Sniping = {
- StartSnipingPet = false,
- SnipePetRarity = false,
- SnipePetUnder = false,
- GemsUnderToSnipe = "None",
- ChoosenPetToSnipe = "None",
- SnipingList = {},
- Options = {},
- Rarities = {},
- EditMode = false,
- EditNumber = "None"
- },
- Extra = {
- TeleportToBooth = false,
- GoInvisible = false,
- WalkToBooth = false,
- BoothServerHop = false,
- BoothServerHopVoice = false,
- BoothServerHopSeconds = 1
- }
- },
- Deleting = {
- StartDelete = false,
- DeleteByRarity = false,
- ChoosenPetToDelete = "None",
- Options = {},
- Rarities = {}
- },
- Misc = {
- Redeeming = {
- RedeemRankRewards = false,
- RedeemVIPRewards = false,
- RedeemFreeGifts = false
- },
- Teleports = {
- LoadNormalExperience = false,
- LoadHardcoreExperience = false,
- LoadTradingExperience = false,
- LoadTradingVoiceExperience = false,
- },
- Hoverboards = {
- CurrentHoverboard = "Cat",
- HoverboardSpeed = 75,
- },
- Boosting = {
- UseBoosts = false,
- UseAllBoosts = false,
- BoostsToActivate = {},
- UseServerBoost = false,
- ServerBoostsToActivate = {}
- },
- Extra = {
- StatsTracker = false,
- ReduceLag = false,
- LockFps = false,
- ChangeFpsTo = 60
- }
- },
- PetCollection = {
- StartCollecting = false,
- Mode = "Single",
- Options = {},
- Rarities = {}
- },
- Mastery = {
- StartCompletingMasterys = false,
- MasterysToFarm = {},
- },
- Guis = {
- GuiMachines = {
- GoldenMachine = "T",
- RainbowMachine = "Y",
- DarkMatterMachine = "G",
- FuseMachine = "J",
- EnchantMachine = "H",
- BankMachine = "B",
- ServerBoostMachine = "V"
- }
- },
- Webhooks = {
- HatchWebhook = {
- StartWebhook = false,
- ChoosenWebhook = "None",
- PingUser = false,
- ChoosenUserID = "None",
- ShowChances = false,
- ShowEggsHatched = false,
- ShowEggsRemaining = false,
- ShowCurrencyRemaining = false,
- ShowStrength = false,
- ShowEnchants = false,
- Rarities = {}
- },
- SnipeWebhook = {
- StartWebhook = false,
- ChoosenWebhook = "None",
- PingUser = false,
- ChoosenUserID = "None",
- ShowGemsSnipedFor = false,
- ShowGemsRemaining = false,
- ShowOwner = false,
- ShowStrength = false,
- ShowEnchants = false
- },
- SellWebhook = {
- StartWebhook = false,
- ChoosenWebhook = "None",
- PingUser = false,
- ChoosenUserID = "None",
- ShowSoldFor = false,
- ShowTotalGems = false,
- ShowPurchasedBy = false,
- }
- }
- }
- local IsLoadConfig = (HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/GlobalSettings.json"))["LoadConfig"] == true and true) or false
- local IsSeparateConfig = (HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/GlobalSettings.json"))["SeparateConfig"] == true and true) or false
- if not isfile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/DefaultConfig.json") then
- writefile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/DefaultConfig.json", HttpService:JSONEncode(Config))
- end
- if IsSeparateConfig and not isfile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/"..Player.Name..".json") then
- writefile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/"..Player.Name..".json", HttpService:JSONEncode(Config))
- end
- local ConfigName = (IsSeparateConfig and "MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/"..Player.Name..".json") or "MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/DefaultConfig.json"
- --// Config
- local function DeleteConfig()
- if isfile(ConfigName) then
- delfile(ConfigName)
- AdvancedSignal("Deleted Config!", Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0))
- end
- end
- local function SaveConfig()
- writefile(ConfigName, HttpService:JSONEncode(Config))
- end
- local function UpdateConfg()
- for i,v in pairs(HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile(ConfigName))) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- for i2,v2 in pairs(v) do
- if type(v2) == "boolean" then
- Config[i][i2] = v2
- end
- if type(v2) == "string" then
- Config[i][i2] = v2
- end
- if type(v2) == "table" then
- for i3,v3 in pairs(v2) do
- if type(v3) ~= "table" then
- Config[i][i2] = v2
- end
- if type(v3) == "boolean" then
- Config[i][i2][i3] = v3
- end
- if type(v2) == "string" then
- Config[i][i2][i3] = v3
- end
- if type(v3) == "table" then
- Config[i][i2][i3] = v3
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- writefile(ConfigName, HttpService:JSONEncode(Config))
- AdvancedSignal("Updated Config To Latest Version!", Color3.fromRGB(52, 235, 171))
- -- AdvancedSignal("Config Error! Erased Config, Sorry!", Color3.fromRGB(224, 67, 67))
- end
- local function LoadConfig()
- if isfile(ConfigName) and IsLoadConfig then
- if HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile(ConfigName))["ConfigVersion"] ~= ScriptVersion then
- UpdateConfg()
- else
- Config = HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile(ConfigName))
- end
- ConfigLoaded = true
- return AdvancedSignal("Loaded Config!", Color3.fromRGB(88, 247, 255))
- end
- end
- local ConfigSuccess, ConfigError = pcall(function() LoadConfig() end)
- if not ConfigSuccess then
- warn("(Error-MilkUp) "..ConfigError)
- AdvancedSignal("Config Error! Please Make A Ticket At .gg/milkup", Color3.fromRGB(224, 67, 67))
- end
- --// Tables
- local RaritiesList = {"Basic", "Rare", "Epic", "Legendary", "Mythical", "", "Event", "Exclusive"}
- local RaritiesWithoutExclusiveList = {"Basic", "Rare", "Epic", "Legendary", "Mythical"}
- local TypeList = {"Regular", "Hardcore", "Shiny", "Golden", "Rainbow", "Dark Matter", "Any"}
- local TypesForCollectionList = {"Regular", "Golden", "Rainbow", "Dark Matter", "Any"}
- local MasteryList = {"Coin Piles", "Crates", "Diamond Piles", "Chests", "Presents", "VaultsAndSafes", "Eggs", "Golden Eggs"}
- local LayoutOrdersList = {
- ["Diamonds"] = 999910,
- ["Halloween Candy"] = 999920,
- ["Gingerbread"] = 999930,
- ["Rainbow Coins"] = 999940,
- ["Tech Coins"] = 999950,
- ["Fantasy Coins"] = 999960,
- ["Coins"] = 999970,
- }
- local AreaList = {}
- for i,v in pairs(ReplicatedStorage["__DIRECTORY"].Areas:GetChildren()) do
- if not AreaList[v.Name:split("| ")[2]] then
- AreaList[v.Name:split("| ")[2]] = {}
- end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(require(v)) do
- table.insert(AreaList[v.Name:split("| ")[2]], i2)
- end
- end
- local HoverboardList = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Directory.Hoverboards) do
- table.insert(HoverboardList, i)
- end
- local CoinTypeList = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Directory.Worlds) do
- if v.Disabled ~= true then
- if not CoinTypeList[i] then
- CoinTypeList[i] = {}
- end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(v.spawns) do
- for i3,v3 in pairs(v2.coins) do
- table.insert(CoinTypeList[i], v3[1])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local EggList = {}
- for i,v in pairs(ReplicatedStorage["__DIRECTORY"].Eggs:GetDescendants()) do
- if v:IsA("ModuleScript") and v.Name ~= "Grab All Eggs" then
- local EggModule = require(v)
- if EggModule.hatchable then
- table.insert(EggList, v.Name)
- end
- end
- end
- table.sort(EggList, function(a,b)
- return a < b
- end)
- local PetList = {}
- for i,v in pairs(ReplicatedStorage["__DIRECTORY"].Pets:GetChildren()) do
- if not v:IsA("ModuleScript") then
- for i2,v2 in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
- if v2:IsA("ModuleScript") then
- if not PetList[require(v2).rarity] then
- PetList[require(v2).rarity] = {}
- end
- table.insert(PetList[require(v2).rarity], v.Name)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(PetList) do
- table.sort(v, function(a,b)
- return a:split("- ")[2] < b:split("- ")[2]
- end)
- end
- local CompleteTable = {
- "Town",--// World
- "Forest",
- "Beach",
- "Mine",
- "Winter",
- "Glacier",
- "Desert",
- "Volcano",
- 'Cave',
- "Enchanted Forest",--// World
- "Ancient Island",
- "Samurai Island",
- "Candy Island",
- "Haunted Island",
- "Hell Island",
- "Heaven Island",
- "Heavens Gate",
- "Ice Tech",
- "Tech City", --//World
- "Dark Tech",
- "Steampunk",
- "Alien Lab",
- "Alien Forest",
- "Glitch",
- "Hacker Portal",
- "The Void",--// World
- "Axolotl Ocean",--// World
- "Axolotl Deep Ocean",
- "Axolotl Cave",
- "Pixel Forest", --// World
- "Pixel Kyoto",
- "Pixel Alps",
- "Pixel Vault",
- "Cat Paradise",--// World
- "Cat Backyard",
- "Cat Taiga",
- "Cat Kingdom"
- }
- local BlacklistedDiscords = {"1026701036678807643"}
- --// Functions
- --// Misc Functions
- local function LowServerTeleport(GameHop, GameID)
- local LowPlayerServerId
- if GameHop then
- LowPlayerServerId = GameID
- else
- LowPlayerServerId = game.PlaceId
- end
- local PlaceID = LowPlayerServerId
- local AllIDs = {}
- local foundAnything = ""
- local actualHour ="!*t").hour
- local Deleted = false
- local File = pcall(function()
- AllIDs = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(readfile("NotSameServers.json"))
- end)
- if not File then
- table.insert(AllIDs, actualHour)
- writefile("NotSameServers.json", game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode(AllIDs))
- end
- function TPReturner()
- local Site;
- if foundAnything == "" then
- Site = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet('' .. PlaceID .. '/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100'))
- else
- Site = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet('' .. PlaceID .. '/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100&cursor=' .. foundAnything))
- end
- local ID = ""
- if Site.nextPageCursor and Site.nextPageCursor ~= "null" and Site.nextPageCursor ~= nil then
- foundAnything = Site.nextPageCursor
- end
- local num = 0;
- for i,v in pairs( do
- local Possible = true
- ID = tostring(
- if tonumber(v.maxPlayers) > tonumber(v.playing) then
- for _,Existing in pairs(AllIDs) do
- if num ~= 0 then
- if ID == tostring(Existing) then
- Possible = false
- end
- else
- if tonumber(actualHour) ~= tonumber(Existing) then
- local delFile = pcall(function()
- delfile("NotSameServers.json")
- AllIDs = {}
- table.insert(AllIDs, actualHour)
- end)
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if Possible == true then
- table.insert(AllIDs, ID)
- wait()
- pcall(function()
- writefile("NotSameServers.json", game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode(AllIDs))
- wait()
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceID, ID, game.Players.LocalPlayer)
- end)
- wait(4)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Teleport()
- while wait() do
- pcall(function()
- TPReturner()
- if foundAnything ~= "" then
- TPReturner()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- Teleport()
- end
- function ServerTeleport(Place)
- local function FindServer(PlaceID)
- local servers = {}
- local req = HTTPRequest({Url = "".. PlaceID.."/servers/Public?sortOrder=Desc&limit=100"})
- local body = HttpService:JSONDecode(req.Body)
- if body and then
- for i, v in next, do
- if type(v) == "table" and tonumber(v.playing) and tonumber(v.maxPlayers) and v.playing < v.maxPlayers and (PlaceID == 7722306047 and v.playing > 20) or (PlaceID == 11725212117 and v.playing > 20) or v.playing > 7 and ~= game.JobId then
- table.insert(servers, {v.playing,})
- end
- end
- end
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceID, servers[math.random(1, #servers)][2], Players.LocalPlayer)
- end
- if Place == "Main World" then
- while task.wait(1) do FindServer(6284583030) end
- elseif Place == "Hardcore World" then
- while task.wait(1) do FindServer(10321372166) end
- elseif Place == "Trading Plaza" then
- while task.wait(1) do FindServer(7722306047) end
- elseif Place == "Trading Plaza Voice Chat" then
- while task.wait(1) do FindServer(11725212117) end
- end
- end
- local function GetHumanoidRootPart()
- return Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- end
- local function FindPath(Destination)
- local Humanoid = Player.Character.Humanoid
- local CreatedPath = PathfindingService:CreatePath()
- CreatedPath:ComputeAsync(GetHumanoidRootPart().Position, Destination.Position)
- if CreatedPath.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
- for i,v in pairs(CreatedPath:GetWaypoints()) do
- Humanoid:MoveTo(v.Position +,0,5))
- local MoveSuccess = Humanoid.MoveToFinished:Wait()
- if v.Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump then
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
- task.wait(0.2)
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
- Humanoid.Jump = true
- end
- if not MoveSuccess then
- Humanoid.Jump = true
- Humanoid:MoveTo(v.Position)
- if not Humanoid.MoveToFinished:Wait() then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- end
- local function CalculateItemsInTable(Table, AmountOfLoops)
- local AmountToReturn = 0
- if AmountOfLoops == 1 then
- for i,v in pairs(Table) do
- AmountToReturn = AmountToReturn + 1
- end
- elseif AmountOfLoops == 2 then
- for i,v in pairs(Table) do
- for i2,v2 in pairs(v) do
- AmountToReturn = AmountToReturn + 1
- end
- end
- end
- return AmountToReturn
- end
- local function DateTime()
- local OSTime = os.time()
- local Time ='!*t', OSTime)
- return string.format('%d-%d-%dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ', Time.year, Time.month,, Time.hour, Time.min, Time.sec)
- end
- local function CheckTypeOrRarity(Type, TypeTable, CheckTable)
- local Settings = TypeTable
- local Pet = CheckTable
- if Type == "Type" then
- if (Settings["Regular"] and (not Pet.hc and not and not Pet.g and not Pet.r and not then
- return true
- end
- if (Settings["Golden"] and (not Pet.hc and not and Pet.g)) then
- return true
- end
- if (Settings["Rainbow"] and (not Pet.hc and not and Pet.r)) then
- return true
- end
- if (Settings["Dark Matter"] and (not Pet.hc and not and then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Hardcore"] and Settings["Regular"]) and (Pet.hc and not and not Pet.g and not Pet.r and not then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Hardcore"] and Settings["Golden"]) and (Pet.hc and not and Pet.g)) then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Hardcore"] and Settings["Rainbow"]) and (Pet.hc and not and Pet.r)) then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Hardcore"] and Settings["Dark Matter"]) and (Pet.hc and not and then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Regular"]) and (not Pet.hc and and not Pet.g and not Pet.r and not then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Golden"]) and (not Pet.hc and and Pet.g)) then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Rainbow"]) and (not Pet.hc and and Pet.r)) then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Dark Matter"]) and (not Pet.hc and and then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Hardcore"] and Settings["Regular"]) and (Pet.hc and and not Pet.g and not Pet.r and not then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Hardcore"] and Settings["Golden"]) and (Pet.hc and and Pet.g)) then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Hardcore"] and Settings["Rainbow"]) and (Pet.hc and and Pet.r)) then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Hardcore"] and Settings["Dark Matter"]) and (Pet.hc and and then
- return true
- end
- if Settings["Any"] then
- return true
- end
- elseif Type == "Rarity" then
- if (Settings.Rarities["Basic"] and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Basic") or (Settings.Rarities["Rare"] and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Rare") or (Settings.Rarities["Epic"] and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Epic") or (Settings.Rarities["Legendary"] and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Legendary") or (Settings.Rarities["Mythical"] and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Mythical") or (Settings.Rarities[""] and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "") or (Settings.Rarities["Event"] and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Event") or(Settings.Rarities["Exclusive"] and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Exclusive") or (Settings.Rarities["Huge"] and Library.Directory.Pets[].huge) or (Settings.Rarities["Titanic"] and Library.Directory.Pets[].titanic) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function HasPetEquipped(Uid)
- local PetsPath = IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().HardcorePetsEquipped or Library.Save.Get().PetsEquipped
- if PetsPath[Uid] then
- return true
- end
- end
- --// Webhooks
- local function CheckForPet(UID)
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if v.uid == UID then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function SendHatchWebhook(PetTable, PetEgg)
- LPH_JIT_MAX(function()
- local DescriptionTable = {}
- local PetID =
- local PetName = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].name
- local PetType = (PetTable.r and "RAINBOW") or (PetTable.g and "GOLDEN") or ( and "DARK MATTER") or "NORMAL"
- local PetImage = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID][(PetTable.r and "thumbnail") or (PetTable.g and "goldenThumbnail") or ( and "darkMatterThumbnail") or "thumbnail"]:split("//")[2]
- local EmbedColor = (Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].rarity == "" and 0x0d3b60) or 0x7b4fdb
- local PingCheck = (Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.PingUser and "||<@"..Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ChoosenUserID..">||") or ""
- local ChangedEgg = PetEgg
- local CurrencyPath = (IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().HardcoreCurrency) or Library.Save.Get()
- if string.find(ChangedEgg, "Golden") then
- ChangedEgg = string.gsub(PetEgg, "Golden ", "")
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowChances then
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Directory.Eggs[ChangedEgg].drops) do
- if v2[1] == PetID then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":four_leaf_clover: Chance: "..Library.Functions.FormatOdds(v2[2]))
- end
- end
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowEggsHatched then
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Save.Get().EggsOpened) do
- if i2 == ChangedEgg then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":egg: Eggs Hatched: "..Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v2)))
- end
- end
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowEggsRemaining then
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Directory.Eggs) do
- if i2 == ChangedEgg then
- for i3,v3 in pairs(CurrencyPath) do
- if i3 == v2.currency then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":sparkles: Eggs Remaining: "..Library.Functions.Commas(math.floor(v3 / v2.cost) % 1000000000))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowStrength then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":boom: Strength: "..Library.Functions.NumberShorten(PetTable.s))
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowCurrencyRemaining then
- local CurrencyLeft = Library.Save.Get()[Library.Directory.Eggs[ChangedEgg].currency]
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":money_with_wings: Currency Remaining: "..Library.Functions.NumberShorten(CurrencyLeft))
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowEnchants then
- local Enchants = {}
- if PetTable.powers then
- if PetTable.powers[1] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..PetTable.powers[1][1].." "..PetTable.powers[1][2])
- end
- if PetTable.powers[2] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..PetTable.powers[2][1].." "..PetTable.powers[1][2])
- end
- if PetTable.powers[3] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..PetTable.powers[3][1].." "..PetTable.powers[1][2])
- end
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, "\n:dizzy: __Enchants__")
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, table.concat(Enchants, "\n"))
- end
- end
- local Title = (IsHardcoreMode and "||"..Player.Name.."|| Hatched A Hardcore"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType.." "..PetName) or ("||"..Player.Name.."|| Hatched A"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType.." "..PetName)
- local Webhook = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ChoosenWebhook
- local msg = {
- ["username"] = "Milk Up",
- ["avatar_url"] = "",
- ["content"] = PingCheck,
- ["embeds"] = {
- {
- ["color"] = EmbedColor,
- ["title"] = Title,
- ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet((""..PetImage.."&size=250x250&format=Png&isCircular=false"))).data[1].imageUrl},
- ["description"] = "**"..table.concat(DescriptionTable, "\n").."**",
- ['timestamp'] = DateTime(),
- ["footer"] = {
- ["text"] = "Milk Up",
- ["icon_url"] = ""
- },
- },
- },
- }
- HTTPRequest({Url = Webhook, Method = "POST", Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json"}, Body = HttpService:JSONEncode(msg)})
- end)()
- end
- local function SendMiscHatchWebhook(PetTable, PetEgg)
- if Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Exclusive" or Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Event" then
- if not LPH_OBFUSCATED then
- local DescriptionTable = {}
- local PetID =
- local PetName = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].name
- local PetType = (PetTable.r and "RAINBOW") or (PetTable.g and "GOLDEN") or ( and "DARK MATTER") or "NORMAL"
- local PetImage = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID][(PetTable.r and "thumbnail") or (PetTable.g and "goldenThumbnail") or ( and "darkMatterThumbnail") or "thumbnail"]:split("//")[2]
- local EmbedColor = (Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].rarity == "" and 0x0d3b60) or 0x7b4fdb
- local ChangedEgg = PetEgg
- local CurrencyPath = (IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().HardcoreCurrency) or Library.Save.Get()
- if string.find(ChangedEgg, "Golden") then
- ChangedEgg = string.gsub(PetEgg, "Golden ", "")
- end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Directory.Eggs[ChangedEgg].drops) do
- if v2[1] == PetID then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":four_leaf_clover: Chance: "..Library.Functions.FormatOdds(v2[2]))
- end
- end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Save.Get().EggsOpened) do
- if i2 == ChangedEgg then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":egg: Eggs Hatched: "..Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v2)))
- end
- end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Directory.Eggs) do
- if i2 == ChangedEgg then
- for i3,v3 in pairs(CurrencyPath) do
- if i3 == v2.currency then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":sparkles: Eggs Remaining: "..Library.Functions.Commas(math.floor(v3 / v2.cost) % 1000000000))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":boom: Strength: "..Library.Functions.NumberShorten(PetTable.s))
- local CurrencyLeft = Library.Save.Get()[Library.Directory.Eggs[ChangedEgg].currency]
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":money_with_wings: Currency Remaining: "..Library.Functions.NumberShorten(CurrencyLeft))
- local Enchants = {}
- if PetTable.powers then
- if PetTable.powers[1] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..PetTable.powers[1][1].." "..PetTable.powers[1][2])
- end
- if PetTable.powers[2] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..PetTable.powers[2][1].." "..PetTable.powers[1][2])
- end
- if PetTable.powers[3] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..PetTable.powers[3][1].." "..PetTable.powers[1][2])
- end
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, "\n:dizzy: __Enchants__")
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, table.concat(Enchants, "\n"))
- end
- local Title = (IsHardcoreMode and "Flury Hatched A Hardcore"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType.." "..PetName) or ("Flury Hatched A"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType.." "..PetName)
- local Webhook = ""
- local msg = {
- ["username"] = "Milk Up",
- ["avatar_url"] = "",
- ["embeds"] = {
- {
- ["color"] = EmbedColor,
- ["title"] = Title,
- ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet((""..PetImage.."&size=250x250&format=Png&isCircular=false"))).data[1].imageUrl},
- ["description"] = "**"..table.concat(DescriptionTable, "\n").."**",
- ['timestamp'] = DateTime(),
- ["footer"] = {
- ["text"] = "Milk Up",
- ["icon_url"] = ""
- },
- },
- },
- }
- HTTPRequest({Url = Webhook, Method = "POST", Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json"}, Body = HttpService:JSONEncode(msg)})
- end
- if Library.Directory.Pets[].huge then
- local DescriptionTable = {}
- local PetID =
- local PetName = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].name
- local PetType = (PetTable.r and "RAINBOW") or (PetTable.g and "GOLDEN") or ( and "DARK MATTER") or "NORMAL"
- local PetImage = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID][(PetTable.r and "thumbnail") or (PetTable.g and "goldenThumbnail") or ( and "darkMatterThumbnail") or "thumbnail"]:split("//")[2]
- local EmbedColor = (Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].rarity == "" and 0x0d3b60) or 0x7b4fdb
- local ChangedEgg = PetEgg
- local CurrencyPath = (IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().HardcoreCurrency) or Library.Save.Get()
- if string.find(ChangedEgg, "Golden") then
- ChangedEgg = string.gsub(PetEgg, "Golden ", "")
- end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Directory.Eggs[ChangedEgg].drops) do
- if v2[1] == PetID then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":four_leaf_clover: Chance: "..Library.Functions.FormatOdds(v2[2]))
- end
- end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Save.Get().EggsOpened) do
- if i2 == ChangedEgg then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":egg: Eggs Hatched: "..Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v2)))
- end
- end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Directory.Eggs) do
- if i2 == ChangedEgg then
- for i3,v3 in pairs(CurrencyPath) do
- if i3 == v2.currency then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":sparkles: Eggs Remaining: "..Library.Functions.Commas(math.floor(v3 / v2.cost) % 1000000000))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":boom: Strength: "..Library.Functions.NumberShorten(PetTable.s))
- local CurrencyLeft = Library.Save.Get()[Library.Directory.Eggs[ChangedEgg].currency]
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":money_with_wings: Currency Remaining: "..Library.Functions.NumberShorten(CurrencyLeft))
- local Enchants = {}
- if PetTable.powers then
- if PetTable.powers[1] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..PetTable.powers[1][1].." "..PetTable.powers[1][2])
- end
- if PetTable.powers[2] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..PetTable.powers[2][1].." "..PetTable.powers[1][2])
- end
- if PetTable.powers[3] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..PetTable.powers[3][1].." "..PetTable.powers[1][2])
- end
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, "\n:dizzy: __Enchants__")
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, table.concat(Enchants, "\n"))
- end
- local Title = (IsHardcoreMode and DiscordID.." Hatched A Hardcore"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType.." "..PetName) or (DiscordID.." Hatched A"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType.." "..PetName)
- local Webhook = ""
- local msg = {
- ["username"] = "Milk Up",
- ["avatar_url"] = "",
- ["embeds"] = {
- {
- ["color"] = EmbedColor,
- ["title"] = Title,
- ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet((""..PetImage.."&size=250x250&format=Png&isCircular=false"))).data[1].imageUrl},
- ["description"] = "**"..table.concat(DescriptionTable, "\n").."**",
- ['timestamp'] = DateTime(),
- ["footer"] = {
- ["text"] = "Milk Up",
- ["icon_url"] = ""
- },
- },
- },
- }
- HTTPRequest({Url = Webhook, Method = "POST", Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json"}, Body = HttpService:JSONEncode(msg)})
- end
- return
- end
- end
- local function SendSnipeWebhook(PetOwner, PetUid, GemsSnipedFor, GemsRemaining)
- LPH_JIT_MAX(function()
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if v.uid == PetUid then
- if Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.StartWebhook then
- local DescriptionTable = {}
- local PetID =
- local PetName = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].name
- local PetType = (v.r and "RAINBOW") or (v.g and "GOLDEN") or ( and "DARK MATTER") or "NORMAL"
- local PetImage = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID][(v.r and "thumbnail") or (v.g and "goldenThumbnail") or ( and "darkMatterThumbnail") or "thumbnail"]:split("//")[2]
- local EmbedColor = (Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].rarity == "" and 0x0d3b60) or 0x7b4fdb
- local PingCheck = (Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.PingUser and "||<@"..Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ChoosenUserID..">||") or ""
- if Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowGemsSnipedFor then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":money_with_wings: Sniped For: "..GemsSnipedFor)
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowGemsRemaining then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":gem: Gems Remaining: "..GemsRemaining)
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowOwner then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":troll: Owner: ||"..UserIDToUsername(PetOwner).."||")
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowStrength then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":boom: Strength: "..Library.Functions.NumberShorten(v.s))
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowEnchants then
- local Enchants = {}
- if v.powers then
- if v.powers[1] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..v.powers[1][1].." "..v.powers[1][2])
- end
- if v.powers[2] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..v.powers[2][1].." "..v.powers[1][2])
- end
- if v.powers[3] then
- table.insert(Enchants, "↳ "..v.powers[3][1].." "..v.powers[1][2])
- end
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, "\n:dizzy: __Enchants__")
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, table.concat(Enchants, "\n"))
- end
- end
- local Title = (v.hc and "||"..Player.Name.."|| Sniped A Hardcore"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ").."__"..PetType.."__ "..PetName) or ("||"..Player.Name.."|| Sniped A"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ").."__"..PetType.."__ "..PetName)
- local Webhook = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ChoosenWebhook
- local msg = {
- ["username"] = "Milk Up",
- ["avatar_url"] = "",
- ["content"] = PingCheck,
- ["embeds"] = {
- {
- ["color"] = EmbedColor,
- ["title"] = Title,
- ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet((""..PetImage.."&size=250x250&format=Png&isCircular=false"))).data[1].imageUrl},
- ["description"] = "**"..table.concat(DescriptionTable, "\n").."**",
- ['timestamp'] = DateTime(),
- ["footer"] = {
- ["text"] = "Milk Up",
- ["icon_url"] = ""
- },
- },
- },
- }
- HTTPRequest({Url = Webhook, Method = "POST", Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json"}, Body = HttpService:JSONEncode(msg)})
- end
- if Library.Directory.Pets[].huge == true or Library.Directory.Pets[].titanic == true then
- local DescriptionTable2 = {}
- local PetID2 =
- local PetName2 = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID2].name
- local PetType2 = (v.r and "RAINBOW") or (v.g and "GOLDEN") or ( and "DARK MATTER") or "NORMAL"
- local PetImage2 = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID2][(v.r and "thumbnail") or (v.g and "goldenThumbnail") or ( and "darkMatterThumbnail") or "thumbnail"]:split("//")[2]
- local EmbedColor2 = (Library.Directory.Pets[PetID2].rarity == "" and 0x0d3b60) or 0x7b4fdb
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, ":money_with_wings: Sniped For: "..GemsSnipedFor)
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, ":gem: Gems Remaining: "..GemsRemaining)
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, ":boom: Strength: "..Library.Functions.NumberShorten(v.s))
- local Enchants2 = {}
- if v.powers then
- if v.powers[1] then
- table.insert(Enchants2, "↳ "..v.powers[1][1].." "..v.powers[1][2])
- end
- if v.powers[2] then
- table.insert(Enchants2, "↳ "..v.powers[2][1].." "..v.powers[1][2])
- end
- if v.powers[3] then
- table.insert(Enchants2, "↳ "..v.powers[3][1].." "..v.powers[1][2])
- end
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, "\n:dizzy: __Enchants__")
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, table.concat(Enchants2, "\n"))
- end
- local Title = (v.hc and DiscordID.." Sniped A Hardcore"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType2.." "..PetName2) or (DiscordID.." Sniped A"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType2.." "..PetName2)
- local Webhook = ""
- local msg = {
- ["username"] = "Milk Up",
- ["avatar_url"] = "",
- ["embeds"] = {
- {
- ["color"] = EmbedColor2,
- ["title"] = Title,
- ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet((""..PetImage2.."&size=250x250&format=Png&isCircular=false"))).data[1].imageUrl},
- ["description"] = "**"..table.concat(DescriptionTable2, "\n").."**",
- ['timestamp'] = DateTime(),
- ["footer"] = {
- ["text"] = "Milk Up",
- ["icon_url"] = ""
- },
- },
- },
- }
- HTTPRequest({Url = Webhook, Method = "POST", Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json"}, Body = HttpService:JSONEncode(msg)})
- end
- if not LPH_OBFUSCATED then
- local DescriptionTable2 = {}
- local PetID3 =
- local PetName3 = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID3].name
- local PetType3 = (v.r and "RAINBOW") or (v.g and "GOLDEN") or ( and "DARK MATTER") or "NORMAL"
- local PetImage3 = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID3][(v.r and "thumbnail") or (v.g and "goldenThumbnail") or ( and "darkMatterThumbnail") or "thumbnail"]:split("//")[2]
- local EmbedColor3 = (Library.Directory.Pets[PetID3].rarity == "" and 0x0d3b60) or 0x7b4fdb
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, ":money_with_wings: Sniped For: "..GemsSnipedFor)
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, ":gem: Gems Remaining: "..GemsRemaining)
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, ":boom: Strength: "..Library.Functions.NumberShorten(v.s))
- local Enchants2 = {}
- if v.powers then
- if v.powers[1] then
- table.insert(Enchants2, "↳ "..v.powers[1][1].." "..v.powers[1][2])
- end
- if v.powers[2] then
- table.insert(Enchants2, "↳ "..v.powers[2][1].." "..v.powers[1][2])
- end
- if v.powers[3] then
- table.insert(Enchants2, "↳ "..v.powers[3][1].." "..v.powers[1][2])
- end
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, "\n:dizzy: __Enchants__")
- table.insert(DescriptionTable2, table.concat(Enchants2, "\n"))
- end
- local Title = (v.hc and "Flury Sniped A Hardcore"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ").."__"..PetType3.."__ "..PetName3) or ("Flury Sniped A"..((Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "" and " ") or "")..(( and " Shiny ") or " ").."__"..PetType3.."__ "..PetName3)
- local Webhook = ""
- local msg = {
- ["username"] = "Milk Up",
- ["avatar_url"] = "",
- ["embeds"] = {
- {
- ["color"] = EmbedColor3,
- ["title"] = Title,
- ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet((""..PetImage3.."&size=250x250&format=Png&isCircular=false"))).data[1].imageUrl},
- ["description"] = "**"..table.concat(DescriptionTable2, "\n").."**",
- ['timestamp'] = DateTime(),
- ["footer"] = {
- ["text"] = "Milk Up",
- ["icon_url"] = ""
- },
- },
- },
- }
- HTTPRequest({Url = Webhook, Method = "POST", Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json"}, Body = HttpService:JSONEncode(msg)})
- end
- end
- end
- end)()
- end
- local OldSavedPets = Library.Save.Get().Pets
- local function SendSellWebhook(BoughtBy, BoughtFor, Information)
- if Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.StartWebhook then
- local DescriptionTable = {}
- local PetID =
- local PetName = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].name
- local PetType = (Information.r and "RAINBOW") or (Information.g and "GOLDEN") or ( and "DARK MATTER") or "NORMAL"
- local PetImage = Library.Directory.Pets[PetID][(Information.r and "thumbnail") or (Information.g and "goldenThumbnail") or ( and "darkMatterThumbnail") or "thumbnail"]:split("//")[2]
- local EmbedColor = (Library.Directory.Pets[PetID].rarity == "" and 0x0d3b60) or 0x7b4fdb
- local PingCheck = (Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.PingUser and "||<@"..Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ChoosenUserID..">||") or ""
- if Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ShowSoldFor then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":money_with_wings: Sold For: "..BoughtFor)
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ShowTotalGems then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":gem: Total Gems: "..Library.Functions.Commas(Library.Save.Get().Diamonds))
- end
- if Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ShowPurchasedBy then
- table.insert(DescriptionTable, ":troll: Purchased By: ||"..BoughtBy.."||")
- end
- local Title = (Information.hc and "||"..Player.Name.."|| Sold A Hardcore"..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType.." "..PetName) or ("||"..Player.Name.."|| Sold A"..(( and " Shiny ") or " ")..PetType.." "..PetName)
- local Webhook = Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ChoosenWebhook
- local msg = {
- ["username"] = "Milk Up",
- ["avatar_url"] = "",
- ["content"] = PingCheck,
- ["embeds"] = {
- {
- ["color"] = EmbedColor,
- ["title"] = Title,
- ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet((""..PetImage.."&size=250x250&format=Png&isCircular=false"))).data[1].imageUrl},
- ["description"] = "**"..table.concat(DescriptionTable, "\n").."**",
- ['timestamp'] = DateTime(),
- ["footer"] = {
- ["text"] = "Milk Up",
- ["icon_url"] = ""
- },
- },
- },
- }
- HTTPRequest({Url = Webhook, Method = "POST", Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json"}, Body = HttpService:JSONEncode(msg)})
- end
- end
- Player.PlayerGui.Notifications.Frame.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Notification)
- if Notification.Text:find("purchased") then
- local PetsCheck = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- table.insert(PetsCheck, v.uid)
- end
- for i,v in pairs(OldSavedPets) do
- if not table.find(PetsCheck, v.uid) then
- SendSellWebhook(Notification.Text:split("purchased")[1], Notification.Text:split("for ")[2]:split(" Diamonds")[1], v)
- OldSavedPets = Library.Save.Get().Pets
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- local function EnableStatsTracker()
- local CoinTypes = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Player.PlayerGui.Main.Right:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Frame") and v.Name ~= "Rank" then
- table.insert(CoinTypes, v)
- end
- end
- local ActiveTypes = {}
- for i,v in pairs(CoinTypes) do
- task.spawn(function()
- if not Player.PlayerGui.Main.Right:FindFirstChild(v.Name.." Tracker") then
- v.LayoutOrder = LayoutOrdersList[v.Name]
- local TrackerClone = v:Clone()
- TrackerClone.Name = TrackerClone.Name.." Tracker"
- TrackerClone.Parent = Player.PlayerGui.Main.Right
- TrackerClone.Size =, 175, 0, 30)
- TrackerClone.LayoutOrder = TrackerClone.LayoutOrder + 1
- ActiveTypes[v.Name] = TrackerClone
- end
- end)
- end
- local CurrencyPath = (IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().HardcoreCurrency) or Library.Save.Get()
- for i,v in pairs(CoinTypes) do
- task.spawn(function()
- local AmountOfCurrency = {}
- local Index = 1
- local PastTime = 0
- local Last = tick()
- local Now = Last
- local SecondsUpdate = 0.5
- while true do
- if not Config.Misc.Extra.StatsTracker then
- for i,v in pairs(CoinTypes) do
- if Player.PlayerGui.Main.Right:FindFirstChild(v.Name.." Tracker") then
- Player.PlayerGui.Main.Right:FindFirstChild(v.Name.." Tracker"):Destroy()
- end
- end
- break
- end
- if PastTime >= SecondsUpdate then
- while PastTime >= SecondsUpdate do PastTime = PastTime - SecondsUpdate end
- local CurrencyToChange = CurrencyPath[v.Name]
- AmountOfCurrency[Index] = CurrencyToChange
- if CurrencyToChange ~= nil then
- local Different = CurrencyToChange - (AmountOfCurrency[Index-120] or AmountOfCurrency[1])
- Index = Index + 1
- ActiveTypes[v.Name].Amount.Text = tostring(Library.Functions.Commas(Different).." in 60s")
- ActiveTypes[v.Name].Amount_odometerGUIFX.Text = tostring(Library.Functions.Commas(Different).." in 60s")
- end
- end
- task.wait()
- Now = tick()
- PastTime = PastTime + (Now - Last)
- Last = Now
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- --// Farming Functions
- local function CollectOrbs()
- Workspace["__THINGS"].Orbs.ChildAdded:connect(function(Orb)
- if Config.Farming.CollectOrbs or Config.Valentines.StartHeartFarm or Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then
- pcall(function() getsenv(Scripts.Game.Orbs).Collect(Orb) task.wait(0.02) Orb:Destroy() end)
- end
- end)
- end
- CollectOrbs()
- local function CollectLootbags()
- Workspace["__THINGS"].Lootbags.ChildAdded:connect(function(Lootbag)
- if Config.Farming.CollectOrbs or Config.Valentines.StartHeartFarm or Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then
- pcall(function() getsenv(Scripts.Game.Lootbags).Collect(Lootbag) end)
- end
- end)
- end
- CollectLootbags()
- local function LoadCoins()
- local CoinsList = {}
- LPH_JIT_MAX(function()
- local Coins = UseRemote(Remotes["Get Coins"])
- for i,v in pairs(Coins) do
- task.spawn(function()
- if (Config.Farming.Mode == "Normal") or (Config.Farming.Mode == "Single Target") or (Config.Farming.Mode == "Heartbeat Farm") or (Config.Farming.Mode == "Crash Farm") then
- if table.find(Config.Farming.Areas, v.a) and not table.find(Config.Farming.Blacklisted, v.n) then
- if Config.Farming.Mode == "Farm Aura" then
- table.insert(CoinsList, {["Position"] = v.p, ["CoinID"] = i, ["Area"] = v.a})
- elseif Config.Farming.CoinType == "Farm Closest Area" then
- local NearestDistance = math.huge
- local NearestArea
- for i2,v2 in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports:GetChildren()) do
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - v2.CFrame.p).Magnitude < NearestDistance then
- NearestDistance = (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - v2.CFrame.p).Magnitude
- NearestArea = v2.Name
- end
- end
- if string.find(v.a, NearestArea) then
- table.insert(CoinsList, {["Position"] = v.p, ["CoinID"] = i, ["Area"] = v.a})
- end
- else
- table.insert(CoinsList, {["Position"] = v.p, ["CoinID"] = i, ["Area"] = v.a})
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- if Config.Farming.Mode == "Single Target" or Config.Farming.Mode == "Heartbeat Farm" then
- table.sort(CoinsList, function(a,b)
- return a.CoinID < b.CoinID
- end)
- end
- if Config.Farming.CoinType == "Highest Coin Multiplier" then
- table.sort(CoinsList, function(a,b)
- local MultiplierANumber = 0
- local MultiplierBNumber = 0
- if Coins[a.CoinID].b then
- MultiplierANumber = Coins[a.CoinID].b.l[1].m
- end
- if Coins[b.CoinID].b then
- MultiplierBNumber = Coins[b.CoinID].b.l[1].m
- end
- return MultiplierANumber > MultiplierBNumber
- end)
- elseif Config.Farming.CoinType == "Highest Health" then
- table.sort(CoinsList, function(a,b)
- return Coins[a.CoinID].h > Coins[b.CoinID].h
- end)
- elseif Config.Farming.CoinType == "Lowest Health" then
- table.sort(CoinsList, function(a,b)
- return Coins[a.CoinID].h < Coins[b.CoinID].h
- end)
- elseif Config.Farming.CoinType == "Diamonds" then
- table.sort(CoinsList, function(a,b)
- local DiamondsANumber = 0
- local DiamondsBNumber = 0
- if Coins[a.CoinID].n:find("Diamonds") then
- DiamondsANumber = 3
- end
- if Coins[b.CoinID].n:find("Diamonds") then
- DiamondsBNumber = 3
- end
- return DiamondsANumber > DiamondsBNumber
- end)
- elseif Config.Farming.CoinType == "Lucky Blocks" then
- table.sort(CoinsList, function(a,b)
- local LuckyBlockANumber = 0
- local LuckyBlockBNumber = 0
- if Coins[a.CoinID].n:find("Lucky Block") then
- LuckyBlockANumber = 3
- end
- if Coins[b.CoinID].n:find("Lucky Block") then
- LuckyBlockBNumber = 3
- end
- return LuckyBlockANumber > LuckyBlockBNumber
- end)
- elseif Config.Farming.CoinType == "Hearts" then
- table.sort(CoinsList, function(a,b)
- local HeartANumber = 0
- local HeartBNumber = 0
- if Coins[a.CoinID].n:find("Heart") then
- HeartANumber = 3
- end
- if Coins[b.CoinID].n:find("Heart") then
- HeartBNumber = 3
- end
- return HeartANumber > HeartBNumber
- end)
- end
- if Config.Farming.Mode == "Farm Aura" then
- table.sort(CoinsList, function(a,b)
- return (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - a.Position).Magnitude < (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - b.Position).Magnitude
- end)
- end
- end)()
- return CoinsList
- end
- local function LoadPets()
- local EquippedPets = {}
- if IsHardcoreMode then
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().HardcorePetsEquipped) do
- table.insert(EquippedPets, i)
- end
- else
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().PetsEquipped) do
- table.insert(EquippedPets, i)
- end
- end
- return EquippedPets
- end
- local function CoinFarm()
- pcall(function()
- local PetData = LoadPets()
- local CoinData = LoadCoins()
- if Config.Farming.Mode == "Normal" then
- if Config.Farming.SendAllPets then
- for i,v in pairs(CoinData) do
- if not Config.Farming.StartFarm then return end
- task.spawn(function()
- if Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[v.Area].CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[v.Area].CFrame +,4,0)
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], v.CoinID, PetData)
- end)
- for i2,v2 in pairs(PetData) do
- if not Config.Farming.StartFarm then return end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], v.CoinID, v2)
- if Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed ~= 0 then
- task.wait(Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed / 1000)
- end
- end
- task.wait(Config.Farming.FarmSpeed)
- end
- elseif Config.Farming.SendAllPets == false then
- for i = 1,3 do
- for i = 1, #PetData do
- if not Config.Farming.StartFarm then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- local CoinToFarm = math.random(1, #CoinData)
- if Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[CoinToFarm].Area].CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[CoinToFarm].Area].CFrame +,4,0)
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], CoinData[CoinToFarm].CoinID, {PetData[i]})
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], CoinData[CoinToFarm].CoinID, PetData[i])
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif Config.Farming.Mode == "Single Target" then
- if Config.Farming.SendAllPets then
- if Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[1].Area].CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[1].Area].CFrame +,4,0)
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], CoinData[1].CoinID, PetData)
- for i2,v2 in pairs(PetData) do
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], CoinData[1].CoinID, v2)
- if Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed ~= 0 then
- task.wait(Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed / 1000)
- end
- end
- task.wait(Config.Farming.FarmSpeed)
- elseif Config.Farming.SendAllPets == false then
- for i = 1, #PetData do
- if not Config.Farming.StartFarm then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- if Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[i].Area].CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[i].Area].CFrame +,4,0)
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], CoinData[i].CoinID, {PetData[i]})
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], CoinData[i].CoinID, PetData[i])
- end)
- task.wait(Config.Farming.FarmSpeed)
- end
- end
- elseif Config.Farming.Mode == "Farm Aura" then
- if Config.Farming.SendAllPets then
- if Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[1].Area].CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[1].Area].CFrame +,4,0)
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], CoinData[1].CoinID, PetData)
- for i2,v2 in pairs(PetData) do
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], CoinData[1].CoinID, v2)
- if Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed ~= 0 then
- task.wait(Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed / 1000)
- end
- end
- task.wait(Config.Farming.FarmSpeed)
- elseif Config.Farming.SendAllPets == false then
- for i = 1, #PetData do
- if not Config.Farming.StartFarm then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- if Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[v.Area].CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[v.Area].CFrame +,4,0)
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], CoinData[i].CoinID, {PetData[i]})
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], CoinData[i].CoinID, PetData[i])
- end)
- task.wait(Config.Farming.FarmSpeed)
- end
- end
- elseif Config.Farming.Mode == "Heartbeat Farm" then
- if Config.Farming.SendAllPets then
- task.spawn(function()
- if Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[1].Area].CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[1].Area].CFrame +,4,0)
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], CoinData[1].CoinID, PetData)
- for i2,v2 in pairs(PetData) do
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], CoinData[1].CoinID, v2)
- if Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed ~= 0 then
- task.wait(Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed / 1000)
- end
- end)
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Leave Coin"], CoinData[1].CoinID, PetData)
- end)
- elseif Config.Farming.SendAllPets == false then
- for i = 1, #PetData do
- if not Config.Farming.StartFarm then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- if Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[i].Area].CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[CoinData[i].Area].CFrame +,4,0)
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], CoinData[i].CoinID, {PetData[i]})
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], CoinData[i].CoinID, PetData[i])
- end)
- end
- task.wait(0.3)
- for i = 1, #PetData do
- if not Config.Farming.StartFarm then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Leave Coin"], CoinData[i].CoinID, {PetData[i]})
- end)
- end
- task.wait(Config.Farming.FarmSpeed)
- end
- elseif Config.Farming.Mode == "Crash Farm" then
- RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- task.spawn(function()
- for i,v in pairs(CoinData) do
- if not Config.Farming.StartFarm then return end
- task.spawn(function()
- if Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[v.Area].CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Teleports[v.Area].CFrame +,4,0)
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], v.CoinID, PetData)
- if Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed ~= 0 then
- task.wait(Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed / 1000)
- end
- end)
- for i2,v2 in pairs(PetData) do
- task.spawn(function()
- if not Config.Farming.StartFarm then return end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], v.CoinID, v2)
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- --//Valentines
- local WorldIndex = 1
- local CurrentWorld = "None"
- local LuckyBlocksLeft = "0"
- local WaitingForCoins = "0s Left"
- local HasBeenToFirstWorld = false
- function HeartFarm()
- LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- pcall(function()
- local ChoosenWorlds = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Valentines.Worlds) do
- if v == true then
- table.insert(ChoosenWorlds, i)
- end
- end
- local PetData = LoadPets()
- local Coins = UseRemote(Remotes["Get Coins"])
- function RetrieveBlocks()
- local HeartList = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Coins) do
- task.spawn(function()
- if string.find(v.n, "Heart") then
- if v.a ~= "VIP" then
- if Library.WorldCmds.HasArea(v.a) then
- table.insert(HeartList, {["CoinID"] = i, ["CoinWorld"] = v.w, ["CoinArea"] = v.a})
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- return HeartList
- end
- function WaitForCoins()
- local TimeToWait = os.time() + 15
- repeat task.wait()
- WaitingForCoins = tostring(TimeToWait - os.time()).."s Left"
- until os.time() == TimeToWait
- end
- function TeleportToWorld()
- if Config.Valentines.StartWorldTeleport then
- if ChoosenWorlds[WorldIndex] then
- if ChoosenWorlds[WorldIndex] == "Spawn" then
- Library.WorldCmds.Load("Spawn")
- getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Shop")
- WaitForCoins()
- elseif ChoosenWorlds[WorldIndex] == "Axolotl" then
- Library.WorldCmds.Load("Axolotl Ocean")
- WaitForCoins()
- else
- Library.WorldCmds.Load(ChoosenWorlds[WorldIndex])
- WaitForCoins()
- end
- else
- if Config.Valentines.StartServerTeleport then
- LowServerTeleport(false)
- end
- end
- else
- if ChoosenWorlds[WorldIndex] then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Request World"], ChoosenWorlds[WorldIndex])
- WaitForCoins()
- else
- if Config.Valentines.StartServerTeleport then
- LowServerTeleport(false)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if #RetrieveBlocks() == 0 then
- if HasBeenToFirstWorld then
- WorldIndex = WorldIndex + 1
- if not Config.Valentines.StartServerTeleport then
- if not ChoosenWorlds[WorldIndex] then
- WorldIndex = 1
- end
- end
- TeleportToWorld()
- else
- CurrentWorld = ChoosenWorlds[WorldIndex]
- TeleportToWorld()
- HasBeenToFirstWorld = true
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(RetrieveBlocks()) do
- if not Config.Valentines.StartHeartFarm then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = Workspace.__MAP.Boxes:FindFirstChild(v.CoinArea).CFrame +,10,0)
- task.wait(0.1)
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], v.CoinID, PetData)
- end)
- for i2,v2 in pairs(PetData) do
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], v.CoinID, v2)
- end
- LuckyBlocksLeft = #RetrieveBlocks()
- CurrentWorld = v.CoinWorld
- end
- end)
- end)()
- end
- --// Egg Functions
- local EggsHatched = "No Egg Selected"
- local EggsRemaining = "No Egg Selected"
- local function BuyEgg()
- local TripleHatch = false
- local OctupleHatch = false
- local CurrencyPath = (IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().HardcoreCurrency) or Library.Save.Get()
- if Config.Pets.Mode == "Single" then
- TripleHatch = false
- OctupleHatch = false
- elseif Config.Pets.Mode == "Triple" then
- TripleHatch = true
- OctupleHatch = false
- elseif Config.Pets.Mode == "Octuple" then
- TripleHatch = false
- OctupleHatch = true
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().EggsOpened) do
- if i == Config.Pets.ChoosenEgg then
- EggsHatched = Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v))
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Directory.Eggs) do
- if i == Config.Pets.ChoosenEgg then
- for i2,v2 in pairs(CurrencyPath) do
- if i2 == v.currency then
- EggsRemaining = Library.Functions.Commas(math.floor(v2 / v.cost) % 1000000000)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Config.Pets.TeleportToEgg then
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Eggs:GetDescendants()) do
- if v.Name == "Egg Capsule" then
- if v:GetAttribute("ID") == Config.Pets.ChoosenEgg then
- if (GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame.p - v.Egg.CFrame.p).Magnitude > 15 then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = v.Egg.CFrame
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Egg"], Config.Pets.ChoosenEgg, TripleHatch, OctupleHatch)
- end
- local function MasteryBuyEgg(EggName)
- local TripleHatch = false
- local OctupleHatch = false
- if Config.Pets.Mode == "Single" then
- TripleHatch = false
- OctupleHatch = false
- elseif Config.Pets.Mode == "Triple" then
- TripleHatch = true
- OctupleHatch = false
- elseif Config.Pets.Mode == "Octuple" then
- TripleHatch = false
- OctupleHatch = true
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Egg"], EggName, TripleHatch, OctupleHatch)
- end
- --// Machines
- local function MakePetsGolden()
- local PetsToInsert = {
- ["Regular"] = {},
- ["Hardcore"] = {},
- ["Shiny"] = {},
- ["ShinyHardcore"] = {}
- }
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Exclusive" and not HasPetEquipped(v.uid) and not v.hce and not v.l and not v.g and not v.r and not and ~= "6969" then
- if (Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenHC and v.hc) then
- if (Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenShiny and then
- if not PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[] then
- PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =}
- end
- end
- if not then
- if not PetsToInsert.Hardcore[] then
- PetsToInsert.Hardcore[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.Hardcore[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.Hardcore[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =, ["ID"] = Library.Directory.Pets[].name}
- end
- end
- end
- if not v.hc then
- if (Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenShiny and then
- if not PetsToInsert.Shiny[] then
- PetsToInsert.Shiny[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.Shiny[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.Shiny[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =}
- end
- end
- if not then
- if not PetsToInsert.Regular[] then
- PetsToInsert.Regular[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.Regular[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.Regular[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local PetsToGold = {}
- local PetAmount
- for i,v in pairs(PetsToInsert) do
- for i2,v2 in pairs(v) do
- for i3,v3 in pairs(v2) do
- if v3.Hardcore == true then
- PetAmount = Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenHCAmount
- else
- PetAmount = Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenAmount
- end
- if CalculateItemsInTable(v2, 1) >= PetAmount then
- if #PetsToGold < PetAmount then
- table.insert(PetsToGold, i3)
- else
- break
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- if #PetsToGold >= PetAmount then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Use Golden Machine"], PetsToGold)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function MakePetsRainbow()
- local PetsToInsert = {
- ["Regular"] = {},
- ["Hardcore"] = {},
- ["Shiny"] = {},
- ["ShinyHardcore"] = {}
- }
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Exclusive" and not HasPetEquipped(v.uid) and not v.hce and not v.l and v.g and ~= "6969" then
- if (Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowHC and v.hc) then
- if (Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowShiny and then
- if not PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[] then
- PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =}
- end
- end
- if not then
- if not PetsToInsert.Hardcore[] then
- PetsToInsert.Hardcore[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.Hardcore[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.Hardcore[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =, ["ID"] = Library.Directory.Pets[].name}
- end
- end
- end
- if not v.hc then
- if (Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowShiny and then
- if not PetsToInsert.Shiny[] then
- PetsToInsert.Shiny[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.Shiny[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.Shiny[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =}
- end
- end
- if not then
- if not PetsToInsert.Regular[] then
- PetsToInsert.Regular[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.Regular[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.Regular[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local PetsToRainbow = {}
- local PetAmount
- for i,v in pairs(PetsToInsert) do
- for i2,v2 in pairs(v) do
- for i3,v3 in pairs(v2) do
- if v3.Hardcore == true then
- PetAmount = Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowHCAmount
- else
- PetAmount = Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowAmount
- end
- if CalculateItemsInTable(v2, 1) >= PetAmount then
- if #PetsToRainbow < PetAmount then
- table.insert(PetsToRainbow, i3)
- else
- break
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- if #PetsToRainbow >= PetAmount then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Use Rainbow Machine"], PetsToRainbow)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function MakePetsDarkMatter()
- local PetsToInsert = {
- ["Regular"] = {},
- ["Hardcore"] = {},
- ["Shiny"] = {},
- ["ShinyHardcore"] = {}
- }
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Exclusive" and not HasPetEquipped(v.uid) and not v.hce and not v.l and v.r and ~= "6969" then
- if (Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterHC and v.hc) then
- if (Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterShiny and then
- if not PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[] then
- PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.ShinyHardcore[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =}
- end
- end
- if not then
- if not PetsToInsert.Hardcore[] then
- PetsToInsert.Hardcore[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.Hardcore[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.Hardcore[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =, ["ID"] = Library.Directory.Pets[].name}
- end
- end
- end
- if not v.hc then
- if (Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterShiny and then
- if not PetsToInsert.Shiny[] then
- PetsToInsert.Shiny[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.Shiny[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.Shiny[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =}
- end
- end
- if not then
- if not PetsToInsert.Regular[] then
- PetsToInsert.Regular[] = {}
- end
- if not PetsToInsert.Regular[][v.uid] then
- PetsToInsert.Regular[][v.uid] = {["Hardcore"] = v.hc, ["Shiny"] =}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local PetsToDarkMatter = {}
- local PetAmount
- for i,v in pairs(PetsToInsert) do
- for i2,v2 in pairs(v) do
- for i3,v3 in pairs(v2) do
- if v3.Hardcore == true then
- PetAmount = Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterHCAmount
- else
- PetAmount = Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterAmount
- end
- if CalculateItemsInTable(v2, 1) >= PetAmount then
- if #PetsToDarkMatter < PetAmount then
- table.insert(PetsToDarkMatter, i3)
- else
- break
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- if #PetsToDarkMatter >= PetAmount then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Convert To Dark Matter"], PetsToDarkMatter)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function ClaimDarkMatterPets()
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get(game.Players.LocalPlayer).DarkMatterQueue) do
- if os.time() >= v.readyTime then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Redeem Dark Matter Pet"], i)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- local PetsToInsert1 = {}
- local IdIndex1 = 1
- local function FusePets()
- if Config.Machines.Fusing.Mode == "Normal" then
- local PetsToFuse1 = {}
- local IdsToFuse1 = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if (Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Exclusive") and (Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Mythical") and (not HasPetEquipped(v.uid)) and (not v.hce) and (not v.l) and ~= "6969" then
- if not table.find(IdsToFuse1, then
- table.insert(IdsToFuse1,
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if (Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Exclusive") and (Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Mythical") and (not HasPetEquipped(v.uid)) and (not v.hce) and (not v.l) and ~= "6969" then
- if == IdsToFuse1[IdIndex1] then
- if not table.find(PetsToInsert1, v.uid) then
- table.insert(PetsToInsert1, v.uid)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if #PetsToInsert1 >= Config.Machines.Fusing.Amount then
- for i,v in pairs(PetsToInsert1) do
- if #PetsToFuse1 < Config.Machines.Fusing.Amount then
- table.insert(PetsToFuse1, v)
- table.remove(PetsToInsert1, i)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if #PetsToFuse1 >= Config.Machines.Fusing.Amount then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Fuse Pets"], PetsToFuse1)
- end
- if not IdsToFuse1[IdIndex1] then
- IdIndex1 = 1
- else
- IdIndex1 = IdIndex1 + 1
- end
- elseif Config.Machines.Fusing.Mode == "Lowest Strength" then
- local PetsToInsert2 = {}
- local PetsToFuse2 = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if (Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Exclusive") and (Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Mythical") and (not HasPetEquipped(v.uid)) and (not v.hce) and (not v.l) and ~= "6969" then
- table.insert(PetsToInsert2, v)
- end
- end
- if #PetsToInsert2 >= tonumber(Config.Machines.Fusing.WhenToStop) then
- table.sort(PetsToInsert2, function(a,b)
- return a.s < b.s
- end)
- for i,v in pairs(PetsToInsert2) do
- if #PetsToFuse2 < Config.Machines.Fusing.Amount then
- table.insert(PetsToFuse2, v.uid)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Fuse Pets"], PetsToFuse2)
- end
- end
- --// Booths
- local function ClaimBooth()
- if not getsenv(Player.PlayerScripts.Scripts.Game["Trading Booths"]).GetBooth() then
- local UnclaimedBooths = {}
- for i,v in pairs(getgc(true)) do
- if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "Model") and rawget(v, "ID") then
- if v.ID ~= 0 and v.Model and v.Model:FindFirstChild("Booth") then
- table.insert(UnclaimedBooths, {["Booth"] = v.Model.Booth, ["ID"] = v.ID})
- end
- end
- end
- table.sort(UnclaimedBooths, function(a,b)
- return (GetHumanoidRootPart().Position - a.Booth.Position).Magnitude < (GetHumanoidRootPart().Position - b.Booth.Position).Magnitude
- end)
- if Config.Booths.Extra.WalkToBooth then
- FindPath(UnclaimedBooths[1].Booth)
- end
- if not Config.Booths.Selling.StartSellingPet then return end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Claim Trading Booth"], UnclaimedBooths[1].ID)
- return true
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- local function SellPets()
- LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- pcall(function()
- ClaimBooth()
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList) do
- task.spawn(function()
- local PetsToSell = {}
- local Settings = {
- ["Regular"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Regular") and true) or false,
- ["Hardcore"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Hardcore") and true) or false,
- ["Shiny"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Shiny") and true) or false,
- ["Golden"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Golden") and true) or false,
- ["Rainbow"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Rainbow") and true) or false,
- ["Dark Matter"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Dark Matter") and true) or false,
- ["Any"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Any") and true) or false,
- }
- local function CheckPets(PetTable)
- if (Settings["Regular"] and (not PetTable.hc and not and ((Settings["Golden"] and Settings["Regular"]) and (not PetTable.hc and not and PetTable.g)) or ((Settings["Rainbow"] and Settings["Regular"]) and (not PetTable.hc and not and PetTable.r)) or ((Settings["Dark Matter"] and Settings["Regular"]) and (not PetTable.hc and not and then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Shiny"] and not Settings["Golden"] and not Settings["Rainbow"] and not Settings["Dark Matter"]) and (not PetTable.hc and not and not PetTable.g and not PetTable.r and not then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Golden"] and not Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Shiny"]) and PetTable.g) or ((Settings["Rainbow"] and not Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Shiny"]) and PetTable.r) or ((Settings["Dark Matter"] and not Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Shiny"]) and then
- return true
- end
- if (Settings["Hardcore"] and (PetTable.hc and not and ((Settings["Golden"] and Settings["Hardcore"]) and (PetTable.hc and not and PetTable.g)) or ((Settings["Rainbow"] and Settings["Hardcore"]) and (PetTable.hc and not and PetTable.r)) or ((Settings["Dark Matter"] and Settings["Hardcore"]) and (PetTable.hc and not and then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Shiny"] and not Settings["Golden"] and not Settings["Rainbow"] and not Settings["Dark Matter"]) and (PetTable.hc and not and not PetTable.g and not PetTable.r and not then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Regular"]) and ( and not PetTable.hc and ((Settings["Golden"] and Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Regular"]) and (not PetTable.hc and and PetTable.g)) or ((Settings["Rainbow"] and Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Regular"]) and (not PetTable.hc and and PetTable.r)) or ((Settings["Dark Matter"] and Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Regular"]) and (not PetTable.hc and and then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Hardcore"]) and (PetTable.hc and and ((Settings["Golden"] and Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Hardcore"]) and (PetTable.hc and and PetTable.g)) or ((Settings["Rainbow"] and Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Hardcore"]) and (PetTable.hc and and PetTable.r)) or ((Settings["Dark Matter"] and Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Hardcore"]) and (PetTable.hc and and then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Golden"] and not Settings["Rainbow"] and not Settings["Dark Matter"]) and (not PetTable.hc and and not PetTable.g and not PetTable.r and not then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Shiny"] and Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Golden"] and not Settings["Rainbow"] and not Settings["Dark Matter"]) and (PetTable.hc and and not PetTable.g and not PetTable.r and not then
- return true
- end
- if ((Settings["Golden"] and not Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Shiny"]) and PetTable.g) or ((Settings["Rainbow"] and not Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Shiny"]) and PetTable.r) or ((Settings["Dark Matter"] and not Settings["Regular"] and not Settings["Hardcore"] and not Settings["Shiny"]) and then
- return true
- end
- if Settings["Any"] then
- return true
- end
- end
- local AmountCanSell = (getsenv(Player.PlayerScripts.Scripts.Game["Trading Booths"]).GetBooth() and getsenv(Player.PlayerScripts.Scripts.Game["Trading Booths"]).GetBooth().Listings)
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if not HasPetEquipped(v2.uid) and not v2.l and == v.Pet and ~= "6969" then
- if CheckPets(v2) then
- if #PetsToSell < 12 - CalculateItemsInTable(AmountCanSell, 1) then
- table.insert(PetsToSell, {v2.uid, tonumber(v.Price)})
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if #PetsToSell >= 1 then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Add Trading Booth Pet"], PetsToSell)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end)()
- end
- local Buying = false
- local function SnipePets()
- LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList) do
- local Settings = {
- ["Regular"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Regular") and true) or false,
- ["Hardcore"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Hardcore") and true) or false,
- ["Shiny"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Shiny") and true) or false,
- ["Golden"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Golden") and true) or false,
- ["Rainbow"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Rainbow") and true) or false,
- ["Dark Matter"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Dark Matter") and true) or false,
- ["Any"] = (table.find(v.Type, "Any") and true) or false,
- }
- if v.SnipeRarity == true then
- Settings["Rarities"] = {
- ["Basic"] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "Basic") and true) or false,
- ["Rare"] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "Rare") and true) or false,
- ["Epic"] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "Epic") and true) or false,
- ["Legendary"] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "Legendary") and true) or false,
- ["Mythical"] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "Mythical") and true) or false,
- [""] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "") and true) or false,
- ["Event"] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "Event") and true) or false,
- ["Exclusive"] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "Exclusive") and true) or false,
- ["Huge"] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "Huge") and true) or false,
- ["Titanic"] = (table.find(v.Rarity, "Titanic") and true) or false
- }
- end
- local function CheckForSnipePet(PetUid)
- local Found = false
- for i2,v2 in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace")["__MAP"].Interactive.Booths:GetDescendants()) do
- task.spawn(function()
- if v2.Name == PetUid then
- Found = true
- end
- end)
- end
- return Found
- end
- local function BuyPet(Username, PetUidToSnipe, PetPrice, BoothID, BoothModel)
- if Buying == false then
- Buying = true
- if not Config.Booths.Sniping.StartSnipingPet then Buying = false GetHumanoidRootPart().Anchored = false return end
- if Config.Booths.Extra.WalkToBooth then
- FindPath(BoothModel.Booth)
- elseif Config.Booths.Extra.TeleportToBooth then
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = BoothModel.Booth.CFrame +,1,0)
- end
- repeat task.wait() UseRemote(Remotes["Purchase Trading Booth Pet"], BoothID, PetUidToSnipe) until CheckForSnipePet(PetUidToSnipe) == false
- SendSnipeWebhook(Username, PetUidToSnipe, Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(PetPrice)), Library.Functions.Commas(Library.Save.Get().Diamonds))
- Buying = false
- end
- end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(debug.getupvalues(getsenv(Player.PlayerScripts.Scripts.Game["Trading Booths"]).SetupClaimed)[1]) do
- task.spawn(function()
- if CalculateItemsInTable(v2.Listings, 1) >= 1 and v2.Owner ~= Player.UserId then
- for i3,v3 in pairs(v2.Listings) do
- if Library.PetCmds.Get(i3) then
- if v3.Price <= Library.Save.Get().Diamonds then
- if v.SnipeUnder == true and v3.Price <= tonumber(v.GemsUnder) then
- if v.SnipeRarity == true then
- if CheckTypeOrRarity("Rarity", Settings, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3)) then
- if CheckTypeOrRarity("Type", Settings, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3)) then
- BuyPet(v2.Owner, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3).uid, v3.Price, i2, v2.Model)
- end
- end
- elseif v.SnipeRarity == false and Library.PetCmds.Get(i3).id == v.Pet then
- if CheckTypeOrRarity("Type", Settings, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3)) then
- BuyPet(v2.Owner, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3).uid, v3.Price, i2, v2.Model)
- end
- end
- elseif v.SnipeUnder == false then
- if v.SnipeRarity == true then
- if CheckTypeOrRarity("Rarity", Settings, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3)) then
- if CheckTypeOrRarity("Type", Settings, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3)) then
- BuyPet(v2.Owner, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3).uid, v3.Price, i2, v2.Model)
- end
- end
- elseif CheckTypeOrRarity("Type", Settings, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3)) and Library.PetCmds.Get(i3).id == v.Pet then
- BuyPet(v2.Owner, Library.PetCmds.Get(i3).uid, v3.Price, i2, v2.Model)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)()
- end
- --// Deleting
- local function DeletePets()
- local PetsToDelete = {}
- local Settings = {
- ["Regular"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Options, "Regular") and true) or false,
- ["Hardcore"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Options, "Hardcore") and true) or false,
- ["Shiny"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Options, "Shiny") and true) or false,
- ["Golden"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Options, "Golden") and true) or false,
- ["Rainbow"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Options, "Rainbow") and true) or false,
- ["Dark Matter"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Options, "Dark Matter") and true) or false,
- ["Any"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Options, "Any") and true) or false,
- ["Rarities"] = {
- ["Basic"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Rarities, "Basic") and true) or false,
- ["Rare"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Rarities, "Rare") and true) or false,
- ["Epic"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Rarities, "Epic") and true) or false,
- ["Legendary"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Rarities, "Legendary") and true) or false,
- ["Mythical"] = (table.find(Config.Deleting.Rarities, "Mythical") and true) or false,
- }
- }
- if not Config.Deleting.DeleteByRarity then
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Exclusive" and not HasPetEquipped(v.uid) and not v.hce and not v.l and == Config.Deleting.ChoosenPetToDelete and not table.find(PetsToDelete, v.uid) and ~= "6969" then
- if CheckTypeOrRarity("Type", Settings, v) then
- table.insert(PetsToDelete, v.uid)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Pets) do
- if Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity ~= "Exclusive" and not HasPetEquipped(v.uid) and not v.hce and not v.l and ~= "6969" then
- if CheckTypeOrRarity("Rarity", Settings, v) then
- if CheckTypeOrRarity("Type", Settings, v) then
- table.insert(PetsToDelete, v.uid)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if #PetsToDelete >= 1 then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Delete Several Pets"], PetsToDelete)
- end
- end
- local function CollectPets()
- local TripleHatch = false
- local OctupleHatch = false
- if Config.PetCollection.Mode == "Single" then
- TripleHatch = false
- OctupleHatch = false
- elseif Config.PetCollection.Mode == "Triple" then
- TripleHatch = true
- OctupleHatch = false
- elseif Config.PetCollection.Mode == "Octuple" then
- TripleHatch = false
- OctupleHatch = true
- end
- local PetCollectSettings = {
- ["Regular"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Options, "Regular") ,
- ["Golden"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Options, "Golden"),
- ["Rainbow"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Options, "Rainbow"),
- ["Dark Matter"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Options, "Dark Matter"),
- ["Any"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Options, "Any"),
- ["Rarities"] = {
- ["Basic"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, "Basic"),
- ["Rare"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, "Rare"),
- ["Epic"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, "Epic"),
- ["Legendary"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, "Legendary"),
- ["Mythical"] = table.find(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, "Mythical"),
- }
- }
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Shared.GetAllCollectablePets()) do
- if (PetCollectSettings["Regular"] and (not table.find(Library.Save.Get().Collection, v.petId.."-1") and not v.isGolden and not v.isRainbow and not v.isDarkMatter)) or (PetCollectSettings["Golden"] and (not table.find(Library.Save.Get().Collection, v.petId.."-2") and v.isGolden)) or (PetCollectSettings["Rainbow"] and (not table.find(Library.Save.Get().Collection, v.petId.."-3") and v.isRainbow)) or (PetCollectSettings["Dark Matter"] and (not table.find(Library.Save.Get().Collection, v.petId.."-4") and v.isDarkMatter)) or (PetCollectSettings["Any"] and (not table.find(Library.Save.Get().Collection, v.petId.."-1") or not table.find(Library.Save.Get().Collection, v.petId.."-2") or not table.find(Library.Save.Get().Collection, v.petId.."-3") or not table.find(Library.Save.Get().Collection, v.petId.."-4"))) then
- if (PetCollectSettings.Rarities["Basic"] and Library.Directory.Pets[v.petId].rarity == "Basic") or (PetCollectSettings.Rarities["Rare"] and Library.Directory.Pets[v.petId].rarity == "Rare") or (PetCollectSettings.Rarities["Epic"] and Library.Directory.Pets[v.petId].rarity == "Epic") or (PetCollectSettings.Rarities["Legendary"] and Library.Directory.Pets[v.petId].rarity == "Legendary") or (PetCollectSettings.Rarities["Mythical"] and Library.Directory.Pets[v.petId].rarity == "Mythical") then
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Library.Directory.Eggs) do
- if v2.hatchable then
- for i3,v3 in pairs(v2) do
- if i3 == "drops" and type(v3) == "table" then
- for i4,v4 in pairs(v3) do
- if v4[1] == v.petId then
- if not Config.PetCollection.StartCollecting then break end
- UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Egg"], ((v.isGolden or v.isRainbow or v.isDarkMatter) and "Golden "..i2) or i2, TripleHatch, OctupleHatch)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function ActivateBoosts()
- if Config.Misc.Boosting.UseBoosts then
- local BoostsToCheck = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Boosts) do
- table.insert(BoostsToCheck, i)
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Misc.Boosting.BoostsToActivate) do
- if not table.find(BoostsToCheck, v) then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Activate Boost"], v)
- task.wait(1)
- end
- end
- end
- if Config.Misc.Boosting.UseAllBoosts then
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Boosts) do
- for i2,v2 in pairs(Config.Misc.Boosting.BoostsToActivate) do
- UseRemote(Remotes["Activate Boost"], v2)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function ActivateServerBoosts()
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Misc.Boosting.ServerBoostsToActivate) do
- if not Library.ServerBoosts.GetActiveBoosts()[v] then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Activate Server Boost"], v)
- task.wait(1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function FarmMastery(MasteryTable)
- local PetData = LoadPets()
- local CoinData = {}
- for i,v in pairs(UseRemote(Remotes["Get Coins"])) do
- for i2,v2 in pairs(MasteryTable) do
- if (v2 == "Coin Piles" and v.n:find("Coins")) or (v2 == "Crates" and v.n:find("Crate")) or (v2 == "VaultsAndSafes" and (v.n:find("Vault") or v.n:find("Safe"))) or (v2 == "Presents" and v.n:find("Present")) or (v2 == "Diamond Piles" and v.n:find("Diamonds")) then
- if not table.find(CoinData, i) then
- table.insert(CoinData, i)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- task.spawn(function()
- for i,v in pairs(CoinData) do
- if not Config.Mastery.StartCompletingMasterys then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], v, PetData)
- end)
- for i2,v2 in pairs(PetData) do
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], v, v2)
- end)
- end
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end)
- for i,v in pairs(MasteryTable) do
- if (v == "Eggs" and Library.Save.Get().Mastery[i] ~= 980000) then
- MasteryBuyEgg("Cracked Egg")
- end
- if (v == "Golden Eggs" and Library.Save.Get().Mastery[i] ~= 980000) then
- MasteryBuyEgg("Golden Cracked Egg")
- end
- end
- end
- local function CompleteMasterys()
- local NonCompletedMasterys = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Save.Get().Mastery) do
- if v ~= 980000 then
- if table.find(Config.Mastery.MasterysToFarm, i) then
- table.insert(NonCompletedMasterys, i)
- end
- end
- end
- FarmMastery(NonCompletedMasterys)
- end
- local function LoadWorld(WorldName)
- if WorldName == "Town" then Library.WorldCmds.Load("Spawn") return true end
- if WorldName == "Enchanted Forest" then Library.WorldCmds.Load("Fantasy") return true end
- if WorldName == "Tech City" then Library.WorldCmds.Load("Tech") return true end
- if WorldName == "The Void" then UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], "The Void") task.wait(1) getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("The Void") return true end
- if WorldName == "Axolotl Ocean" then UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], "Axolotl Ocean") task.wait(1) getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Axolotl Ocean") return true end
- if WorldName == "Pixel Forest" then UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], "Pixel Forest") task.wait(1) getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Pixel Forest") return true end
- if WorldName == "Cat Paradise" then UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], "Cat Paradise") task.wait(1) getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Cat Paradise") return true end
- return false
- end
- local function CheckName(WorldName)
- if WorldName == "Town" then return true end
- if WorldName == "Enchanted Forest" then return true end
- if WorldName == "Tech City" then return true end
- if WorldName == "The Void" then return true end
- if WorldName == "Axolotl Ocean" then return true end
- if WorldName == "Pixel Forest" then return true end
- if WorldName == "Cat Paradise" then return true end
- return false
- end
- local function GetCoinsForCompleteGame(AreaName)
- local CoinData = {}
- if AreaName == "Heavens Gate" then
- AreaName = "Heaven Island"
- end
- for i,v in pairs(UseRemote(Remotes["Get Coins"])) do
- if string.find(v.a, AreaName) then
- table.insert(CoinData, i)
- end
- end
- return CoinData
- end
- local function HasEnoughCoins(v)
- local CurrencyPath = (IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().HardcoreCurrency) or Library.Save.Get()
- if not Library.Directory.Areas[v] then
- return false
- end
- if not Library.Directory.Areas[v].gate then
- return false
- end
- if not CurrencyPath[Library.Directory.Areas[v].gate.currency] then
- return false
- end
- if CurrencyPath[Library.Directory.Areas[v].gate.currency] >= Library.Directory.Areas[v].gate.cost then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- local function CompleteGame()
- for i,v in pairs(CompleteTable) do
- UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], v)
- if not Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then return end
- if CheckName(v) then
- if Library.WorldCmds.HasArea(v) then
- getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport(v)
- elseif Library.WorldCmds.HasArea(CompleteTable[i - 1]) then
- if CompleteTable[i - 1] == "Hacker Portal" and (IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().Hardcore.HackerPortalProgress[2] >= 2 or Library.Save.Get().HackerPortalProgress[2] >= 2) then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], v)
- LoadWorld(v)
- end
- if CompleteTable[i - 1] ~= "Hacker Portal" then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], v)
- LoadWorld(v)
- end
- elseif v == "Axolotl Ocean" then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], v)
- LoadWorld(v)
- end
- end
- if v == "Hacker Portal" and (IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().Hardcore.HackerPortalProgress[2] < 2 or Library.Save.Get().HackerPortalProgress[2] < 2) then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Start Hacker Portal Quests"])
- repeat task.wait()
- if not Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then return end
- if UseRemote(Remotes["Finish Hacker Portal Quest"]) then break end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(GetCoinsForCompleteGame("Hacker Portal")) do
- if not Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then return end
- if UseRemote(Remotes["Finish Hacker Portal Quest"]) then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], v2, LoadPets())
- end)
- for i3,v3 in pairs(LoadPets()) do
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], v2, v3)
- end)
- end
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- until (IsHardcoreMode and Library.Save.Get().Hardcore.HackerPortalProgress[2] >= 2 or Library.Save.Get().HackerPortalProgress[2] >= 2)
- else
- if not CheckName(v) then
- if not CheckName(CompleteTable[i + 1]) then
- if not Library.WorldCmds.HasArea(CompleteTable[i + 1]) then
- repeat task.wait()
- if not Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then return end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(GetCoinsForCompleteGame(v)) do
- if not Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then return end
- if HasEnoughCoins(CompleteTable[i + 1]) then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], v2, LoadPets())
- end)
- for i3,v3 in pairs(LoadPets()) do
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], v2, v3)
- end)
- end
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- until HasEnoughCoins(CompleteTable[i + 1])
- UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], CompleteTable[i + 1])
- end
- end
- end
- if v == "Town" or v == "Enchanted Forest" or v == "Tech City" or v == "Axolotl Ocean" or v == "Pixel Forest" or v == "Cat Paradise" then
- if not Library.WorldCmds.HasArea(CompleteTable[i + 1]) then
- repeat task.wait()
- if not Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then return end
- for i2,v2 in pairs(GetCoinsForCompleteGame(v)) do
- if not Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then return end
- if HasEnoughCoins(CompleteTable[i + 1]) then break end
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Join Coin"], v2, LoadPets())
- end)
- for i3,v3 in pairs(LoadPets()) do
- task.spawn(function()
- UseRemote(Remotes["Farm Coin"], v2, v3)
- end)
- end
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- until HasEnoughCoins(CompleteTable[i + 1])
- UseRemote(Remotes["Buy Area"], CompleteTable[i + 1])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --// UI Library
- local RayField = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local Window = RayField:CreateWindow({Name = "[💖] Pet Simulator X | Milk Up", LoadingTitle = "Loading", LoadingSubtitle = "Please Join The Discord If You Need Help!", ConfigurationSaving = {Enabled = true, FolderName = "MilkUp", FileName = SeparateConfigFileName}})
- local InformationTab = Window:CreateTab("Information (❗)")
- local OtherInformationSection = InformationTab:CreateSection("Other Information")
- if Premium == true then
- local WhenExpires = InformationTab:CreateLabel("Premium Expires: "..((not LPH_OBFUSCATED and "DEV BUILD") or (LRM_SecondsLeft == math.huge and "Lifetime") or (LRM_SecondsLeft / 86400).."Days!"))
- end
- local ScriptVersionLabel = InformationTab:CreateLabel("Script Version: "..ScriptVersion)
- local OwnerLabel = InformationTab:CreateLabel("Script Devoloped By: Flury")
- local QuestionsSection = InformationTab:CreateSection("Questions")
- local QuestionsParagraph = InformationTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Questions", Content = "[Q] It Says Theres Booth Sniping But I Cant Find The Tab?\n[A] You Can Scroll On The Tabs For More Tabs\n[Q] Farming Wont Work?\n[A] Have The Right Area Unlocked And Have Pets Equiped\n[Q] Why Do I Crash So Much\n[A] You Crash A Lot Cause Of Farming Speeds And Webhooks"})
- local DiscordSection = InformationTab:CreateSection("Discord")
- InformationTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Join Discord Server",
- Callback = function()
- HTTPRequest({ Url = "",
- Method = "POST",Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
- ["Origin"] = ""},
- Body = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({cmd = "INVITE_BROWSER",
- args = {code = "tY2TN5mKCb"},
- nonce = game:GetService("HttpService"):GenerateGUID(false)
- }
- )
- }
- )
- end
- })
- local ValentinesTab = Window:CreateTab("Valentines (💕)")
- local HeartsSection = ValentinesTab:CreateSection("Hearts Farm")
- local StatisticsParagraph = ValentinesTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Statistics", Content = "Current World: "..CurrentWorld.."\nHearts Left: "..LuckyBlocksLeft.."\nWaiting For Hearts: "..WaitingForCoins.."\nQuest 1/2 Progress: "..Library.Save.Get()["Valentines2022Quest"][1]})
- ValentinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Heart Farm",
- CurrentValue = Config.Valentines.StartHeartFarm,
- Flag = "ToggleStartHeartFarm",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Valentines.StartHeartFarm = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Valentines.StartHeartFarm and task.wait() do
- HeartFarm()
- end
- end)
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Valentines.StartHeartFarm and task.wait() do
- StatisticsParagraph:Set({Title = "Statistics", Content = "Current World: "..CurrentWorld.."\nHearts Left: "..LuckyBlocksLeft.."\nWaiting For Hearts: "..WaitingForCoins.."\nQuest 1/2 Progress: "..Library.Save.Get()["Valentines2022Quest"][1]})
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- ValentinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start World Teleport",
- CurrentValue = Config.Valentines.StartWorldTeleport,
- Flag = "ToggleStartWorldTeleport",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Valentines.StartWorldTeleport = Value
- end
- })
- ValentinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Server Teleport",
- CurrentValue = Config.Valentines.StartServerTeleport,
- Flag = "ToggleStartServerTeleport",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Valentines.StartServerTeleport = Value
- end
- })
- local WorldsSection = ValentinesTab:CreateSection("Worlds")
- ValentinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Spawn",
- CurrentValue = Config.Valentines.Worlds.Spawn,
- Flag = "ToggleSpawn",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Valentines.Worlds.Spawn = Value
- end
- })
- local ToggleFantasy = ValentinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Fantasy",
- CurrentValue = Config.Valentines.Worlds.Fantasy,
- Flag = "ToggleFantasy",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Valentines.Worlds.Fantasy = Value
- end
- })
- ValentinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Tech",
- Flag = "ToggleTech",
- CurrentValue = Config.Valentines.Worlds.Tech,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Valentines.Worlds.Tech = Value
- end
- })
- ValentinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Axolotl",
- CurrentValue = Config.Valentines.Worlds.Axolotl,
- Flag = "ToggleAxolotl",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Valentines.Worlds.Axolotl = Value
- end
- })
- ValentinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Pixel",
- CurrentValue = Config.Valentines.Worlds.Pixel,
- Flag = "TogglePixel",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Valentines.Worlds.Pixel = Value
- end
- })
- ValentinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Cat",
- CurrentValue = Config.Valentines.Worlds.Cat,
- Flag = "ToggleCat",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Valentines.Worlds.Cat = Value
- end
- })
- local MainTab = Window:CreateTab("Farming (⛏️)")
- local FarmingSection = MainTab:CreateSection("Farming")
- MainTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Farm",
- CurrentValue = Config.Farming.StartFarm,
- Flag = "ToggleStartFarm",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.StartFarm = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Farming.StartFarm and task.wait() do
- if Config.Farming.Mode == "Crash Farm" then
- task.spawn(function() CoinFarm() end)
- else
- CoinFarm()
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- local FarmingModes = {"Normal", "Single Target", "Farm Aura"}
- if Premium then
- table.insert(FarmingModes, "Heartbeat Farm")
- table.insert(FarmingModes, "Crash Farm")
- end
- MainTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Mode",
- CurrentOption = Config.Farming.Mode,
- Options = FarmingModes,
- Flag = "FarmingModeOption",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.Mode = Value
- end
- })
- MainTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Coin Type",
- CurrentOption = Config.Farming.CoinType,
- Options = {"Normal", "Highest Coin Multiplier", "Hearts", "Lucky Blocks", "Farm Closest Area", "Diamonds", "Highest Health", "Lowest Health"},
- Flag = "CoinTypeOption",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.CoinType = Value
- end
- })
- local SpeedWarning = MainTab:CreateLabel("Below 0.09 Farm Speed Has A Chance Of A Kick")
- MainTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Farming Speed",
- Range = {0,1},
- CurrentValue = Config.Farming.FarmSpeed,
- Increment = 0.01,
- Suffix = "Speed",
- Flag = "FarmSpeedValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.FarmSpeed = Value
- end
- })
- MainTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Pet Sending Speed",
- Range = {0,1},
- CurrentValue = Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed,
- Increment = 0.01,
- Suffix = "Speed",
- Flag = "PetSendSpeedValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.PetSendSpeed = Value
- end
- })
- MainTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Send All Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.Farming.SendAllPets,
- Flag = "ToggleSendAllPets",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.SendAllPets = Value
- end
- })
- MainTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Collect Orbs",
- CurrentValue = Config.Farming.CollectOrbs,
- Flag = "CollectOrbs",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.CollectOrbs = Value
- for i,v in pairs(Workspace["__THINGS"].Orbs:GetChildren()) do
- if Config.Farming.CollectOrbs then
- task.spawn(function() pcall(function() getsenv(Scripts.Game.Orbs).Collect(v) task.wait(0.02) v:Destroy() end) end)
- end
- end
- end
- })
- MainTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Collect Lootbags",
- CurrentValue = Config.Farming.CollectLootbags,
- Flag = "CollectLootbags",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.CollectLootbags = Value
- for i,v in pairs(Workspace["__THINGS"].Lootbags:GetChildren()) do
- if Config.Farming.CollectLootbags then
- task.spawn(function() pcall(function() UseRemote(Remotes["Collect Lootbag"], v.Name, v.CFrame.p) task.wait(0.02) v:Destroy() end) end)
- end
- end
- end
- })
- local FarmingSection = MainTab:CreateSection("Extra")
- MainTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Teleport To Coins Area",
- CurrentValue = Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea,
- Flag = "ToggleTeleportToCoinsArea",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.TeleportToCoinsArea = Value
- end
- })
- MainTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Stay On A Private Platform",
- CurrentValue = Config.Farming.StayOnPrivatePlatform,
- Flag = "ToggleStayOnPrivatePlatform",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.StayOnPrivatePlatform = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Farming.StayOnPrivatePlatform and task.wait() do
- if not Workspace:FindFirstChild("PrivatePlatform") then
- local Platform ="Part", Workspace)
- Platform.Name = "PrivatePlatform"
- Platform.Anchored = true
- Platform.Size =,2,40)
- end
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = Workspace:FindFirstChild("PrivatePlatform").CFrame +,5,0)
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MainTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Automatically Complete Game",
- CurrentValue = Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame,
- Flag = "ToggleStartCompleteGame",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame = Value
- if Config.Farming.StartCompleteGame then
- CompleteGame()
- end
- end
- })
- local AreasSection = MainTab:CreateSection("Areas")
- local SelectedAreasLabel = MainTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Areas", Content = table.concat(Config.Farming.Areas, ", ")})
- for i,v in pairs(AreaList) do
- MainTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = i,
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = v,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.Farming.Areas, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Farming.Areas, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Farming.Areas, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Farming.Areas) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Farming.Areas, i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedAreasLabel:Set({Title = "Selected Areas", Content = table.concat(Config.Farming.Areas, ", ")})
- end
- })
- end
- local BlacklistedSection = MainTab:CreateSection("Blacklisted")
- local BlacklistedAreaLabel = MainTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Coins", Content = table.concat(Config.Farming.Blacklisted, ", ")})
- for i,v in pairs(CoinTypeList) do
- MainTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = i,
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = v,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.Farming.Blacklisted, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Farming.Blacklisted, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Farming.Blacklisted, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Farming.Blacklisted) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Farming.Blacklisted, i)
- end
- end
- end
- BlacklistedAreaLabel:Set({Title = "Selected Areas", Content = table.concat(Config.Farming.Blacklisted, ", ")})
- end
- })
- end
- local PetsTab = Window:CreateTab("Pets (🥚)")
- local EggsSection = PetsTab:CreateSection("Eggs")
- local EggStats = PetsTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Statistics", Content = "Eggs Hatched: "..EggsHatched.."\nEggs Remaining: "..EggsRemaining})
- PetsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Hatch",
- CurrentValue = Config.Pets.StartHatch,
- Flag = "ToggleStartHatch",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Pets.StartHatch = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Pets.StartHatch and task.wait(0.1) do
- BuyEgg()
- EggStats:Set({Title = "Statistics", Content = "Eggs Hatched: "..EggsHatched.."\nEggs Remaining: "..EggsRemaining})
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- PetsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Open Inventory",
- CurrentValue = Config.Pets.StartOpenInventory,
- Flag = "ToggleStartOpenInventory",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Pets.StartOpenInventory = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Pets.StartOpenInventory and task.wait(20) do
- if not Config.Pets.StartOpenInventory then break end
- Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Inventory.Enabled = true
- wait(1)
- Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Inventory.Enabled = false
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- local EggFunction
- for i,v in pairs(getgc(true)) do
- if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "OpenEgg") then
- EggFunction = v.OpenEgg
- end
- end
- PetsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Skip Egg Animation",
- CurrentValue = Config.Pets.DisableEggAnimation,
- Flag = "ToggleDisableEggAnimation",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Pets.DisableEggAnimation = Value
- if Config.Pets.DisableEggAnimation then
- for i,v in pairs(getgc(true)) do
- if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "OpenEgg") then
- EggFunction = v.OpenEgg
- v.OpenEgg = function()
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for i,v in pairs(getgc(true)) do
- if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "OpenEgg") then
- v.OpenEgg = EggFunction
- EggFunction = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- })
- PetsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Disable Notifications",
- CurrentValue = Config.Pets.DisableNotifications,
- Flag = "ToggleDisableNotifications",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Pets.DisableNotifications = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- if Config.Pets.DisableNotifications then
- Player.PlayerGui.Notifications.Enabled = false
- else
- Player.PlayerGui.Notifications.Enabled = true
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- PetsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Teleport To Egg",
- CurrentValue = Config.Pets.TeleportToEgg,
- Flag = "ToggleTeleportToEgg",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Pets.TeleportToEgg = Value
- end
- })
- PetsTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Mode",
- CurrentOption = Config.Pets.Mode,
- Options = {"Single", "Triple", "Octuple"},
- Flag = "EggModeOption",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Pets.Mode = Value
- end
- })
- PetsTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Egg",
- CurrentOption = Config.Pets.ChoosenEgg,
- Options = EggList,
- Flag = "ChoosenEggOption",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Pets.ChoosenEgg = Value
- end
- })
- local MachinesTab = Window:CreateTab("Machines (🏭)")
- local GoldenSection = MachinesTab:CreateSection("Golden")
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Golden",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Golden.StartGolden,
- Flag = "ToggleStartGolden",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Golden.StartGolden = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Machines.Golden.StartGolden and task.wait() do
- MakePetsGolden()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Amount",
- Range = {1,6},
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenAmount,
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Pets",
- Flag = "GoldenAmountValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenAmount = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Use Hardcore Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenHC,
- Flag = "ToggleGoldenHC",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenHC = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Hardcore Amount",
- Range = {1,10},
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenHCAmount,
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Pets",
- Flag = "GoldenHCAmountValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenHCAmount = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Use Shiny Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenShiny,
- Flag = "ToggleGoldenShiny",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Golden.GoldenShiny = Value
- end
- })
- local RainbowSection = MachinesTab:CreateSection("Rainbow")
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Rainbow",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Rainbow.StartRainbow,
- Flag = "ToggleStartRainbow",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Rainbow.StartRainbow = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Machines.Rainbow.StartRainbow and task.wait() do
- MakePetsRainbow()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Amount",
- Range = {1,6},
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowAmount,
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Pets",
- Flag = "RainbowAmountValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowAmount = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Use Hardcore Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowHC,
- Flag = "ToggleRainbowHC",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowHC = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Hardcore Amount",
- Range = {1,10},
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowHCAmount,
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Pets",
- Flag = "RainbowHCAmountValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowHCAmount = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Use Shiny Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowShiny,
- Flag = "ToggleRainbowShiny",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Rainbow.RainbowShiny = Value
- end
- })
- local DarkMatterSection = MachinesTab:CreateSection("Dark Matter")
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Dark Matter",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.DarkMatter.StartDarkMatter,
- Flag = "StartDarkMatter",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.DarkMatter.StartDarkMatter = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Machines.DarkMatter.StartDarkMatter and task.wait() do
- MakePetsDarkMatter()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Claim Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.DarkMatter.ClaimPets,
- Flag = "ToggleClaimPets",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.DarkMatter.ClaimPets = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Machines.DarkMatter.ClaimPets and task.wait() do
- ClaimDarkMatterPets()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Amount",
- Range = {1,6},
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterAmount,
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Pets",
- Flag = "DarkMatterAmountValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterAmount = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Hardcore Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterHC,
- Flag = "ToggleDarkMatterHC",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterHC = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Hardcore Amount",
- Range = {1,8},
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterHCAmount,
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Pets",
- Flag = "DarkMatterHCAmountValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterHCAmount = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Use Shiny Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterShiny,
- Flag = "ToggleDarkMatterShiny",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.DarkMatter.DarkMatterShiny = Value
- end
- })
- local FusingSection = MachinesTab:CreateSection("Fusing")
- MachinesTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Fuse",
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Fusing.StartFuse,
- Flag = "ToggleStartFuse",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Fusing.StartFuse = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Machines.Fusing.StartFuse and task.wait() do
- FusePets()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Mode",
- CurrentOption = Config.Machines.Fusing.Mode,
- Options = {"Normal", "Lowest Strength"},
- Flag = "FusingModeOption",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Fusing.Mode = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Fuse Amount",
- Range = {3,12},
- CurrentValue = Config.Machines.Fusing.Amount,
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Pets",
- Flag = "FuseAmountValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Fusing.Amount = Value
- end
- })
- MachinesTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Stop When Pets Are Lower Then X",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Machines.Fusing.WhenToStop,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Flag = "StopPetsWhenLowerTextBox",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Machines.Fusing.WhenToStop = Value
- end
- })
- local BoothsTab = Window:CreateTab("Booths (💎)")
- local SellingSection = BoothsTab:CreateSection("Selling")
- local SellingList = BoothsTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selling List", Content = "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"})
- local SellSaveNumber = tonumber((Config.Booths.Selling.EditMode and Config.Booths.Selling.EditNumber) or #Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList + 1)
- if #Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList >= 1 then
- local TempSellingListTable = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList) do
- table.insert(TempSellingListTable, "["..i.."] ".."[Pet] "..Library.Directory.Pets[v.Pet].name..", [Price] "..Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v.Price))..", [Type] "..table.concat(v.Type, ", "))
- end
- SellingList:Set({Title = "Selling List", Content = table.concat(TempSellingListTable, "\n")})
- end
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Selling Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Selling.StartSellingPet,
- Flag = "ToggleStartSell",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Selling.StartSellingPet = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Booths.Selling.StartSellingPet and task.wait() do
- if #Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList >= 1 then
- SellPets()
- else
- RayField.Flags["ToggleStartSell"]:Set(false)
- break
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Choosen Pet To Sell",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetToSell,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if tonumber(Value) then
- Value = Value
- else
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Directory.Pets) do
- if == Value then
- Value = i
- end
- end
- end
- Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetToSell = Value
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Choosen Pet Price",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetPrice,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetPrice = Value
- end
- })
- local SelectedSellingOptions = BoothsTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Types", Content = "None"})
- if #Config.Booths.Selling.Options >= 1 then
- SelectedSellingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber], ", ")})
- end
- BoothsTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Types",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = TypeList,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber] then
- Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber] = {}
- end
- if not table.find(Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber], Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber], Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber], Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber]) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber], i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedSellingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber], ", ")})
- end
- })
- local SellingListOptionsSection = BoothsTab:CreateSection("Selling List Options")
- BoothsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Save To Selling List",
- Callback = function()
- if not tonumber(Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetToSell) or not tonumber(Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetPrice) or #Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber] < 1 then
- return
- end
- if not Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList[SellSaveNumber] then
- Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList[SellSaveNumber] = {["Pet"] = Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetToSell, ["Price"] = Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetPrice, ["Type"] = Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber]}
- end
- local SellingListTable = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList) do
- table.insert(SellingListTable, "["..i.."] ".."[Pet] "..Library.Directory.Pets[v.Pet].name..", [Price] "..Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v.Price))..", [Type] "..table.concat(v.Type, ", "))
- end
- SellingList:Set({Title = "Selling List", Content = table.concat(SellingListTable, "\n")})
- SellSaveNumber = tonumber((Config.Booths.Selling.EditMode and Config.Booths.Selling.EditNumber) or #Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList + 1)
- SelectedSellingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = "Select Types"})
- if not Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber] then
- Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber] = {}
- end
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Edit Mode",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Selling.EditMode,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Selling.EditMode = Value
- if Config.Booths.Selling.EditMode then
- SelectedSellingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber], ", ")})
- end
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Booths.Selling.EditMode and task.wait() do
- pcall(function()
- SellSaveNumber = tonumber((Config.Booths.Selling.EditMode and Config.Booths.Selling.EditNumber) or #Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList + 1)
- local SellListToEdit = Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList[SellSaveNumber]
- SellListToEdit.Pet = Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetToSell
- SellListToEdit.Price = Config.Booths.Selling.ChoosenPetPrice
- SellListToEdit.Type = Config.Booths.Selling.Options[SellSaveNumber]
- local SellingListTable = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList) do
- table.insert(SellingListTable, "["..i.."] ".."[Pet] "..Library.Directory.Pets[v.Pet].name..", [Price] "..Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v.Price))..", [Type] "..table.concat(v.Type, ", "))
- end
- SellingList:Set({Title = "Selling List", Content = table.concat(SellingListTable, "\n")})
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Remove From Sell List",
- Callback = function()
- local ListToReAdd = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList) do
- task.spawn(function()
- if i ~= tonumber(Config.Booths.Selling.EditNumber) then
- table.insert(ListToReAdd, v)
- end
- end)
- end
- Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList = ListToReAdd
- local SellingListTable = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Selling.SellingList) do
- table.insert(SellingListTable, "["..i.."] ".."[Pet] "..Library.Directory.Pets[v.Pet].name..", [Price] "..Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v.Price))..", [Type] "..table.concat(v.Type, ", "))
- end
- SellingList:Set({Title = "Selling List", Content = table.concat(SellingListTable, "\n")})
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Number To Edit Or Delete",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Booths.Selling.EditNumber,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Selling.EditNumber = Value
- end
- })
- if Premium then
- local SnipingSection = BoothsTab:CreateSection("Sniping")
- local SnipingList = BoothsTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Sniping List", Content = "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"})
- local SnipeSaveNumber = tonumber((Config.Booths.Sniping.EditMode and Config.Booths.Sniping.EditNumber) or #Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList + 1)
- if #Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList >= 1 then
- local TempSnipingList = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList) do
- table.insert(TempSnipingList, "["..i.."] ".."[Pet] "..((tonumber(v.Pet) and Library.Directory.Pets[v.Pet].name) or "None")..", [Snipe Under] "..tostring(v.SnipeUnder)..", [Gems Under] "..((tonumber(v.GemsUnder) and Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v.GemsUnder))) or "None")..", [Type] "..table.concat(v.Type, ", ")..", [Snipe Rarity] "..tostring(v.SnipeRarity)..", [Rarity] "..((type(v.Rarity) == "table" and table.concat(v.Rarity, ", ")) or v.Rarity))
- end
- SnipingList:Set({Title = "Sniping List", Content = table.concat(TempSnipingList, "\n")})
- end
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Sniping Pet",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Sniping.StartSnipingPet,
- Flag = "ToggleSnipePet",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Sniping.StartSnipingPet = Value
- Buying = false
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Booths.Sniping.StartSnipingPet and task.wait() do
- if #Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList >= 1 then
- SnipePets()
- else
- RayField.Flags["ToggleSnipePet"]:Set(false)
- break
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Snipe By Rarity",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipePetRarity,
- Flag = "ToggleSnipePetRarity",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipePetRarity = Value
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Snipe Pet Under Gems",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipePetUnder,
- Flag = "ToggleSnipePetUnder",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipePetUnder = Value
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Gems Under To Snipe",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Booths.Sniping.GemsUnderToSnipe,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Sniping.GemsUnderToSnipe = Value
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Choosen Pet To Snipe",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Booths.Sniping.ChoosenPetToSnipe,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if tonumber(Value) then
- Value = Value
- else
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Directory.Pets) do
- if == Value then
- Value = i
- end
- end
- end
- Config.Booths.Sniping.ChoosenPetToSnipe = Value
- end
- })
- local SelectedSnipingOptions = BoothsTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Types", Content = "None"})
- if #Config.Booths.Sniping.Options >= 1 then
- SelectedSnipingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber], ", ")})
- else
- SelectedSnipingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = "None"})
- end
- BoothsTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Types",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = TypeList,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber] then
- Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber] = {}
- end
- if not table.find(Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber], Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber], Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber], Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber]) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber], i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedSnipingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber], ", ")})
- end
- })
- local SelectedSnipingRarities = BoothsTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = "None"})
- if #Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities >= 1 then
- SelectedSnipingRarities:Set({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = table.concat(Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber], ", ")})
- else
- SelectedSnipingRarities:Set({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = "None"})
- end
- BoothsTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Rarities",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = {"Basic", "Rare", "Epic", "Legendary", "Mythical", "", "Event", "Exclusive", "Huge", "Titanic"},
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber] then
- Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber] = {}
- end
- if not table.find(Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber], Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber], Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber], Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber]) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber], i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedSnipingRarities:Set({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = table.concat(Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber], ", ")})
- end
- })
- local SnipingListOptions = BoothsTab:CreateSection("Sniping List Options")
- BoothsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Save To Sniping List",
- Callback = function()
- if #Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber] < 1 then
- return
- end
- if not Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList[SnipeSaveNumber] then
- Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList[SnipeSaveNumber] = {["Pet"] = Config.Booths.Sniping.ChoosenPetToSnipe, ["SnipeUnder"] = Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipePetUnder, ["GemsUnder"] = Config.Booths.Sniping.GemsUnderToSnipe, ["Type"] = Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber], ["SnipeRarity"] = Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipePetRarity, ["Rarity"] = (tonumber(Config.Booths.Sniping.ChoosenPetToSnipe) and "None") or Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber]}
- end
- local SnipingListTable = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList) do
- table.insert(SnipingListTable, "["..i.."] ".."[Pet] "..((tonumber(v.Pet) and Library.Directory.Pets[v.Pet].name) or "None")..", [Snipe Under] "..tostring(v.SnipeUnder)..", [Gems Under] "..((tonumber(v.GemsUnder) and Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v.GemsUnder))) or "None")..", [Type] "..table.concat(v.Type, ", ")..", [Snipe Rarity] "..tostring(v.SnipeRarity)..", [Rarity] "..((type(v.Rarity) == "table" and table.concat(v.Rarity, ", ")) or v.Rarity))
- end
- SnipingList:Set({Title = "Sniping List", Content = table.concat(SnipingListTable, "\n")})
- SnipeSaveNumber = tonumber((Config.Booths.Sniping.EditMode and Config.Booths.Sniping.EditNumber) or #Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList + 1)
- SelectedSnipingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = "None"})
- SelectedSnipingRarities:Set({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = "None"})
- if not Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber] then
- Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber] = {}
- end
- if not Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber] then
- Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber] = {}
- end
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Edit Mode",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Sniping.EditMode,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Sniping.EditMode = Value
- if Config.Booths.Sniping.EditMode then
- SnipeSaveNumber = tonumber((Config.Booths.Sniping.EditMode and Config.Booths.Sniping.EditNumber) or #Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList + 1)
- SelectedSellingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber], ", ")})
- SelectedSnipingRarities:Set({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = table.concat(Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber], ", ")})
- end
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Booths.Sniping.EditMode and task.wait() do
- pcall(function()
- SnipeSaveNumber = tonumber((Config.Booths.Sniping.EditMode and Config.Booths.Sniping.EditNumber) or #Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList + 1)
- local SnipeListToEdit = Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList[SnipeSaveNumber]
- SnipeListToEdit.Pet = Config.Booths.Sniping.ChoosenPetToSnipe
- SnipeListToEdit.SnipeUnder = Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipePetUnder
- SnipeListToEdit.GemsUnder = Config.Booths.Sniping.GemsUnderToSnipe
- SnipeListToEdit.Type = Config.Booths.Sniping.Options[SnipeSaveNumber]
- SnipeListToEdit.SnipeRarity = Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipePetRarity
- SnipeListToEdit.Rarity = (tonumber(Config.Booths.Sniping.ChoosenPetToSnipe) and "None") or Config.Booths.Sniping.Rarities[SnipeSaveNumber]
- local SnipingListTable = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList) do
- table.insert(SnipingListTable, "["..i.."] ".."[Pet] "..((tonumber(v.Pet) and Library.Directory.Pets[v.Pet].name) or "None")..", [Snipe Under] "..tostring(v.SnipeUnder)..", [Gems Under] "..((tonumber(v.GemsUnder) and Library.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v.GemsUnder))) or "None")..", [Type] "..table.concat(v.Type, ", ")..", [Snipe Rarity] "..tostring(v.SnipeRarity)..", [Rarity] "..((type(v.Rarity) == "table" and table.concat(v.Rarity, ", ")) or v.Rarity))
- end
- SnipingList:Set({Title = "Sniping List", Content = table.concat(SnipingListTable, "\n")})
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Remove From Snipe List",
- Callback = function()
- local ListToReAdd = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList) do
- task.spawn(function()
- if i ~= tonumber(Config.Booths.Sniping.EditNumber) then
- table.insert(ListToReAdd, v)
- end
- end)
- end
- Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList = ListToReAdd
- local SnipingListTable = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Booths.Sniping.SnipingList) do
- table.insert(SnipingListTable, "["..i.."] ".."[Pet] "..((tonumber(v.Pet) and Library.Directory.Pets[v.Pet].name) or "None")..", [Snipe Under] "..tostring(v.SnipeUnder)..", [Gems Under] "..((tonumber(v.GemsUnder) and LiLibrary.Functions.Commas(tonumber(v.GemsUnder))) or "None")..", [Type] "..table.concat(v.Type, ", ")..", [Snipe Rarity] "..tostring(v.SnipeRarity)..", [Rarity] "..((type(v.Rarity) == "table" and table.concat(v.Rarity, ", ")) or v.Rarity))
- end
- SnipingList:Set({Title = "Sniping List", Content = table.concat(SnipingListTable, "\n")})
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Number To Edit Or Delete",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Booths.Sniping.EditNumber,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Sniping.EditNumber = Value
- end
- })
- end
- local ExtraSection = BoothsTab:CreateSection("Extra")
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Teleport To Booth [Experimental]",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Extra.TeleportToBooth,
- Flag = "ToggleTeleportToBooth",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Extra.TeleportToBooth = Value
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Go Invisible",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Extra.GoInvisible,
- Flag = "ToggleGoInvisible",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Extra.GoInvisible = Value
- if Config.Booths.Extra.GoInvisible then
- local SavedPos = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- wait()
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, -200, 0)
- wait(.15)
- local Seat ='Seat', game.Workspace)
- Seat.Anchored = false
- Seat.CanCollide = false
- Seat.Name = 'InvisibleSeat'
- Seat.Transparency = 1
- Seat.Position =, -200, 0)
- local Weld ="Weld", Seat)
- Weld.Part0 = Seat
- Weld.Part1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") or game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso
- wait()
- Seat.CFrame = SavedPos
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Invis On";
- Duration = 1;
- Text = "";
- })
- else
- workspace:FindFirstChild('InvisibleSeat'):Remove()
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Invis Off";
- Duration = 1;
- Text = "";
- })
- end
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Walk To Booth [Experimental]",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Extra.WalkToBooth,
- Flag = "ToggleWalkToBooth",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Extra.WalkToBooth = Value
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Booth Server Hop",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHop,
- Flag = "ToggleBoothServerHop",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHop = Value
- SaveConfig()
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHop and task.wait() do
- if not Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHop then break end
- if #Players:GetChildren() <= 10 then
- ServerTeleport("Trading Plaza")
- end
- end
- end)
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHop and task.wait(Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopSeconds) do
- if not Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHop then break end
- ServerTeleport("Trading Plaza")
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- BoothsTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Booth Voice Chat Server Hop (Voice Chat Required)",
- CurrentValue = Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopVoice,
- Flag = "ToggleBoothServerHopVoice",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopVoice = Value
- SaveConfig()
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopVoice and task.wait() do
- if not Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopVoice then break end
- if #Players:GetChildren() <= 10 then
- ServerTeleport("Trading Plaza Voice Chat")
- end
- end
- end)
- task.spawn(function()
- task.wait(2)
- while Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopVoice and task.wait(Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopSeconds) do
- if not Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopVoice then break end
- ServerTeleport("Trading Plaza Voice Chat")
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- local BoothSniperLabel = BoothsTab:CreateLabel((Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopSeconds / 60).." Minutes")
- BoothsTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Amount Of SECONDS",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopSeconds,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopSeconds = Value
- BoothSniperLabel:Set((Config.Booths.Extra.BoothServerHopSeconds / 60).." Minutes")
- end
- })
- local DeletingTab = Window:CreateTab("Delete Pets (🚫)")
- local PetDeletingSection = DeletingTab:CreateSection("Pet Deleting")
- DeletingTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Deleting",
- CurrentValue = Config.Deleting.StartDelete,
- Flag = "ToggleStartDelete",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Deleting.StartDelete = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Deleting.StartDelete and task.wait() do
- DeletePets()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- DeletingTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Delete By Rarity",
- CurrentValue = Config.Deleting.DeleteByRarity,
- Flag = "ToggleDeleteByRarity",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Deleting.DeleteByRarity = Value
- end
- })
- local PetsToDeleteSection = DeletingTab:CreateSection("Pets")
- DeletingTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Choosen Pet",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Deleting.ChoosenPetToDelete,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if tonumber(Value) then
- Value = Value
- else
- for i,v in pairs(Library.Directory.Pets) do
- if == Value then
- Value = i
- end
- end
- end
- Config.Deleting.ChoosenPetToDelete = Value
- end
- })
- local SellingOptionsSection = DeletingTab:CreateSection("Options")
- local SelectedDeleteOptions = DeletingTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.Deleting.Options, ", ")})
- DeletingTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Types",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = TypeList,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.Deleting.Options, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Deleting.Options, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Deleting.Options, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Deleting.Options) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Deleting.Options, i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedDeleteOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.Deleting.Options, ", ")})
- end
- })
- local PetsToDeleteRaritiesSection = DeletingTab:CreateSection("Rarities")
- local SelectedDeleteRarities = DeletingTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = table.concat(Config.Deleting.Rarities, ", ")})
- DeletingTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Rarities",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = RaritiesWithoutExclusiveList,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.Deleting.Rarities, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Deleting.Rarities, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Deleting.Rarities, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Deleting.Rarities) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Deleting.Rarities, i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedDeleteRarities:Set({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = table.concat(Config.Deleting.Rarities, ", ")})
- end
- })
- local MiscTab = Window:CreateTab("Misc (💡)")
- local RedeemingSection = MiscTab:CreateSection("Redeeming")
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Redeem Rank Rewards",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Redeeming.RedeemRankRewards,
- Flag = "ToggleRedeemRankRewards",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Redeeming.RedeemRankRewards = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Misc.Redeeming.RedeemRankRewards and task.wait() do
- pcall(function()
- if Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Rank Rewards"].Pad.BillboardGui.Timer.Text == "Redeem!" then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Redeem Rank Rewards"])
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Redeem VIP Rewards",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Redeeming.RedeemVIPRewards,
- Flag = "ToggleRedeemVIPRewards",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Redeeming.RedeemVIPRewards = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Misc.Redeeming.RedeemVIPRewards and task.wait() do
- pcall(function()
- if Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["VIP Rewards"].Pad.BillboardGui.Timer.Text == "Redeem!" then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Redeem VIP Rewards"])
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Redeem Free Gift",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Redeeming.RedeemFreeGifts,
- Flag = "ToggleRedeemFreeGifts",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Redeeming.RedeemFreeGifts = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Misc.Redeeming.RedeemFreeGifts and task.wait() do
- for i,v in pairs(Player.PlayerGui.FreeGifts.Frame.Container.Gifts:GetDescendants()) do
- if v.Name == "Timer" and v.Text == "Redeem!" then
- UseRemote(Remotes["Redeem Free Gift"], tonumber(v.Parent.Name:split("Gift")[2]))
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- local TeleportsSection = MiscTab:CreateSection("Teleports")
- MiscTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Teleport To Normal Experience",
- Callback = function()
- LowServerTeleport(true, 6284583030)
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Teleport To Hardcore Experience",
- Callback = function()
- LowServerTeleport(true, 10321372166)
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Teleport To Trading Plaza",
- Callback = function()
- ServerTeleport("Trading Plaza")
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Teleport To Voice Chat Plaza (VOICE CHAT REQUIRED)",
- Callback = function()
- ServerTeleport("Trading Plaza Voice Chat")
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Join Normal Experience",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadNormalExperience,
- Flag = "ToggleLoadNormalExperience",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadNormalExperience = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- SaveConfig()
- if Value then
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadHardcoreExperience"]:Set(false)
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadTradingExperience"]:Set(false)
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadTradingVoiceExperience"]:Set(false)
- end
- task.wait(2)
- while Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadNormalExperience and task.wait(1) do
- if game.PlaceId ~= 6284583030 then
- LowServerTeleport(true, 6284583030)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Join Hardcore Experience",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadHardcoreExperience,
- Flag = "ToggleLoadHardcoreExperience",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadHardcoreExperience = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- SaveConfig()
- if Value then
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadNormalExperience"]:Set(false)
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadTradingExperience"]:Set(false)
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadTradingVoiceExperience"]:Set(false)
- end
- task.wait(2)
- while Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadHardcoreExperience and task.wait(1) do
- if game.PlaceId ~= 10321372166 then
- LowServerTeleport(true, 10321372166)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Join Trading Plaza",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadTradingExperience,
- Flag = "ToggleLoadTradingExperience",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadTradingExperience = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- SaveConfig()
- if Value then
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadNormalExperience"]:Set(false)
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadHardcoreExperience"]:Set(false)
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadTradingVoiceExperience"]:Set(false)
- end
- task.wait(2)
- while Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadTradingExperience and task.wait(1) do
- if game.PlaceId ~= 7722306047 then
- ServerTeleport("Trading Plaza")
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Join Voice Chat Trading Plaza",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadTradingVoiceExperience,
- Flag = "ToggleLoadTradingVoiceExperience",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadTradingVoiceExperience = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- SaveConfig()
- if Value then
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadNormalExperience"]:Set(false)
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadHardcoreExperience"]:Set(false)
- RayField.Flags["ToggleLoadTradingExperience"]:Set(false)
- end
- task.wait(2)
- while Config.Misc.Teleports.LoadTradingVoiceExperience and task.wait(1) do
- if game.PlaceId ~= 11725212117 then
- ServerTeleport("Trading Plaza Voice Chat")
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- local HoverboardsSection = MiscTab:CreateSection("Hoverboards")
- MiscTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Hoverboards",
- CurrentOption = Config.Misc.Hoverboards.CurrentHoverboard,
- Options = HoverboardList,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Hoverboards.CurrentHoverboard = Value
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Set Hoverboard",
- Callback = function()
- Library.Save.Get().EquippedHoverboard = Config.Misc.Hoverboards.CurrentHoverboard
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Hoverboard Speed",
- Range = {1,300},
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Hoverboards.HoverboardSpeed,
- Increment = 1,
- Suffix = "Speed",
- Flag = "HoverboardSpeedValue",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Hoverboards.HoverboardSpeed = Value
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Set Hoverboard Speed",
- Callback = function()
- Library.Directory.Hoverboards[Config.Misc.Hoverboards.CurrentHoverboard].speed = 3
- getupvalue(getsenv(Scripts.Game.Hoverboard).Create, 3)[3] = Config.Misc.Hoverboards.HoverboardSpeed
- end
- })
- local BoostsSection = MiscTab:CreateSection("Boosts")
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Use Boosts",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Boosting.UseBoosts,
- Flag = "ToggleUseBoosts",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Boosting.UseBoosts = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Misc.Boosting.UseBoosts and task.wait(1) do
- ActivateBoosts()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Use All Boosts",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Boosting.UseAllBoosts,
- Flag = "ToggleUseAllBoosts",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Boosting.UseAllBoosts = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Misc.Boosting.UseAllBoosts and task.wait() do
- ActivateBoosts()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- local SelectedBoosts = MiscTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Boosts", Content = table.concat(Config.Misc.Boosting.BoostsToActivate, ", ")})
- MiscTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Boosts",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = {"Triple Coins", "Triple Damage", "Super Lucky", "Ultra Lucky"},
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.Misc.Boosting.BoostsToActivate, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Misc.Boosting.BoostsToActivate, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Misc.Boosting.BoostsToActivate, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Misc.Boosting.BoostsToActivate) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Misc.Boosting.BoostsToActivate, i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedBoosts:Set({Title = "Selected Boosts", Content = table.concat(Config.Misc.Boosting.BoostsToActivate, ", ")})
- end
- })
- local ServerBoostsSection = MiscTab:CreateSection("Server Boosts")
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Use Server Boosts",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Boosting.UseServerBoosts,
- Flag = "ToggleUseServerBoosts",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Boosting.UseServerBoosts = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Misc.Boosting.UseServerBoosts and task.wait(1) do
- ActivateServerBoosts()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- local SelectedServerBoosts = MiscTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Server Boosts", Content = table.concat(Config.Misc.Boosting.ServerBoostsToActivate, ", ")})
- MiscTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Server Boosts",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = {"Triple Coins", "Triple Damage", "Super Lucky"},
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.Misc.Boosting.ServerBoostsToActivate, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Misc.Boosting.ServerBoostsToActivate, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Misc.Boosting.ServerBoostsToActivate, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Misc.Boosting.ServerBoostsToActivate) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Misc.Boosting.ServerBoostsToActivate, i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedServerBoosts:Set({Title = "Selected Server Boosts", Content = table.concat(Config.Misc.Boosting.ServerBoostsToActivate, ", ")})
- end
- })
- local MiscExtraSection = MiscTab:CreateSection("Extra")
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Stats Tracker",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Extra.StatsTracker,
- Flag = "ToggleStatsTracker",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Extra.StatsTracker = Value
- EnableStatsTracker()
- end
- })
- MiscTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Reduce Lag",
- CurrentValue = Config.Misc.Extra.ReduceLag,
- Flag = "ToggleReduceLag",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Misc.Extra.ReduceLag = Value
- if Config.Misc.Extra.ReduceLag then
- local a = game
- local b = a.Workspace
- local c = a.Lighting
- local d = b.Terrain
- d.WaterWaveSize = 0
- d.WaterWaveSpeed = 0
- d.WaterReflectance = 0
- d.WaterTransparency = 0
- c.GlobalShadows = false
- c.FogEnd = 9e9
- c.Brightness = 0
- settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = "Level01"
- for e, f in pairs(a:GetDescendants()) do
- if f:IsA("Part") or f:IsA("Union") or f:IsA("CornerWedgePart") or f:IsA("TrussPart") then
- f.Material = "Plastic"
- f.Reflectance = 0
- elseif f:IsA("Decal") or f:IsA("Texture") then
- f.Transparency = 0
- elseif f:IsA("ParticleEmitter") or f:IsA("Trail") then
- f.Lifetime =
- elseif f:IsA("Explosion") then
- f.BlastPressure = 0
- f.BlastRadius = 0
- elseif f:IsA("Fire") or f:IsA("SpotLight") or f:IsA("Smoke") or f:IsA("Sparkles") then
- f.Enabled = false
- elseif f:IsA("MeshPart") then
- f.Material = "Plastic"
- f.Reflectance = 0
- f.TextureID = 10385902758728957
- end
- end
- for e, g in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do
- if
- g:IsA("BlurEffect") or g:IsA("SunRaysEffect") or g:IsA("ColorCorrectionEffect") or g:IsA("BloomEffect") or
- g:IsA("DepthOfFieldEffect")
- then
- g.Enabled = false
- end
- end
- sethiddenproperty(game.Lighting, "Technology", "Compatibility")
- end
- end
- })
- local PetCollectionTab = Window:CreateTab("Pet Collection (🖥️)")
- local CollectionSettingsSection = PetCollectionTab:CreateSection("Settings For Pet Collection")
- local CollectionStats = PetCollectionTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Statistics", Content = "Pets Collected: "..#Library.Save.Get().Collection.."/"..#Library.Shared.GetAllCollectablePets()})
- PetCollectionTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Collecting Pets",
- CurrentValue = Config.PetCollection.StartCollecting,
- Flag = "ToggleCollectingPets",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.PetCollection.StartCollecting = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.PetCollection.StartCollecting and task.wait() do
- CollectPets()
- CollectionStats:Set({Title = "Statistics", Content = "Pets Collected: "..#Library.Save.Get().Collection.."/"..#Library.Shared.GetAllCollectablePets()})
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- PetCollectionTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Mode",
- CurrentOption = Config.PetCollection.Mode,
- Options = {"Single", "Triple", "Octuple"},
- Flag = "CollectionModeOption",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.PetCollection.Mode = Value
- end
- })
- local SelectedCollectingOptions = PetCollectionTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.PetCollection.Options, ", ")})
- PetCollectionTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Types",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = TypesForCollectionList,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.PetCollection.Options, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.PetCollection.Options, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.PetCollection.Options, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.PetCollection.Options) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.PetCollection.Options, i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedCollectingOptions:Set({Title = "Selected Types", Content = table.concat(Config.PetCollection.Options, ", ")})
- end
- })
- local SelectedCollectionRarities = PetCollectionTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = table.concat(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, ", ")})
- PetCollectionTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Rarities",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = RaritiesWithoutExclusiveList,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.PetCollection.Rarities) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedCollectionRarities:Set({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = table.concat(Config.PetCollection.Rarities, ", ")})
- end
- })
- local MasteryTab = Window:CreateTab("Mastery (✨)")
- local MasterySettingsSection = MasteryTab:CreateSection("Settings For Mastery")
- MasteryTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Completing Mastery",
- CurrentValue = Config.Mastery.StartCompletingMasterys,
- Flag = "ToggleCompleteMasterys",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Mastery.StartCompletingMasterys = Value
- task.spawn(function()
- while Config.Mastery.StartCompletingMasterys and task.wait() do
- CompleteMasterys()
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- local SelectedMasterys = MasteryTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Masteries", Content = table.concat(Config.Mastery.MasterysToFarm, ", ")})
- MasteryTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Masteries",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = MasteryList,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.Mastery.MasterysToFarm, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Mastery.MasterysToFarm, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Mastery.MasterysToFarm, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Mastery.MasterysToFarm) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Mastery.MasterysToFarm, i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedMasterys:Set({Title = "Selected Masteries", Content = table.concat(Config.Mastery.MasterysToFarm, ", ")})
- end
- })
- local GuisTab = Window:CreateTab("GUIs (🔖)")
- local GuiSettings = GuisTab:CreateSection("Settings For Guis")
- GuisTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Walk To Gui Location",
- CurrentValue = Config.Guis.WalkToGui,
- Flag = "ToggleWalkToGui",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Guis.WalkToGui = Value
- end
- })
- local GuisMachinesSection = GuisTab:CreateSection("Machines")
- GuisTab:CreateKeybind({
- Name = "Golden Machine",
- CurrentKeybind = Config.Guis.GuiMachines.GoldenMachine,
- HoldToInteract = false,
- Flag = "GoldenMachineKeybind",
- Callback = function(Keybind)
- Config.Guis.GuiMachines.GoldenMachine = Keybind
- pcall(function()
- getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Shop")
- if Config.Guis.WalkToGui then
- task.wait(5)
- FindPath(Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Gold Machine"].Pad)
- else
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Gold Machine"].Pad.CFrame
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- GuisTab:CreateKeybind({
- Name = "Rainbow Machine",
- CurrentKeybind = Config.Guis.GuiMachines.RainbowMachine,
- HoldToInteract = false,
- Flag = "RainbowMachineKeybind",
- Callback = function(Keybind)
- Config.Guis.GuiMachines.GoldenMachine = Keybind
- pcall(function()
- getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Mine")
- if Config.Guis.WalkToGui then
- task.wait(5)
- FindPath(Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Rainbow Machine"].Pad)
- else
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Rainbow Machine"].Pad.CFrame
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- GuisTab:CreateKeybind({
- Name = "Dark Matter Machine",
- CurrentKeybind = Config.Guis.GuiMachines.DarkMatterMachine,
- HoldToInteract = false,
- Flag = "DarkMatterKeybind",
- Callback = function(Keybind)
- Config.Guis.GuiMachines.DarkMatterMachine = Keybind
- pcall(function()
- getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Dark Tech")
- if Config.Guis.WalkToGui then
- task.wait(5)
- FindPath(Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Dark Matter Machine"].Pad)
- else
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Dark Matter Machine"].Pad.CFrame
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- GuisTab:CreateKeybind({
- Name = "Fuse Machine",
- CurrentKeybind = Config.Guis.GuiMachines.FuseMachine,
- HoldToInteract = false,
- Flag = "FuseMachineKeybind",
- Callback = function(Keybind)
- Config.Guis.GuiMachines.FuseMachine = Keybind
- pcall(function()
- getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Beach")
- if Config.Guis.WalkToGui then
- task.wait(5)
- FindPath(Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Fuse Pets"].Pad)
- else
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Fuse Pets"].Pad.CFrame
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- GuisTab:CreateKeybind({
- Name = "Enchant Machine",
- CurrentKeybind = Config.Guis.GuiMachines.EnchantMachine,
- HoldToInteract = false,
- Flag = "EnchantMachineKeybind",
- Callback = function(Keybind)
- Config.Guis.GuiMachines.EnchantMachine = Keybind
- pcall(function()
- getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Enchanted Forest")
- if Config.Guis.WalkToGui then
- task.wait(5)
- FindPath(Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Enchanting"].Pad)
- else
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Enchanting"].Pad.CFrame
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- GuisTab:CreateKeybind({
- Name = "Bank Machine",
- CurrentKeybind = Config.Guis.GuiMachines.BankMachine,
- HoldToInteract = false,
- Flag = "BankMachineKeybind",
- Callback = function(Keybind)
- Config.Guis.GuiMachines.BankMachine = Keybind
- pcall(function()
- getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("Shop")
- if Config.Guis.WalkToGui then
- task.wait(5)
- FindPath(Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Bank"].Pad)
- else
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Bank"].Pad.CFrame
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- GuisTab:CreateKeybind({
- Name = "Server Boost Machine",
- CurrentKeybind = "V",
- HoldToInteract = false,
- Flag = "ServerBoostMachineKeybind",
- Callback = function(Keybind)
- Config.Guis.GuiMachines.ServerBoostMachine = Keybind
- pcall(function()
- getsenv(Scripts.GUIs.Teleport).Teleport("The Void")
- if Config.Guis.WalkToGui then
- task.wait(5)
- FindPath(Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Boost Machine"].Pad)
- else
- GetHumanoidRootPart().CFrame = Workspace["__MAP"].Interactive["Boost Machine"].Pad.CFrame
- end
- end)
- end
- })
- local WebhooksTab = Window:CreateTab("Webhooks (📬)")
- local WebhookHatchingSection = WebhooksTab:CreateSection("Hatching")
- local OldSavedHatchedPets = Library.Save.Get().Pets
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Hatch Webhook",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.StartWebhook,
- Flag = "ToggleStartHatchWebhook",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.StartWebhook = Value
- if getgenv().OpenEggConnection then getgenv().OpenEggConnection:Disconnect() end
- task.spawn(function()
- repeat task.wait() until RemotesLoaded
- LPH_NO_VIRTUALIZE(function()
- getgenv().OpenEggConnection = Library.Network.Fired("Open Egg"):Connect(function(EggName, PetsTable)
- for i,v in pairs(PetsTable) do
- repeat task.wait() until CheckForPet(v.uid)
- local ReadyToSendHatchWebhook = false
- if (table.find(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, "Basic") and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Basic") or (table.find(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, "Rare") and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Rare") or (table.find(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, "Epic") and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Epic") or (table.find(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, "Legendary") and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Legendary") or (table.find(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, "Mythical") and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Mythical") or (table.find(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, "Secret") and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Secret") or (table.find(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, "Exclusive") and Library.Directory.Pets[].rarity == "Exclusive") then
- ReadyToSendHatchWebhook = true
- end
- if ReadyToSendHatchWebhook and Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.StartWebhook then
- SendHatchWebhook(v, EggName)
- end
- if v.powers then
- SendMiscHatchWebhook(v, EggName)
- end
- end
- end)
- end)()
- end)
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Discord Webhook",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ChoosenWebhook,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ChoosenWebhook = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Ping User",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.PingUser,
- Flag = "ToggleHatchPingUser",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.PingUser = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "ID To Ping",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ChoosenUserID,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ChoosenUserID = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Chances",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowChances,
- Flag = "ToggleHatchShowChances",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowChances = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Eggs Hatched",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowEggsHatched,
- Flag = "ToggleHatchShowEggsHatched",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowEggsHatched = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Eggs Remaining",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowEggsRemaining,
- Flag = "ToggleHatchShowEggsRemaining",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowEggsRemaining = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Currency Remaining",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowCurrencyRemaining,
- Flag = "ToggleHatchShowCurrencyRemaining",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowCurrencyRemaining = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Strength",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowStrength,
- Flag = "ToggleHatchShowStrength",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowStrength = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Enchants",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowEnchants,
- Flag = "ToggleHatchShowEnchants",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.ShowEnchants = Value
- end
- })
- local WebhookPetRarities = WebhooksTab:CreateSection("Rarities")
- local SelectedHatchRarities = WebhooksTab:CreateParagraph({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = table.concat(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, ", ")})
- WebhooksTab:CreateDropdown({
- Name = "Choose Rarities",
- CurrentOption = "",
- Options = RaritiesList,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if not table.find(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, Value) then
- table.insert(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, Value)
- elseif table.find(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, Value) then
- for i,v in pairs(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities) do
- if v == Value then
- table.remove(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, i)
- end
- end
- end
- SelectedHatchRarities:Set({Title = "Selected Rarities", Content = table.concat(Config.Webhooks.HatchWebhook.Rarities, ", ")})
- end
- })
- local WebhookSellingSection = WebhooksTab:CreateSection("Selling")
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Sell Webhook",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.StartWebhook,
- Flag = "ToggleStartSellWebhook",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.StartWebhook = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Discord Webhook",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ChoosenWebhook,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ChoosenWebhook = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Ping User",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.PingUser,
- Flag = "ToggleSellPingUser",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.PingUser = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "ID To Ping",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ChoosenUserID,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ChoosenUserID = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Bought For",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ShowSoldFor,
- Flag = "ToggleSellShowBoughtFor",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ShowSoldFor = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Total Gems",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ShowTotalGems,
- Flag = "ToggleSellShowTotalGems",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ShowTotalGems = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Bought By",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ShowPurchasedBy,
- Flag = "ToggleSellShowBoughtBy",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SellWebhook.ShowPurchasedBy = Value
- end
- })
- if Premium then
- local WebhookSnipingSection = WebhooksTab:CreateSection("Sniping")
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Start Snipe Webhook",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.StartWebhook,
- Flag = "ToggleStartSnipeWebhook",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.StartWebhook = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Discord Webhook",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ChoosenWebhook,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ChoosenWebhook = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Ping User",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.PingUser,
- Flag = "ToggleSnipePingUser",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.PingUser = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "ID To Ping",
- PlaceholderText = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ChoosenUserID,
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ChoosenUserID = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Gems Sniped For",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowGemsSnipedFor,
- Flag = "ToggleSnipeShowGemsSnipedFor",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowGemsSnipedFor = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Gems Remaining",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowGemsRemaining,
- Flag = "ToggleSnipeShowGemsRemaining",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowGemsRemaining = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Owner",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowOwner,
- Flag = "ToggleSnipeShowOwner",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowOwner = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Strength",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowStrength,
- Flag = "ToggleSnipeShowStrength",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowStrength = Value
- end
- })
- WebhooksTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Show Enchants",
- CurrentValue = Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowEnchants,
- Flag = "ToggleSnipeShowEnchants",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Config.Webhooks.SnipeWebhook.ShowEnchants = Value
- end
- })
- end
- local ConfigTab = Window:CreateTab("Config (💾)")
- local LoadDeleteSection = ConfigTab:CreateSection("Load/Delete Config")
- ConfigTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Load Config",
- CurrentValue = IsLoadConfig,
- Callback = function(Value)
- IsLoadConfig = Value
- writefile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/GlobalSettings.json", HttpService:JSONEncode({["LoadConfig"] = IsLoadConfig, ["SeparateConfig"] = IsSeparateConfig}))
- IsLoadConfig = HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/GlobalSettings.json"))["LoadConfig"]
- end
- })
- ConfigTab:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Use Separate Config",
- CurrentValue = IsSeparateConfig,
- Callback = function(Value)
- IsSeparateConfig = Value
- writefile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/GlobalSettings.json", HttpService:JSONEncode({["LoadConfig"] = IsLoadConfig, ["SeparateConfig"] = IsSeparateConfig}))
- IsSeparateConfig = HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile("MilkUp/PetSimulatorX/GlobalSettings.json"))["SeparateConfig"]
- end
- })
- ConfigTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Save Config",
- Callback = function()
- SaveConfig()
- end
- })
- ConfigTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Delete Config",
- Callback = function()
- DeleteConfig()
- end
- })
- local ExtraConfigSection = ConfigTab:CreateSection("Extra Config Options")
- local ConfigInputed
- ConfigTab:CreateInput({
- Name = "Insert Config",
- PlaceholderText = "Insert Here",
- RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- local ConfigJSONSuccess, ConfigJSONError = pcall(function() HttpService:JSONDecode(Value) end)
- if ConfigJSONSuccess then
- ConfigInputed = HttpService:JSONDecode(Value)
- end
- end
- })
- ConfigTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Set Config",
- Callback = function()
- writefile(ConfigName, HttpService:JSONEncode(ConfigInputed))
- end
- })
- ConfigTab:CreateButton({
- Name = "Copy Config",
- Callback = function()
- setclipboard(readfile(ConfigName))
- end
- })
- RayField:Notify({
- Title = "UI Loaded",
- Content = "Script Took "..tick() - StartTick.. "s",
- Duration = 3,
- })
- RayField:Notify({
- Title = "Discord",
- Content = "Would You Like To Join The Discord To Stay Updated?",
- Duration = 3,
- Actions = {
- SendInvite = {
- Name = "Yes",
- Callback = function()
- HTTPRequest({ Url = "",
- Method = "POST",Headers = {["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
- ["Origin"] = ""},
- Body = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({cmd = "INVITE_BROWSER",
- args = {code = "tY2TN5mKCb"},
- nonce = game:GetService("HttpService"):GenerateGUID(false)
- }
- )
- }
- )
- end
- },
- IgnoreInvite = {
- Name = "No",
- Callback = function()
- return
- end
- },
- },
- })
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsInGroup(5060810) then
- Player:Kick("A Staff Was In Your Server (Protected By Milk Up)")
- end
- end
- task.spawn(function()
- Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(NewPlayer)
- pcall(function()
- if NewPlayer:IsInGroup(5060810) then
- Player:Kick("A Staff Has Joined Your Server (Protected By Milk Up)")
- end
- end)
- end)
- end)
- else
- return
- end
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