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- # YouTube url -> .mp3 with tags downloader
- # require FFmpeg in PATH or in the same folder
- # no support for private or premium videos
- import music_tag
- from pytube import YouTube
- import requests
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- import subprocess
- import os
- from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename
- @dataclass
- class AudioSpec:
- subtype: str
- bitrate: str
- audio_precedence = (
- AudioSpec('webm', '160kbps'),
- AudioSpec('mp4', '128kbps'),
- AudioSpec('webm', '70kbps'),
- AudioSpec('webm', '50kbps'),
- AudioSpec('mp4', '48kbps'),
- )
- def main(url, output_path='.'):
- # set-up dict
- video_info = {'url':url}
- # get YouTube instance
- tube = YouTube(video_info['url'])
- # get infos
- video_info['author'] =
- video_info['title'] = tube.title
- print('Title:', video_info['title'])
- thumbnail_response = requests.get(tube.thumbnail_url)
- video_info['thumbnail'] = thumbnail_response.content
- # get audio stream -- try according to the precedence
- audio_streams = tube.streams.filter(only_audio=True)
- audio_stream = None # Stream instance
- audio_type = None # webm or mp4
- for spec in audio_precedence:
- filtered = audio_streams.filter(subtype=spec.subtype, bitrate=spec.bitrate)
- if len(filtered) != 0:
- audio_stream = filtered[0]
- audio_type = spec.subtype
- print('Stream: ', audio_stream)
- break
- else:
- raise Exception('Error: No usable audio found')
- # prepare output dir
- if not os.path.isdir(output_path):
- os.mkdir(output_path)
- # download into mp3 file
- sanitized_title = sanitize_filename(video_info['title']) # external library to make the pain to go away
- audio_temp = sanitized_title + '.' + audio_type
- audio_final = None
- if audio_type != 'mp3':
- audio_final = output_path + '/' + sanitized_title + '.mp3'
- # convert to mp3
-['ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', audio_temp, '-b:a', '192k', '-vn', audio_final])
- # delete old file
- os.remove(audio_temp)
- else:
- audio_final = output_path+'/'+audio_temp
- # set tags
- tag = music_tag.load_file(audio_final)
- tag['artwork'] = video_info['thumbnail']
- tag['title'] = video_info['title']
- tag['artist'] = video_info['url']
- tag['album'] = video_info['author'] # same album = same channel
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- url = input('Enter a YouTube URL: ')
- try:
- main(url, 'downloaded')
- except Exception as e:
- print('Error:', e)
- input('Press enter to exit..')
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