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- --{program="tClear",version="1.00",date="2021-03-28"}
- ---------------------------------------
- -- tClear by Kaikaku
- -- 2021-03-28, v1.00 three-way digging
- -- 2016-03-13, v0.90 dig on way back
- -- 2014-09-27, v0.80 dig sand
- -- 2013-09-01, v0.10 initial
- ---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- DESCRIPTION ----------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- -- Mining turtle digs specified cuboid
- -- (x,y,z) without leaving the area,
- -- using tripple dig :)
- -- Incl. option to missus as strip miner.
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- -- Requires a mininng turtle
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- VARIABLES: template --------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local cVersion ="v1.00"
- local cPrgName ="tClear"
- local cMinFuel =110
- local blnAskForParameters =true
- local blnShowUsage =false
- local blnDebugPrint =false--true
- local blnTurtle
- local isComputer =false
- local
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- VARIABLES: specific --------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local slotFuel=16
- local digDeep=3 -- all but 0 are okay
- local digWide=3 -- all but -1,0,1 -- if wide <=-1 then depth needs to be >=2
- local digHeight=1 -- all but 0
- local digWideOrg
- local digDeepOrg
- local blnLayerByLayer=false
- local blnStartWithin =false
- local blnStripMine =false
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- Early UI functions ---------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local function swapColors()
- local backColor=term.getBackgroundColor()
- local textColor=term.getTextColor()
- term.setBackgroundColor(textColor)
- term.setTextColor(backColor)
- end
- local function printUI(strInput)
- if strInput==ni then strInput="" end
- if strInput=="header" then
- term.write("ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ") swapColors() print("Â") swapColors()
- elseif strInput=="line" then
- term.write("ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ") swapColors() print("Â") swapColors()
- elseif strInput=="footer" then
- else
- term.write("Â")
- strInput=strInput.." "
- term.write(string.sub(strInput,1,37))
- swapColors() print("Â") swapColors()
- end
- end
- local function coloredTextAt(inputText,outputRow,outputCol,textColor,backColor)
- -- writes and colors text to coordinates
- local oldRow, oldCol = term.getCursorPos()
- local oldTextColor=term.getTextColor()
- local oldBackColor=term.getBackgroundColor()
- if textColor==nil then textColor=term.getTextColor() end
- if backColor==nil then backColor=term.getBackgroundColor() end
- term.setTextColor(textColor)
- term.setBackgroundColor(backColor)
- term.setCursorPos(outputRow,outputCol)
- term.write(inputText)
- term.setCursorPos(oldRow, oldCol)
- term.setTextColor(oldTextColor)
- term.setBackgroundColor(oldBackColor)
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- tArgs ----------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local tArgs = {...}
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- local parameterShowSleep=1
- if #tArgs~=0 then
- -- header
- blnAskForParameters=false
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku. Enjoy!")
- printUI("line")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- print("Starting...")
- if tArgs[1]~=nil then
- digDeep=math.floor(tonumber(tArgs[1]))
- if digDeep<=0 then
- print("Parameter correction (depths must be >=1)!")
- sleep(2)
- parameterShowSleep=parameterShowSleep+2
- digDeep=1
- end
- end
- if tArgs[2]~=nil then
- digWide=math.floor(tonumber(tArgs[2]))
- if digWide==0 or digWide==1 or digWide==-1 then
- print("Parameter correction (width not 0 or 1)!")
- sleep(2)
- parameterShowSleep=parameterShowSleep+2
- digWide=2
- end
- end
- if tArgs[3]~=nil then
- digHeight=math.floor(tonumber(tArgs[3]))
- if digHeight==0 then
- print("Parameter correction (height not 0)!")
- sleep(2)
- parameterShowSleep=parameterShowSleep+2
- digHeight=1
- end
- end
- --check combinations of min values
- if digDeep==1 and digWide<0 then
- error("Parameter combination not allowed: depth=1 with width<0! Hint: increase depths or move turtle to use positive width.")
- end
- -- further parameters 4+
- for i=4,#tArgs,1 do
- if string.lower(tArgs[i])=="layerbylayer" or string.lower(tArgs[i])=="layer" or string.lower(tArgs[i])=="singlelayer" then
- blnLayerByLayer=true
- end
- if string.lower(tArgs[i])=="startwithin" or string.lower(tArgs[i])=="within" or string.lower(tArgs[i])=="in" then
- blnStartWithin=true
- end
- if string.lower(tArgs[i])=="stripmine" or string.lower(tArgs[i])=="strip" or string.lower(tArgs[i])=="mine" then
- blnStripMine=true
- end
- end
- -- show parameters
- print("Clear depth = "..digDeep)
- print("Clear width = "..digWide)
- print("Clear height= "..digHeight)
- term.write("Option LayerByLayert= ") if blnLayerByLayer then print("on") else print("off") end
- term.write("Option StartWithin = ") if blnStartWithin then print("on") else print("off") end
- term.write("Option StripMine = ") if blnStripMine then print("on") else print("off") end
- sleep(parameterShowSleep)
- end
- if blnShowUsage then
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", by Kaikaku")
- printUI("footer")
- print("Usage: ",cPrgName," depth, width [height ['LayerByLayer'] ['StartWithin'] ['StripMine']] ")
- print()
- print("If called with any parameter, then")
- print(" there will be no info screen. Turtle")
- print(" starts immediately.")
- return
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- -- basic functions for turtle control -
- ---------------------------------------
- -- 2021-03-28 partly tPos (from tClear)
- -- 2021-03-20 arrangeArray, printArray (from tLoader)
- -- 2021-03-13 askForNumber, pressKeyNoSpecials, checkInventory(u), getFirstEmptySlot, identifyTool, findModem, ensureModem
- -- 2021-03-05 gfr -
- -- 2021-02-06 select+place -
- -- 2021-01-29 save turtle go func -
- -- checkInventory w/ exit -
- -- refuelManager -
- ---------------------------------------
- local function gf(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.forward() do end end end
- local function gb(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.back() do end end end
- local function gu(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.up() do end end end
- local function gd(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.down() do end end end
- local function gl(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.turnLeft() do end end end
- local function gr(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.turnRight() do end end end
- local function isForbiddenBlock(blockName)
- local forbiddenBlocks = {
- "forbidden_arcanus:stella_arcanum"
- }
- for _, forbiddenBlock in ipairs(forbiddenBlocks) do
- if blockName == forbiddenBlock then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function df()
- success, block = turtle.inspect()
- if not isForbiddenBlock( then
- turtle.dig()
- end
- end
- local function du() turtle.digUp() end
- local function dd() turtle.digDown() end
- local function dfs() while turtle.dig() do end end
- local function dus() while turtle.digUp() do end end
- local function dds() while turtle.digDown() do end end
- local function pf() return end
- local function pu() return turtle.placeUp() end
- local function pd() return turtle.placeDown() end
- local function sf() turtle.suck() end
- local function su() turtle.suckUp() end
- local function sd() turtle.suckDown() end
- local function Df() turtle.drop() end
- local function Du(n) turtle.dropUp(n) end
- local function Dd() turtle.dropDown() end
- local function ss(s) end
- local function gic(s) return turtle.getItemCount(s) end
- local function gfs(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.forward() do df() end end end
- local function gbs(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.back() do gl() gl() df() gr() gr() end end end
- local function gus(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.up() do du() end end end
- local function gds(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.down() do dd() end end end
- local function pfs() df() end
- local function pus() du() turtle.placeUp() end
- local function pds() dd() turtle.placeDown() end
- local function gfr() return turtle.forward() end
- local function gbr() return turtle.back() end
- local function gur() return turtle.up() end
- local function gdr() return turtle.down() end
- local tPos={}
- local function glPos(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.turnLeft() do end end end --tPos[4]=(tPos[4]-1)%4 end end
- local function grPos(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.turnRight() do end end end --tPos[4]=(tPos[4]+1)%4 end end
- local function gfPos(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.forward() do df() end end end --pCF(1) end end
- local function gbPos(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.back() do gl() gl() df() gr() gr() end end end--pCF(-1) end end
- local function guPos(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.up() do du() end tPos[3]=tPos[3]+1 end end
- local function gdPos(n) if n==nil then n=1 end for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.down() do dd() end tPos[3]=tPos[3]-1 end end
- local function spd(s,blnForward)
- if s==nil then s=turtle.currentSlot() end
- if blnForward==nil then blnForward=true end
- ss(s) pd() if blnForward then gf() end
- end
- local function spu(s,blnForward)
- if s==nil then s=turtle.currentSlot() end
- if blnForward==nil then blnForward=true end
- ss(s) pu() if blnForward then gf() end
- end
- local function spf(s,blnBack)
- if s==nil then s=turtle.currentSlot() end
- if blnBack==nil then blnBack=true end
- ss(s) pf() if blnBack then gb() end
- end
- local function waitKey(strText)
- local event, scancode
- write(strText)
- event, scancode = os.pullEvent("key")
- print()
- end
- local function askForInputText(textt)
- local at=""
- -- check prompting texts
- if textt==nil then textt="Enter text:" end
- -- ask for input
- write(textt)
- at=read()
- return at
- end
- local function askForNumber(askText, minValue, maxValue)
- -- gets entered data, ensures it's a number and returns it
- -- keeps asking if entry is not a number
- -- adapts to min and max values
- -- allways writes in screen line 13 (last for turtles)
- -- calls askForInputText
- local blnReask=true
- local returnNumber=nil
- if minValue==nil then minValur=1 end
- if maxValue==nil then maxValue=100 end
- if askText==nil then askText="Key in number and press Enter: " end
- while blnReask do
- term.setCursorPos(1,13)
- returnNumber=askForInputText(askText)
- if returnNumber==nil then
- blnReask=true
- else
- returnNumber=tonumber(returnNumber)
- if returnNumber==nil then
- blnReask=true
- else
- returnNumber=math.floor(returnNumber)
- if returnNumber>maxValue then returnNumber=maxValue end
- if returnNumber<minValue then returnNumber=minValue end
- blnReask=false
- end
- end
- end
- return returnNumber
- end
- local function pressKeyNoSpecials(askText)
- -- excludes ctrl / alt / shifts
- -- catches windows
- -- retruns the key number (if needed at all)
- local tmpEvent, tmpKey
- if askText==nil then askText="Press key to START! (stop w/ ctrl+t) " end
- tmpKey=341
- while tmpKey>=340 and tmpKey<=346 do -- ctrls, alts, shifts
- term.write(askText) tmpEvent, tmpKey = os.pullEvent("key")
- if tmpKey==nil then tmpKey=341 end -- win
- end
- return tmpKey
- end
- local function checkFuel()
- local tmp=turtle.getFuelLevel()
- return tmp
- end
- local function checkTurtle(blnOnlyIdentify)
- if blnOnlyIdentify==nil then blnOnlyIdentify=false end
- -- turtle?
- local turtleOk, turtleVal = pcall(checkFuel)
- if not turtleOk then
- blnTurtle=false
- if not blnOnlyIdentify then
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax..")")
- printUI("line")
- printUI("This is a turtle program.")
- printUI(" Please, execute it with a turtle!")
- printUI("footer")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- error()
- end
- else
- blnTurtle=true
- end
- end
- local function sleepDots(sec, duration)
- if sec==nil then sec=10 end
- if sec<1 then return end
- if duration==nil then duration=1 end -- shorten durtation for more dots
- for i=1,sec-1 do
- sleep(1*duration)
- term.write(".")
- end
- sleep(1)
- print(".")
- end
- local function checkInventory(s, nMin, nMax, textt, blnExitOnFalse, blnRepeat)
- -- checks if in slot s are not less than nMin and not more than nMax items
- -- returns true if okay
- -- if not displays textt
- -- blnExitOnFalse=true raises an error
- -- blnRepeat=true repeatedly sks to put in the right number of items (overrides blnExitOnFalse)
- local oldSlot = turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- if s==nil then s=turtle.getSelectedSlot() end
- if nMin==nil then nMin=0 end
- if nMax==nil then nMax=64 end
- if blnExitOnFalse==nil then blnExitOnFalse=false end
- if blnRepeat==nil then blnRepeat=false end
- if blnRepeat~=true then blnRepeat=false end
- while true do
- if turtle.getItemCount(s)<nMin or turtle.getItemCount(s)>nMax then
- print(textt)
- if not blnRepeat then
- -- single check ends with this
- if blnExitOnFalse then
- error()
- else
- ss(oldSlot) return false
- end
- end
- -- repeated check
- ss(s)
- sleepDots(3)
- else
- -- everything is fine
- ss(oldSlot) return true
- end
- end
- end
- local function refuelFromSlot(s, n) -- slot, amount to consume
- if s==nil then s=16 end
- if n==nil then n=64 end
- local currentSlot = turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- local fuelItems = turtle.getItemCount(s)
- local returnValue = false
- if fuelItems>0 then
- ss(s)
- returnValue=turtle.refuel(n)
- ss(currentSlot)
- end
- return returnValue
- end
- local function refuelManager(setMinFuel,setSlotFuel,waitTime)
- local currentSlotSelected=turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- ss(setSlotFuel)
- while turtle.getFuelLevel()<setMinFuel do
- print("Need more fuel ("..turtle.getFuelLevel().."/"..setMinFuel..").")
- if not refuelFromSlot(setSlotFuel) then
- -- unsucessfull try
- print(" Please, put fuel items in slot "..setSlotFuel.."!")
- term.write(" Sleeping "..waitTime.." seconds")
- sleepDots(waitTime)
- else
- print("Refueled...")
- end
- end
- ss(currentSlotSelected)
- end
- local function debugPrint(str)
- if blnDebugPrint then print(str) end
- end
- local function inspectFor(blockArray, strDirection) -- <<-- from TreeFarm
- if strDirection==nil then strDirection="f" end
- local blnOk, data
- -- inspect
- if strDirection=="d" then blnOk, data = turtle.inspectDown()
- elseif strDirection=="u" then blnOk, data = turtle.inspectUp()
- elseif strDirection=="f" then blnOk, data = turtle.inspect()
- else
- print("Warning: Unknown direction '",strDirection,"' in inspectFor, taking (f)orward instead.")
- strDirection="f"
- blnOk, data = turtle.inspect()
- end
- if then debugPrint("Found:"..string.lower( end
- -- compare
- local i=1
- while blockArray[i]~=nil do
- debugPrint("Compare to:"..string.lower(blockArray[i]))
- if then
- if string.lower( == string.lower(blockArray[i]) then return true end
- end
- i=i+1
- end
- return false -- reached a nil value
- end
- local function getFirstEmptySlot(startAt)
- if startAt==nil then startAt=1 end
- if startAt>16 or startAt<1 then return nil end
- for i=startAt,16,1 do
- if gic(i)==0 then return i end
- end
- for i=1,startAt,1 do
- if gic(i)==0 then return i end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function identifyTool(toolSide)
- -- returns name of tool at side toolSide
- -- returns no_tool if there is none
- -- requires at least one empty slot for tool check (throws error)
- if toolSide==nil then toolSide="right" end
- if toolSide~="right" and toolSide~="r" then toolSide="left" end
- local slotNumber = getFirstEmptySlot()
- local slotSelected=turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- local toolName="no_tool"
- if slotNumber==nil then error("Couldn't find empty slot to check tool on side '"..toolSide.."'!") end
- ss(slotNumber)
- -- step 1: get name
- if toolSide=="right" or toolSide=="r" then
- turtle.equipRight()
- else
- turtle.equipLeft()
- end
- -- step 2: get name
- local data = turtle.getItemDetail()
- if data~=nil then end
- -- step 3: re-equipget name
- if toolSide=="right" or toolSide=="r" then
- turtle.equipRight()
- else
- turtle.equipLeft()
- end
- ss(slotSelected)
- return toolName
- end
- local function findModem() -- <<-- delete if no modem used
- for _, p in pairs( rs.getSides() ) do
- if peripheral.isPresent(p) and peripheral.getType(p) == "modem" then return true,p end
- end
- return false,nil
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- main: description ---------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- checkTurtle()
- if blnAskForParameters then
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- local iPage=0
- local iPageMax=5
- local event, key, isHeld
- local blnLoop=true
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) iPage=iPage+1
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax..")")
- printUI("line")
- -- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("Program features:")
- printUI("* Quick: mines 3 layers in 1 go")
- printUI("* Precise: mines and moves only ")
- printUI(" within the specified area")
- printUI("* Versatile: place turtle at any")
- printUI(" corner or within corner to start")
- printUI("* Lava sparing: with layer by layer")
- printUI("* Stripmine: may be misused for this")
- printUI("footer")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("Quick",4,5,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("Precise",4,6,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("Versatile",4,8,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("Lava sparing",4,10,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("Stripmine",4,11,baseColor)
- pressKeyNoSpecials("Press key to START! (stop w/ ctrl+t) ")
- ---
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) iPage=iPage+1
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax..")")
- printUI("line")
- -- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("Program mines all blocks of a")
- printUI(" d * w * h cuboid. ")
- printUI(" ")
- printUI(" height="..digHeight)
- printUI(" ¸ ")
- printUI(" | / depth="..digDeep)
- printUI(" |/ ")
- printUI(" +---- width="..digWide)
- printUI("footer")
- term.write("Key in depth and press Enter: ")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("<-- enter (d>=1)",18,9,baseColor)
- event, key, isHeld = os.pullEvent("key")
- digDeep=askForNumber("Key in depth and press Enter: ",1,999)
- ---
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) iPage=iPage+1
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax..")")
- printUI("line")
- -- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("Program mines all blocks of a")
- printUI(" d * w * h cuboid. ")
- printUI(" ")
- printUI(" height="..digHeight)
- printUI(" ¸ ")
- printUI(" | / depth=")
- printUI(" |/ ")
- printUI(" +---- width="..digWide)
- printUI("footer")
- term.write("Key in width and press Enter: ")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt( "(w>=2 or",31,10,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("<-- enter w<=-2)",21,11,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt(digDeep,14,9,baseColor)
- event, key, isHeld = os.pullEvent("key")
- digWide=askForNumber("Key in width and press Enter: ",-999,999)
- if digWide==-1 or digWide==0 or digWide==1 then digWide=2 end
- ---
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) iPage=iPage+1
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax..")")
- printUI("line")
- -- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("Program mines all blocks of a")
- printUI(" d * w * h cuboid. ")
- printUI(" ")
- printUI(" height="..digHeight)
- printUI(" ¸ ")
- printUI(" | / depth=")
- printUI(" |/ ")
- printUI(" +---- width=")
- printUI("footer")
- term.write("Key in height and press Enter: ")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("<-- enter (h<>0)",15,7,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt(digDeep,14,9,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt(digWide,17,11,baseColor)
- event, key, isHeld = os.pullEvent("key")
- digHeight=askForNumber("Key in height and press Enter: ",-999,999)
- if digHeight==0 then digHeight=1 end
- ---
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) iPage=iPage+1
- printUI("header")
- printUI(""..cPrgName..", "..cVersion..", by Kaikaku ("..iPage.."/"..iPageMax..")")
- printUI("line")
- -- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567
- printUI("Program mines all blocks of a")
- printUI(" d * w * h cuboid. ")
- printUI(" ")
- printUI(" height= Options:")
- printUI(" ¸ layer by layer: ")
- printUI(" | / depth= start within: ")
- printUI(' |/ "strip mine": ')
- printUI(" +---- width=")
- printUI("footer")
- term.write("Toggle options or ENTER to start: ")
- coloredTextAt(cPrgName,2,2,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("Options:",18,7,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("l",20,8,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("w",26,9,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt("m",27,10,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt(digDeep,14,9,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt(digWide,17,11,baseColor)
- coloredTextAt(digHeight,11,7,baseColor)
- while blnLoop do
- -- color toggles
- if blnLayerByLayer then
- coloredTextAt("on ",36,8,baseColor)
- else
- coloredTextAt("off",36,8,colors.white)
- end
- if blnStartWithin then
- coloredTextAt("on ",36,9,baseColor)
- else
- coloredTextAt("off",36,9,colors.white)
- end
- if blnStripMine then
- coloredTextAt("on ",36,10,baseColor)
- else
- coloredTextAt("off",36,10,colors.white)
- end
- -- get key
- event, key, isHeld = os.pullEvent("key")
- -- evaluate key
- if key~=nil then
- if keys.getName(key)=="l" then
- blnLayerByLayer= not blnLayerByLayer
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="m" then
- blnStripMine= not blnStripMine
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="w" then
- blnStartWithin = not blnStartWithin
- elseif keys.getName(key)=="enter" then
- blnLoop=false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- -- additional functions -
- ---------------------------------------
- local blnDigUp=false
- local blnDigDown=false
- local function digUpDown()
- if blnDigUp then dus() end
- if blnDigDown then dds() end
- end
- local function gfPosDig(n)
- if n==nil then n=1 end
- for i=1,n,1 do
- gfPos() digUpDown()
- end
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- main: pre-main options ----------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local selfCall=""
- local selfLayer=""
- if blnStripMine then
- -- let's missuse this beautiful program for strip mining
- -- srtip mine step 1: main corridor
- if blnLayerByLayer then selfLayer=" LayerByLayer" end
- selfCall="tClear "..digDeep.." -2 "..digHeight..selfLayer
- if blnStripMine then selfCall=selfCall.." within" end
- --print(selfCall)
- -- strip mine step 2: mining shafts right side
- -- step inside
- if not blnStartWithin then gfPos() end
- -- mine shafts
- for i=1,digDeep,4 do
- -- get on position
- if i>1 then
- gfPos(4)
- end
- -- mining shafts
- selfCall="tClear 1 "..(digWide+1).." "..digHeight.." within"..selfLayer
- print(selfCall)
- --sleep(3)
- end
- -- strip mine step 3: mining shafts left side
- -- get on position
- gl() gfPos() gl()
- -- mine shafts
- for i=1,digDeep,4 do
- -- get on position
- if i>1 then
- gfPos(4)
- end
- -- mining shafts
- selfCall="tClear 1 "..(digWide+1).." "..digHeight.." within"..selfLayer
- print(selfCall)
- --sleep(3)
- end
- -- strip mine step 4: return
- -- to entrance
- gl() gfPos() gl()
- -- step outside
- if not blnStartWithin then gbPos() end
- -- done
- return
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- main: program -------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- ---- step 0: check fuel ----
- print("step 0: checking fuel...")
- -- fuel
- -- estimate consumption
- if not blnLayerByLayer then
- cMinFuel=math.floor(digHeight/3)
- else
- cMinFuel=math.floor(digHeight)
- end
- cMinFuel=cMinFuel*(math.abs(digDeep)+1)*(math.abs(digWide)+1)+(digHeight*2)
- cMinFuel=math.floor(cMinFuel*1.1) + 20 -- extra
- refuelManager(cMinFuel,slotFuel,10)
- print("... done")
- ---- step 1: do deal with negative values ----
- term.write("step 1: deal with negative values...")
- -- first dig block is 1,1,1
- tPos[1]=1 tPos[2]=0 tPos[3]=1 tPos[4]=0 -- starting position
- -- save inital values for end report
- digWideOrg=digWide
- digDeepOrg=digDeep
- --- check negative width
- local blnNegativeWidth=false
- if digWide<0 then
- blnNegativeWidth=true
- digWide=digDeepOrg
- digDeep=-digWideOrg
- end
- --- check negative height
- local blnNegativeHeight=false
- local remainingDigHeight=digHeight
- if digHeight<0 then
- blnNegativeHeight=true
- remainingDigHeight=-digHeight
- end
- print(" done")
- ---- step 2: enter and go up ----
- term.write("step 2: enter and go up...")
- -- step inside area
- if not blnStartWithin then
- -- move into cuboid
- gfPosDig()
- else
- -- I'm already there
- tPos[2]=1
- end
- -- positive or negative inital width?
- if not blnNegativeWidth then
- grPos() -- turn to show progress
- else
- -- orientation is already okay, due to negative inital width
- end
- print(" done")
- -- step 3: starting height
- term.write("step 3: starting height...")
- if not blnLayerByLayer then
- -- normal 3 layer dig mode
- if digHeight>2 then
- -- get to right inital digging height
- guPos(digHeight-2)
- elseif digHeight<-1 then
- -- get to right inital negative digging height
- gdPos(1)
- end
- else
- -- layer by layer
- if digHeight>1 then
- -- go to very top
- guPos(digHeight-1)
- else
- -- just stay where you are
- end
- end
- print(" done")
- while remainingDigHeight>0 do
- -- step 4: set dig up/down
- term.write("step 4: set dig up/down...")
- if not blnLayerByLayer then
- -- normal 3 layer dig mode
- if not blnNegativeHeight then
- -- positive dig height
- if tPos[3]>1 then
- -- gone up to tripple dig
- blnDigUp=true
- blnDigDown=true
- elseif remainingDigHeight==2 then
- blnDigUp=true
- blnDigDown=false
- else
- blnDigUp=false
- blnDigDown=false
- end
- else
- -- negative dig hight
- if tPos[3]>=digHeight+3 then
- -- gone down to tripple dig
- blnDigUp=true
- blnDigDown=true
- elseif remainingDigHeight==2 then
- blnDigUp=true--false
- blnDigDown=false--true
- else
- blnDigUp=false
- blnDigDown=false
- end
- end
- else
- -- layer by layer mode
- blnDigUp=false
- blnDigDown=false
- end
- print(" done")
- ---- step 5: digging one level ----
- term.write("step 5: digging one level...")
- for iy=1,digDeep,1 do
- if iy==1 then
- gfPosDig() -- step inside track
- elseif iy%2==0 then
- -- u-turn left
- glPos() gfPosDig() glPos()
- else
- -- u-turn right
- grPos() gfPosDig() grPos()
- end
- -- lane
- gfPosDig(digWide-2)
- if iy==digDeep then
- -- return
- if iy%2==1 then
- -- uneven! lets return
- glPos(2) gfPosDig(digWide-2)
- end
- -- dig lane y=1 back
- gfPosDig() glPos() gfPosDig(digDeep-1) glPos()
- end
- end
- print(" done")
- ---- step 6: change level ----
- term.write("step 6: change level...")
- -- adjuste remainingDigHeight
- remainingDigHeight=remainingDigHeight-1
- if blnDigUp then remainingDigHeight=remainingDigHeight-1 end
- if blnDigDown then remainingDigHeight=remainingDigHeight-1 end
- -- adjust layer if there's left to dig
- if remainingDigHeight>0 then
- if not blnLayerByLayer then
- -- normal 3 layer dig mode
- -- inital dig height pos or neg?
- if not blnNegativeHeight then
- -- inital dig height positive
- -- get to next dig level
- if remainingDigHeight>=2 then
- gdPos(3)
- else
- gdPos(tPos[3]-1)
- end
- else
- -- inital dig height negative
- -- get to next dig level
- if remainingDigHeight>=2 then
- gdPos(3)
- else
- gdPos(-digHeight+tPos[3]-2)
- end
- end
- else
- -- layer by layer mode
- gdPos(1) -- just the next one
- end
- end
- print(" done")
- end
- ---- step 7: return to floor ----
- term.write("step 7: return to floor...")
- -- return to floor
- if not blnNegativeHeight then
- gdPos(tPos[3]-1)
- else
- guPos(-tPos[3]+1)
- end
- -- positive or negative inital width?
- if not blnNegativeWidth then
- glPos() -- turn to leave
- else
- -- orientation is already okay, due to negative inital width
- end
- -- step out of area
- if not blnStartWithin then
- -- move out of cuboid
- gbPos()
- else
- -- I started there, so I'm already done
- end
- print(" done")
- ---- step 8: finishing stuff / report ----
- print("Done with tClear "..digDeep.." "..digWide.." "..digHeight)
- print("That looks much cleaner now! !") ss(1)
- --sleep(0.4)
- printUI("header")
- printUI("Check out YouTube for more videos")
- printUI("and turtle programs by Kaikaku :)")
- printUI("footer")
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