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- /*
- Example of a char cycler effect for the Commodore 64
- Coded by Scan/Desire
- Compile using Kick Assembler
- Made with the help of consulting
- Pseudo-random number generator from
- For the full effect, see the "C64, Hear 64" demo from Desire:
- */
- .const w=40
- .const h=25
- .const multicolor=true
- basic:
- :BasicUpstart2(start)
- .pc = * "Entrypoint"
- start:
- // Initialize stuff
- jsr $ff81
- jsr $ff84
- jsr $ff8a
- jsr generatecharset // trashes memory area where speedcode will be generated later
- jsr generatespeedcode
- sei
- // Initialize colors and screen data
- .if (multicolor) {
- lda #CYAN
- } else {
- lda #BLUE
- }
- sta $d021
- lda #BLUE
- sta $d023
- sta $d022
- ldx #$00
- stx $d020
- !: lda screendata,x
- sta $0400,x
- lda screendata+$100,x
- sta $0500,x
- lda screendata+$200,x
- sta $0600,x
- lda screendata+$300,x
- sta $0700,x
- .if (multicolor) {
- lda #BLACK | %00001000
- } else {
- lda #BLACK
- }
- sta $d800,x
- sta $d900,x
- sta $da00,x
- sta $db00,x
- inx
- bne !-
- lda $d018 // set character bank ($2000)
- and #%11110000
- ora #%00001000
- sta $d018
- lda $d016 // enable multicolor charset
- ora #%00010000
- sta $d016
- // Wait for rasterline 255
- frame: lda #$ff
- !: cmp $d012
- bne !-
- // Increase all screen values by 1
- jsr incall
- jmp frame
- .memblock "Speedcode generator"
- .const dstlo = $20
- .const dsthi = dstlo+1
- // This generates a lot of INC $xxxx opcodes, for every position on the screen
- generatespeedcode:
- lda #<incall
- sta dstlo
- lda #>incall
- sta dsthi
- lda #$00
- sta scrlo
- lda #$04
- sta scrhi
- nextopcode: ldy #$00
- lda #INC_ABS
- sta (dstlo),y
- iny
- lda scrlo
- sta (dstlo),y
- iny
- lda scrhi
- sta (dstlo),y
- lda dstlo
- clc
- adc #$3
- bcc !+
- inc dsthi
- !: sta dstlo
- inc scrlo
- bne !+
- inc scrhi
- !: lda scrhi
- cmp #$07
- bne nextopcode
- lda scrlo
- cmp #$e8
- bne nextopcode
- ldy #$00
- lda #RTS
- sta (dstlo),y
- rts
- scrlo: .byte 0
- scrhi: .byte 0
- .memblock "Characterset generator"
- .const chrsrclo = $20
- .const chrsrchi = chrsrclo+1
- .const chrdstlo = chrsrchi+1
- .const chrdsthi = chrdstlo+1
- /*
- This routine creates the gradient character set. first another subroutine is called which will create chars
- from being completely empty to completely full. Then this copies (and inverts) the gradient to complete the whole charset, so
- this reads as empty->full->empty->full->repeat.
- */
- generatecharset:
- jsr generate64chars
- ldx #$00
- !: lda $2000,x
- sta $2400,x
- eor #$ff
- sta $2200,x
- sta $2600,x
- lda $2100,x
- sta $2500,x
- eor #$ff
- sta $2300,x
- sta $2700,x
- dex
- bne !-
- rts
- generate64chars:
- // this generates an array 0-63, randomly ordered but always starts with 0
- jsr generateintarray
- // this will generate a unique random sequence of the numbers
- ldx #63
- !: jsr getrangednum
- beq !-
- sta randomarray,x
- dex
- bne !-
- // blank out 1st character
- ldy #$07
- lda #$00
- !: sta $2000,y
- dey
- bpl !-
- // initialize pointers
- lda #$00
- sta chrsrclo
- lda #$20
- sta chrsrchi
- sta chrdsthi
- lda #$08
- sta chrdstlo
- nextchar: ldx arraycount
- cpx #64
- bne !+
- rts
- // This will take a number from the random ordered array and sets a corresponding pixel in the 8x8 char matrix
- !: lda randomarray,x
- pha
- and #%00000111
- sta chrrow
- pla
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- tay
- lda #$00
- sec
- !: rol
- dey
- bpl !-
- sta ormask
- ldy chrrow
- lda (chrsrclo),y
- ora ormask
- sta (chrsrclo),y
- // copy current character to next
- ldy #$07
- !: lda (chrsrclo),y
- sta (chrdstlo),y
- dey
- bpl !-
- // move current pointer to next char
- lda chrdstlo
- sta chrsrclo
- lda chrdsthi
- sta chrsrchi
- lda chrdstlo
- clc
- adc #$08
- sta chrdstlo
- bcc !+
- inc chrdsthi
- !: inc arraycount
- jmp nextchar
- arraycount: .byte 0
- chrrow: .byte 0
- ormask: .byte 0
- // Generates an array of integers of 0-63
- generateintarray:
- ldx #63
- !: txa
- sta intarray,x
- dex
- bpl !-
- rts
- // Picks a random number from the list of integers which is not already been used
- getrangednum:
- alreadyused: jsr getrndnum
- and #$3f
- tay
- lda intarray,y
- bmi alreadyused
- eor #%10000000
- sta intarray,y // mark as used
- and #%01111111
- rts
- // Codebase stuff ;)
- getrndnum: lda seed
- beq doEor
- asl
- bcc noEor
- doEor: eor #$1d
- noEor: sta seed
- rts
- seed: .byte 0
- //
- .function charcyclegen(x,y,w,h) {
- // This creates a complex charcycle pattern
- .return (40 * sin(sqrt(pow(x - w / 2, 2) + pow(y - h / 2, 2)) / 2)) + 4 * sin((x + y)) + (62 * cos((x + y) / 5));
- // This creates a simple circle (removing the negation will reverse the movement direction)
- .return -(pow(x - w / 2, 2) + pow(y - h / 2, 2)) / 2;
- // This creates a checkerboard-like effect
- .return (x ^ y) * 2;
- }
- .memblock "Screen data"
- screendata:
- .for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- .for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- .byte charcyclegen(x,y,w,h)
- }
- }
- .pc = * "Speedcode"
- incall:
- intarray:
- .label randomarray = *+64
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