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- require([
- "modules/jquery-mozu",
- "underscore",
- "bxslider",
- "elevatezoom",
- 'modules/block-ui',
- "hyprlive",
- "modules/backbone-mozu",
- "modules/cart-monitor",
- "modules/models-product",
- "modules/views-productimages",
- "hyprlivecontext",
- "pages/family",
- "modules/api",
- "async"
- ], function($, _, bxslider, elevatezoom, blockUiLoader, Hypr, Backbone, CartMonitor, ProductModels, ProductImageViews, HyprLiveContext, FamilyItemView, api, async) {
- var sitecontext = HyprLiveContext.locals.siteContext;
- var cdn = sitecontext.cdnPrefix;
- var siteID = cdn.substring(cdn.lastIndexOf('-') + 1);
- var imagefilepath = cdn + '/cms/' + siteID + '/files';
- var slider;
- var slider_mobile;
- var productInitialImages;
- var priceModel;
- var width_thumb = HyprLiveContext.locals.themeSettings.maxProductImageThumbnailSize;
- var width_pdp = HyprLiveContext.locals.themeSettings.productImagePdpMaxWidth;
- var width_zoom = HyprLiveContext.locals.themeSettings.productZoomImageMaxWidth;
- var colorSwatchesChangeAlternate = HyprLiveContext.locals.themeSettings.colorSwatchesChangeAlternate;
- var colorSwatchesChangeMain = HyprLiveContext.locals.themeSettings.colorSwatchesChangeMain;
- var current_zoom_id_added;
- var deviceType = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i);
- function initSlider() {
- slider = $('#productpager-Carousel').bxSlider({
- slideWidth: 125,
- minSlides: 3,
- maxSlides: 3,
- moveSlides: 1,
- slideMargin: 15,
- nextText: '<i class="fa fa-caret-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
- prevText: '<i class="fa fa-caret-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
- infiniteLoop: false,
- hideControlOnEnd: true,
- pager: false
- });
- window.slider = slider;
- }
- function initslider_mobile() {
- var id;
- if (current_zoom_id_added)
- id = $(current_zoom_id_added)[0]'zoom_', '') - 1;
- slider_mobile = $('#productmobile-Carousel').bxSlider({
- slideWidth: 300,
- minSlides: 1,
- maxSlides: 1,
- moveSlides: 1,
- preloadImages: 'all',
- onSliderLoad: function(currentIndex) {
- $('ul#productmobile-Carousel li').eq(currentIndex).find('img').addClass("active");
- $("#productmobile-Carousel,#productCarousel-pager").css("visibility", "visible");
- },
- onSlideAfter: function($slideElement, oldIndex, newIndex) {
- var bkimg = $(current_zoom_id_added)[0].attributes['data-zoom-image'].value;
- $(".mz-productimages-pager div").removeClass("activepager").eq(newIndex).addClass("activepager");
- setTimeout(function() {
- $('div.zoomWindowContainer div').css({ 'background-image': 'url(' + bkimg + ')' });
- }, 500);
- },
- onSlideBefore: function(currentSlide, totalSlides, currentSlideHtmlObject) {
- current_zoom_id_added = $('#productmobile-Carousel>li').eq(currentSlideHtmlObject).find('img');
- $('ul#productmobile-Carousel li img').removeClass('active');
- },
- startSlide: id ? id : 0,
- nextText: '<i class="fa fa-caret-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
- prevText: '<i class="fa fa-caret-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
- infiniteLoop: false,
- hideControlOnEnd: true,
- pager: true,
- pagerCustom: '#productCarousel-pager'
- });
- }
- //using GET request CheckImage function checks whether an image exist or not
- var checkImage = function(imagepath, callback) {
- $.get(imagepath).done(function() {
- callback(true); //return true if image exist
- }).error(function() {
- callback(false);
- });
- };
- function updateImages(productInitialImages) {
- var mainImage = productInitialImages.mainImage.src + '?maxWidth=' + width_pdp;
- var zoomImage = productInitialImages.mainImage.src + '?maxWidth=' + width_zoom;
- $('.mz-productimages-mainimage').attr('src', mainImage).data('zoom-image', zoomImage);
- try {
- slider.destroySlider();
- } catch (e) {}
- var slideCount = productInitialImages.thumbImages.length;
- for (var i = 1; i <= productInitialImages.thumbImages.length; i++) {
- $(".mz-productimages-thumbs li:eq(" + (i - 1) + ") .mz-productimages-thumb img")
- .attr({
- "src": productInitialImages.thumbImages[i - 1].src + '?maxWidth=' + width_thumb,
- "data-orig-src": productInitialImages.thumbImages[i - 1].src + '?maxWidth=' + width_pdp,
- "data-orig-zoom": productInitialImages.thumbImages[i - 1].src + '?maxWidth=' + width_zoom
- });
- }
- if (slideCount > 4) {
- initSlider();
- }
- initslider_mobile();
- }
- = [];
- var ProductView = Backbone.MozuView.extend({
- templateName: 'modules/product/product-detail',
- autoUpdate: ['quantity'],
- renderOnChange: [
- 'quantity',
- 'stockInfo'
- ],
- additionalEvents: {
- "change [data-mz-product-option]": "onOptionChange",
- "blur [data-mz-product-option]": "onOptionChange",
- "click [data-mz-product-option-attribute]": "onOptionChangeAttribute",
- "click [data-mz-qty-minus]": "quantityMinus",
- "click [data-mz-qty-plus]": "quantityPlus",
- 'mouseenter .color-options': 'onMouseEnterChangeImage',
- 'mouseleave .color-options': 'onMouseLeaveResetImage'
- },
- render: function() {
- var me = this;
- var id = Hypr.getThemeSetting('oneSizeAttributeName'),
- oneSizeOption = this.model.get('options').get(id);
- if (oneSizeOption) {
- var onlyEnabledOneSizeOption = _.find(oneSizeOption.get('values'), function(value) { return value.isEnabled; });
- oneSizeOption.set('value', onlyEnabledOneSizeOption.value);
- }
- Backbone.MozuView.prototype.render.apply(this);
- this.$('[data-mz-is-datepicker]').each(function(ix, dp) {
- $(dp).dateinput().css('color', Hypr.getThemeSetting('textColor')).on('change blur', _.bind(me.onOptionChangeAttribute, me));
- });
- $('#details-accordion').find('.panel-heading a').first().click();
- $(".family-details [data-mz-action='addToCart']").addClass('hide');
- $(".mz-productdetail-conversion-buttons").removeClass('hide');
- if (this.model.get('productType') === Hypr.getThemeSetting('familyProductType')) {
- try {
- blockUiLoader.globalLoader();
- $('.family-details .mz-productdetail-shortdesc, .family-details .stock-info, .family-details .mz-reset-padding-left, .family-details #SelectValidOption').remove();
- var familyData = me.model.get('family');
- $("#mz-family-container .family-members").empty();
- var familyItemModelOnready = function() {
- var product = familyData.models[this.index];
- if (typeof product.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable !== 'undefined' && product.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable === 0 && product.get('inventoryInfo').outOfStockBehavior === "HideProduct") {
- //if all family members are out of stock, disable add to cart button.
- if (window.outOfStockFamily) {
- $(".family-details [data-mz-action='addToCart']").addClass('hide');
- $("[data-mz-action='addToCart']").addClass('button_disabled').attr("disabled", "disabled");
- }
- } else {
- var productCode = product.get('productCode');
- var view = new FamilyItemView({
- model: product,
- messagesEl: $('#family-item-error-' + productCode + " [data-mz-message-bar]")
- });
- var renderedView = view.render().el;
- $("#mz-family-container").find("#" + productCode).append(renderedView);
- $(".family-details [data-mz-action='addToCart']").removeClass('hide');
- //if all family members are out of stock, disable add to cart button.
- if (window.outOfStockFamily) {
- $("[data-mz-action='addToCart']").addClass('button_disabled').attr("disabled", "disabled");
- }
- }
- };
- if (familyData.models.length) {
- for (var i = 0; i < familyData.models.length; i++) {
- //var x = this.model.checkVariationCode(familyData.models[i]);
- var familyItemModel = familyData.models[i];
- if (familyItemModel.get("isReady")) {
-{ index: i });
- } else {
- familyItemModel.on('ready', familyItemModelOnready.bind({ index: i }));
- if (i === (familyData.models.length - 1)) {
- blockUiLoader.unblockUi();
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $(".family-details [data-mz-action='addToCart']").addClass('hide');
- $("[data-mz-action='addToCart']").addClass('button_disabled').attr("disabled", "disabled");
- blockUiLoader.unblockUi();
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- },
- quantityMinus: function() {
- this.model.messages.reset();
- var qty = this.model.get('quantity');
- if (qty === 1) {
- return;
- }
- this.model.set('quantity',--qty);
- setTimeout(function(){
- if (typeof window.productView.model.attributes.inventoryInfo.onlineStockAvailable !== "undefined" && window.productView.model.attributes.inventoryInfo.outOfStockBehavior != "AllowBackOrder") {
- var onlineStock = window.productView.model.attributes.inventoryInfo.onlineStockAvailable;
- if (onlineStock >= window.productView.model.get('quantity')) {
- $("[data-mz-action='addToCart']").removeClass("button_disabled");
- $('#plus').removeClass('disabled btn-disable-color');
- }
- if (onlineStock !== 0 && onlineStock < window.productView.model.get('quantity')) {
- $('[data-mz-validationmessage-for="quantity"]').css('visibility', "visible").text("*Only " + onlineStock + " left in stock.");
- $("[data-mz-action='addToCart']").addClass("button_disabled");
- $('#plus').addClass('disabled btn-disable-color');
- }
- }
- },500);
- },
- quantityPlus: function() {
- if(!$("#plus").hasClass('disabled')){
- this.model.messages.reset();
- var qty = this.model.get('quantity');
- this.model.set('quantity',++qty);
- setTimeout(function(){
- if (typeof window.productView.model.attributes.inventoryInfo.onlineStockAvailable !== "undefined" && window.productView.model.attributes.inventoryInfo.outOfStockBehavior != "AllowBackOrder") {
- var onlineStock = window.productView.model.attributes.inventoryInfo.onlineStockAvailable;
- if (onlineStock < window.productView.model.get('quantity')) {
- $('[data-mz-validationmessage-for="quantity"]').css('visibility', "visible").text("*Only " + onlineStock + " left in stock.");
- $("[data-mz-action='addToCart']").addClass("button_disabled");
- $('#plus').addClass('disabled btn-disable-color');
- }
- if (onlineStock >= window.productView.model.get('quantity')) {
- $("[data-mz-action='addToCart']").removeClass("button_disabled");
- }
- }
- },500);
- }
- },
- onOptionChangeAttribute: function(e) {
- return this.configureAttribute($(e.currentTarget));
- },
- configureAttribute: function($optionEl) {
- var $this = this;
- if (!$optionEl.hasClass("active")) {
- if ($optionEl.attr('disabled') == 'disabled') {
- return false;
- } else {
- blockUiLoader.globalLoader();
- var newValue = $'value'),
- oldValue,
- id = $'mz-product-option-attribute'),
- optionEl = $optionEl[0],
- isPicked = (optionEl.type !== "checkbox" && optionEl.type !== "radio") || optionEl.checked,
- option = this.model.get('options').get(id);
- if (!option) {
- var byIDVal = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.model.get('options')._byId));
- for (var key in byIDVal) {
- if (id === byIDVal[key].attributeFQN) {
- option = this.model.get('options').get(key);
- }
- }
- }
- if (option) {
- if (option.get('attributeDetail').inputType === "YesNo") {
- option.set("value", isPicked);
- } else if (isPicked) {
- oldValue = option.get('value');
- if (oldValue !== newValue && !(oldValue === undefined && newValue === '')) {
- option.set('value', newValue);
- this.render();
- }
- }
- }
- this.model.whenReady(function() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (window.productView.model.get('variationProductCode') && typeof window.productView.model.get('variationProductCode') !== "undefined") {
- $(".mz-productcodes-productcode").text(Hypr.getLabel('sku')+" # " + window.productView.model.get('variationProductCode'));
- }
- $('.mz-productdetail-price.prize-mobile-view').html($(' .mz-productdetail-price').html());
- blockUiLoader.unblockUi();
- $this.isColorClicked = false;
- }, 1000);
- });
- }
- }
- },
- onOptionChange: function(e) {
- return this.configure($(e.currentTarget));
- },
- configure: function($optionEl) {
- var newValue = $optionEl.val(),
- oldValue,
- id = $'mz-product-option'),
- optionEl = $optionEl[0],
- isPicked = (optionEl.type !== "checkbox" && optionEl.type !== "radio") || optionEl.checked,
- option = this.model.get('options').get(id);
- if (option) {
- if (option.get('attributeDetail').inputType === "YesNo") {
- option.set("value", isPicked);
- } else if (isPicked) {
- oldValue = option.get('value');
- if (oldValue !== newValue && !(oldValue === undefined && newValue === '')) {
- option.set('value', newValue);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- addToCart: _.debounce(function() {
- var me = this;
- me.model.messages.reset();
- //If Family Products
- if (this.model.get('productType') === Hypr.getThemeSetting('familyProductType')) {
- blockUiLoader.globalLoader();
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- var promises = [];
- var productsAdded = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this.model.get('family').models.length; i++) {
- promises.push((function(callback) {
- var familyItem = me.model.get('family').models[this.index];
- var productCode = familyItem.get('productCode');
- familyItem.addToCart().then(function(e) {
- //Clear options and set Qty to 0
- for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
- if ([j].model.get('productCode') === productCode) {
- var optionModels =[j].model.get('options').models;
- for (var k = 0; k < optionModels.length; k++) {
- optionModels[k].unset('value');
- }
-[j].model.set('quantity', 0);
-[j].model.set('addedtocart', true);
- }
- }
- productsAdded.push(e);
- callback(null, e);
- }, function(e) {
- callback(null, e);
- });
- }).bind({ index: i }))
- }
- var errors = { "items": [] };
- async.series(promises, function(err, results) {
- var resp = results.reduce(
- function(flag, value) {
- return flag && results[0] === value;
- },
- true
- );
- if (resp === true) {
- window.productView.model.trigger('error', { message: Hypr.getLabel('selectValidOption') });
- blockUiLoader.unblockUi();
- return;
- }
- if (results) {
- var failureNames = [];
- var successNames = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
- if (results[i].errorCode) {
- var errorMessage = results[i].message.split(':');
- failureNames.push(errorMessage[2]);
- } else if (typeof results[i].attributes === 'undefined' && results[i].indexOf("Please enter quantity of ") !== -1) {
- failureNames.push(results[i]);
- } else if (typeof results[i].attributes === 'undefined' && results[i].indexOf("Select Valid Option(s) for ") !== -1) {
- failureNames.push(results[i]);
- } else if (typeof results[i].attributes !== 'undefined') {
- successNames.push(results[i].get('content').get('productName'));
- }
- }
- if (failureNames.length) {
- errors.items.push({
- "name": "error",
- "message": Hypr.getLabel('productaddToCartError') + ": " + failureNames.join(', ')
- });
- }
- if (successNames.length) {
- errors.items.push({
- "name": 'success',
- "message": Hypr.getLabel('successfullyAddedItems') + ": " + successNames.join(', '),
- "messageType": "success"
- });
- }
- if (failureNames.length || successNames.length)
- me.model.trigger("error", errors);
- }
- if (productsAdded.length)
- CartMonitor.update('showGlobalCart');
- if (!deviceType) {
- $('html,body').animate({
- scrollTop: $('').offset().top
- }, 1000);
- } else {
- $('html,body').animate({
- scrollTop: $('.mz-product-top-content').offset().top
- }, 1000);
- }
- blockUiLoader.unblockUi();
- })
- /* jshint ignore:end */
- }else if(me.model.get('inventoryInfo').manageStock === false){
- me.model.addToCart();
- }else if(typeof me.model.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable !== 'undefined' && me.model.get('inventoryInfo').outOfStockBehavior === "AllowBackOrder"){
- me.model.addToCart();
- }else if (typeof me.model.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable !== "undefined" && me.model.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable === 0 && me.model.get('inventoryInfo').outOfStockBehavior === "DisplayMessage") {
- blockUiLoader.productValidationMessage();
- $('#SelectValidOption').children('span').html(Hypr.getLabel('productOutOfStock'));
- }else if (typeof me.model.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable === "undefined" || $(".mz-productoptions-optioncontainer").length != $(".mz-productoptions-optioncontainer .active").length) {
- blockUiLoader.productValidationMessage();
- } else if (me.model.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable) {
- if (me.model.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable < me.model.get('quantity')) {
- $('[data-mz-validationmessage-for="quantity"]').css('visibility', "visible").text("*Only " + me.model.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable + " left in stock.");
- return false;
- }
- this.model.addToCart();
- }
- }, 1500),
- addToWishlist: function() {
- this.model.addToWishlist();
- },
- addToWishlistPdp: function() {
- console.log("Hi");
- },
- checkLocalStores: function(e) {
- var me = this;
- e.preventDefault();
- this.model.whenReady(function() {
- var $localStoresForm = $(e.currentTarget).parents('[data-mz-localstoresform]'),
- $input = $localStoresForm.find('[data-mz-localstoresform-input]');
- if ($input.length > 0) {
- $input.val(JSON.stringify(me.model.toJSON()));
- $localStoresForm[0].submit();
- }
- });
- },
- onMouseEnterChangeImage: function(_e) {
- if (!deviceType) {
- this.mainImage = $('.mz-productimages-mainimage').attr('src');
- var colorCode = $(_e.currentTarget).data('mz-swatch-color');
- this.changeImages(colorCode, 'N');
- }
- },
- onMouseLeaveResetImage: function(_e) {
- if (!this.isColorClicked && !deviceType) {
- var colorCode = $("ul.product-color-swatches").find('').data('mz-swatch-color');
- if (typeof colorCode != 'undefined') {
- this.changeImages(colorCode, 'N');
- } else if (typeof this.mainImage != 'undefined') {
- $('.mz-productimages-mainimage').attr('src', this.mainImage);
- } else {
- $('.mz-productimages-main').html('<span class="mz-productlisting-imageplaceholder img-responsive"><span class="mz-productlisting-imageplaceholdertext">[no image]</span></span>');
- }
- }
- },
- selectSwatch: function(e) {
- this.isColorClicked = true;
- var colorCode = $(e.currentTarget).data('mz-swatch-color');
- if(colorSwatchesChangeAlternate)
- this.changeImages(colorCode, 'Y');
- else
- this.changeImages(colorCode, 'N');
- },
- changeImages: function(colorCode, _updateThumbNails) {
- var self = this;
- var version = 1;
- if (deviceType && $(" ul.products_list_mobile li").length > 0) {
- version = $(" ul.products_list_mobile li").data("mz-productimage-mobile");
- } else if ($(" ul.products_list").length > 0) {
- version = $(" ul.products_list").data("mz-productimage-thumb");
- }
- var pdpMainImageNameSwatch = HyprLiveContext.locals.themeSettings.pdpMainImageNameSwatch;
- if(pdpMainImageNameSwatch){
- if(pdpMainImageNameSwatch.indexOf("{0}") != -1){
- pdpMainImageNameSwatch = pdpMainImageNameSwatch.replace("{0}", this.model.attributes.productCode);
- }
- if(pdpMainImageNameSwatch.indexOf("{1}") != -1){
- pdpMainImageNameSwatch = pdpMainImageNameSwatch.replace("{1}", colorCode);
- }
- if(pdpMainImageNameSwatch.indexOf("{2}") != -1){
- pdpMainImageNameSwatch = pdpMainImageNameSwatch.replace("{2}", version);
- }
- }
- var imagepath = imagefilepath + '/' + pdpMainImageNameSwatch +'?maxWidth=';
- var mainImage = imagepath + width_pdp;
- var zoomimagepath = imagepath + width_zoom;
- var _this = this;
- //TODO: following function is checking if images exist on server or not
- checkImage(imagepath, function(response) {
- if (response) {
- if (!$('#zoom').length) {
- $('.mz-productimages-main').html('<img class="mz-productimages-mainimage" data-mz-productimage-main="" id="zoom" itemprop="image">');
- }
- if (_updateThumbNails == 'Y') {
- $('body div.zoomContainer').remove();
- if (deviceType && $('ul.products_list_mobile').length) {
- } else {
- $('.mz-productimages-mainimage').attr('src', mainImage).data('zoom-image', zoomimagepath);
- $('.mz-productimages-mainimage').attr('src', mainImage);
- }
- } else {
- $('.mz-productimages-mainimage').attr('src', mainImage);
- }
- } else if (typeof self.mainImage === 'undefined') {
- $('.mz-productimages-main').html('<span class="mz-productlisting-imageplaceholder img-responsive"><span class="mz-productlisting-imageplaceholdertext">[no image]</span></span>');
- }
- if ($("").length && $("").data("length") && _updateThumbNails == 'Y') {
- _this.updateAltImages(colorCode);
- }
- });
- },
- updateAltImages: function(colorCode) {
- try {
- slider.destroySlider();
- } catch (e) {}
- try {
- slider_mobile.destroySlider();
- } catch (e) {}
- var slideCount = parseInt($("").data("length"), 10);
- var productCode = this.model.attributes.productCode;
- var pdpAltImageName = HyprLiveContext.locals.themeSettings.pdpAltImageName;
- for (var i = 1; i <= slideCount; i++) {
- if(pdpAltImageName){
- if(pdpAltImageName.indexOf("{0}") != -1){
- pdpAltImageName = pdpAltImageName.replace("{0}", this.model.attributes.productCode);
- }
- if(pdpAltImageName.indexOf("{1}") != -1){
- pdpAltImageName = pdpAltImageName.replace("{1}", colorCode);
- }
- if(pdpAltImageName.indexOf("{2}") != -1){
- pdpAltImageName = pdpAltImageName.replace("{2}", i);
- }
- }
- $(".mz-productimages-thumbs .products_list li:eq(" + (i - 1) + ") .mz-productimages-thumb img")
- .attr({
- "src": imagefilepath + '/' + pdpAltImageName +'?maxWidth=' + width_thumb,
- "data-orig-src": imagefilepath + '/' + pdpAltImageName +'?maxWidth=' + width_pdp,
- "data-orig-zoom": imagefilepath + '/' + pdpAltImageName +'?maxWidth=' + width_zoom
- });
- $(".mz-productimages-thumbs .products_list_mobile li:eq(" + (i - 1) + ") img")
- .attr({
- "src": imagefilepath + '/' + pdpAltImageName +'?maxWidth=' + width_pdp,
- "data-orig-src": imagefilepath + '/' + pdpAltImageName +'?maxWidth=' + width_pdp,
- "data-orig-zoom": imagefilepath + '/' + pdpAltImageName +'?maxWidth=' + width_zoom,
- "data-zoom-image": imagefilepath + '/' + pdpAltImageName +'?maxWidth=' + width_zoom
- });
- }
- if (slideCount > 4) {
- initSlider();
- }
- initslider_mobile();
- },
- initialize: function() {
- // handle preset selects, etc
- var me = this;
- //create div for family members
- if(this.model.get('family').models.length){
- for(var i=0; i < this.model.get('family').models.length; i++){
- var html="";
- html+='<div id="'+this.model.get('family').models[i].get('productCode')+'" class="family-members"></div>';
- $("#mz-family-container").append(html);
- }
- }
- me.isColorClicked = false;
- me.mainImage = '';
- this.$('[data-mz-product-option]').each(function() {
- var $this = $(this),
- isChecked, wasChecked;
- if ($this.val()) {
- switch ($this.attr('type')) {
- case "checkbox":
- case "radio":
- isChecked = $this.prop('checked');
- wasChecked = !!$this.attr('checked');
- if ((isChecked && !wasChecked) || (wasChecked && !isChecked)) {
- me.configure($this);
- }
- break;
- default:
- me.configure($this);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- });
- $(document).ready(function() {
- if ($('.mz-product-detail-tabs ul.tabs li').length === 0)
- $('.mz-product-detail-tabs').remove();
- var product = ProductModels.Product.fromCurrent();
- product.on('addedtocart', function(cartitem) {
- if (cartitem && cartitem.prop('id')) {
- //product.isLoading(true);
- CartMonitor.addToCount(product.get('quantity'));
- $('html,body').animate({
- scrollTop: $('header').offset().top
- }, 1000);
- product.set('quantity', 1);
- if(product.get('options')){
- var optionModels = product.get('options').models;
- for(var k = 0; k< product.get('options').models.length; k++){
- optionModels[k].set('value', null);
- }
- }
- product.unset('stockInfo');
- var priceDiscountTemplate = Hypr.getTemplate("modules/product/price-stack");
- $('.mz-productdetail-price').html(priceDiscountTemplate.render({
- model: priceModel
- }));
- if (product.get('options').length)
- $("[data-mz-action='addToCart']").addClass('button_disabled');
- $(".mz-productcodes-productcode").text(Hypr.getLabel('item')+" # " + product.get('productCode'));
- } else {
- product.trigger("error", { message: Hypr.getLabel('unexpectedError') });
- }
- });
- product.on('addedtowishlist', function(cartitem) {
- $('#add-to-wishlist').prop('disabled', 'disabled').text(Hypr.getLabel('addedToWishlist'));
- });
- initSlider();
- initslider_mobile();
- //Custom Functions related to slider
- function createPager(carousal) {
- var totalSlides = carousal.getSlideCount();
- var newPager = $(".mz-productimages-pager");
- for (var i = 0; i < totalSlides; i++) {
- if (i === 0) {
- newPager.append("<div data-mz-productimage-thumb=" + (i + 1) + " class=\"activepager\"></div>");
- } else {
- newPager.append("<div data-mz-productimage-thumb=" + (i + 1) + " class=\"\"></div>");
- }
- }
- newPager.find('div').click(function() {
- var indx = $(".mz-productimages-pager div").index($(this));
- slider_mobile.goToSlide(indx);
- $(".mz-productimages-pager div").removeClass("activepager").eq(indx).addClass("activepager");
- });
- }
- if ($('#productmobile-Carousel').length) {
- createPager(slider_mobile);
- }
- var productImagesView = new ProductImageViews.ProductPageImagesView({
- el: $('[data-mz-productimages]'),
- model: product
- });
- var productView = new ProductView({
- el: $('.product-detail'),
- model: product,
- messagesEl: $('[data-mz-message-bar]')
- });
- window.productView = productView;
- window.familyLength =;
- productView.render();
- //IF on page laod Variation code is available then Displays UPC messages
- if (window.productView.model.get('variationProductCode')) {
- var sp_price = "";
- if (window.productView.model.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable && typeof window.productView.model.get('inventoryInfo').onlineStockAvailable !== "undefined") {
- if (typeof window.productView.model.get('price').get('salePrice') != 'undefined')
- sp_price = window.productView.model.get('price').get('salePrice');
- else
- sp_price = window.productView.model.get('price').get('price');
- var price = Hypr.engine.render("{{price|currency}}", { locals: { price: sp_price } });
- $('.stock-info').show().html("In Stock <span class='stock-price'>" + price + "</span>");
- }
- }
- productInitialImages = {
- mainImage: product.attributes.mainImage,
- thumbImages: product.attributes.content.attributes.productImages
- };
- if (product.attributes.hasPriceRange) {
- priceModel = {
- hasPriceRange: product.attributes.hasPriceRange,
- priceRange: {
- lower: product.attributes.priceRange.attributes.lower.attributes,
- upper: product.attributes.priceRange.attributes.upper.attributes
- },
- price: product.attributes.price.attributes
- };
- } else {
- priceModel = {
- hasPriceRange: product.attributes.hasPriceRange,
- price: product.attributes.price.attributes
- };
- }
- var productData =;
- var recentProduct = {
- code:productData.productCode
- };
- var existingProducts = $.cookie("recentProducts");
- var recentProducts = existingProducts ? $.parseJSON(existingProducts) : [];
- recentProducts = recentProd(recentProducts, recentProduct);
- $.cookie("recentProducts", JSON.stringify(recentProducts), {path: '/', expires: 21 });
- var user = require.mozuData('user');
- if(user.accountId){
- api.createSync('wishlist').getOrCreate(user.accountId).then(function(wishlist) {
- return;
- }).then(function(wishlistItems) {
- for (var i = 0; i < wishlistItems.items.length; i++) {
- $('[data-mz-product-code="'+wishlistItems.items[i].product.productCode+'"] span').removeClass("heart-outline").addClass("heart-filled");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- function recentProd(json, product) {
- var found = false;
- var maxItems = HyprLiveContext.locals.themeSettings.maxRecentlyViewedItems;
- for (var i = 0 ; i < json.length; i++) {
- if (json[i].code == product.code){
- found = true;
- json.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- json.unshift(product);
- if(json.length == maxItems+2){
- json.splice(maxItems+1, 1);
- }
- return json;
- }
- $('body').on('click', '#mz-close-button', function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- blockUiLoader.unblockUi();
- });
- });
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