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- local plrs=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("Players")
- local rs=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("RunService")
- local ws=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("Workspace")
- local uis=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("UserInputService")
- local gs=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("GuiService")
- local cg=game:FindFirstChildOfClass("CoreGui")
- local lp=plrs.LocalPlayer
- local pg=lp:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui")
- local mouse=lp:GetMouse()
- local stepped=rs.Stepped
- local heartbeat=rs.Heartbeat
- local renderstepped=rs.RenderStepped
- local osclock=os.clock
- local tspawn=task.spawn
- local twait=task.wait
- local schar=string.char
- local sbyte=string.byte
- local ssub=string.sub
- local sfind=string.find
- local supper=string.upper
- local mrandom=math.random
- local clamp=math.clamp
- local sin=math.sin
- local cos=math.cos
- local abs=math.abs
- local rad=math.rad
- local tinsert=table.insert
- local tclear=table.clear
- local tfind=table.find
- local tunpack=table.unpack
- local
- local
- local
- local
- local
- local angles=CFrame.Angles
- local
- local e=Enum
- local
- local
- local sine=osclock()
- local deltaTime=0
- local v3_0=v3(0,0,0)
- local v3_101=v3(1,0,1)
- local v3_010=v3(0,1,0)
- local v3_001=v3(0,0,1)
- local cf_0=cf(0,0,0)
- local v3_xz=v3_101*10
- local v3_net=v3_010*25.01
- local function makepcall(f)
- if type(f)=="function" then
- return function(...)
- local a={...}
- local r=nil
- pcall(function()
- r={f(tunpack(a))}
- end)
- return tunpack(r or {})
- end
- end
- return function() end
- end
- local function rs(l)
- l=l or mrandom(8,15)
- local s=""
- for i=1,l do
- if mrandom(1,2)==1 then
- s=s..schar(mrandom(65,90))
- else
- s=s..schar(mrandom(97,122))
- end
- end
- return s
- end
- local function gp(p,n,cl)
- if typeof(p)=="Instance" then
- local c=p:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- local v=c[i]
- if (v.Name==n) and v:IsA(cl) then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function loopgp(...)
- while true do
- local r=gp(...)
- if r then
- return r
- end
- twait()
- end
- end
- local function timegp(p,n,c,t)
- t=osclock()+t
- while t>osclock() do
- local r=gp(p,n,c)
- if r then
- return r
- end
- twait()
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function getNetlessVelocity(realVel)
- --if true then return v3_0 end
- --if true then return realPartVelocity end
- --if true then return v3_net end
- if realVel.Magnitude>25.01 then
- realVel=realVel.Unit*25.01
- end
- return realVel*v3_xz+v3_net
- end
- local isClientInstance=makepcall(function(i)
- return ssub(i:GetDebugId(),1,1)=="0"
- end)
- local isServerInstance=function(i)
- return not isClientInstance(i)
- end
- local shp=(((type(getfenv)=="function") and getfenv()) or {}).sethiddenproperty
- local allowshiftlock=nil
- local ctrltp=nil
- local simrad=nil
- local placeholders=nil
- local clickfling=nil
- local stopreanimate=function() return nil end
- local function reanimate()
- --[[
- FDless reanimate by MyWorld
- aka no client sided instances
- "what else do i optimize here"
- ]]
- local novoid = true --prevents parts from going under workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight if you control them
- local placeholders = true --makes client sided accessories replacing the real ones when unavailable
- local speedlimit = 3000 --makes your parts move slower if the magnitude of their velocity is higher than this
- local antiragdoll = true --removes instances that are usually used for ragdolling form your character
- local addPartsOnRun = false --allows u to add more parts and joints to the simulation after it started
- local R15toR6 = true --adds fake r6 parts and joints for animations if your character is r15
- local walkSpeed = 16 --your walkspeed (can be changed at runtime)
- local jumpPower = 50 --your jump power (can be changed at runtime)
- local allowshiftlock = true --allows the user to use shiftlock (can be changed at runtime)
- local gravity = 196.2 --how fast the characters velocity increases while falling (can be changed at runtime)
- local simrad = "shp" --sets simulation radius to this with sethiddenproperty if its set to a number
- local ctrlclicktp = false --makes you teleport where u point ur mouse cursor at when click and hold ctrl down
- local clickfling = true --makes you fling the person you clicked when its available to do so
- local flingvel = v3(16000,16000,16000) --the rotation velocity that ur character will have while flinging
- local c=lp.Character
- if stopreanimate() or not (c and c:IsDescendantOf(ws)) then return end
- local hum=c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- local rootpart=gp(c,"HumanoidRootPart","BasePart") or gp(c,"Torso","BasePart") or gp(c,"UpperTorso","BasePart") or (hum and hum.RootPart) or timegp(c,"HumanoidRootPart","BasePart",0.5) or c:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BasePart")
- if not rootpart then return end
- R15toR6=R15toR6 and hum and (hum.RigType==e.HumanoidRigType.R15)
- simrad = (type(simrad)=="number") and (type(shp)=="function") and simrad
- local flingparts={}
- local cam=nil
- --theres a way to have ws.currentcamera nil on heartbeat and still have the game run normally
- local function refcam()
- cam=ws.CurrentCamera
- while not cam do
- ws:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CurrentCamera"):Wait()
- cam=ws.CurrentCamera
- end
- end
- refcam()
- local camcf=cam.CFrame
- local enumCamS=e.CameraType.Scriptable
- local camt=cam.CameraType
- local camcon0=nil
- local camcon1=nil
- local function onnewcamera()
- refcam()
- if camcon0 then
- camcon0:Disconnect()
- camcon0=nil
- end
- if not c then
- if cam.CameraType==enumCamS then
- cam.CameraType=camt
- end
- return camcon1:Disconnect()
- end
- camcon0=cam.Changed:Connect(function(p)
- if not c then
- camcon0:Disconnect()
- return camcon1:Disconnect()
- end
- if (p=="CFrame") and (cam.CFrame~=camcf) then
- cam.CFrame=camcf
- elseif (p=="CameraSubject") or (p=="CameraType") then
- local subj=cam.CameraSubject
- if subj and subj:IsA("Humanoid") and (subj.Parent==c) and (cam.CameraType~=enumCamS) then
- cam.CameraType = enumCamS
- end
- end
- end)
- local subj=cam.CameraSubject
- if subj and subj:IsA("Humanoid") and (subj.Parent==c) and (cam.CameraType~=enumCamS) then
- cam.CameraType=enumCamS
- end
- cam.CFrame=camcf
- end
- camcon1=ws:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CurrentCamera"):Connect(onnewcamera)
- onnewcamera()
- local fpdh=ws.FallenPartsDestroyHeight
- novoid=novoid and (fpdh+1)
- local function getMeshOfPart(v)
- if typeof(v)=="Instance" then
- if v:IsA("MeshPart") then
- return v.MeshId, v.TextureID
- else
- v=v:FindFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh")
- if v then
- return v.MeshId, v.TextureId
- end
- end
- end
- return nil, nil
- end
- local joints={}
- local cframes={}
- local des=c:GetDescendants()
- for i=1,#des do
- local v=des[i]
- if v:IsA("JointInstance") then
- tinsert(joints,{
- Name=v.Name,
- C0=v.C0,
- C1=v.C1,
- Part0=v.Part0,
- Part1=v.Part1
- })
- elseif v:IsA("BasePart") then
- cframes[v]=v.CFrame
- end
- end
- local function makeplaceholder(v)
- if typeof(v)~="Instance" then
- return nil
- end
- if not v.Archivable then
- v.Archivable=true
- end
- v=v:Clone()
- local c=v:GetChildren()
- for i=1,#c do
- local v=c[i]
- if v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- v.Name=rs()
- v:ClearAllChildren()
- else
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- v.Name=rs()
- v.Anchored=true
- v.CanCollide=false
- v.Transparency=0.25
- v.Parent=ws
- return v
- end
- local function filterInstance(v)
- local ins=v
- if isClientInstance(v) then
- v={CFrame=v.CFrame,Name=v.Name,Anchored=true}
- else
- local meshid,textureid=getMeshOfPart(v)
- if meshid and (meshid~="") and textureid and (textureid~="") then
- if placeholders then
- v={CFrame=v.CFrame,Name=v.Name,Anchored=true,meshid=meshid,textureid=textureid,placeholder=makeplaceholder(v)}
- else
- v={CFrame=v.CFrame,Name=v.Name,Anchored=true,meshid=meshid,textureid=textureid}
- end
- else
- v={CFrame=v.CFrame,Name=v.Name,Anchored=true}
- end
- end
- local check=ins~=v
- while check do
- check=false
- for i,v1 in pairs(cframes) do
- if i==ins then
- cframes[ins]=nil
- cframes[v]=v1
- check=true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v1 in pairs(joints) do
- if v1.Part0==ins then
- v1.Part0=v
- elseif v1.Part1==ins then
- v1.Part1=v
- end
- end
- if rootpart==ins then
- rootpart=v
- end
- return v
- end
- for i,v in pairs(joints) do
- v.Part0=filterInstance(v.Part0)
- v.Part1=filterInstance(v.Part1)
- end
- local Yvel=0
- local cfr=rootpart.CFrame
- local pos=cfr.Position
- local shiftlock=false
- local firstperson=false
- local xzvel=v3_0
- local v3_0150=v3_010*1.5
- local camoff=cf(v3_0,camcf.LookVector)
- camoff=camoff-v3_001*(camcf.Position-(pos+v3_0150)).Magnitude
- local refreshjointsinternal=nil
- refreshjointsinternal=function(part,refreshed)
- if not part then return end
- tinsert(refreshed,part)
- for i,v in pairs(joints) do
- local part0=v.Part0
- local part1=v.Part1
- if part1 and (part0==part) then
- cframes[part1]=cframes[part]*v.C0*v.C1:Inverse()
- if not tfind(refreshed,part1) then
- refreshjointsinternal(part1,refreshed)
- end
- elseif part0 and (part1==part) then
- cframes[part0]=cframes[part]*v.C1*v.C0:Inverse()
- if not tfind(refreshed,part0) then
- refreshjointsinternal(part0,refreshed)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function refreshjoints(v)
- refreshjointsinternal(v,{})
- end
- if R15toR6 then
- local R6parts={
- head={Name="Head",Anchored=true},
- torso={Name="Torso",Anchored=true},
- root={Name="HumanoidRootPart",Anchored=true},
- leftArm={Name="Left Arm",Anchored=true},
- rightArm={Name="Right Arm",Anchored=true},
- leftLeg={Name="Left Leg",Anchored=true},
- rightLeg={Name="Right Leg",Anchored=true}
- }
- for i,v in pairs(R6parts) do
- cframes[v]=cfr
- end
- tinsert(joints,{
- Name="Neck",
- Part0=R6parts.torso,Part1=R6parts.head,
- C0=cf(0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0),
- C1=cf(0,-0.5,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0)
- })
- tinsert(joints,{
- Name="RootJoint",
- Part0=R6parts.root,Part1=R6parts.torso,
- C0=cf(0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0),
- C1=cf(0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0)
- })
- tinsert(joints,{
- Name="Right Shoulder",
- Part0=R6parts.torso,Part1=R6parts.rightArm,
- C0=cf(1,0.5,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0,-1,0,0),
- C1=cf(-0.5,0.5,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0,-1,0,0)
- })
- tinsert(joints,{
- Name="Left Shoulder",
- Part0=R6parts.torso,Part1=R6parts.leftArm,
- C0=cf(-1,0.5,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0,1,0,0),
- C1=cf(0.5,0.5,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0,1,0,0)
- })
- tinsert(joints,{
- Name="Right Hip",
- Part0=R6parts.torso,Part1=R6parts.rightLeg,
- C0=cf(1,-1,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0,-1,0,0),
- C1=cf(0.5,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,-0,-1,0,0)
- })
- tinsert(joints,{
- Name="Left Hip" ,
- Part0=R6parts.torso,Part1=R6parts.leftLeg,
- C0=cf(-1,-1,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0,1,0,0),
- C1=cf(-0.5,1,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0,1,0,0)
- })
- tinsert(joints,{
- Part0=R6parts.root,Part1=rootpart,
- C0=cf_0,C1=cf_0
- })
- refreshjoints(rootpart)
- local function getpart(n)
- for i,_ in pairs(cframes) do
- if (i.Name==n) and (type(i)~="table") then
- return i
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function makejoint(p0, p1, p2)
- p1=getpart(p1)
- p2=getpart(p2)
- if not (p1 and p2) then return end
- for i,v in pairs(joints) do
- if (v.Part0==p1) and (v.Part1==p2) then
- joints[i]=nil
- elseif (v.Part0==p2) and (v.Part1==p1) then
- joints[i]=nil
- end
- end
- tinsert(joints,{
- Part0=p0,Part1=p1,
- C0=cf_0,
- C1=cframes[p1]:Inverse()*cframes[p0]
- })
- end
- makejoint(R6parts.head,"Head","UpperTorso")
- makejoint(R6parts.leftArm,"LeftUpperArm","UpperTorso")
- makejoint(R6parts.rightArm,"RightUpperArm","UpperTorso")
- makejoint(R6parts.leftLeg,"LeftUpperLeg","LowerTorso")
- makejoint(R6parts.rightLeg,"RightUpperLeg","LowerTorso")
- makejoint(R6parts.torso,"LowerTorso","HumanoidRootPart")
- end
- local function getPart(name,blacklist)
- for i,v in pairs(cframes) do
- if (i.Name==name) and not (blacklist and tfind(blacklist,i)) then
- return i
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function getPartFromMesh(meshid,textureid,blacklist)
- for v,_ in pairs(cframes) do
- if (type(v)=="table") and not (blacklist and tfind(blacklist,v)) then
- if v.meshid and sfind(v.meshid,meshid) and sfind(v.textureid,textureid) then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function getJoint(name)
- for i,v in pairs(joints) do
- if v.Name==name then
- return v
- end
- end
- return {C0=cf_0,C1=cf_0}
- end
- local function getPartJoint(handle)
- for i,v in pairs(joints) do
- if v.Part0==handle then
- return v
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(joints) do
- if v.Part1==handle then
- return v
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local accessorylimbs={
- -- paid aligning --
- {meshid="12344207333",textureid="12344207341",C0=angles(115,0,0),Name="Left Arm"}, -- Moving Left Arm [White]
- {meshid="12344206657",textureid="12344206675",C0=angles(115,0,0),Name="Right Arm"}, -- Moving Right Arm [White]
- {meshid="14255522247",textureid="14255543546",C0=angles(0,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Left Leg"}, -- Blocky Left Leg [White]
- {meshid="14255522247",textureid="14255543546",C0=angles(0,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Right Leg"}, -- Blocky Right Leg [White]
- {meshid="14241018198",textureid="14251599953",C0=cf_0,Name="Torso"}, -- Torso Extension
- {meshid="11159370334",textureid="11159284657",C0=angles(0,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Right Leg"}, -- Dummy Head1
- {meshid="11263221350",textureid="11263219250",C0=angles(0,0,1.5707963267948966),Name="Left Leg"}, -- Dummy Head2
- -- free aligning --
- {meshid="8761442057",textureid="8761547598",C0=angles(115,0,0),Name="Left Arm"}, -- Yoga Mat1
- {meshid="8761442057",textureid="8761421987",C0=angles(115,0,0),Name="Right Arm"}, -- Yoga Mat2
- {meshid="9867442567",textureid="9867451480",C0=angles(0,0,-15),Name="Left Leg"}, -- Rouge Bag1
- {meshid="9867442661",textureid="9867451480",C0=angles(0,0,-15),Name="Right Leg"}, -- Rouge Bag2
- {meshid="4819720316",textureid="4819722776",C0=angles(0,0,-105),Name="Torso"}, -- Robox
- -- free aligning, fedoras --
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3033903209",C0=angles(115,0,0),Name="Left Arm"},
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3360978739",C0=angles(115,0,0),Name="Right Arm"},
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3409604993",C0=angles(115,-115,0),Name="Left Leg"},
- {meshid="3030546036",textureid="3033898741",C0=angles(115,115,0),Name="Right Leg"}
- }
- local alignblacklist={}
- for i=1,#accessorylimbs do
- local v=accessorylimbs[i]
- local p=getPart(v.Name)
- local h=getPartFromMesh(v.meshid,v.textureid,alignblacklist)
- local w=getPartJoint(h)
- if p and w then
- w.C0=v.C0
- w.Part0=h
- w.C1=cf_0
- w.Part1=p
- tinsert(alignblacklist,h)
- end
- end
- local
- raycastparams.FilterType=e.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
- raycastparams.RespectCanCollide=true
- local rayfilter={}
- local characters={}
- local function refreshrayfilter()
- tclear(rayfilter)
- for i,v in pairs(characters) do
- tinsert(rayfilter,v)
- end
- raycastparams.FilterDescendantsInstances=rayfilter
- end
- local flingtarget=nil
- local cframes1={}
- local lastpositions={}
- local rootparts={}
- local function onplayer(v)
- local lastc=nil
- local function oncharacter()
- local newc=v.Character
- if newc and (newc ~= lastc) then
- lastc=newc
- characters[v]=newc
- refreshrayfilter()
- local hrp=loopgp(newc,"HumanoidRootPart","BasePart")
- if v~=lp then
- rootparts[v]=hrp
- end
- twait()
- if c and (v==lp) and hrp and (hrp.Parent==newc) and newc:IsDescendantOf(ws) then
- local startpos=pos+v3(mrandom(-32,32),0,mrandom(-32,32))
- local dir=nil
- local poscheck=true
- while poscheck do
- poscheck=false
- for i,v in pairs(rootparts) do
- local diff=(startpos-v.Position)*v3_101
- if diff.Magnitude<10 then
- poscheck=true
- dir=dir or diff.Unit
- startpos=startpos+dir
- end
- end
- local diff=(startpos-pos)*v3_101
- if diff.Magnitude<10 then
- poscheck=true
- dir=dir or diff.Unit
- startpos=startpos+dir
- end
- end
- startpos=cfr+startpos-cfr.Position
- if flingtarget then
- local con=heartbeat:Connect(function()
- local idleoff=v3(sin((sine-0.0375)*16),sin(sine*16),sin((sine+0.075)*16))
- hrp.CFrame=flingtarget.CFrame+flingtarget.Velocity*(sin(sine*15)+1)+v3(0,-2,0)+idleoff*0.001
- hrp.Velocity=idleoff
- hrp.RotVelocity=flingvel+idleoff
- end)
- twait(0.5)
- con:Disconnect()
- flingtarget=nil
- end
- tspawn(function()
- local con=heartbeat:Connect(function()
- hrp.CFrame=startpos+v3(sin((sine-0.0375)*16),sin(sine*16),sin((sine+0.075)*16))*0.005
- hrp.Velocity=v3_0
- hrp.RotVelocity=v3_0
- end)
- twait(0.3)
- con:Disconnect()
- if newc:IsDescendantOf(ws) then
- tclear(cframes1)
- tclear(lastpositions)
- newc:BreakJoints()
- twait(0.1)
- local cd=newc:GetDescendants()
- for i,v in pairs(cframes) do
- if type(i)=="table" then
- local meshid=i.meshid
- if meshid then
- local textureid=i.textureid
- for i1=1,#cd do
- local v=cd[i1]
- if v and v:IsA("BasePart") then
- local meshid1,textureid1=getMeshOfPart(v)
- if (meshid1==meshid) and (textureid1==textureid) then
- cd[i1]=nil
- cframes1[v]=i
- lastpositions[v]=v.Position
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- v:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Character"):Connect(oncharacter)
- oncharacter()
- end
- local plrst=plrs:GetPlayers()
- for i=1,#plrst do onplayer(plrst[i]) end
- plrs.PlayerAdded:Connect(onplayer)
- plrs.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(v)
- characters[v]=nil
- rootparts[v]=nil
- end)
- local mradN05=rad(-0.5)
- local enumMLC=e.MouseBehavior.LockCenter
- local enumMB2=e.UserInputType.MouseButton2
- local enumMLCP=e.MouseBehavior.LockCurrentPosition
- local enumMD=e.MouseBehavior.Default
- local enumMW=e.UserInputType.MouseWheel
- local mode="default"
- local modes={default={}}
- local function addmode(key,mode)
- if (type(key)~="string") or (type(mode)~="table") then
- return
- end
- for i, v in pairs(mode) do
- if type(v)~="function" then
- mode[i]=nil
- end
- end
- if key=="default" then
- modes.default=mode
- if mode.modeEntered then
- mode.modeEntered()
- end
- elseif #key==1 then
- key=e.KeyCode[supper(ssub(key,1,1))]
- modes[key]=mode
- end
- end
- local keyW=e.KeyCode.W
- local keyA=e.KeyCode.A
- local keyS=e.KeyCode.S
- local keyD=e.KeyCode.D
- local keySpace=e.KeyCode.Space
- local keyShift=e.KeyCode.LeftShift
- local movementkeys = {
- [keyW]=false,
- [keyA]=false,
- [keyS]=false,
- [keyD]=false,
- [keySpace]=false
- }
- uis.InputBegan:Connect(function(a)
- if gs.MenuIsOpen or uis:GetFocusedTextBox() then
- return
- end
- a=a.KeyCode
- if movementkeys[a]==false then
- movementkeys[a]=true
- elseif a==keyShift then
- shiftlock=allowshiftlock and not shiftlock
- elseif modes[a] then
- if modes[mode].modeLeft then
- modes[mode].modeLeft()
- end
- if mode==a then
- mode="default"
- else
- mode=a
- end
- if modes[mode].modeEntered then
- modes[mode].modeEntered()
- end
- end
- end)
- uis.InputEnded:Connect(function(a)
- if movementkeys[a.KeyCode] then
- movementkeys[a.KeyCode]=false
- end
- end)
- uis.InputChanged:Connect(function(a,b)
- if (not b) and (a.UserInputType==enumMW) then
- camoff=camoff+a.Position*v3_001*(0.75-camoff.Z/4)
- if camoff.Z>0 then
- camoff=camoff-camoff.Position
- end
- firstperson=camoff.Z==0
- end
- end)
- local function fling(target,duration,rotVelocity)
- twait()
- return true --maybe later
- end
- local function predictionfling(target)
- if typeof(target)~="Instance" then
- target=mouse.Target
- if not target then
- return twait() and false
- end
- end
- if target:IsA("Humanoid") or target:IsA("BasePart") then
- target=target.Parent
- if target:IsA("Accessory") then
- target=target.Parent
- end
- end
- if (not target:IsA("Model")) or (target==c) then
- return twait() and false
- end
- target=gp(target,"HumanoidRootPart","BasePart") or gp(target,"Torso","BasePart") or gp(target,"UpperTorso","BasePart")
- if not (target and target:IsDescendantOf(ws)) then
- return twait() and false
- end
- flingtarget=target
- twait()
- return true
- end
- if ctrlclicktp then
- ctrlclicktp=e.KeyCode.LeftControl
- local tpoff=v3_010*3
- if clickfling then
- mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
- if mouse.Target then
- if uis:IsKeyDown(ctrlclicktp) then
- pos=mouse.Hit.Position+tpoff
- cfr=cf(pos,pos+camoff.LookVector*v3_101)
- xzvel=v3_0
- Yvel=0
- else
- predictionfling()
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
- if mouse.Target and uis:IsKeyDown(ctrlclicktp) then
- pos=mouse.Hit.Position+tpoff
- cfr=cf(pos,pos+camoff.LookVector*v3_101)
- xzvel=v3_0
- Yvel=0
- end
- end)
- end
- elseif clickfling then
- mouse.Button1Down:Connect(predictionfling)
- end
- local noYvelTime=1
- local lastsine=sine
- local pose=nil
- local con=nil
- local function mainFunction()
- if not c then
- for i,v in pairs(cframes) do
- local p=i.placeholder
- if p then
- p:Destroy()
- end
- end
- uis.MouseBehavior=enumMD
- onnewcamera()
- local c=lp.Character
- if c then
- cam.CameraSubject=c:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- end
- return con and con:Disconnect()
- end
- sine=osclock()
- local delta=sine-lastsine
- deltaTime=clamp(delta*10,0,1)
- lastsine=sine
- if shiftlock then
- if allowshiftlock then
- uis.MouseBehavior=enumMLC
- local rotation=uis:GetMouseDelta()*mradN05
- local camoffpos=camoff.Position
- camoff=cf(camoffpos,camoffpos+camoff.LookVector)*angles(rotation.Y,rotation.X,0)
- else
- shiftlock=false
- end
- elseif firstperson then
- uis.MouseBehavior=enumMLC
- local rotation=uis:GetMouseDelta()*mradN05
- local camoffpos=camoff.Position
- camoff=cf(camoffpos,camoffpos+camoff.LookVector)*angles(rotation.Y,rotation.X,0)
- elseif uis:IsMouseButtonPressed(enumMB2) then
- uis.MouseBehavior=enumMLCP
- local rotation=uis:GetMouseDelta()*mradN05
- local camoffpos=camoff.Position
- camoff=cf(camoffpos,camoffpos+camoff.LookVector)*angles(rotation.Y,rotation.X,0)
- else
- uis.MouseBehavior=enumMD
- end
- local raycastresult=ws:Raycast(pos,v3_010*(fpdh-pos.Y),raycastparams)
- local onground=nil
- if raycastresult then
- raycastresult=raycastresult.Position
- onground=(pos.Y-raycastresult.Y)<3.01
- if onground then
- Yvel=0
- cfr=cfr+v3_010*(raycastresult.Y+3-pos.Y)*clamp(delta*20,0,1)
- if movementkeys[keySpace] then
- Yvel=jumpPower
- end
- else
- Yvel=Yvel-gravity*delta
- if pos.Y+Yvel*delta<raycastresult.Y then
- Yvel=0
- cfr=cfr+v3_010*(raycastresult.Y+3-pos.Y)
- end
- end
- else
- Yvel=0
- onground=false
- end
- xzvel=v3_0
- if movementkeys[keyW] then
- xzvel=xzvel+(camoff.LookVector*v3_101).Unit
- end
- if movementkeys[keyS] then
- xzvel=xzvel-(camoff.LookVector*v3_101).Unit
- end
- if movementkeys[keyA] then
- xzvel=xzvel-(camoff.RightVector*v3_101).Unit
- end
- if movementkeys[keyD] then
- xzvel=xzvel+(camoff.RightVector*v3_101).Unit
- end
- pos=cfr.Position
- if shiftlock or firstperson then
- if xzvel.Magnitude>0 then
- xzvel=xzvel.Unit*walkSpeed
- end
- cfr=cf(pos,pos+camoff.LookVector*v3_101)
- elseif xzvel.Magnitude>0 then
- xzvel=xzvel.Unit*walkSpeed
- cfr=cfr:Lerp(cf(pos,pos+xzvel),deltaTime)
- end
- cfr=cfr+(xzvel+(v3_010*Yvel))*delta
- pos=cfr.Position
- camcf=cf(pos,pos+camoff.LookVector)+camoff.LookVector*camoff.Z+v3_0150
- if shiftlock and not firstperson then
- camcf=camcf+camcf.RightVector*1.75
- end
- if cam then
- cam.CFrame=camcf
- end
- if onground then
- if xzvel==v3_0 then
- pose="idle"
- else
- pose="walk"
- end
- elseif Yvel>0 then
- pose="jump"
- else
- pose="fall"
- end
- local lerpfunc=modes[mode][pose]
- lerpfunc=lerpfunc or modes.default[pose]
- if lerpfunc then
- lerpfunc()
- end
- cframes[rootpart]=cfr
- refreshjoints(rootpart)
- if abs(Yvel)>1 then
- noYvelTime=0
- else
- noYvelTime=clamp(noYvelTime+delta*0.3,0,1)
- xzvel=xzvel*(1-noYvelTime)
- end
- local idlerv=v3(sin((sine-0.0375)*16),sin(sine*16),sin((sine+0.075)*16))
- local idleoff=idlerv*0.001
- for i,v in pairs(cframes) do
- local p=i.placeholder
- if p then
- if p.Parent~=ws then
- p.Parent=ws
- end
- p.CFrame=v
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(cframes1) do
- if (not i.Anchored) and i:IsDescendantOf(ws) then
- if i.ReceiveAge==0 then
- local p=v.placeholder
- if p and p.Parent then
- p.Parent=nil
- end
- v=cframes[v]
- local lastpos=lastpositions[i]
- local vel=(v.Position-lastpos)/delta
- if vel.Magnitude>speedlimit then
- vel=vel.Unit*speedlimit
- v=v+(lastpos+vel*delta)-v.Position
- end
- lastpositions[i]=v.Position
- if vel.Magnitude<0.15 then
- v=v+idleoff
- end
- if novoid and (v.Y<novoid) then
- v=v+v3_010*(novoid-v.Y)
- end
- i.Velocity=getNetlessVelocity(vel*noYvelTime+xzvel)
- i.CFrame=v
- i.RotVelocity=idlerv
- else
- lastpositions[i]=i.Position
- end
- end
- end
- if simrad then
- shp(lp,"SimulationRadius",simrad)
- end
- end
- con=heartbeat:Connect(mainFunction)
- mainFunction()
- stopreanimate=function()
- if c then
- c=nil
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local legcfR=cf(1,-1,0)
- local legcfL=cf(-1,-1,0)
- local raydir=v3_010*-2
- local function raycastlegs() --this returns 2 values: right leg raycast offset, left leg raycast offset
- local rY=ws:Raycast((cfr*legcfR).Position,raydir,raycastparams)
- local lY=ws:Raycast((cfr*legcfL).Position,raydir,raycastparams)
- return rY and (rY.Position.Y-(pos.Y-3)) or 0,lY and (lY.Position.Y-(pos.Y-3)) or 0
- end
- local function velbycfrvec() --this returns 2 values: forward/backwards movement (from -1 to 1), right/left movement (from -1 to 1)
- local fw=cfr.LookVector*xzvel/walkSpeed
- local rt=cfr.RightVector*xzvel/walkSpeed
- return fw.X+fw.Z,rt.X+rt.Z
- end
- local lastvel=v3_0
- local velchg1=v3_0
- local function velchgbycfrvec() --this returns 2 values: forward/backwards velocity change, right/left velocity change
- velchg1=velchg1+(lastvel-xzvel) --i recommend setting velchg1 to v3_0 when u start using this function or it will look worse
- lastvel=xzvel
- velchg1=velchg1:Lerp(v3_0,deltaTime/2)
- local fw=cfr.LookVector*velchg1/32
- local rt=cfr.RightVector*velchg1/32
- return fw.X+fw.Z,rt.X+rt.Z
- end
- local function rotToMouse(alpha) --this rotates ur character towards your mouse hit position
- local mpos=mouse.Hit.Position
- cfr=cfr:Lerp(cf(pos,v3(mpos.X,pos.Y,mpos.Z)),alpha or deltaTime)
- end
- local function setWalkSpeed(n)
- if type(n) ~= "number" then
- n=16
- end
- walkSpeed=n
- end
- local function setJumpPower(n)
- if type(n) ~= "number" then
- n=50
- end
- jumpPower=n
- end
- local function setGravity(n)
- if type(n) ~= "number" then
- n=196.2
- end
- gravity=n
- end
- return {
- cframes=cframes,
- joints=joints,
- refreshjoints=refreshjoints,
- raycastlegs=raycastlegs,
- velbycfrvec=velbycfrvec,
- velchgbycfrvec=velchgbycfrvec,
- addmode=addmode,
- getPart=getPart,
- getPartFromMesh=getPartFromMesh,
- getJoint=getJoint,
- getPartJoint=getPartJoint,
- rotToMouse=rotToMouse,
- setWalkSpeed=setWalkSpeed,
- setJumpPower=setJumpPower,
- setGravity=setGravity
- }
- end
- local t=reanimate()
- if type(t)~="table" then return end
- local raycastlegs=t.raycastlegs
- local velbycfrvec=t.velbycfrvec
- local velchgbycfrvec=t.velchgbycfrvec
- local addmode=t.addmode
- local getJoint=t.getJoint
- local RootJoint=getJoint("RootJoint")
- local RightShoulder=getJoint("Right Shoulder")
- local LeftShoulder=getJoint("Left Shoulder")
- local RightHip=getJoint("Right Hip")
- local LeftHip=getJoint("Left Hip")
- local Neck=getJoint("Neck")
- addmode("default", {
- idle = function()
- local rY, lY = raycastlegs()
- local Cfw, Crt = velchgbycfrvec()
- LeftShoulder.C0=LeftShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(-1,1+0.4*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(-0.15707963267948966+0.06981317007977318*sin((sine+9)*40),-1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) LeftHip.C0=LeftHip.C0:Lerp(cf(-1,-1+0.3*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(0,-0.15707963267948966,0),deltaTime) RightShoulder.C0=RightShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(1,0.2,0)*angles(-1.5707963267948966+0.15707963267948966*sin((sine+2)*1),1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) RightHip.C0=RightHip.C0:Lerp(cf(1,-1+0.3*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(-1.5707963267948966,1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) RootJoint.C0=RootJoint.C0:Lerp(cf(5+4*sin((sine + 0.3)*0.2),4,0)*angles(0.03490658503988659,0,3.141592653589793),deltaTime)
- end,
- walk = function()
- local Vfw, Vrt = velbycfrvec()
- local rY, lY = raycastlegs()
- local Cfw, Crt = velchgbycfrvec()
- LeftHip.C0=LeftHip.C0:Lerp(cf(-1,0.2 * sin(sine*1),0)*angles(0.3490658503988659,-1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) RightHip.C0=RightHip.C0:Lerp(cf(1,-1,0)*angles(-0.3490658503988659,1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) LeftShoulder.C0=LeftShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(-1.5,0,0)*angles(-0.20943951023931956+0.15707963267948966*sin(sine*1),0,0),deltaTime) RightShoulder.C0=RightShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(1,0.9+0.8*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(-0.20943951023931956+0.08726646259971647*sin(sine*1),1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) Neck.C0=Neck.C0:Lerp(cf(0,1,0)*angles(-1.5707963267948966,0,3.141592653589793),deltaTime) RootJoint.C0=RootJoint.C0:Lerp(cf(2+3*sin((sine + 2)*0.2),2+0.7*sin((sine + 4)*1),0)*angles(3.490658503988659,0,3.141592653589793),deltaTime)
- end,
- jump = function()
- local Cfw, Crt = velchgbycfrvec()
- local Vfw, Vrt = velbycfrvec() LeftShoulder.C0=LeftShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(-1,1+0.4*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(-0.15707963267948966+0.06981317007977318*sin((sine+9)*40),-1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) LeftHip.C0=LeftHip.C0:Lerp(cf(-1,-1+0.3*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(0,-0.15707963267948966,0),deltaTime) RightShoulder.C0=RightShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(1,0.2,0)*angles(-1.5707963267948966+0.15707963267948966*sin((sine+2)*1),1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) Neck.C0=Neck.C0:Lerp(cf(0,1,0)*angles(-1.5707963267948966,0,3.141592653589793),deltaTime) RightHip.C0=RightHip.C0:Lerp(cf(1,-1+0.3*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(-1.5707963267948966,1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) RootJoint.C0=RootJoint.C0:Lerp(cf(5+4*sin((sine + 0.3)*0.2),4,0)*angles(0.03490658503988659,0,3.141592653589793),deltaTime)
- end,
- fall = function()
- local Vfw, Vrt = velbycfrvec()
- local Cfw, Crt = velchgbycfrvec()
- LeftShoulder.C0=LeftShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(-1,1+0.4*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(-0.15707963267948966+0.06981317007977318*sin((sine+9)*40),-1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) LeftHip.C0=LeftHip.C0:Lerp(cf(-1,-1+0.3*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(0,-0.15707963267948966,0),deltaTime) RightShoulder.C0=RightShoulder.C0:Lerp(cf(1,0.2,0)*angles(-1.5707963267948966+0.15707963267948966*sin((sine+2)*1),1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) RightHip.C0=RightHip.C0:Lerp(cf(1,-1+0.3*sin(sine*1),0)*angles(-1.5707963267948966,1.5707963267948966,0),deltaTime) RootJoint.C0=RootJoint.C0:Lerp(cf(5+4*sin((sine + 0.3)*0.2),4,0)*angles(0.03490658503988659,0,3.141592653589793),deltaTime)
- end
- })
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