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- <?php date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Jakarta");
- error_reporting(0);
- set_time_limit(0);
- ini_set("memory_limit","-1");
- ini_set("output_buffering",0);
- ini_set("request_order","GP");
- ini_set("variables_order","EGPCS");
- ini_set("max_execution_time","-1");
- $versi="mod v 0.0.1";
- $cekVersi=file_get_contents("");
- if($versi == $cekVersi){ echo "\033[31m:*moded by jandes ck\n";
- ${"GLOBALS"}["curl"]="curl";
- ${"GLOBALS"}["webName1"]="";
- ${"GLOBALS"}["webName2"]=""; ${"GLOBALS"}["firstStart"]=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
- ${"GLOBALS"}["arr"]=array();
- ${"GLOBALS"}["arr_time"]=array();
- ${"GLOBALS"}["auto_stop"]=array();
- for($y=0;
- $y<1000;
- $y++){ ${"GLOBALS"}["arr_time"][$y]=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
- ${"GLOBALS"}["auto_stop"][$y]=0;
- } function cekURL(){ $file="linkjandes.txt";
- $handle = fopen($file, "r");
- $temp="";
- if ($handle) { $arr=array();
- $ll=0;
- echo "Harap goyang....\n";
- echo "\033[95m loading....:*\n";
- echo "\n================================";
- echo "\n== ==";
- echo "\n==== ====";
- echo "\n====== ======";
- echo "\n======== ========";
- echo "\n========== ==========";
- echo "\n============ ============";
- echo "\n============== ==============";
- echo "\n=============== ===============";
- echo "\n================================";
- while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) { $temp=trim($line);
- ${"GLOBALS"}["arr"][$ll]=$temp;
- $ll++;
- } fclose($handle);
- if($temp != ""){ return ${"GLOBALS"}["arr"];
- } } else { echo "Terjadi Error silakan hubungi : jandes tetangga\n";
- return "semplentoot";
- } } function checkCur($whatCur){ if (strpos($whatCur, 'POT') !== false) { return 'POT';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'BTC') !== false) { return 'BTC';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'BCH') !== false) { return 'BCH';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'ETH') !== false) { return 'ETH';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'BLK') !== false) { return 'BLK';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'BTX') !== false) { return 'BTX';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'DASH') !== false) { return 'DASH';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'DOGE') !== false) { return 'DOGE';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'LTC') !== false) { return 'LTC';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'PPC') !== false) { return 'PPC';
- }else if (strpos($whatCur, 'XPM') !== false) { return 'XPM';
- } } function startClaim(){ $urlCek=cekURL();
- if($urlCek !="kosong"){ echo "\n";
- while (1){ $ll=0;
- $loopCek=1;
- foreach($urlCek as $item) { $url_exp=explode("||",trim($item));
- $whatCur=checkCur($url_exp[0]);
- $startTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
- if($startTime > ${"GLOBALS"}["arr_time"][$ll]){ if($whatCur=="POT"){ $myCur="PEvErMJWKRNtv5CqgXPgMfcCjxkAKPD2bd";
- }else if($whatCur=="BTC"){ $myCur="37gLYTdKzzxpp8X5yb87kQxuA3Z7ndy4AL";
- }else if($whatCur=="DOGE"){ $myCur="D6Y8GharnVTLQXjks7PjRJGjGQRh2hgikT";
- }else if($whatCur=="ETH"){ $myCur="0x12bbfcc97e29e95cdc41a512496e0d5da1193a69";
- }else if($whatCur=="LTC"){ $myCur="LY36GA6FAQdQ8jgawfo2ej4wjmUSCWFTup";
- }else if($whatCur=="BCH"){ $myCur="18dHeJo1Z8QHj4mCvWWeQJdyG4mZiDvNHc";
- }else if($whatCur=="BLK"){ $myCur="BQAYQaaRGpoLiesvQY8oewWNpu3qMjDhEa";
- }else if($whatCur=="DASH"){ $myCur="Xp89scRmg29FR8u19m1hig11tSnobMzPay";
- }else if($whatCur=="PPC"){ $myCur="PJK1bzJHMA9t7SWVHV7tUGrb7EKEioiWnx";
- }else if($whatCur=="XPM"){ $myCur="AJaysLMLZhBnvUjSvYJTS9UJ6PEtpyZLwj";
- } $claiming=claim($url_exp[0]."&r=".$myCur."&rc=".$whatCur,$whatCur);
- if($claiming !=""){ echo $whatCur." ".$claiming." masuk ke anu nya jandes... :*\n";
- } $claiming=claim($url_exp[0]."&r=".$myCur."&rc=".$whatCur,$whatCur);
- if($claiming !=""){ echo $whatCur." ".$claiming." masuk lagi masuk ke anu nya jandes... :*\n";
- } ${"GLOBALS"}["arr_time"][$ll] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime('+'.((int)$url_exp[1]+10).' seconds',strtotime($startTime)));
- ${"GLOBALS"}["auto_stop"][$ll]++;
- $whatT=rand(150,300);
- if($whatT <= ${"GLOBALS"}["auto_stop"][$ll]){ $whatTT=rand(2,4);
- ${"GLOBALS"}["auto_stop"][$ll]=0;
- $delayAsli=(int)$url_exp[1];
- if($delayAsli > 60){ $berapaLama=(int)($delayAsli*((int)$whatTT/2));
- }else{ $berapaLama=(int)($delayAsli*(int)$whatTT);
- } echo "\nTerminal ".($ll+1)." Auto NgeC***:Menunggu ".$berapaLama." dtk\n";
- ${"GLOBALS"}["arr_time"][$ll] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime('+'.$berapaLama.' seconds',strtotime($startTime)));
- }else{ ${"GLOBALS"}["auto_stop"][$ll]++;
- } } $ll++;
- } sleep(1);
- if($loopCek > 3600){ $loopCek=0;
- ${"GLOBALS"}["firstStart"]=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
- echo "\nCheck running ".$loopCek." ".${"GLOBALS"}["firstStart"]." \n";
- $loopCek++;
- } } }else{ echo "jandes kosong";
- } } function claim($url,$whatCur){ $curl=curl_init();
- curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_URL,$url);
- curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
- curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_REFERER,$url);
- curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_USERAGENT,"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
- MSIE 7.0;
- Windows NT 6.1;
- Win64;
- x64;
- Trident/4.0;
- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
- MSIE 6.0;
- Windows NT 5.1;
- SV1) ;
- NeoDownloader Embedded Web Browser from:;
- .NET CLR 2.0.50727;
- SLCC2;
- .NET CLR 3.5.30729;
- .NET CLR 3.0.30729)");
- curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,"cookie");
- curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,"cookie");
- $result=curl_exec($curl);
- curl_close($curl);
- $resExpl=explode("<div class=\"alert alert-success\">",$result);
- $resExpl2=explode("satoshi",$resExpl[1]);
- if(trim($resExpl2[0])==""){ $resExpl2=explode("doge",$resExpl[1]);
- } return trim($resExpl2[0]);
- } startClaim();
- }else{ echo "kalau belom puas ganti jandes desa sebelah :v \n";
- }
- ?>
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