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- @EndUserText.label: 'Travel projection view - Processor'
- @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
- @UI: {
- headerInfo: { typeName: 'Travel', typeNamePlural: 'Travels', title: { type: #STANDARD, value: 'TravelID' } } }
- @Search.searchable: true
- define root view entity ZC_TRAVEL_M_XXX as projection on ZI_TRAVEL_M_XXX {
- @UI.facet: [ { id: 'Travel',
- purpose: #STANDARD,
- label: 'Travel',
- position: 10 } ]
- @UI: {
- lineItem: [ { position: 10, importance: #HIGH } ],
- identification: [ { position: 10, label: 'Travel ID [1,...,99999999]' } ] }
- @Search.defaultSearchElement: true
- key travel_id as TravelID,
- @UI: {
- lineItem: [ { position: 20, importance: #HIGH } ],
- identification: [ { position: 20 } ],
- selectionField: [ { position: 20 } ] }
- @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity : {name: '/DMO/I_Agency', element: 'AgencyID' } }]
- @ObjectModel.text.element: ['AgencyName'] ----meaning?
- @Search.defaultSearchElement: true
- agency_id as AgencyID, _Agency.Name as AgencyName,
- @UI: {
- lineItem: [ { position: 30, importance: #HIGH } ],
- identification: [ { position: 30 } ],
- selectionField: [ { position: 30 } ] }
- @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity : {name: '/DMO/I_Customer', element: 'CustomerID' } }]
- @ObjectModel.text.element: ['CustomerName']
- @Search.defaultSearchElement: true
- customer_id as CustomerID,
- @UI.hidden: true
- _Customer.LastName as CustomerName,
- @UI: {
- lineItem: [ { position: 40, importance: #MEDIUM } ],
- identification: [ { position: 40 } ] }
- begin_date as BeginDate,
- @UI: {
- lineItem: [ { position: 41, importance: #MEDIUM } ],
- identification: [ { position: 41 } ] }
- end_date as EndDate,
- @UI: {
- lineItem: [ { position: 50, importance: #MEDIUM } ],
- identification: [ { position: 50, label: 'Total Price' } ] }
- @Semantics.amount.currencyCode: 'CurrencyCode'
- total_price as TotalPrice,
- @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{entity: {name: 'I_Currency', element: 'Currency' }}]
- currency_code as CurrencyCode,
- @UI: {
- lineItem: [ { position: 60, importance: #HIGH },
- { type: #FOR_ACTION, dataAction: 'acceptTravel', label: 'Accept Travel' } ],
- identification: [ { position: 60, label: 'Status [O(Open)|A(Accepted)|X(Canceled)]' } ] }
- overall_status as TravelStatus,
- @UI.identification: [ { position: 70, label: 'Remarks' } ]
- description as Description,
- @UI.hidden: true
- last_changed_at as LastChangedAt
- }
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