

Jul 21st, 2021 (edited)
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  1. --[[
  2. SeedBreeder
  3. This is a AgriCraft seed breeder program for ComputerCraft/OpenComputers. Check Wiki for more information.
  4. Wiki: github.com/robokop92/SeedBreeder/wiki
  5. note to anyone finding br7W6U2q cloned from he original, as of 7-21-21 the wiki is unavailable. If I can make this work, I'll update this post at the bottom with a basic write up for usage.
  6. MADE BY: robokop92
  7. This is the OPENCOMPUTERS Version
  8. --]]
  9. component = require("component")
  10. shell = require("shell")
  11. side = require("sides")
  12. t = require("term")
  13. c = require("computer")
  14. r = require("robot")
  15. ser = require("serialization")
  16. fs = require("filesystem")
  17. inv = component.inventory_controller
  18. gen = component.generator
  20. version = "1.0.0"
  22. ----------------------------------------------------
  23. ------------------SOME VARIABLES--------------------
  24. ----------------------------------------------------
  26. numOfSubGenerations = 40
  27. sleepAmountBetweenGenerations = 10
  28. sleepAmountWhenWachingSeeds = 5
  31. local args, opt= shell.parse(...)
  32. if args[1] ~= nil then
  33. numOfSubGenerations = args[1]*4
  34. end
  35. if args[2] ~= nil then
  36. sleepAmountBetweenGenerations = args[2]
  37. end
  38. if args[3] ~= nil then
  39. sleepAmountWhenWachingSeeds = args[3]
  40. end
  42. startpos = {x = 0, y = -1, z = 2}
  43. pos = {x = 0, y = -1, z = 2}
  44. fl = {pos = {}}
  45. fl.pos[0] = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1}
  46. fl.pos[1] = {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0}
  47. fl.pos[2] = {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}
  48. fl.pos[3] = {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0}
  49. fl.pos[4] = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}
  50. fl.pos[5] = {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0}
  52. cpos = {}
  53. cpos.anlzer = {x = -1, y = 0, z = 1}
  54. cpos.bin = {x = -1, y = 0, z = -1}
  55. cpos.chest = {x = 1, y = 0, z = -1}
  57. slot = {sticks = {}, fuel = 1, rake = 4, seeds = 5, seedsExtra = 6}
  58. slot.sticks[1] = 2
  59. slot.sticks[2] = 3
  61. ----------------------------------------------------
  62. -----------------LANG VARIABLES---------------------
  63. ----------------------------------------------------
  64. lang_noFuel = "Please insert a valid fuel in slot "..slot.fuel.."!"
  65. lang_noSticks = "Please insert Crop Sticks in slot "..slot.sticks[1].." or "..slot.sticks[2].."!"
  66. lang_noRake = "Please insert a Hand Rake in slot "..slot.rake.."!"
  67. lang_noSeed = "Please insert ONLY 1 valid seeds in slot "..slot.seeds.."!"
  68. lang_timeBtwGen = "Waiting time between generations: "
  69. lang_curGen = "Current generation: "
  70. lang_line = "---------------------------------------"
  71. ----------------------------------------------------
  72. ----------------ERROR MESSAGES----------------------
  73. ----------------------------------------------------
  74. function noFuel()
  75. while not gen.insert(1) do
  76. t.clear()
  77. t.setCursor(1,1)
  78. t.write(lang_noFuel)
  79. os.sleep(1)
  80. end
  81. t.clear()
  82. return true
  83. end
  84. function noSticks()
  85. while not tidySticks() do
  86. t.clear()
  87. t.setCursor(1,1)
  88. t.write(lang_noSticks)
  89. os.sleep(1)
  90. end
  91. t.clear()
  92. return true
  93. end
  94. function noRake()
  95. while not compareItemInSlot("AgriCraft:handRake",slot.rake) do
  96. t.clear()
  97. t.setCursor(1,1)
  98. t.write(lang_noRake)
  99. os.sleep(1)
  100. end
  101. t.clear()
  102. return true
  103. end
  104. function noSeeds()
  105. while not checkCount(slot.seeds,1) do
  106. t.clear()
  107. t.setCursor(1,1)
  108. t.write(lang_noSeed)
  109. os.sleep(1)
  110. end
  111. if seeds() >= 1 then
  112. t.clear()
  113. return true
  114. else
  115. noSeeds()
  116. end
  117. end
  118. ----------------------------------------------------
  119. --------------INVENTORY CONTROLLLER-----------------
  120. ----------------------------------------------------
  121. function compareItemInSlot(item,slot) -- Compares $item with the item in $slot
  122. itemInfo = inv.getStackInInternalSlot(slot)
  123. if itemInfo ~= nil then --If $slot has item
  124. --print("Comparing: "..item.." AND: "..itemInfo.name)
  125. if item == itemInfo.name then -- If $item matches item name in $slot
  126. return true
  127. end
  128. end
  129. return false
  130. end
  131. function checkCount(slot,count)
  132. itemInfo = inv.getStackInInternalSlot(slot)
  133. if itemInfo ~= nil and itemInfo.size >= count then
  134. return true
  135. end
  136. return false
  137. end
  138. function count(slot)
  139. itemInfo = inv.getStackInInternalSlot(slot)
  140. if itemInfo ~= nil then
  141. return itemInfo.size
  142. end
  143. return 0
  144. end
  145. function transferItem(fromSlot,toSlot)
  146. lastSl = r.select(fromSlot)
  147. r.transferTo(toSlot,64)
  148. r.select(lastSl)
  149. end
  151. function isEquipEmpty()
  152. lastSl = r.select(slot.seeds)
  153. inv.equip()
  154. if checkCount(slot.seeds,1) then
  155. return false
  156. end
  157. return true
  158. end
  160. ----------------------------------------------------
  161. ----------------BASIC ROBOT COMMANDS----------------
  162. ----------------------------------------------------
  164. function putInAnlzer()
  165. lastSl = r.select(slot.seeds)
  166. succes = r.dropDown()
  167. r.select(lastSl)
  168. return succes
  169. end
  171. function takeFromAnlzer()
  172. lastSl = r.select(slot.seeds)
  173. succes = inv.suckFromSlot(side.bottom,1)
  174. r.select(lastSl)
  175. return succes
  176. end
  177. function analyze()
  178. move(cpos.anlzer)
  179. print("Analyzing")
  180. if putInAnlzer() then
  181. os.sleep(1.7)
  182. return takeFromAnlzer()
  183. end
  184. return false
  185. end
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