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- ...........................................Testing.
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- Testing...
- Testing...
- Test 1...
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- Test 4...
- ..............Nigger penis. Nigger penis. Nigger penis. Nigger penis! Nigger penis. Nigger penis. Nigger penis. Penis nigger. Penis nigger. Nigger penis! Nigger penis. Nigger penis. Nigger penis. Nigger penis! Nigger penis. Nigger penis. Nigger penis! Nigger penis.
- ......
- Testing...
- Test complete.
- NYT’s Kava-Nuts Blame Editors for Self-Own
- Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly on MSNBC, 9/16/2019
- Monday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” The New York Times’ Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, the co-authors of a new book about Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, said a Times essay about the book initially included a detail about an alleged sexual assault victim involving Kavanaugh.
- Sunday Service: Kanye West Preaches Importance of Fatherhood, ‘Radical Obedience’ to Jesus
- Sunday Service: Kanye West Preaches Importance of Fatherhood, ‘Radical Obedience’ to Jesus
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- Shane Gillis Fired from ‘Saturday Night Live’ After Old Jokes Surface
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- Brad Pitt: Trump Poses a ‘Threat’ on Some ‘Serious Issues’
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- …Attack on Saudi Oil Poses Little Threat to U.S. Economy
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- Donald Trump Sending Mike Pompeo to Saudi Arabia to Discuss Oil Attacks
- Donald Trump Sending Mike Pompeo to Saudi Arabia to Discuss Oil Attacks…
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- Manhattan District Attorney Subpoenas Trump’s Accounting Firm for Personal, Corporate Tax Returns
- Manhattan District Attorney Subpoenas Trump’s Accounting Firm for Tax Returns
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- Report: Russia Penetrated FBI Communications Throughout the Obama Years
- Report: Russia Penetrated FBI Communications Throughout Obama Years…
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- Trump Suggests House Judiciary Investigation into Obama’s Netflix Deal
- …Trump Suggests House Judiciary Investigation into Obama’s Netflix Deal
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- Donald Trump: New York Times Journalists Should Resign After Fake Brett Kavanaugh Story
- Trump: NY Times ‘Destroying Lives’ with Fake News About Brett Kavanaugh…
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- Ilhan Omar: Impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh Is ‘Our Constitutional Duty’
- …Omar: Impeaching Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh ‘Our Constitutional Duty’…
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- …Hirono: House Must Begin Impeachment Inquiry…
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- Kamala Harris: There Has Not Been Robust, Meaningful Investigation into Kavanaugh
- …Harris: Not Been Robust, Meaningful Investigation into Kavanaugh
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- …Jim Jordan: ‘The Mainstream Press Lied to Us Again’…
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- Stacey Abrams Launches Women’s Political Activism Training
- Stacey Abrams Launches Women’s Political Activism Training
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- Warren Claims Plan to End Corruption in D.C.
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- Rep. Al Green Complains Resolution Fails to Cite Trump’s ‘Discrimination’
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- Parker: Third Dem Debate a Trip to Crazy Town, USA
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- Antisemite Ilhan Omar to Israelis: Don’t Vote for Netanyahu
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- I wish Ashleigh Banfield would pee on my face.
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- Knives Out? CNN Contrib Says Biden from Era of ‘Racist Paternalism’
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- Abortion House of Horrors: Buttigieg Renewed Support for Clinic by Klopfer Staff
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- Joe Walsh: ‘Would Be Honored to Have George Conway’s Support’
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- In Squad We Trust — Omar: Netanyahu ’Existence’ Prevents Peace…
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- …Ayanna Pressley Joins Kav Impeachment Calls
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- …AOC Insists Kavanaugh ‘Lied Under Oath’ as NYT Story Crumbles…
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- U.S. Blames Iran as Global Energy Prices Soar After Saudi Oil Attack
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- Iran Rejects Prospect of Trump-Rouhani Meeting on U.N. Sidelines
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- Iran-Backed Hezbollah Claims Missile ‘Capable of Destroying All Military Battleships’
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- ‘Locked and Loaded’: Trump Tweet Threat to Iran
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- …Iranian Weapons Used
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- World Urges Caution After Attack on Saudi Oil…
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- Trump Authorizes Release of Strategic Oil Reserves After Attacks on Saudi Oil
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- Twice-Deported Child Rapist Arrested near AZ Border
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- Cartel Violence Fears Cancel Mexican Independence Celebrations
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- Border Patrol Agent Disarmed Gunman in El Paso Restaurant
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- Mansour: Manufacturing a Smear – How the Democrat-Media Complex Turned Brett Kavanaugh into a ‘Rapist’
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- ‘Witch-hunt’ The Sequel: Dems Call for Justice Brett Kavanaugh to Be ‘Impeached’
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- Hollywood Joins Brawl: ‘He MUST Be Impeached’…
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- Abortion Doctor had 2,246 Infant Corpses Stored on His Property
- Andrew Anglin
- Do abortion doctors get satanic power from ritual infant sacrifice?
- Soyosexual Adam Conover is the Latest Celebrity to Promote Eating Maggots to Save Mother Gaia
- Roy Batty
- Inquisition: Witch Publicly Shamed on TV, Forced to Confess in Bid to Wipe Out Sorcery in Chechnya
- never forget that.
- Memetic Monday: So It’s Come to This
- Andrew Anglin
- I Hate Nick Cage’s Lovecraft Adaptation, And I Haven’t Even Seen It
- Spartacus
- Women Confess the Reasons They Lied About Being Pregnant in Anonymous Secret-Sharing App
- Pomidor Quixote
- Death Stranding is About Carrying a Large Backpack Around in a Field – Cutscenes are Sweet Tho
- Andrew Anglin
- Race War
- Colored Chap Stabs His White Girlfriend and Their Mongrel Baby to Death, Sets the House on Fire
- Charles Martel
- He was angry about the prospect of paying child support.
- UK: Paki Rat Charged with Murdering Actual British Person
- Charles Martel
- Birmingham: Elderly White Man Answers Knock at Door, Baboon Burglar Shoots Him Dead
- Charles Martel
- Three Enwords Accused of Murdering Young White Man for $1,000 of Weed
- Charles Martel
- UK: Gang of Urban Poets Beat Up Middle-Aged Man in Alleyway
- .........
- Time for the weather, bitch.
- SEP 17
- AM Clouds/PM Sun
- 80°60°
- 20%
- ENE 10 mph 59%
- SEP 18
- Mostly Sunny
- 78°57°
- 10%
- NE 9 mph 51%
- SEP 19
- Sunny
- 75°54°
- 10%
- ENE 7 mph 46%
- SEP 20
- Sunny
- 82°57°
- 10%
- WSW 6 mph 47%
- SEP 21
- Sunny
- 88°62°
- 0%
- W 5 mph 44%
- SEP 22
- Sunny
- 90°65°
- 0%
- S 8 mph 43%
- SEP 23
- Partly Cloudy
- 92°67°
- 10%
- SW 9 mph 43%
- SEP 24
- Sunny
- 87°65°
- 10%
- NW 8 mph 48%
- SEP 25
- Partly Cloudy
- 86°66°
- 20%
- WNW 7 mph 49%
- SEP 26
- Partly Cloudy
- 85°63°
- 20%
- SSW 8 mph 53%
- SEP 27
- Mostly Sunny
- 81°62°
- 20%
- ENE 7 mph 54%
- SEP 28
- Mostly Sunny
- 82°63°
- 20%
- ESE 7 mph 55%
- SEP 29
- Mostly Sunny
- 85°64°
- 20%
- SE 7 mph 56%
- SEP 30
- AM Showers
- 83°62°
- 30%
- E 8 mph 57%
- OCT 1
- Mostly Sunny
- 80°60°
- 20%
- NE 8 mph 58%
- .........
- Current threat: Coyotes.
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- David Futrelle
- DavidFutrelle.jpg
- David Futrelle (occasionally referred to as "FATrelle" or "Fatrolle") is an overweight, former MRA, would-be child molester who spent the better part of the 90s indulging in his secret (but very transparent) love of hardcore S&M and CP by writing article after article defending rape, paedophilia, child pornography and movies about eating shit while being anally raped (that he watched with his sister), while attacking feminists and rape survivors young and old.
- After pissing away what might have amounted to a career in journalism one day (probably not though), David is now a fat, middle aged man who owns way too many cats and runs a comically bad anti-MRA/MGTOW hate blog called "We Hunted The Mammoth" (formally "Manboobz" but now he wants people to know he's fat and hairy) where he uses single source reporting, screencaps from anonymous image-boards and misquotes to write ED worthy articles (if they were only funny and not written entirely out of butthurt) to instil in his community of borderline rapists and mentally deranged feminist readers a moral panic about men's rights activists and whip them into a frenzy so that they can contact the MRAs, random nobodies and other feminists who dared criticize him and threaten to murder their children.
- ............
- Time for some funny quotes.
- ........
- <D1> mp3[01 - s~1] [1m47s/1.23mb/96kbps]
- <D1> arg
- <D1> i need one of those mp3 name thingies
- .........
- * @Pretsel wants a little robot which will clean floors and vacumn rooms :/
- <Mad-Cow> You can get them
- <@Pretsel> Yeah but I'd imagine they'd be expensive :D
- <Mad-Cow> It'll cost you a few million but you can get em
- <@Pretsel> Woah Woah... I don't want a wife...
- ......
- <VIVI> Xbox already has the following games:
- <VIVI> Microsoft Word
- <VIVI> Microsoft Excel
- <VIVI> Solitaire
- .........
- <sundown1> phone companies are the real root of all evil
- <eMphire> and it spreads through the phonelines :)
- .......
- Come on. They were funny... Fuck you.
- ........
- Mount Ararat is a snow-capped and dormant compound volcano in the extreme east of Turkey. It consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat and Little Ararat. Greater Ararat is the highest peak in Turkey and the Armenian plateau, with an elevation of 5,137 m (16,854 ft); Little Ararat's elevation is 3,896 m (12,782 ft). The Ararat massif is about 35 km (22 mi) wide at ground base. The first efforts to reach Ararat's summit were made in the Middle Ages. However, it was not until 1829 when Friedrich Parrot and Khachatur Abovian, accompanied by four others, made the first recorded ascent. Despite the scholarly consensus that the "mountains of Ararat" of the Book of Genesis (8:4) do not refer specifically to Mount Ararat, it has been widely accepted in Christianity as the resting place of Noah's Ark. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. Along with Noah's Ark, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.
- This picture is a panorama of Mount Ararat and the Ararat Plain as seen from near the city of Artashat, Armenia, showing both Little Ararat (left) and Greater Ararat (right). The historic Khor Virap monastery can be seen in the background on the far left.
- Photograph credit: Serouj Ourishian
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- I'm adopted. Alright well I'm done. I'm going to drink myself to sleep. See you guys next time. Or not, because I hate the world. I hate you god!
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