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- var belance = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value;
- document.getElementById('pct_chance').value = 49.5;
- document.getElementById('pct_payout').value = 2;
- var bob = 0.001;
- var oldbal = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var cript = bob;
- var fail = bob;
- var god = (bob*3);
- var joe = false;
- var coil = (bob*10);
- var target = 10000;
- var shift = 0;
- var olderest = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value
- var have = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var ian = parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_balance').value);
- var mybet;
- var wild = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value;
- var min = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value;
- parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_bet').value = bob);
- parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_profit').value = bob);
- Math.fmod = function (lee,boon) {
- return Number((lee - (Math.floor(lee / boon) * boon)).toPrecision(8));
- }
- function getR(minz, maxz) {
- minz = Math.ceil(minz);
- maxz = Math.floor(maxz);
- return Math.floor(Math.random()*(maxz-minz+1))+minz;
- }
- function joke(xee) {
- xee = xee;
- return Number(Math.floor(xee/2)*2);
- }
- function simble() {
- return (joke((getR(7,20))))-1;
- }
- function dobet(){
- function dobeat(){
- var balancez = document.getElementById('pct_balance').value;
- var stuit = document.getElementById('pct_bet').value;
- document.getElementById('pct_chance').value = 49.5;
- document.getElementById('pct_payout').value = 2;
- var shift = (Math.floor((balancez-ian)/coil).toPrecision(1));
- if (mybet==null){
- mybet = stuit;
- }
- if (balancez<=(have-god)) {
- mybet = stuit*2;
- cript = (stuit*2);
- god = (stuit*(parseFloat(simble())));
- joe = true;
- have = parseFloat(balancez);
- }
- if (balancez>(have+(cript*6))) {
- mybet = stuit*2;
- cript = (stuit*2);
- god = (stuit*(parseFloat(simble())));
- joe = false;
- have = parseFloat(balancez);
- }
- if (shift<0) {
- shift = 0;
- }
- if (shift>=1) {
- mybet = bob;
- cript = bob;
- god = (bob*3);
- have = (ian+(shift*coil));
- ian = ian+(shift*coil);
- shift = (Math.floor((balancez-ian)/coil).toPrecision(1));
- joe = false;
- }
- if ((joe==true)&&(balancez>=ian)) {
- mybet = bob;
- cript = bob;
- god = (bob*3);
- have = ian;
- joe = false;
- }
- if (balancez>=target) {
- //stop();
- return;
- }
- return Number((((mybet*2)-mybet).toFixed(8)));
- }
- parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_bet').value = dobeat());
- parseFloat(document.getElementById('pct_profit').value = dobeat());
- $('#a_lo').click();
- }
- setInterval(() => dobet(), 120);
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