
Evil Woman - 31

Jan 16th, 2020
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

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By Smoke Joker --- Grid17 / 겊ėž17

Bad Woman ~ Evil Woman

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Gong Seohyuk (MC) Delivery Boy Single and Heartbroken
Kim Yunmi (FMC) Expensive Bitch Regretful Bitch
Hwang Boeun (GF) Florist / Hostess Evil Bitch
Kang Sangmook (Douche) Manager of the 'Club' Set Up Bitch
Park (Manager) MC's Team Leader Married

Chapter - 31

Swimming Pool

GF thanks the dude for his help and the man while fucking her says how she wasn't fir to stay in this cheap bar and everything will be better for her from now on.. Meh talking about good she feels and if they should focus on themselves for the time being.

Random panels of MC working, being treated like a piss of shit by his boss etc.. Then Douche drinking alone in his closed bar..
During those panels, MC is narrating how a lot of stuffs happened those past 6 months.. How he tried everything for his beloved woman.. How he wanted GF to be the mother of his babies etc.. How he met FMC and everything fell apart after this one meeting.

He talks about FMC being the big villain of the story and how she used everything to ruin his relationship with GF because she never cared about other people's hearts and life.. How she did everything for her own amusement.

Now panels of GF inside a motel room, getting laid by rich and random people.. There is red wine and cocaine scattered on a table inside the room.. MC narrates how is angel-like GF turned into a whore and her downfall already started..
GF loos totally intoxicated with this lifestyle and doesn't seem to be sane anymore.. Cream pie after cream pie.. She's now fucked from behind, her body is pressed against a glass.. She keeps moaning and shouting how good it's feeling..
Behind the glass there is two other men waiting for their turn.. Meh talk about how she should hurry to go back to them after giving birth (I don't want to go too deep in this toon right now, so she might be pregnant or not, maybe it's just some kind of taunt, joke, I don't really care)

Then they're complaining about one dude always creaming here and how they must wash her properly after his turn.. How she changed a lot recently..

Convenience Store

MC's previous Boss shows up inside the store asking MC if he's alright.. MC doesn't want to talk to him but the Boss apologizes for everything he did to MC and how he knows it's not enough but he went to the office and confessed what he did in the past. How MC's name is now cleared and he tells him to stop ruining his life in working in this kind of environment because their previous company might hire him once again if he shows up there..
MC don't understand why he's talking about this now and Boss leaves saying how did what he was asked to do.. MC runs after him to find answer but can't catch him.. Boss is now talking with FMC, he snatches a wag of money from her hands, telling her how he did everything she asked and to leave him alone now.

FMC looks at MC's handsome face a last time before walking away while wondering if everything will be okay for him now and how she'll grant him his last wish and will disappear from his life.

To be continued..
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