
Kendrick Lamar diss drake main part

May 26th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Hear drake, I heard you like em young
  2. Better not go to cellblock 1
  3. To any bitch that talk to em and they in love?
  4. Just make sure u hide ur little sister from him
  5. They tell me chubs the only one that get your hammy downs
  6. Then probably at the party playin with his nose now
  7. And baka got a weird case why is he around
  8. Certified lover boy certified pedophile
  9. WOP!
  10. WOP!
  11. WOP!
  12. WOP!
  13. WOP!
  14. Dot fuck em up
  15. WOP!
  16. WOP!
  17. WOP!
  18. WOP!
  19. WOP!
  20. Ima do my stuff Why you trolling like a bish ain't u tired? Tryna strike a chord and it's prolly a minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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