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- substitutions:
- device_name: viessmann
- device_description: "Viessmann Optolink"
- update_interval_global: 60s
- update_interval_short: 15s
- update_interval_long: 600s
- esphome:
- name: '${device_name}'
- friendly_name: Viessmann
- platform: ESP32
- board: esp32dev
- # Enable logging
- logger:
- hardware_uart: UART0
- baud_rate: 0
- level: debug
- # Enable Home Assistant API
- api:
- ota:
- wifi:
- ssid: "***"
- password: "***"
- manual_ip:
- static_ip:
- gateway:
- subnet:
- # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
- ap:
- ssid: "Viessmann Fallback Hotspot"
- password: "***"
- captive_portal:
- external_components:
- - source: github://pr#4453
- components: [ optolink ]
- optolink:
- protocol: KW
- # device_info: Device Info
- # state: Component state
- rx_pin: 16
- tx_pin: 17
- button:
- - platform: restart
- name: "Restart"
- text_sensor:
- - platform: version
- hide_timestamp: true
- name: "ESPHome Version"
- - platform: wifi_info
- ip_address:
- name: "IP Address"
- icon: mdi:wifi
- ssid:
- name: "Connected SSID"
- icon: mdi:wifi-strength-2
- - platform: optolink
- name: Device Info
- update_interval: 969s
- - platform: optolink
- type: STATE_INFO
- name: Component state
- update_interval: 459s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Current Operating Mode A1
- address: 0x2500
- bytes: 2
- update_interval: 128s
- type: MAP
- filters:
- - map:
- - "2 -> off" # when in standby or dhw modes
- - "258 -> reduced" # when in reduced (night) or forcedReduced modes or in Eco preset
- - "514 -> comfort" # when in day heating or in Comfort preset
- - "770 -> normal" # when in forcedNormal type
- - platform: optolink
- name: Current Operating Mode M2
- address: 0x3500
- bytes: 2
- update_interval: 130s
- type: MAP
- filters:
- - map:
- - "2 -> off"
- - "258 -> reduced"
- - "514 -> comfort"
- - "770 -> normal"
- # errors : 0:7507, 1:7510, 2:7519, 3:7522, 4:752B, 5:7534, 6:753D, 7:7546, 8:754F, 9:7558
- - platform: optolink
- name: Error code 1
- address: 0x7507
- bytes: 1
- update_interval: 591s
- icon: mdi:note-text-outline
- type: MAP
- filters:
- - map:
- - "0 -> regular operation"
- - "15 -> 0 F : Przeprowadzić konserwację. Po konserwacji ustawić kodowanie 24:0"
- - "16 -> 1 0 : Zwarcie czujnika temperatury zewnętrznej"
- - "231 -> E 7 : Usterka palnika"
- - "232 -> E 8 : Usterka palnika"
- - "238 -> E E : Blokada palnika"
- - platform: optolink
- name: Error code 2
- address: 0x7510
- bytes: 1
- update_interval: 589s
- icon: mdi:note-text-outline
- type: MAP
- filters:
- - map:
- - "0 -> regular operation"
- - "15 -> 0 F : Przeprowadzić konserwację. Po konserwacji ustawić kodowanie 24:0"
- - "16 -> 1 0 : Zwarcie czujnika temperatury zewnętrznej"
- - "231 -> E 7 : Usterka palnika"
- - "232 -> E 8 : Usterka palnika"
- - "238 -> E E : Blokada palnika"
- # - platform: optolink
- # name: Error code 3
- # address: 0x7519
- # bytes: 1
- # update_interval: 587s
- # icon: mdi:note-text-outline
- # filters:
- # - map:
- # - "0 -> regular operation"
- # - "15 -> 0 F : Przeprowadzić konserwację. Po konserwacji ustawić kodowanie 24:0"
- # - "16 -> 1 0 : Zwarcie czujnika temperatury zewnętrznej"
- # - "231 -> E 7 : Usterka palnika"
- # - "232 -> E 8 : Usterka palnika"
- # - "238 -> E E : Blokada palnika"
- binary_sensor:
- - platform: optolink
- name: Burner
- address: 0x55D3
- update_interval: 52s
- device_class: heat
- - platform: optolink
- name: DHW Charging
- address: 0x650A
- update_interval: 50s
- device_class: heat
- # - platform: optolink
- # name: Storage Charging Pump
- # address: 0x6513
- # update_interval: 52s
- # device_class: power
- - platform: optolink
- name: Circulation Pump
- address: 0x6515
- update_interval: 54s
- device_class: power
- - platform: optolink
- name: Heating circuit pump A1M1
- address: 0x2906
- update_interval: 56s
- device_class: power
- - platform: optolink
- name: Heating circuit pump M2
- address: 0x3906
- update_interval: 64s
- device_class: power
- - platform: optolink
- name: Frost protection
- address: 0x27A4
- update_interval: 593s
- device_class: cold
- number:
- # - platform: optolink
- # name: Time limit party and operating mode switching
- # address: 0x27F2
- # bytes: 1
- # min_value: 0
- # max_value: 100
- # step: 1
- # type: box
- # update_interval: 595s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Room Temperature Setpoint
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- address: 0x2306
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 18
- max_value: 27
- step: 1
- icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 315s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Reduced Room Temperature Setpoint
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- address: 0x2307
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 10
- max_value: 20
- step: 1
- icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 597s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Party Temperature Setpoint
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- address: 0x2308
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 18
- max_value: 27
- step: 1
- icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 599s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Floor Temperature Setpoint
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- address: 0x3306
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 18
- max_value: 27
- step: 1
- icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 280s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Reduced Floor Temperature Setpoint
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- address: 0x3307
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 10
- max_value: 20
- step: 1
- icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 591s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Party Floor Temperature Setpoint
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- address: 0x3308
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 18
- max_value: 27
- step: 1
- icon: "mdi:home-thermometer"
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 593s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Heating curve level
- address: 0x27D4
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 0
- max_value: 10
- step: 1
- mode: box
- update_interval: 601s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Heating curve slope
- address: 0x27D3
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 0
- max_value: 3
- step: 0.1
- mode: box
- div_ratio: 10
- update_interval: 603s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Floor Heating curve level
- address: 0x37D4
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 0
- max_value: 10
- step: 1
- mode: box
- update_interval: ${update_interval_long}
- - platform: optolink
- name: Floor Heating curve slope
- address: 0x37D3
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 0
- max_value: 3
- step: 0.1
- mode: box
- div_ratio: 10
- update_interval: 607s
- - platform: optolink
- name: DHW Temperature Setpoint
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- address: 0x6300
- bytes: 1
- min_value: 30
- max_value: 60
- step: 1
- icon: "mdi:water-boiler"
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 605s
- sensor:
- - platform: wifi_signal
- name: "WiFi Signal"
- id: '${device_name}_wifi_signal'
- update_interval: ${update_interval_global}
- - platform: optolink
- type: QUEUE_SIZE
- name: Optolink Queue Size
- icon: mdi:queue-first-in-last-out
- entity_category: diagnostic
- update_interval: 5s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Target flow temperature A1M1
- address: 0x2544
- bytes: 2
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- device_class: temperature
- div_ratio: 10
- accuracy_decimals: 1
- update_interval: 330s
- state_class: measurement
- force_update: true
- - platform: optolink
- name: Target flow temperature M2
- address: 0x3544
- bytes: 2
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- device_class: temperature
- div_ratio: 10
- accuracy_decimals: 1
- update_interval: 332s
- state_class: measurement
- force_update: true
- # - platform: optolink
- # name: Return temperature
- # address: 0x0816
- # bytes: 2
- # div_ratio: 1
- # filters:
- # multiply: 0.1
- # accuracy_decimals: 1
- # unit_of_measurement: °C
- # device_class: temperature
- # update_interval: 62s
- # state_class: measurement
- # force_update: true
- - platform: optolink
- name: Flow temperature M2
- address: 0x3900
- bytes: 2
- div_ratio: 1
- filters:
- multiply: 0.1
- accuracy_decimals: 1
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 48s
- state_class: measurement
- force_update: true
- # - platform: optolink
- # name: Exhaust temperature
- # address: 0x0808
- # bytes: 2
- # div_ratio: 1
- # filters:
- # multiply: 0.1
- # accuracy_decimals: 1
- # unit_of_measurement: °C
- # device_class: temperature
- # update_interval: 68s
- # state_class: measurement
- # force_update: true
- - platform: optolink
- name: Storage temperature
- address: 0x0812
- bytes: 2
- div_ratio: 1
- filters:
- multiply: 0.1
- accuracy_decimals: 1
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 175s
- state_class: measurement
- force_update: true
- - platform: optolink
- name: Outside Temperature
- address: 0x0800
- #address: 0x5527
- bytes: 2
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- device_class: temperature
- div_ratio: 10
- accuracy_decimals: 1
- update_interval: 611s
- state_class: measurement
- force_update: true
- - platform: optolink
- name: Boiler Temperature
- address: 0x0802
- bytes: 2
- div_ratio: 10
- accuracy_decimals: 1
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- device_class: temperature
- update_interval: 28s
- state_class: measurement
- force_update: true
- - platform: optolink
- name: Room temperature
- address: 0x0896
- bytes: 2
- div_ratio: 1
- unit_of_measurement: °C
- device_class: temperature
- accuracy_decimals: 1
- filters:
- multiply: 0.1
- update_interval: 607s
- state_class: measurement
- force_update: true
- - platform: optolink
- name: Operating Hours
- address: 0x08A7
- bytes: 4
- device_class: duration
- unit_of_measurement: h
- state_class: total_increasing
- icon: mdi:counter
- update_interval: 909s
- filters:
- - lambda: return x / 3600;
- accuracy_decimals: 1
- force_update: true
- - platform: optolink
- name: Burner Starts
- address: 0x088A
- bytes: 4
- update_interval: 911s
- state_class: total_increasing
- icon: mdi:counter
- force_update: true
- - platform: optolink
- name: Burner Performance
- address: 0xA38F
- bytes: 1
- filters:
- multiply: 0.5
- update_interval: ${update_interval_short}
- unit_of_measurement: "%"
- state_class: measurement
- icon: mdi:percent
- force_update: true
- select:
- - platform: optolink
- name: Operation mode
- address: 0x2323
- bytes: 1
- map:
- - "0 -> standby"
- - "1 -> dhw"
- - "2 -> dhwAndHeating"
- - "3 -> forcedReduced"
- - "4 -> forcedNormal"
- update_interval: 68s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Operation mode M2
- address: 0x3323
- bytes: 1
- map:
- - "0 -> standby"
- - "1 -> dhw"
- - "2 -> dhwAndHeating"
- - "3 -> forcedReduced"
- - "4 -> forcedNormal"
- update_interval: 123s
- - platform: template
- name: "Preset"
- id: preset
- update_interval: 10s
- options:
- - "off"
- - "eco"
- - "comfort"
- set_action:
- - lambda: |-
- if (x == "off") {
- id(economy_mode).turn_off();
- id(party_mode).turn_off();
- } else if (x == "eco"){
- id(economy_mode).turn_on();
- id(party_mode).turn_off();
- } else if (x == "comfort"){
- id(economy_mode).turn_off();
- id(party_mode).turn_on();
- }
- lambda: !lambda |-
- if (not(id(economy_mode).state) and not(id(party_mode).state)) {
- return (std::string) "off";
- } else if (id(economy_mode).state) {
- return (std::string) "eco";
- } else if (id(party_mode).state) {
- return (std::string) "comfort";
- } else {
- return (std::string) "off";
- }
- - platform: template
- name: "Preset M2"
- id: preset_m2
- update_interval: 10s
- options:
- - "off"
- - "eco"
- - "comfort"
- set_action:
- - lambda: |-
- if (x == "off") {
- id(economy_mode_m2).turn_off();
- id(party_mode_m2).turn_off();
- } else if (x == "eco"){
- id(economy_mode_m2).turn_on();
- id(party_mode_m2).turn_off();
- } else if (x == "comfort"){
- id(economy_mode_m2).turn_off();
- id(party_mode_m2).turn_on();
- }
- lambda: !lambda |-
- if (not(id(economy_mode_m2).state) and not(id(party_mode_m2).state)) {
- return (std::string) "off";
- } else if (id(economy_mode_m2).state) {
- return (std::string) "eco";
- } else if (id(party_mode_m2).state) {
- return (std::string) "comfort";
- } else {
- return (std::string) "off";
- }
- switch:
- - platform: optolink
- name: Economy mode
- id: economy_mode
- address: 0x2302
- icon: mdi:sprout-outline
- update_interval: 123s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Party mode
- id: party_mode
- address: 0x2303
- icon: mdi:glass-cocktail
- update_interval: 72s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Economy mode M2
- id: economy_mode_m2
- address: 0x3302
- icon: mdi:sprout-outline
- update_interval: 303s
- - platform: optolink
- name: Party mode M2
- id: party_mode_m2
- address: 0x3303
- icon: mdi:glass-cocktail
- update_interval: 307s
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