
The Steps

Dec 15th, 2021
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  1. Humans and all have a tendency to skip steps. We step on each and skip steps. Whenever there is a step missed. This means everyone will skip this step. Then it become a perfect skip step. You step well you lose. Your step is so great that other’s may skip the other steps. Please be aware for every step matter’s. You’re step my step all steps.
  3. Here is a example. You have went along your way’s then a random person tried to steal a thing and that is bravery. You have no defense skill for it cause they broken your shield of hearing things out and them hearing things out. Then this step of 1000 steps already missed and there for outbreak of monsters and writing anger approach from the judgment blind of steps skipped through all understanding.
  5. Well we have no freedom not with steps missing. Cause then no full explanation and written things out all the way will not teach reason of perfection and mean comments are also step’s missed. You see in the child also have billion’s of steps missed. You see also in many adults will listen to step’s missed cause of authority. Reason missed steps and then everyone is a child of reason to step’s missed. What does this mean for me well I could say that no matter what you missed step’s and started it with others doing the same step’s like any rules and such with such. Words reasons and more step’s missed.
  7. Please be recommended as to not do this and a list with all the contacts info and reason to life. The definition of skills is many to a experience of how the steps are missed. Now that is only a foundation to strong belief of behavior but keeping your emotions in control as people actually have not succeed that and that is what happens in nature’s habit. Like it happens which also means other steps and more stuff are missed without equal rules and reasoning for these consequences of why did we just do this to a person who had abducted no ideas only a what if. Then also blank adaptations with the you understanding missed steps more than any other steps that are clearly better for making understanding as to clarify a yes or no into it with breakdowns of reason and clear input to a conversation of such and such cause time is not logical enough to be successful by itself. You need to take a moment and think before you faster your mind losing its balance as a do over.
  9. Please be happy with yourself and most importantly stay safe with neat, right and fast. Also make sure the agreement of existences are clarified of seeing more than just your seeing. Watch and don’t trust anyone cause you never know what step’s are being missed and even yourself. Just like Zero for example for him being stuck in a hard place and people missed there step’s cause they got random step’s over reaching steps that are way important and none of your business. Keep it to a love and caring reason of existence with many verbs and nouns with straight forward context. The belief is nothing more than a illusion to step’s skipping. Be you with your steps and make sure you can breakdown and make the sentence be correct with reason and love with care.
  11. I hope the infinite possibilities will be with you as step’s perfectly take place of balanced reason of steps. Make sure you stay your steps of everything step’s with love and warmth as a side to comfort any. Reason of this is also reason to help anyone as they care, but beware you have always been missing step’s and have not done it correctly. That as well for reason why you have multiple people but so far it is not enough do you know why. Well take yourself to learn complex sentence structure and make a sweet home to create switch and do a whole bunch of things with it all. Your mind has a capability to not miss step’s why should your information of beyond doing not do so as well. Be happy!
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