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- /* Using vtd-xml ( ) to parse a huge XML containing all my tweets.
- I had collected all my tweets in a word document, supplying it from time to time with new slices
- that I had copied manually from the twitter app "All My Tweets".
- Unfortunately, the links got partially lost during this copy process. Also, the word document grew to an enormous
- size of 2.97 MB / 717 pages of tweets.
- So I had the desire to extract all the links and data into a pure text format.
- Second step will be the consolidation of the links: Since the twitter status links for the single message still work,
- I am planning to check and get the correct links with the 'curl' tool, and correct the texts if necessary. Also, the
- current status of the link will be marked (available / n.a.)
- Saving the word document as an XML file, gave me an XML doc of 44 MB. So I was looking for the best parser to handle
- an XML document of such an amount.
- I found vtd-xml - a very satisfactory tool. In this first class, I use a combination of both methods:
- - Selecting nodes with XPath expressions - very comfortable :-)
- - Using DOM navigation commands FIRST_CHILD / NEXT_SIBLING to access the desired elements.
- I find this parser very recommendable, particularly for scanning huge XML files. The performance is very good.
- Future enhancement could be:
- A utility class expecting one or more XPath expressions and the data to be looked at,
- so no new build would be necessary for each new XPath expression.
- If output is in a common format - like JSON, such a tool could be used in a command chain as well.
- */
- import com.ximpleware.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import static com.ximpleware.VTDNav.*;
- public class ParseTweets {
- private static VTDGen vg = new VTDGen();
- private static VTDNav vn;
- private static Hashtable<String,String> links = new Hashtable<String,String>();
- public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException, NavException, XPathParseException, XPathEvalException{
- AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot();
- ap.declareXPathNameSpace("pkg","");
- ap.declareXPathNameSpace("w","");
- ap.declareXPathNameSpace("r","");
- ap.declareXPathNameSpace("a","");
- if (vg.parseFile("C:\\Temp\\tweets.xml",true)){
- vn = vg.getNav();
- ap.bind(vn);
- ap.selectXPath("/pkg:package/pkg:part[@pkg:name='/word/_rels/document.xml.rels']/pkg:xmlData/Relationships/Relationship");
- while(ap.evalXPath()!=-1){
- int iId = vn.getAttrVal("Id"),
- iTarget = vn.getAttrVal("Target");
- links.put(vn.toString(iId),vn.toString(iTarget));
- }
- ap.selectXPath("/pkg:package/pkg:part[@pkg:name='/word/document.xml']/pkg:xmlData/w:document/w:body//w:p");
- while(ap.evalXPath()!=-1){
- vn.push();
- System.out.println( getSingleTweet( ) );
- vn.pop();
- }
- }
- }
- private static String getSingleTweet( ) throws NavException {
- StringBuilder tweet = new StringBuilder("");
- if (vn.toElement(FIRST_CHILD)) {
- do {
- if (vn.matchElement("w:r")) {
- vn.push();
- if (vn.toElement(FIRST_CHILD)) do {
- if (vn.matchElement("w:t")) {
- int k = vn.getText( );
- tweet.append( vn.toString( k ) );
- }
- else if (vn.matchElement("w:drawing")) {
- vn.push();
- if (vn.toElement(FIRST_CHILD,"wp:inline") &&
- vn.toElement(FIRST_CHILD,"wp:extent") &&
- vn.toElement(NEXT_SIBLING,"wp:effectExtent") &&
- vn.toElement(NEXT_SIBLING,"wp:docPr") &&
- vn.toElement(FIRST_CHILD,"a:hlinkClick")) {
- int l = vn.getAttrVal("r:id");
- tweet.append( '\n' );
- tweet.append( links.get( vn.toString(l) ) );
- }
- vn.pop();
- }
- } while (vn.toElement(NEXT_SIBLING));
- vn.pop();
- }
- else if (vn.matchElement("w:hyperlink")) {
- int iId = vn.getAttrVal("r:id");
- if (iId > -1) {
- tweet.append(" ");
- tweet.append( links.get( vn.toString( iId ) ) );
- tweet.append(" ");
- }
- }
- } while (vn.toElement(NEXT_SIBLING));
- }
- return tweet.toString();
- }
- }
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