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- #Tuto for the community by M2F0
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- #M2F0 03/12/2015
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- ############ Docker Preparation
- 0. Zero step, ;-), let's install 'apt-transport-https', 'cause by default apt doesn't know how to work with https connections types. To install simple type: 'apt-get install apt-transport-https -y'.
- 1.Now we need to open the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list file to make some changes. If the file doesn't exists, pls create it.
- 2. So, include this line: "deb debian-jessie main" in the file. THis line will make the docker repository appoint to the correct location of the docker files.
- 3.To install docker on Debian Jessie is add the docker repository, so we need to add the line above:
- apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
- 4. Let's update the apt cache with the apt-get update -y.
- 5. Let's check if the docker repositoy is ready. To do that simple type the line: apt-cache policy docker-engine
- This line will ask to the apt-cache about the docker-engine policys.
- ########### Docker Installation
- 1. In Debian, docker is call docker engine, so let's install docker:
- apt-get install docker-engine
- ########### Docker Start
- 1. Once open a time, just for fun! Docker is installed. So let's start docker:
- service docker start
- and now let's start our first docker containner:
- docker run hello-world
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