

Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. local rekt = Instance.new('ColorCorrectionEffect', game.Lighting)
  2. rekt.TintColor = Color3.new(155, 1, 0)
  3. rekt.Brightness = 0.2
  4. rekt.Contrast = 1
  5. rekt.Saturation = 1
  6. local topkek = Instance.new('BlurEffect', game.Lighting)
  7. topkek.Size = 3
  8. local bloom = Instance.new('BloomEffect', game.Lighting)
  9. bloom.Intensity = 0.4
  10. bloom.Size = 56
  11. bloom.Threshold = 1
  13. for i,v in next,workspace:children''do
  14. if(v:IsA'BasePart')then
  15. me=v;
  16. bbg=Instance.new('BillboardGui',me);
  17. bbg.Name='stuf';
  18. bbg.Adornee=me;
  19. bbg.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0)
  20. tlb=Instance.new'TextLabel';
  21. tlb.Text='666 666 666 666 666 666';
  22. tlb.Font='SourceSansBold';
  23. tlb.FontSize='Size48';
  24. tlb.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,0,0);
  25. tlb.Size=UDim2.new(1.25,0,1.25,0);
  26. tlb.Position=UDim2.new(-0.125,-22,-1.1,0);
  27. tlb.BackgroundTransparency=1;
  28. tlb.Parent=bbg;
  29. end;end;
  30. s=Instance.new'Sound';
  31. s.Parent=workspace;
  32. s.SoundId='rbxassetid://152840862';
  33. s.Pitch=1;
  34. s.Volume=1;
  35. s.Looped=true;
  36. s:play();
  37. --end;end)();
  38. function xds(dd)
  39. for i,v in next,dd:children''do
  40. if(v:IsA'BasePart')then
  41. v.BrickColor=BrickColor.new'Really black';
  42. v.TopSurface='Smooth';
  43. v.BottomSurface='Smooth';
  44. a=Instance.new('PointLight',v);
  45. a.Color=Color3.new(1,0,0);
  46. a.Range=15;
  47. a.Brightness=5;
  48. f=Instance.new('Fire',v);
  49. f.Size=19;
  50. f.Heat=22;
  51. end;
  52. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay=0;
  53. game.Lighting.Brightness=0;
  54. game.Lighting.ShadowColor=Color3.new(0,0,0);
  55. game.Lighting.Ambient=Color3.new(1,0,0);
  56. game.Lighting.FogEnd=200;
  57. game.Lighting.FogColor=Color3.new(0,0,0);
  58. local dec = 'http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=19399245';
  59. local fac = {'Front', 'Back', 'Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom'}
  60. if #(v:GetChildren())>0 then
  61. xds(v)
  62. end
  63. end
  64. end
  65. xds(game.Workspace)
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