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- # -*- tab-width: 4 -*- ;; Emacs
- # vi: set filetype=sh tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 noexpandtab :: Vi/ViM
- ############################################################ IDENT(1)
- #
- # $Title: dwatch(8) gource module for dtrace_proc(4) activity $
- # $Copyright: 2014-2018 Devin Teske. All rights reserved. $
- # $FrauBSD$
- #
- ############################################################ DESCRIPTION
- #
- # Produce gource custom log format for process activity
- #
- # NB: Requires FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT or newer
- # NB: spawns single instance of ps(1), date(1), and getent(1) at start
- # NB: getent(1) invocation is "getent passwd" for mapping uid to username
- #
- ############################################################ PROBE
- : ${PROBE:=proc:::create,proc:::exec-success,proc:::signal-send}
- ############################################################ GLOBALS
- : ${LOGFILE:=}
- _EVENT_FMT="%u %s %s"
- _EVENT_ARGS="walltimestamp / 1000000000, probealias[probename], this->details"
- ############################################################ MAIN
- load_profile proc
- [ "$LOGFILE$DEBUG$EXIT_AFTER_COMPILE" ] || info "Watching '$PROBE' ..."
- [ "$LOGFILE" ] && info "Reading from '$LOGFILE' ..."
- {
- data=$( echo $$; ps axd -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,ucomm )
- echo "$data" | awk -v debug="$_DEBUG" '
- ################################################## BEGIN
- delete gid
- delete ucomm
- delete uid
- getline __ppid
- getline hdr
- (cmd = "date +\"%s: %Y %b %e %T\"") | getline epoch_dt
- close(cmd)
- epoch = dt = epoch_dt
- sub(/: .*/, "", epoch)
- sub(/.*: /, "", dt)
- }
- ################################################## FUNCTIONS
- function dwatch(event, _uid, _gid, _ucomm, _pid) {
- printf "%s %u.%u %s[%u]: %u " event "\n",
- dt, _uid, _gid, _ucomm, _pid, epoch
- fflush(stdout)
- }
- ################################################## MAIN
- (pid = $1)(ppid = $2)(uid[pid] = $3)(gid[pid] = $4)(ucomm[pid] = $NF) {
- if (pid) dwatch("FORK pid " pid,
- uid[ppid], gid[ppid], ucomm[ppid], ppid)
- dwatch("INIT", uid[pid], gid[pid], ucomm[pid], pid)
- if (ppid == __ppid && ucomm[pid] == "sh") _ppid=pid
- if (ppid == _ppid && ucomm[pid] == "ps") dwatch("EXIT",
- uid[pid], gid[pid], ucomm[pid], pid)
- }
- ################################################## END
- END {
- if (!debug) exit
- print "DEBUG: END OF PS" > "/dev/stderr"
- fflush(stderr)
- }
- if [ "$LOGFILE" ]; then
- cat "$LOGFILE"
- else
- eval dwatch $ARGV -q -E \"\$EVENT_DETAILS\" -X proc
- fi
- } | awk -v debug="$_DEBUG" '
- ################################################## BEGIN
- delete adder
- delete addbuf
- delete delbuf
- delete name
- delete parent
- delete prefix_cache
- delete proc
- delete remake
- delete sortedbuf
- date = "[[:digit:]]+ [A-Z][a-z][a-z] [0-9 ][0-9]"
- time = "[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]"
- while ((cmd = "getent passwd") | getline pwinfo) {
- if (split(pwinfo, pwf, /:/) < 3) continue
- if (name[pwf[3]]) continue
- name[pwf[3]] = pwf[1]
- }
- close(cmd)
- delete pwf
- pwinfo = cmd = ""
- }
- ################################################## FUNCTIONS
- function dprint(text) {
- if (!debug) return
- print "DEBUG: " text > "/dev/stderr"
- fflush(stderr)
- }
- function dprint1(fmt, arg1) { dprint(sprintf(fmt, arg1)) }
- function dprint2(fmt, arg1, arg2) { dprint(sprintf(fmt, arg1, arg2)) }
- function dprint3(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
- dprint(sprintf(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3))
- }
- function dprint4(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
- dprint(sprintf(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4))
- }
- function _asorti(src, dest)
- {
- k = nitems = 0
- for (i in src) dest[++nitems] = i
- for (i = 1; i <= nitems; k = i++) {
- idx = dest[i]
- while ((k > 0) && (dest[k] > idx)) {
- dest[k+1] = dest[k]; k--
- }
- dest[k+1] = idx
- }
- return nitems
- }
- function gourcestr(epoch, user, type, pid, prefix, path) {
- dprint4("gourcestr: user=%s type=%s pid=%s prefix=%s",
- user, type, pid, prefix)
- if (!(pid in proc)) return
- if (!prefix) prefix = pid2prefix(pid)
- if (!(path = prefix proc[pid])) return
- sub("/*$", "", path)
- return sprintf("%u|%s|%s|%s", epoch, user, type, path)
- }
- function addstr(user, pid) {
- return gourcestr(epoch, adder[pid] = user, "A", pid)
- }
- function modstr(user, pid) { return gourcestr(epoch, user, "M", pid) }
- function delstr(user, pid, prefix) {
- if (pid in adder && adder[pid] != "") user = adder[pid]
- return gourcestr(epoch, user, "D", pid, prefix)
- }
- function putstr(str) {
- if (!str) return
- print str
- fflush(stdout)
- dprint(str)
- }
- function add(user, pid) { putstr(addstr(user, pid)) }
- function mod(user, pid) { putstr(modstr(user, pid)) }
- function del(user, pid, thisproc, n, p, i, _buf) {
- dprint1("deleting pid %u", pid)
- delete addbuf
- delete delbuf
- delete remake
- _buf = delstr(user, pid)
- dprint1("removal buffered as %s", _buf)
- delbuf[_buf] = 1
- thisproc = pid in proc ? proc[pid] : ""
- for (p in proc) {
- if (p in remake || p == pid || parent[p] != thisproc)
- continue
- orphan(user, p)
- }
- n = _asorti(delbuf, sortedbuf)
- for (i = n; i >= 1; i--) putstr(sortedbuf[i])
- delete proc[pid]
- for (p in remake) {
- dprint1("remaking pid %u", p)
- delete prefix_cache[p]
- _buf = addstr(user, p)
- dprint1("addition buffered as %s", _buf)
- addbuf[_buf] = 1
- }
- delete prefix_cache[pid]
- delete parent[pid]
- n = _asorti(addbuf, sortedbuf)
- for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) putstr(sortedbuf[i])
- }
- function orphan(user, pid, prefix, len, p, _prefix, _buf) {
- dprint1("orphan pid %u", pid)
- remake[pid] = 1
- if ((prefix = pid2prefix(pid)) == "") {
- parent[pid] = proc[1]
- prefix_cache[pid] = prefix_cache[1] proc[1] "/"
- return
- }
- _buf = delstr(user, pid, prefix)
- dprint1("removal buffered as %s", _buf)
- delbuf[_buf] = 1
- len = length(prefix)
- dprint1("begin check for children of orphan pid %u", pid)
- for (p in proc) {
- if (!p || p == pid) continue
- if ((_prefix = pid2prefix(p)) == "") continue
- if (substr(_prefix, 1, len) != prefix) continue
- dprint1("removing old path for %s", proc[p])
- _buf = delstr(user, p, _prefix)
- dprint1("removal buffered as %s", _buf)
- delbuf[_buf] = 1
- remake[p] = 1
- }
- parent[pid] = proc[1]
- prefix_cache[pid] = prefix_cache[1] proc[1] "/"
- dprint1("done checking for children of orphan pid %u", pid)
- return
- }
- function exec(user, pid, newproc) {
- if (!(pid in proc)) return
- if (proc[pid] == newproc) {
- mod(user, pid)
- return
- }
- putstr(delstr(user, pid))
- proc[pid] = newproc
- add(user, pid)
- }
- function pid2prefix(pid, prefix, thisproc, ppid, _pid_arg) {
- if (pid == 0) return ""
- if (!(pid in proc)) return ""
- thisproc = proc[pid]
- dprint1("constructing prefix for %s", thisproc)
- if (pid in prefix_cache && prefix = prefix_cache[pid]) {
- dprint2("%s cached prefix is %s", thisproc, prefix)
- return prefix
- }
- _pid_arg = pid
- while (pid && pid in parent && thisproc = parent[pid]) {
- if (pid == 0) break
- ppid = thisproc
- sub(/.*\[/, "", ppid)
- sub(/\].*/, "", ppid)
- dprint3(" pid=[%u] ppid=[%u] prefix=[%s]",
- pid, ppid, prefix)
- if (pid in prefix_cache) {
- prefix = prefix_cache[pid] prefix
- dprint2(" pid %u partially cached, prefix %s",
- _pid_arg, prefix)
- break
- }
- prefix = thisproc "/" prefix
- dprint3(" pid=[%u] ppid=[%u] prefix=[%s]",
- pid, ppid, prefix)
- if (!pid || !ppid) {
- dprint(" breaking")
- break
- }
- pid = ppid
- }
- prefix_cache[_pid_arg] = prefix
- dprint2("%s prefix cached as %s", proc[_pid_arg], prefix)
- return prefix
- }
- ################################################## MAIN
- length(datetime = substr($0, 1, 20)) != 20 { next }
- datetime !~ "^" date " " time "$" { next }
- debug { dprint($0) }
- (epoch = $7) ~ /^[[:digit:]]+/ {
- uid_gid = uid = gid = $5
- sub(/\..*/, "", uid)
- sub(/.*\./, "", gid)
- user = sprintf("%s[%u]", name[uid], uid)
- curproc = $6
- sub(/:$/, "", curproc)
- pid = curproc
- sub(/.*\[/, "", pid)
- sub(/\]$/, "", pid)
- }
- $8 == "FORK" && childpid = $10 {
- parent[childpid] = proc[childpid] = curproc
- delete prefix_cache[pid]
- sub(/\[[[:digit:]]+\]$/, "[" childpid "]", proc[childpid])
- add(user, childpid)
- }
- $8 == "INIT" { exec(user, pid, curproc) }
- $8 == "SEND" && (signal = $9) !~ /SIGCHLD/ {
- source = pid
- target = $11
- if (source in proc) {
- dprint2("%s sent signal to %s", proc[source],
- target in proc ? proc[target] : "pid " target)
- mod(user, sender)
- }
- if (target in proc) {
- dprint2("%s received signal from %s", proc[target],
- sender in proc ? proc[sender] : "pid " sender)
- mod(user, target)
- }
- }
- $8 == "EXIT" { del(user, pid) }
- ################################################## END
- exit
- ################################################################################
- # END
- ################################################################################
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