
Invective against Frogs

Apr 11th, 2015
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  1. Picture the most disgusting, revolting, indescribably vile being you can think of and multiply that tenfold and you will picture a frog or a toad. These two bile resembling creatures range from many disgusting sizes from the 6 pound can toad to the less than a nail sized gold frog. But these creatures are not only disgusting because of their size but the also emit a vile croke that sends a dastardly bone chilling chill down your spine. Their crokes not only send that disgusting feeling threw you but it also the most annoying noise you could ever hear especially when you are trying to sleep. These two creatures also have these revolting gigantic bulging eyes that have these disgusting thing for pupils. there pupils seem to resemble something that the devil himself would have something straight from the deepest darkest parts of hell. These creatures put as simply as possible are a disease upon this planet an abominable plague that even the black plague looks like a simple meaningless common cold compared to. The way these creatures also move is also disgusting i mean think about it they have disproportionate legs their hind legs being ridiculously big compared to the forelegs so that they can move by jumping and not jumping like a cute harmless kangaroo or a soft cuddly bunny or rabbit but they jump in a sloppy discombobulated gross sounding looking and feeling way. These creatures also range from a vast variety of textures from smooth slimy feel to a bumpy warty feel and now people have discovered a new species of frog that can change its texture yes its texture. This little bain off my existence can go from smooth to bumpy now do you quite comprehend how disgusting and revolting such a creature has to be to be capable of such a demonic shape shifting ability. Its very thought its very existence should make you want to throw up in pure aggravating disgust.
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