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- 'URL of internet radio source
- 'strURL = ""
- strURL = ""
- 'strURL = ""
- 'URL of offline audio file
- strMP3 = "C:\Windows\Media\Alarm02.wav"
- 'Time in Mins
- intWait = 59
- 'WLAN Profile Name
- strWLANProf = "MySSID"
- 'Volume to run at (%)
- intVolMax = 90
- set objShell = createobject("")
- set objFSO = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
- strSkip = objfso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) & "\SkipNext"
- if objFSO.fileexists(strSkip) then
- objfso.deletefile strSkip, true
- wscript.quit
- end if
- 'Set system volume to 0, but unmuted
- "nircmd setsysvolume 0"
- "nircmd mutesysvolume 0"
- 'intStopMinute = minute(now) + intWait
- 'if intStopMinute >= 60 then intStopMinute = intStopMinute - 60
- datStopTime = DateAdd("n",intWait,now())
- 'Reset WLAN (try to fix that annoying issue)
- ' "cmd.exe /C " & chr(34) & "netsh wlan disconnect" & chr(34),0,true
- 'wscript.sleep 2000
- ' "cmd.exe /C " & chr(34) & "netsh wlan connect " & strWLANProf & chr(34),0,true
- 'wscript.sleep 60000
- 'Find out if we're online
- boolOnline = Ping("")
- 'boolonline = false
- 'Online = internet radio, offline = mp3
- if boolOnline = true then
- 'Create an instance of IE (because it's VB-able), open the internet radio URL
- Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
- objIE.navigate strURL
- objIE.visible = 1
- 'Wait a while to give it time to load the stream. Reload it because it glitches out occasionally.
- 'Do
- 'Loop Until objIE.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
- wscript.sleep 5000
- objIE.Refresh
- 'Do
- 'Loop Until objIE.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
- wscript.sleep 15000
- 'Gradually increase volume to the limit
- intPercent = 0
- do while not intPercent = intVolMax
- intPercent = intPercent + 1
- intVol = (65535 / 100) * intPercent
- "nircmd setsysvolume " & intVol
- wscript.sleep 150
- loop
- 'Wait for the length of the alarm
- 'intCount = intWait
- 'do while intCount > 0
- ' wscript.sleep 60000
- ' intCount = intCount - 1
- 'loop
- 'Wait 5 seconds. If we're at or after the stop time, stop.
- do
- wscript.sleep 5000
- loop while now() <= datStopTime
- 'Close IE
- on error resume next
- objIE.quit
- else
- 'Set volume to the maximum set
- intVol = (65535 / 100) * intVolMax
- "nircmd setsysvolume " & intVol
- 'Wait a minute
- 'wscript.sleep 60000
- 'Load media player
- Set objWMP = createobject("wmplayer.ocx.7")
- intStop = 0
- 'Keep playing the mp3, over and over again
- objWMP.url = strMP3
- do while intStop <> 1
- if objwmp.playstate = 1 then
- objWMP.url = strMP3
- elseif objwmp.playstate = 9 then
- intStop = objshell.popup("Stop?",1,"Alarm Clock",&H20 + &H2000)
- end if
- 'if minute(now) = intStopMinute then intStop = 1
- if now() >= datStopTime then intstop = 1
- loop
- end if
- 'Googled ping function
- Function Ping(strHost)
- Dim objSh, strCommand, intWindowStyle, blnWaitOnReturn
- blnWaitOnReturn = True
- intWindowStyle = 0
- strCommand = "%ComSpec% /C %SystemRoot%\system32\ping.exe -n 1 " _
- & strHost & " | " & "%SystemRoot%\system32\find.exe /i " _
- & Chr(34) & "TTL=" & Chr(34)
- Set objSh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- Ping = Not CBool(objSh.Run(strCommand, intWindowStyle, blnWaitOnReturn))
- Set objSh = Nothing
- End Function
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