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- --[[ Midday Commander Color Ver. 1.8 ]]--
- --[[ Created by Zer0Galaxy & Neo & Totoro ]]--
- --[[ (c) No rights reserved ]]--
- local unicode = require('unicode')
- local len=unicode.len
- local sub=unicode.sub
- local fs = require('filesystem')
- local term = require('term')
- local shell = require('shell')
- local event = require('event')
- local com = require('component')
- local gpu = com.gpu
- local keyboard = require('keyboard')
- local colors = {
- white = 0xFFFFFF,
- black = 0x000000,
- blue = 0x0060A0,
- green = 0x336600,
- orange= 0xffcc33,
- red = 0xee3b3b
- }
- local keys = keyboard.keys
- local Left,Rght,Active,Find
- local wScr, hScr = gpu.maxResolution()
- if wScr>80 then wScr,hScr=80,25 end
- local cmd, scr, Menu
- local NormalCl, PanelCl, DirCl, SelectCl, WindowCl, AlarmWinCl
- local xMenu,cmdstr,curpos,work=-1,'',0,true
- local Shift,Ctrl,Alt=256,512,1024
- local function SetColor(cl)
- gpu.setForeground(cl[1])
- gpu.setBackground(cl[2])
- end
- local function saveScreen()
- scr={cl={}}
- scr.W,scr.H = gpu.getResolution()
- scr.posX, scr.posY = term.getCursor()
- for i=1,scr.H do
- scr[i]={}
- local FC,BC
- for j=1,scr.W do
- local c,fc,bc=gpu.get(j,i)
- if fc==FC then fc=nil end
- if bc==BC then bc=nil end
- if fc or bc then
- table.insert(scr[i],{fc=fc,bc=bc,c=""})
- FC,BC=fc or FC, bc or BC
- end
- scr[i][#scr[i]].c=scr[i][#scr[i]].c .. c
- end
- end
- gpu.setResolution(wScr,hScr)
- end
- local function loadScreen()
- gpu.setResolution(scr.W,scr.H)
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- for i=1,scr.H do
- local curX=1
- for j=1,#scr[i] do
- if scr[i][j].fc then gpu.setForeground(scr[i][j].fc) end
- if scr[i][j].bc then gpu.setBackground(scr[i][j].bc) end
- gpu.set(curX,i,scr[i][j].c) curX=curX+len(scr[i][j].c)
- end
- end
- SetColor(
- term.setCursor(scr.posX,scr.posY)
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- end
- local function ShowCmd()
- SetColor(NormalCl)
- term.setCursor(1, hScr-1)
- term.clearLine()
- term.write(shell.getWorkingDirectory()..'> '..cmdstr)
- term.setCursor(term.getCursor()-curpos, hScr-1)
- end
- local panel ={wPan=math.ceil(wScr / 2)}
- function panel:ShowFirst()
- local p=self.Path..'/'
- if len(p)> self.wPan-6 then p='..'..sub(p,-self.wPan+7) end
- p=' '..p..' '
- gpu.set(self.X, 1,'┌'..string.rep('─',self.wPan-2)..'┐')
- term.setCursor(self.X+(self.wPan-len(p))/2,1)
- if self==Active then
- SetColor(SelectCl)
- term.write(p)
- SetColor(PanelCl)
- else
- term.write(p)
- end
- end
- function panel:ShowLine(Line)
- term.setCursor(self.X, Line-self.Shift+2)
- term.write('│')
- if self.tFiles[Line]~=nil then
- local Name=self.tFiles[Line]
- if self.tSize[Line]=='DIR' then Name='/'..Name SetColor(DirCl) end
- if len(Name)>self.wPan-4 then Name=sub(Name,1,self.wPan-6)..'..' end
- Name=' '..Name..string.rep(' ',self.wPan-len(Name)-4)..' '
- if self==Active and Line==self.CurLine then SetColor(SelectCl) end
- term.write(Name)
- else
- term.write(string.rep(' ',self.wPan-2))
- end
- SetColor(PanelCl)
- term.write('│')
- end
- function panel:ShowLines()
- for i=self.Shift, self.Shift+hScr-5 do self:ShowLine(i) end
- end
- function panel:ShowLast()
- gpu.set(self.X, hScr-2,'└'..string.rep('─',self.wPan-2)..'┘')
- gpu.set(self.X+2, hScr-2, self.tSize[self.CurLine])
- end
- function panel:Show()
- if self.CurLine>#self.tFiles then self.CurLine=#self.tFiles end
- SetColor(PanelCl)
- self:ShowFirst()
- self:ShowLines()
- self:ShowLast()
- end
- function panel:GetFiles()
- local Files={}
- for name in fs.list(self.Path) do
- table.insert(Files, name)
- end
- if self.Path=='' then
- self.tFiles={}
- self.tSize={}
- else
- self.tFiles={'..'}
- self.tSize={'DIR'}
- end
- for n,Item in pairs(Files) do
- if Item:sub(-1) == '/' then
- table.insert(self.tFiles,Item)
- table.insert(self.tSize,'DIR')
- end
- end
- for n,Item in pairs(Files) do
- if Item:sub(-1) ~= '/' then
- local sPath=fs.concat(self.Path,Item)
- table.insert(self.tFiles,Item)
- table.insert(self.tSize,fs.size(sPath).." b")
- end
- end
- self:Show()
- end
- function panel:SetPos(FileName)
- if fs.isDirectory(FileName) then FileName=FileName..'/' end
- self.Path,FileName=FileName:match('(.-)/?([^/]+/?)$')
- shell.setWorkingDirectory(self.Path)
- self.CurLine=1
- self.Shift=1
- self:GetFiles()
- for i=1,#self.tFiles do
- if self.tFiles[i]==FileName then
- self.CurLine=i
- break
- end
- end
- if Active.CurLine>hScr-4 then
- Active.Shift=Active.CurLine-hScr+6
- end
- end
- function panel:new(x,path)
- local obj={X = x, Path =path, tFiles={}, tSize={}, CurLine=1, Shift=1}
- return setmetatable(obj,{__index=panel})
- end
- local Fpanel ={wPan=wScr}
- setmetatable(Fpanel,{__index=panel})
- function Fpanel:new(x,path)
- local obj=panel:new(x,path)
- return setmetatable(obj,{__index=Fpanel})
- end
- local function FindFile(FileName,Path)
- local Result={}
- local SubDir={}
- for name in fs.list(Path) do
- if string.sub(name, -1) == '/' then
- table.insert(SubDir,
- name=name..".."
- end
- if string.match(name, FileName) then
- table.insert(Result,
- end
- end
- for i=1,#SubDir do
- local Files = FindFile(FileName,SubDir[i])
- for j=1,#Files do table.insert(Result,Files[j]) end
- end
- return Result
- end
- function Fpanel:GetFiles()
- local code={{'%.','%%.'},{'*','.-'},{'?','.'}}
- local Templ=self.Path
- for i=1,#code do Templ=Templ:gsub(code[i][1],code[i][2]) end
- self.tFiles=FindFile('^'..Templ..'$','')
- table.insert(self.tFiles,1,'..')
- self.tSize={'DIR'}
- for i=2,#self.tFiles do
- if fs.isDirectory(self.tFiles[i]) then
- self.tSize[i]='DIR'
- else
- self.tSize[i]=tostring(fs.size(self.tFiles[i]))
- end
- end
- self:Show()
- end
- function Fpanel:ShowFirst()
- local p='Find:'..self.Path
- if len(p)> self.wPan-6 then p='..'..sub(p,-self.wPan+7) end
- p=' '..p..' '
- gpu.set(self.X, 1,'┌'..string.rep('─',self.wPan-2)..'┐')
- SetColor(SelectCl)
- gpu.set(self.X+(self.wPan-len(p))/2,1,p)
- SetColor(PanelCl)
- end
- local function ShowPanels()
- SetColor(NormalCl)
- term.clear()
- if Active==Find then
- Find:Show()
- else
- Left:GetFiles()
- Rght:GetFiles()
- end
- term.setCursor(xMenu, hScr)
- for i=1,#Menu do
- if #Menu[i]>0 then
- SetColor(NormalCl)
- term.write(' F'..i)
- SetColor(SelectCl)
- term.write(Menu[i])
- end
- end
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- end
- local function Dialog(cl,Lines,Str,But)
- SetColor(cl)
- local H=#Lines+3
- local CurBut=1
- if Str then H=H+1 CurBut=0 end
- if not But then But={'Ok'} end
- local function Buttons()
- local Butt=''
- for i=1,#But do
- if i==CurBut then
- Butt=Butt..'['..But[i]..']'
- else
- Butt=Butt..' '..But[i]..' '
- end
- end
- return Butt
- end
- local W=len(Buttons())
- for i=1,#Lines do
- if len(Lines[i])>W then W=len(Lines[i]) end
- end
- if Str and (len(Str)>W) then W=len(Str) end
- W=W+4
- local x= math.ceil((wScr-W)/2)
- local y= math.ceil((hScr-H)/2)+1
- gpu.set(x-1, y, ' ╔'..string.rep('═',W-2)..'╗ ')
- for i=1,#Lines+2 do
- gpu.set(x-1, y+i, ' ║'..string.rep(' ',W-2)..'║ ')
- end
- gpu.set(x-1, y+H-1,' ╚'..string.rep('═',W-2)..'╝ ')
- for i=1,#Lines do
- if Lines.left then gpu.set(x+2, y+i, Lines[i])
- else gpu.set(x+(W-len(Lines[i]))/2, y+i, Lines[i]) end
- end
- while true do
- term.setCursorBlink(CurBut==0)
- term.setCursor(x+(W-len(Buttons()))/2, y+H-2)
- term.write(Buttons())
- if CurBut==0 then
- local S=Str
- if len(S)>W-4 then S='..'..sub(S,-W+6) end
- term.setCursor(x+2, y+H-3) term.write(S)
- end
- local eventname, _, ch, code = event.pull('key_down')
- if eventname == 'key_down' then
- if code == keys.enter then
- if CurBut==0 then CurBut=1 end
- return But[CurBut],Str
- elseif code == keys.left and CurBut~=0 then
- if CurBut>1 then CurBut=CurBut-1 end
- elseif code == keys.right and CurBut~=0 then
- if CurBut<#But then CurBut=CurBut+1 end
- elseif code == then
- if CurBut<#But then CurBut=CurBut+1
- else CurBut=Str and 0 or 1
- end
- elseif code == keys.back and CurBut==0 then
- if #Str>0 then gpu.set(x+1, y+H-3, string.rep(' ',W-2)) Str=sub(Str,1,-2) end
- elseif ch > 0 and CurBut == 0 then
- Str = Str..unicode.char(ch)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function call(func,...)
- local r,e=func(...)
- if not r then Dialog(AlarmWinCl,{e}) end
- return r
- end
- local function CpMv(func,from,to)
- if fs.isDirectory(from) then
- if not fs.exists(to) then call(fs.makeDirectory,to) end
- for name in fs.list(from) do
- CpMv(func,fs.concat(from,name),fs.concat(to,name))
- end
- if func==fs.rename then call(fs.remove,from) end
- else
- if fs.exists(to) then
- if Dialog(AlarmWinCl,{'File already exists!',to,'Overwrite it?'},nil,{'Yes','No'})=='Yes' then
- if not call(fs.remove,to) then return end
- end
- end
- call(func,from,to)
- end
- end
- local function CopyMove(action,func)
- if Active==Find then return end
- Name = ((Active==Rght) and Left or Rght).Path..'/'..cmd
- cmd=Active.Path..'/'..cmd
- local Ok,Name=Dialog(WindowCl,{action,cmd,'to:'},Name,{'<Ok>','Cancel'})
- if Ok=='<Ok>' then
- if cmd==Name then
- Dialog(AlarmWinCl,{'Cannot copy/move file to itself!'})
- else
- CpMv(func, cmd, Name)
- end
- end
- ShowPanels()
- end
- local eventKey={}
- eventKey[keys.up]=function()
- if Active.CurLine>1 then
- local Line=Active.CurLine
- Active.CurLine=Line-1
- if Active.CurLine<Active.Shift then
- Active.Shift=Active.CurLine
- Active:ShowLines()
- else
- Active:ShowLine(Active.CurLine)
- Active:ShowLine(Line)
- end
- Active:ShowLast()
- end
- end
- eventKey[keys.down]=function()
- if Active.CurLine<#Active.tFiles then
- local Line=Active.CurLine
- Active.CurLine=Active.CurLine+1
- if Active.CurLine>Active.Shift+hScr-5 then
- Active.Shift=Active.CurLine-hScr+5
- Active:ShowLines()
- else
- Active:ShowLine(Active.CurLine)
- Active:ShowLine(Line)
- end
- Active:ShowLast()
- end
- end
- eventKey[keys.left]=function()
- if curpos<len(cmdstr) then curpos=curpos+1 end
- end
- eventKey[keys.right]=function()
- if curpos>0 then curpos=curpos-1 end
- end
- eventKey[]=function()
- if Active==Find then return end
- Active = (Active==Rght) and Left or Rght
- shell.setWorkingDirectory(Active.Path)
- ShowPanels()
- end
- eventKey[keys.enter]=function()
- local function exec(cmd)
- loadScreen() scr=nil
- shell.execute(cmd)
- saveScreen()
- ShowPanels()
- end
- curpos=0
- if cmdstr~='' then
- exec(cmdstr)
- cmdstr=''
- return
- end
- if Active==Find then
- Active=Find.Last
- if cmd~='..' then Active:SetPos("/"..cmd) end
- ShowPanels()
- return
- end
- if Active.tSize[Active.CurLine]=='DIR' then
- if cmd=='..' then Active:SetPos(Active.Path)
- else Active:SetPos(shell.resolve(cmd)..'/..') end
- Active:Show()
- else
- exec(cmd)
- end
- end
- eventKey[Ctrl+keys.enter]=function()
- cmdstr=cmdstr..cmd..' '
- end
- eventKey[Alt+keys.enter]=function()
- loadScreen()
- event.pull("key_down")
- gpu.setResolution(wScr,hScr)
- ShowPanels()
- end
- eventKey[keys.back]=function()
- if cmdstr~='' then
- if curpos==0 then cmdstr=sub(cmdstr,1,-2)
- else cmdstr=sub(cmdstr,1,-2-curpos)..sub(cmdstr,-curpos)
- end
- end
- end
- eventKey[keys.delete]=function()
- if cmdstr~='' then
- if curpos>0 then
- curpos=curpos-1
- if curpos==0 then
- cmdstr=sub(cmdstr,1,-2)
- else
- cmdstr=sub(cmdstr,1,-2-curpos)..sub(cmdstr,-curpos)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- eventKey[keys['end']]=function() curpos=0 end
- eventKey[keys.home]=function() curpos=len(cmdstr) end
- eventKey[keys.f1]=function()
- if Active==Find then return end
- Dialog(SelectCl,{
- "Up,Down,Tab- Navigation",
- 'Enter - Change dir/run program',
- 'Ctrl+Enter - Insert into command line',
- 'Alt+Enter - Hide panels',
- 'F1 - This help',
- 'F4 - Edit file',
- 'Shift+F4 - Create new file',
- 'F5 - Copy file/dir',
- 'F6 - Move file/dir',
- 'F7 - Create directory',
- 'Alt+F7 - Find file/dir',
- 'F8 - Delete file/dir',
- 'F10 - Exit from MC',left=true})
- ShowPanels()
- end
- eventKey[keys.f4]=function()
- if Active.tSize[Active.CurLine]=='DIR' then
- Dialog(AlarmWinCl,{'Error!', cmd, 'is not a file'})
- else
- SetColor(NormalCl)
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- shell.execute('edit '..cmd)
- end
- ShowPanels()
- end
- eventKey[Shift+keys.f4]=function()
- local Ok,Name=Dialog(WindowCl,{'File name:'},'',{'<Ok>','Cancel'})
- if Ok=='<Ok>' then
- SetColor(NormalCl)
- shell.execute('edit '..Name)
- end
- ShowPanels()
- end
- eventKey[keys.f5]=function()
- CopyMove('Copy file:',fs.copy)
- end
- eventKey[keys.f6]=function()
- CopyMove('Move file:',fs.rename)
- end
- eventKey[keys.f7]=function()
- if Active==Find then return end
- local Ok,Name=Dialog(WindowCl,{'Directory name:'},'',{'<Ok>','Cancel'})
- if Ok=='<Ok>' then
- if Name=='..' or fs.exists(shell.resolve(Name)) then
- ShowPanels()
- Dialog(AlarmWinCl,{' File exists '})
- else
- fs.makeDirectory(shell.resolve(Name))
- end
- end
- ShowPanels()
- end
- eventKey[Alt+keys.f7]=function()
- local Ok,Name=Dialog(WindowCl,{'Find file/dir:','Use ? and * for any char(s)'},'',{'<Ok>','Cancel'})
- if Ok=='<Ok>' then
- Find.Path=Name
- Find.CurLine=1
- Find.Shift=1
- if Active~=Find then
- Find.Last=Active
- Active=Find
- end
- Find:GetFiles()
- end
- ShowPanels()
- end
- eventKey[keys.f8]=function()
- if Active==Find then return end
- if Dialog(AlarmWinCl,{'Do you want to delete', cmd..'?'}, nil, {'Yes','No'})=='Yes' then
- call(fs.remove,shell.resolve(cmd))
- end
- ShowPanels()
- end
- eventKey[keys.f10]=function()
- work=false
- end
- NormalCl={colors.white,}
- if gpu.getDepth() > 1 then
- PanelCl={colors.white,}
- DirCl={,}
- SelectCl={,}
- WindowCl={colors.white,}
- AlarmWinCl={colors.white,}
- else
- PanelCl=NormalCl
- DirCl=NormalCl
- SelectCl={,colors.white}
- WindowCl=NormalCl
- AlarmWinCl=NormalCl
- end
- if wScr<80 then
- Menu={'Help','','','Edit','Copy','Move','Dir','Del','','Exit'}
- else
- Menu={' Help ','','',' Edit ',' Copy ',' Move ',' Dir ',' Del ','',' Exit '}
- end
- for i=1,#Menu do
- if #Menu[i]>0 then xMenu=xMenu+#tostring(i)+len(Menu[i])+2 end
- end
- xMenu=math.floor((wScr-xMenu) / 2)
- Left =panel:new(1,'')
- Rght =panel:new(Left.wPan+1,shell.getWorkingDirectory():sub(1,-2))
- Find =Fpanel:new(1,'')
- Active =Rght
- saveScreen()
- ShowPanels()
- ShowCmd()
- while work do
- local eventname, _, char, code, dir = event.pull()
- cmd=Active.tFiles[Active.CurLine]
- if eventname =='key_down' then
- if keyboard.isShiftDown() then code=code+Shift end
- if keyboard.isControlDown() then code=code+Ctrl end
- if keyboard.isAltDown() then code=code+Alt end
- if eventKey[code] ~= nil then
- SetColor(PanelCl)
- eventKey[code]()
- ShowCmd()
- elseif char > 0 then
- if curpos==0 then cmdstr=cmdstr..unicode.char(char)
- else cmdstr=cmdstr:sub(1,-1-curpos)..unicode.char(char)..cmdstr:sub(-curpos)
- end
- ShowCmd()
- end
- end
- end
- loadScreen()
- print('Thank you for using Midday Commander!')
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