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- PI,TAU=math.pi,math.pi*2
- md,mr,cfn,v3n,bcol=math.rad,math.random,,,
- ang=function(x,y,z)return CFrame.Angles(x or 0,y or 0,z or 0)end
- player=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer
- mouse=player:GetMouse()
- char=player.Character
- torso=(char:FindFirstChild'Torso' or char:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart')
- DEBRIS=game:service'Debris'
- udim=function(a,b,c,d)
- if type(a)=='string'then
- x,y=tostring(a):match('([%+%d%.%-%/%*]+),([%+%d%.%-%/%*]+)')
- return or 0,x2 or 0,y or 0,y2 or 0)
- else
- return or 0,c or 0,b or 0,d or 0)
- end end
- pcall(function()char.Pat:Destroy()end)
- for i=0,10 do --quickuses
- getfenv(0)['_'..i] = nil
- end
- colors={base=bcol'White'.Color;
- second=bcol'Black'.Color;
- ear=bcol'Pink'.Color;
- tentacle=bcol'New Yeller'.Color}
- Part = setmetatable({
- material = 'Plastic';
- cancollide = false;
- anchored = false;
- parent = m;
- color = "White"
- },{
- __call = function(prefs,x,y,z,col,tr,an,cc,par)
- local part ="Part")
- part.CanCollide = cc or prefs.cancollide
- part.Transparency = tr or 0
- part.Size = or 0, y or 0, z or 0)
- part.Anchored = an or prefs.anchored
- if col and typeof(col) == 'Color3' then
- part.Color = col
- else
- part.BrickColor = or prefs.color)
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems())do
- part[v.Name..'Surface'] = 10
- end
- part.Parent = par or prefs.parent
- _1 = part
- return part
- end;
- })
- Mesh = function(parent,mesh_id,scale_x,scale_y,scale_z)
- local instance_name = (mesh_id == 'cyl' and 'CylinderMesh') or (mesh_id == 'bl' and 'BlockMesh') or 'SpecialMesh'
- local mesh =
- if instance_name == 'SpecialMesh' then
- if mesh_id:match('//') then
- mesh.MeshId = mesh_id
- else
- if mesh_id == 'sph' then
- mesh.MeshType = 3
- end
- end
- end
- mesh.Scale = or 1,scale_y or 1, scale_z or 1)
- mesh.Parent = parent or nil
- _2 = mesh
- return mesh
- end
- C = function(a1,a2,...)
- local aa={...}
- local or 0,aa[1] or 0, aa[2] or 0) * CFrame.Angles(aa[3] or 0, aa[4] or 0, aa[5] or 0)
- if typeof(a1) == "Instance" then
- return a1.CFrame * cf1
- elseif typeof(a1) == "CFrame" then
- return a1 * cf1
- elseif typeof(a1) == "number" then
- return or 0,a2 or 0,aa[1] or 0) * CFrame.Angles(aa[2] or 0,aa[3] or 0,aa[4] or 0)
- else
- return,a2,unpack(aa))
- end
- end
- Weld = function(p0,p1,c1,c0)
- if p0.Name~='Torso' then p0.Position=p1.Position end
- local"Motor")
- weld.Part0,weld.Part1,weld.C0,weld.C1 = p0,p1,c0 or,c1 or
- weld.Parent=p0
- weld.MaxVelocity=.1
- return weld
- end
- New = function(what)
- local obj,par
- if typeof(what) == 'Instance' then
- obj=what:Clone()
- par = what.Parent
- else
- end
- if what=='Weld' then obj.Name='mujoint'end
- return function(bar)
- if bar and type(bar)=='table' then
- for arg,val in pairs(bar) do
- if arg=="_PP" then
- obj.Part0=val[1]
- obj.Part1=val[2]
- elseif arg=='_F'then
- val(obj)
- else
- if pcall(function()return obj[arg] end) then
- obj[arg]=val
- end
- end
- end
- obj.Parent = par or (bar._P or nil)
- end
- _4=obj
- return obj
- end
- end
- Edit = function(what)
- return function(args)
- for ind,obj in next,what do
- for arg,val in next,args do
- local child,argu = arg:match"(.+)%.(.+)"
- if child and argu then
- if pcall(function()return obj[child][argu] end) then
- obj[child][argu]=val
- end
- else
- if arg=='_F'then
- val(ind,obj)
- elseif pcall(function()return obj[arg]end) then
- obj[arg]=val
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- meshes={
- spike = {id="rbxassetid://1033714";scale=v3n(0.5, 1.5, 0.5)};
- diamond = {id='rbxassetid://9756362';scale=v3n(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)};
- squid = {id='rbxassetid://118262597'};
- ring = {id='rbxassetid://3270017'};
- }
- groups={}
- mp=Part(3.5,3,3.5)Mesh(_1,'cyl')_1.Anchored=true
- New'Decal'{_P=mp;Texture='rbxassetid://119577774'}
- _1.CFrame=C(20,10,0)
- head=Part(3.5,2,3.5)Mesh(_1,'sph')
- Weld(_1,mp,C(0,1.5))
- horn=Part(1,1.5,1,'Pink')
- Mesh(_1,*meshes.spike.scale
- Weld(_1,head,ang(0,0,md'60'),C(0,-1-horn.Size.y/2))
- horn2=New(horn){}
- -- Mesh(_1,*meshes.spike.scale
- Weld(horn2,head,ang(0,0,md'-60'),C(0,-1-horn.Size.y/2))
- eye=Part(.1,.3,.1,'Cyan')Mesh(_1,'sph',1.5,1.7)_1.Material='Neon'
- Weld(_1,mp,C(0,.65,0,0,md'10'),C(0,0,3.5/2))
- eye2=New(eye){}
- Weld(eye2,mp,C(0,.65,0,0,md'-10'),C(0,0,3.5/2))
- bottom=Part(3.5,1,3.5,'Black')Mesh(_1,'cyl')
- local a=ang(PI/2)
- local b_m=Weld(bottom,mp,C(0,-1.5-.5)*a,a)
- -- b_m.DesiredAngle=9e+009
- b_cent=Part(1,1,1,'',1)Weld(b_cent,bottom)
- for o=0,TAU,TAU/6 do
- local di=Part(.5,.5,.5)
- Mesh(_1, _2.Scale=meshes.diamond.scale*_1.Size
- Weld(_1,bottom,ang(0,o),C(0,0,3.5/2))
- end
- start_cf=mp.CFrame
- rings={}
- columns={}
- groups.tentacle = {}
- for i=1,20 do
- rings[i]={}
- end
- ps={}
- for o=1,TAU,TAU/5 do
- local column={}
- local prev=Part(.25,.25,.25,'New Yeller')
- Weld(_1,bottom,C(0,-.5)*ang(0,o),C(1.25))
- for i=1,20 do
- local pp=Part(.25,.25,.25,'New Yeller')
- local m=Weld(_1,prev,C(0,-.125),C(0,.125))
- m.MaxVelocity=.025
- table.insert(rings[i],m)
- table.insert(column,m)
- prev=pp
- -- if i%20==0 then wait()end
- end
- columns[#columns+1] = column
- end
- --------------------
- ------FUNCTIONS----
- function changecolors(what,new)
- local function iter(a)
- if a:IsA'Part' and a.Color==what then
- a.Color=new
- end
- for i,v in pairs(a:children())do
- iter(v)
- end
- end
- iter(m)
- end
- function movering2(r2,r,a,int)
- if typeof(r) == 'table'then
- for i=r[1],r[2] do
- columns[r2][i].DesiredAngle=int and (a/(r[2]-r[1])) or a
- end
- else
- columns[r2][r].DesiredAngle=a
- end
- end
- function movering(r,a,int)
- if typeof(r) == 'table'then
- for i=r[1],r[2] do
- for _,v in pairs(rings[i])do
- v.DesiredAngle=int and (a/(r[2]-r[1])) or a
- end
- end
- else
- for _,v in pairs(rings[r])do
- v.DesiredAngle=a
- end
- end
- end
- local keypoints={}
- for i=0,1,.1 do
- local color=Color3.fromHSV(i,1,1)
- local kp=colkp(i,color)
- table.insert(keypoints,kp)
- end
- bubble_tex=''
- emitter=New"ParticleEmitter"{_P=b_cent;
- EmissionDirection='Bottom';
- -- Texture=bubble_tex;
- VelocitySpread=15;
- Rate=100;
- Enabled=false;
- }
- play_bubble=false
- function up()
- emitter.Enabled=false
- sound:Stop()
- movering({1,20},md'-180',1)
- end
- function down()
- emitter.Enabled=true
- if play_bubble then sound:Play() end
- movering({1,5},md'45',1)
- movering({5,20},-md'75',1)
- movering({17,20},md'25',1)
- end
- prev=0
- state='up'
- -- local curcam=Workspace.CurrentCamera
- b_m.DesiredAngle=9e+009
- b_m.MaxVelocity=0
- --Faces--
- faces={}
- faces.happy="[[2, 1], [7, 1], [2, 2], [7, 2], [2, 3], [7, 3], [1, 6], [8, 6], [1, 7], [2, 7], [7, 7], [8, 7], [2, 8], [3, 8], [4, 8], [5, 8], [6, 8], [7, 8]]"
- faces.sad="[[2, 1], [7, 1], [2, 2], [7, 2], [2, 3], [7, 3], [2, 6], [3, 6], [4, 6], [5, 6], [6, 6], [7, 6], [1, 7], [2, 7], [7, 7], [8, 7], [1, 8], [8, 8]]"
- faces.xD="[[1, 1], [2, 1], [7, 1], [8, 1], [2, 2], [3, 2], [4, 2], [6, 2], [7, 2], [4, 3], [5, 3], [6, 3], [3, 4], [4, 4], [6, 4], [7, 4], [2, 5], [3, 5], [7, 5], [8, 5], [1, 7], [2, 7], [3, 7], [4, 7], [5, 7], [6, 7], [7, 7], [8, 7], [1, 8], [8, 8], [2, 9], [3, 9], [4, 9], [5, 9], [6, 9], [7, 9]]"
- faces.angry="[[2, 1], [7, 1], [2, 2], [3, 2], [6, 2], [7, 2], [3, 3], [7, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4], [6, 4], [7, 4], [2, 8], [3, 8], [4, 8], [5, 8], [6, 8], [7, 8]]"
- faces.bored="[[1, 1], [2, 1], [3, 1], [6, 1], [7, 1], [8, 1], [2, 2], [7, 2], [2, 3], [7, 3], [2, 4], [7, 4], [2, 7], [3, 7], [4, 7], [5, 7], [6, 7], [7, 7], [1, 8], [2, 8], [7, 8], [8, 8]]"
- faces.normal="[[2, 1], [7, 1], [2, 2], [7, 2], [2, 3], [7, 3], [2, 8], [3, 8], [4, 8], [5, 8], [6, 8], [7, 8]]"
- faces.heart="[[2, 1], [7, 1], [1, 2], [2, 2], [3, 2], [6, 2], [7, 2], [8, 2], [0, 3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [3, 3], [4, 3], [5, 3], [6, 3], [7, 3], [8, 3], [9, 3], [0, 4], [1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 4], [4, 4], [5, 4], [6, 4], [7, 4], [8, 4], [9, 4], [1, 5], [2, 5], [3, 5], [4, 5], [5, 5], [6, 5], [7, 5], [8, 5], [2, 6], [3, 6], [4, 6], [5, 6], [6, 6], [7, 6], [3, 7], [4, 7], [5, 7], [6, 7], [4, 8], [5, 8]]"
- Debounces={
- Float = true;
- Updown=true;
- Motor=true;
- }
- bbg=New"BillboardGui"{_P=head;Adornee=head;Size=udim'5,5';StudsOffset=v3n(0,5,0)}
- fr=New"Frame"{_P=bbg;Size=udim'1,1';BackgroundTransparency=1}
- function changeFace(face)
- local bitmap=game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(faces[face])
- fr:ClearAllChildren()
- for y=1,10 do
- for x=1,10 do
- -- print(x,y)
- local f=New"Frame"{_P=fr;Size=udim(1/10,1/10);Position=udim( (-1+x)*1/10,(-1+y)*1/10 );
- BackgroundColor=bcol'Pink';BackgroundTransparency=1;
- }
- for _,v in pairs(bitmap) do
- if v[1] and v[2] then
- if x-1==v[1] and y-1==v[2] then
- f.BackgroundTransparency=0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- prevface=faces[face]
- end
- changeFace('normal')
- -- m:Destroy()
- --Music
- local music=New"Sound"{_P=head;SoundId='rbxassetid://171794095';Volume=0.7;Looped=true}
- sound=New"Sound"{_P=b_cent;SoundId='rbxassetid://399946420';Looped=true;Volume=.2;MaxDistance=30}
- -- music:Play()
- prevt=tick()
- elaps=0
- bpm=148
- bps=bpm/60
- -- movering({1,20},md'-90',1)
- pcall(function()player.Backpack.control:Destroy()end)
- pcall(function()char.control:Destroy()end)
- local tool=New"Tool"{_P=player.Backpack;Name='control';RequiresHandle=false}
- local laser_snd=New"Sound"{_P=mp;SoundId='rbxassetid://396350585';Looped=true;Volume=.4;Pitch=3}
- -- Part(1,1,1)_1.Anchored=true _1.CFrame=C(torso,0,5,0)Mesh(_1,'rbxassetid://118262597')
- function lazer()
- changeFace'happy'
- holding=true
- local laz=Part(.1,.1,.1,'Cyan',.5)_1.Anchored=true _1.Material='Neon'Mesh(_1,'cyl')
- local laz2=New(laz){}
- local sparkpart=Part(.1,.1,.1,'',1)_1.Anchored=true
- New"ParticleEmitter"{_P=sparkpart;
- Rate=100;
- LightEmission=1;
- VelocitySpread=180;
- }
- laser_snd:Play()
- mode='aim'
- while holding do
- --eye effect
- Spawn(function()
- local ef=Part(1,1,1,'Cyan')
- local ef2=Part(1,1,1,'Cyan')
- local msh=Mesh(ef,'sph',.5,0,.5)ef.Material='Neon'
- local msh2=Mesh(ef2,'sph',.5,0,.5)ef2.Material='Neon'
- Weld(ef,eye,C(0,0,-.1)*ang(-PI/2),ang(mr(-1,1),mr(-1,1),mr(-1,1)))
- Weld(ef2,eye2,C(0,0,-.1)*ang(-PI/2),ang(mr(-1,1),mr(-1,1),mr(-1,1)))
- local leng=mr(.25,1)
- for i=0,1,.25 do
- msh.Scale=v3n(.5*(1-i),leng*i,.5*(1-i))
- msh.Offset=v3n(0,i*leng/2,0)
- msh2.Scale=msh.Scale
- msh2.Offset=msh.Offset
- wait()
- end
- ef:Destroy()ef2:Destroy()
- end)
- local pos1,pos2=C(eye).p,C(eye2).p
- local pos3=pos1:lerp(pos2,.5)
- local epos=mouse.hit.p
- local mag,mag2=(pos1-epos).magnitude,(pos2-epos).magnitude
- sparkpart.CFrame=cfn(epos)
- laz.Size=v3n(.1,mag,.1)
- laz.CFrame=C(C(pos1,epos),0,0,-mag/2)*ang(PI/2)
- laz2.Size=v3n(.1,mag2,.1)
- laz2.CFrame=C(C(pos2,epos),0,0,-mag/2)*ang(PI/2)
- if laser_snd.TimePosition>1 then
- laser_snd.TimePosition=0
- end
- local prev=nil
- --Sparks
- for i=0,1,.25 do
- local pos=pos3:lerp(epos,i)+v3n(mr(-2,2),mr(-2,2),mr(-2,2))
- if i==1 then
- pos=epos
- end
- local mag=(pos-(prev or pos1)).magnitude
- local l=Part(.1,.1,mag,'New Yeller',.75)_1.Anchored=true
- DEBRIS:AddItem(l,.01)
- l.CFrame=C(C(prev or pos3,pos),0,0,-mag/2)
- prev=pos
- end
- --do magic---
- if mouse.Target and (not mouse.Target:IsDescendantOf(char)) then
- local hum=mouse.Target.Parent:FindFirstChild"Humanoid"
- -- print(hum)
- if hum then
- if not hum:FindFirstChild'taggo'then
- local tag=New"Folder"{_P=hum;Name='taggo'}
- local invp=Part(1,1,1)
- local sm=Mesh(_1,'rbxassetid://118262597',13,10,13)
- _2.TextureId='rbxassetid://118262690'
- _1.Parent=tag
- local w=Weld(invp,hum.Parent.Head)
- Spawn(function()
- local ws=hum.WalkSpeed
- hum.WalkSpeed=0
- local b=false
- repeat
- b=not b
- if hum then hum:TakeDamage(.2) end
- sm.Scale=v3n(13,10,13)*(b and 1 or .9)
- wait()
- until tag.Parent==nil
- hum.WalkSpeed=ws
- end)
- DEBRIS:AddItem(tag,3)
- end
- end
- end
- wait()
- end
- laser_snd:Stop()
- mode='normal'
- laz:Destroy()laz2:Destroy()sparkpart:Destroy()
- changeFace'normal'
- end
- --
- local list={'happy','angry','xD','sad','bored','normal','heart'}
- local beatc=0
- mode='normal'
- -- music:Play()
- function isIn(what,tab) --returns true if what is in tab. isIn("Troll", {"Tomato", "Troll", "Strawberry") --> true
- local res=false
- for i,v in next,tab do
- if v==what then
- res = true
- break
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- function findhums(pos2,r)
- pos = (typeof(pos2)=='CFrame'and pos2 or cfn(pos2))
- local c1,c2=pos*cfn(-r*5,0,-r*5),pos*cfn(r*5,0,r*5)
- local
- v3n(math.min(c1.X,c2.X),math.min(c1.Y,c2.Y),math.min(c1.Z,c2.Z)),
- v3n(math.max(c1.X,c2.X),math.max(c1.Y,c2.Y),math.max(c1.Z,c2.Z))
- )
- local parts = Workspace:FindPartsInRegion3(region,char)
- local pls={}
- for _,v in pairs(parts)do
- local hum=v.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass"Humanoid"
- if hum and not isIn(hum,pls) then
- -- print(hum)
- local torso=hum.Torso
- if torso and (torso.Position-pos.p).magnitude<=r then
- pls[#pls+1]=hum
- end
- end
- end
- return pls
- end
- function rest()
- Debounces.Updown=false
- Debounces.Motor=false
- b_m.MaxVelocity=0
- movering({1,20},-PI-PI/4,1)
- floatp=function()return C(torso,0,5):lerp(mp.CFrame,.4)end
- end
- tool.Deactivated:connect(function()holding=false end)
- tool.Activated:connect(lazer)
- tool.Unequipped:connect(function()holding=false end)
- floatp=nil
- while true do --Main Loop
- local _,t=wait()
- local mult=bps
- local delta=tick()-prevt
- elaps = elaps+delta
- beatc=beatc+1
- if elaps > 1/bps then
- -- changeFace(list[mr(#list)])
- elaps=elaps-1/bps
- end
- --music
- local scale=4+((music.PlaybackLoudness/512)*5)
- bbg.Size=udim(scale,scale)
- -- bp.position=C(start_cf,0,sine).p
- --Calcucate waves
- local sine=math.sin(t*mult)*2.5
- local n=sine-prev
- local mousecf=C(C(mp).p,mouse.hit.p)
- local lookatcf = mode=='normal' and (C(torso)-C(torso).p) or (mousecf-mousecf.p)
- start_cf=(C(cfn(C(torso).p+C(torso).lookVector*-6),0,15)*lookatcf):lerp(mp.CFrame,.5)
- local si,co=math.sin(t*5),math.cos(t*5)
- if Debounces.Float then --do the action
- if Debounces.Motor then
- b_m.MaxVelocity=(-1+math.sin(t*mult))*.1
- end
- local fl=nil
- if floatp then
- if typeof(floatp)=='function' then
- fl = floatp()
- else
- fl = floatp()
- end
- end
- mp.CFrame=(fl or C(start_cf,0,sine))
- --Up and down movement
- if Debounces.Updown then
- if n>0 then
- if state=='up'then
- -- b_m.DesiredAngle=9e+009*-1
- down()
- state='down'
- end
- else
- if state=='down'then
- state='up'
- -- b_m.DesiredAngle=9e+009*1
- -- sound2:Play()
- up()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- sound.Pitch=.75+(mr(-1,1)*(mr()*.5))
- prev=sine
- end
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